


Once on exc/mid at fort atla i saw a lvl 1 noob begging for money :)

I gave him 1 copper, when he said thanks i said "spend it well"
Think he just started out and didnt know the worth of copper :)
got a good laff anyway :D


When i played sharma, whenever i came from RvR death to pryd bridge or i logged therei got:

"BUFF PLZ!!!1"

the funny thing was that these newbies were in guild themselves some were even in fairly large ones....

to most of these newbies i would say "screw you" until they asked in an appropriate manner, most of then got pissed off and left, so i started binding in cotswold where hardly no pricks hang about and got to sauvage without hinderance.

now newbies who are extremely annoying havent got a chance cos we dont bind at rpyd bridge aqny more, i still see on average 10-15 newbies there yeling "BUFF PLZ!!" or "MONEY PLZ!!!!!1" but no reply and i chuckle and scoot off before they see me.


Best i ever saw, anywhere, started out rather nicely and i thought this guy could actually get a G or two from me, well..just look as it went something like this:

3l33t: "Hello good sir. Could i bother you with a small matter that is quite embarassing."

ME: "Sure, shoot."

3l33t: "Shoot?"

ME: "What is it?"

3l33t: "Oh. Well, i am in desperate need for some gold for my family is starving, has been for many moons and now the landlord(we had these in these times?) is forcing us out to the cold if we do not pay."

ME: "Gold? How much?"

3l33t: "He is demanding fifteen gold so we may live yet another moon in our humble home."

ME: "15?? I don't have that much to give but take this."

I gave him 2g ito the trade window and this is where the 3l33tnes(?) of this fella came to play.

3l33t: "That's not enough!"

ME: "IT's all i can give at the time, you want it or not?"


ME: "O..k..i'll just go now..."

3l33t: "YEAH YOU !¤#" 1¤¤¤ with !"#!%%"

Uncle Sick(tm)

Hehehe... damn and it started out so nicely.
I'd have given him the 15 gold - nice story.

When I had my hunter on Mid/Excal, I charmed a corpse eater and sold him in Gna Faste... well, the guy gave me three gold to make me shut up, methinks. :D

"Corpse eater! Corpse eater for sale!"
"Well, just think about it... all them Hibs and Albs you slay in Odin's... shall they just rot away and stain our good soil with their disgusting body fluids?"
"ffs wot r u on about???"
and on... and on... and on...

Corpse eaters make fine pets and if you get them potty trained, they sell for at least five gold.
*will kill for a rp-server*


LOL - begging is a fine art it seems:)

How do people feel about people who roleplay the beggar like the guy started to in the previous story?

Uncle Sick(tm)

Well - quite obviously I don't mind beggars who wrap their blatant nagging into a nice rp-ish story.;)

You just hardly ever meet any... :(

"5g plz man!!1"... *sighs*


I don't mind giving to beggars who are poilte...and I'd find it quite entertaining if they RP'd it..
I would probably RP back as well(And give then the money)...

It's the really insistent one's that bug me...


So then beggars! If you want money or buffs then the answer is simple! Make an amusing story or excuse as to why you should be given the cash and you may get what you are after!


I think everyone gets this crap, someone the other day came to me asking for plate, I think he was about level 20. I told him that I had given all my old plate to the guild months ago, so he replied give me some money then. I offered him 10 gold and his reply was, how am I surposed to buy a full set of plate with that, so I left. What makes it worse is that he was also in a guild albeit a small one, but if I was a GM trying to make a good reputation for my new guild I'd try and discourage this behaviour. I think if GM's gave there guilds a code of conduct with respect to begging, the problem might be lessened, although I agree that most of the problems come from unguilded lowbies.


I always try to stop and give damage buffs to people who are camped for xp as it only costs a small amount of power etc and i know how much it helps but i never give money away as my guild needs it..

The only people who beg are the ones who know they shouldn't be doing it, all the new players only ever ask me to say group temporarily to do their group quest etc, i sometimes stop near pryd bridge and help the new players for an hour just to get them up to speed kill task wise, chat commands, clues on what skills help most with their char at low level etc and normally end up buying them a set of red armour for them (i get all fartherly) the best reward is /who ing them a week later and seeing them in their teens doing well. Still waiting for the day when one of them meets me and says "i remember you helping me when i was lvl 5 thanks a lot" but i live in hope, it would make me feel warm inside :)

If people new to the game get help like this their first impressions will be good enough to keep them playing i hope but the beggars are spoiling it for people who genuinly need help / advice. Result is nOObs think the high lvl players are rude when 90% of the time that isn't so they are just sick of rude beggars. Shame


On PvP and just lurk around and kill all the bad beggers.
Not the creative once tho, just the PLZ GIMME GOLD !!!!111 type
funny thing is i wont need to lvl that much LvL 20 should be more then enough.

I can see it now ...
Begger : GIMME GOLD !!!1111
me : bolts the hell out of him
pm form bagger : FFS ""§èç('"é!àç!(à'"é!à
me : oh i understood give me a bolt sorry about that *grin*


If you get alot of beggars, do what i've done in the past. Arrange some sort of contest. Once i had a race from Mularn to the npc called Vik (just outside of mularn) where the winner got some gold. The more contestants, the more money they could win so all the beggars got together and ran their socks off. In the end everyone got some gold so the loosers wouldn't feel like they've gained nothing.

It was great fun and everyone enjoyed it. If you REALLY need the gold you'll do almost anything to get it. Make them work for it :)

One solution could be that you make them do a "killtask" for you..


Originally posted by Gabrial
So then beggars! If you want money or buffs then the answer is simple! Make an amusing story or excuse as to why you should be given the cash and you may get what you are after!

very true. I had a similar stunt pulled on me, but then with a bear. they offered him to me for a few gold.
stuff like that makes me smile, or on rare occasions laugh. and thus it always nets a few gold :)


I don't mind buffing people if they ask it in a funny / nice way. But /y WAIT BUFFZ NOW doesn't do the job.

Funniest thing I had was someone walking from pryd bridge to Cast. sauvage to get a buff... Poor guy, buffs where gone when he got back to the bridge.

Oh yeah, before I forget, I will not suicide in emain just to give you a buff :)

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