BenQ Monitors...


Old Cow.
Dec 22, 2003
Never been a fan of BenQ hardware, and naturally I've avoided it like the plague. Nor do I trust reviews by any websites or the "consumer" reviews many of them, including Dabs have on their product listings.

Really the best thing you can do is ask around "Who can recommend me a decent 19" TFT"
Generally for that price you'll pick up a Samsung 913n/b or an Acer, which according to previous posts people (real people) quite like.

None of the reviews on Dabs have any say on gaming performance (which I assume you intend on doing as you're here) which may also be something that needs further investigation. One chap says "he has done his homework" and "the stated response means it should be good for gaming" (obviously he hasn't done any homework) - viewsonic monitors often state 3 or 4ms response times and you can buy second hand units for a tenner from Oxfam which perform far better in games.

Another useful tip, although you've probably already done it : Google it.
If you get more than one person asking for help from others on various forums regarding it, it's generally gonna be shit - common sense really.

But saying that - it's very cheap for a DVI, but if you're only playing games and faffing about with odds and sods rather than workshop quality graphics editing et al - hardly a worry.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I have a 19 inch benq at home and cant say i noticed any ghosting and the colours are bright and vibrant.

Had it for a year or so now and not had any problems with it.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Kryten said:
Never been a fan of BenQ hardware, and naturally I've avoided it like the plague. Nor do I trust reviews by any websites or the "consumer" reviews many of them, including Dabs have on their product listings.

Really the best thing you can do is ask around "Who can recommend me a decent 19" TFT"
Generally for that price you'll pick up a Samsung 913n/b or an Acer, which according to previous posts people (real people) quite like.

None of the reviews on Dabs have any say on gaming performance (which I assume you intend on doing as you're here) which may also be something that needs further investigation. One chap says "he has done his homework" and "the stated response means it should be good for gaming" (obviously he hasn't done any homework) - viewsonic monitors often state 3 or 4ms response times and you can buy second hand units for a tenner from Oxfam which perform far better in games.

Another useful tip, although you've probably already done it : Google it.
If you get more than one person asking for help from others on various forums regarding it, it's generally gonna be shit - common sense really.

But saying that - it's very cheap for a DVI, but if you're only playing games and faffing about with odds and sods rather than workshop quality graphics editing et al - hardly a worry.

Viewsonic monitors are brilliant. That is all.


Loyal Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Yep, Sony and Samsung are all good, but I will just be faffing around, doing a little gaming but more just odds and sods.

And everywhere I ask and check, I get people like Moriath there going "Well, I've had mine a year, and it's really quite good."

Mmph :/


Old Cow.
Dec 22, 2003
Milkshake : I was probably being a bit negative : saying that if people report a lot of problems, obviously their shit : naturally if theres a few people that have them they may well find them good. Just keep asking and see what people say.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Most Benq LCD use 6 bit panels in my experiences, you are better off spending a little more and going with brands like DELL, Samsung, Philips, Viewsonic, Sony or Ilyama.

If you are on a tight budget then check out the Digimate screens at as I have bought 3 over the last couple of years and been very impressed with picture quality, even more so when you consider the price. One thing though, Aria offer a dead pixel test service which costs an extra £10 or so, it is well worth paying for as you are guaranteed a panel with less than the 3 dead pixels. Anywhere else it is just pick and mix, if you get 3 dead pixels you have return the screen and wait for a replacement.


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 21, 2004
Catsby has a BenQ FP937S, having moved from a iiyama 17" CRT. Once Catsby set up the colour contrast and brightness, he has not noticed any differences when playing games, other than the fact that blacks are not very very black, but more dark blue/brown. Catsby believed that this is a problem with most LCD's, and as such he recommends the BenQ.


Loyal Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Catsby, I can't remember the last time you were wrong, and that way you speak makes me all fuzzy, so I'm off to order two of em.

Exuberance! :D


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Milkshake said:
6-bit panels? Why does that make a difference? :)

The colour re-production sucks, 6-bit panels are the low end of the market and they are cheap for a reason. Put a 6 bit panel next to a decent 8 bit panel and the difference is like night and day.

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