


I was playing my lvl 41 Cleric on Albion Excal, the other night and I was OTW to Castle Sauvage from Lyonesse via a horse. (After which I was gonna log off).
Anyway, I jumped off at Prydwen bridge to meet someone.
so I finish my business there and I hear this very low lvl char begging for money.
So, I give him a GP...No big deal.
He then Asks me for a buff and I say "No", coz I'm only gonna be online for another minute or so anyway.
So I run off, heading for Castle Sauvage.
As Soon as I head off, he's chasing after me..I try to ignore him, but he keeps following me, so I stop.
He says he REALLY wants a buff as he's close to a lvl etc...
I say again, I'll be logged off by the time he gets to use it and I don't have time to mess around buffing him..
Still he's really persistent, and eventually , just to shut him up I buff him...about 1 minute or 2 later I log off...

Now, my point is, I really don't mind helping people out, But Prydwen bridge is really highly populated by beggers for money and buffs, which is fine in a way, as long as they take no for an Answer.
Which IMO, lately that are not...It seems to me Beggars are getting a lot more insistent, It's like they EXPECT and feel it's their right to be buffed upon request or given money.

It's no wonder all the other High lvl chars just ignored them when I was there...

So, I have a question..
Are the othe Servers/realms experiencing this? or is it just Albion/Excal?


It's the same everywhere :(

When I logged on with my sorc at Prydwen Bridge I instantly recived 5 or more buff requests, after I kindly ( yea it happend that I was kind ) explained to them the I cant "buff" them unless they are mid's or Hib's they ask for Money.

On Excal\mid as soon as Im about to enter Atla/gna/galpen/vasud/jordheim I take of all armors and go /anon.

I really dont think people should encourage beggers by giveing them Money when they ask for it.
We all know how hard the lower levels were when the money were a constant mising element, but let's face it, this game dont get many totaly new players anymore, those that do start from scratch do know someone who do play the game already.

Call me selfish if you like, but I hate the way things are going atm, have been getting worse all the time.


Well, I don't mind giving money, because it DOES make things easier for low lvl chars, and I will buff if I'm not about to be in a group or I'm gonna be online for a while.
As I remember when my 1st char was low lvl, buffs really helped, but I didn't bug people all the time or be insistent.

Hell, sometimes when my vault get s little full, I deliberately go back to Prydwen bridge and Cotswald village and hand out magic items for free.
As I remember when my 1st char was low lvl, buffs really helped, but I didn't bug people all the time or be insistent.

That's all I'm really asking for, If I say no, then there's a good reason for it, I'm not being mean.
If it carries on much longer like that, I'm gonna do what a lot of other ppl do and ignore them. Although, I'll continue to help ppl I know or are in my guild.


what I meant was dont support the beggers ( random lvl1-5 asking for 5s to join up with his friends on the other side if the realm, does not qualify as begger imo ), people who stalk and bug you for gold/buffs should not be encourage.
I give away items that I dont need.

the problem is that some people have noticed that if they spend a few hours begging and being a general pain in the behind they dont have to work for their money.

in 1year we'll have people running around with macroed " GIFV ITAMZ PIZ... PATY PATY POTAL!!!1"


Originally posted by old.Atrox
what I meant was dont support the beggers ( random lvl1-5 asking for 5s to join up with his friends on the other side if the realm, does not qualify as begger imo ), people who stalk and bug you for gold/buffs should not be encourage.
I give away items that I dont need.
Agreed, on both points.

in 1year we'll have people running around with macroed " GIFV ITAMZ PIZ... PATY PATY POTAL!!!1"

I think this is more or less happening now...
(People with Macro'd begging messages that is)...


Dunno, i'm not often in the lower level (the nice way of saying noob ;)) areas anymore. but occasionally i have been approched by runies while crafted, the funniest was

"give me a pom2" i spent about 5mins explaining to the guy that firstly i didn't have pom2 and secondly no way in hell i was going to give a purity to sombody so rude. then came the whole

"right, i'm telling my guild" (not gonna mention who cause i don't want to cause trouble)
"not pac spec, what kind of a loser are you?"
"my mains a lvl 50"
"stfu faggot"

ofcourse, this was all read from my chat bar because while he'd been swearing at me trying to make me feel intimidated i'd been afk getting some food out of the oven :)

Then again, you get some really nice people who ask politly are really thankful and curteous. With these people i usually go beyond what was asked of me and throw in a few others buffs as well.

its thanks to those people that i don't avoid noobs alltogether cause their a real pleasure to speak to.


Beggars ...

I tend to agree - buffs being the least point of irritation (hell, I am theurgist, buffing is part of my trade ;) - as long as no one expects me to run for miles just to give them buffs and if they ask reasonalby politely :) ).

The begging for gold irritates me more - and not so much because of the money (the few bucks I hardly notice), but because of the attitude: "Hey, you are purple => you're loaded => gimme!". [not a quote, but the attitude, you see]

I don't mind helping out people who need x amount to buy a new weapon or a piece of armour that they are missing a few coins to get (plate-wearers I sympathise with; casters begging for money to buy "better" armour, though, is a little bit of a joke, speaking from own experience ;) ). And I don't mind giving ppl some more then, even. After all, yes, it helps at lower levels a lot.
But what I don't like is the expected automatism - that's why I rather tend to hand out items, if I have anything on me atm. Otherwise I do turn ppl down as well if I feel them to be too "presumptious" but buff them up for their hunts.

Having said all that, I still feel begging is not as bad atm as it was about a couple of months back, but maybe it's because I've been less to Camelot lately ...

(/edit grammar)


my beggar approach is divided into steps:

A: is the guy being rude/polite?

B: if rude => /tell <name> no. if polite => /tell name <name> i dont usually give out cash as such. what do you need?

C: if the guy needs something specific, that i deem as a fair need (ie. a fighter needs a set of armor or a weapon) i either go buy it, or tell them a good spot to get it, or a good quest to solve.
The people being polite about it, will usually be even happier with advice.

D: if its for a horse ride, i buy the ticket for them.

Rude beggars make it to my little secret <to hate> list, and every time i see Roxxorhaxxor was killed by brownie! i get a little boost :)


I don't mind ppl begging... i usually help them with 10g.

If i see a lvl 5-10 sorc, tank or cleric (etc) run around in a AF 2 robe, they found from a mob they killed... looks awfully, grey armor and stuff... always give them 10g.

Heheh .. i saw a lvl 5 sorc the other day, standing with a grey colored AF 2 rope, killing mobs, gave her my 30g blackdyed robe AF 30+ and 25g.

She was about to learn how to chat, tried to teach it to her ... and said Many thanks :).

Roo Stercogburn

I've seen a lot of begging on Gorre in the short time I've been on. Its really quite hilarious.

People switch off their safety prematurely so they can gank others then they die a lot and have to pay for con. They can't be bothered doing the quests or xp'ing properly so they don't have decent items appropriate to level. Unlike previous begging I've encountered it happens even when you are grouped with some people who are after everything that drops even if they can't use it so they can sell it to pay for con / buy items.

(It occured to me that PvP xp groups are going to be a bit like Malmo all the way from lvl1 with the self-interest it engenders.)

A taste of things to come when Camlann goes live.


Oooh, a thread about beggars. Is it that time of the year again? It's almost like mushroom season and all the used and old threads are popping up like those dotted cap wearing things in the summer. But let's grace this thread with an answer again:

If beggar say "Give itam/g/whatnot"...go away.

If beggar follow, who cares? If you're level 41 you're probably heading towards a place where that beggar get s a gonk and a half nelson in no time. So just ignore the sons of mongooses.

It's not that hard people!


I don't give out maney to sub-level 10s except for a few silvers. People that ask for gold just get a no. So far people on hib that I have encounted haven't pushed it after I said that. I do always buff people up though, MR 4 and my damage shield makes early levels a lot easier. ;)


LOL who was that beggar in Excal/Hib at the poetry contest, he was going round shamelesly beggin, in the end people were yellin "don't give that f@cker anything"

So he leaves and returns with his armour off to look even poorer and starts again.
Gave him 1 gold for his cheek.

Urme the Legend

I usually don't give money to beggars.. and I can't buff them with my warrior either :)

But I remember one time when I played my runemaster lvl 17.. and a lvl 15 SB joined the group.. and he had cloth armor!! I asked why he had cloth armor and he said he didn't have enough money for leather armor :) .. so I gave him 10g ..


Ahh yes, the old cloth armour "I am teh p00r" scam. And you fell for it!!!!

/em runs off to count his enormous pile of scammed gold

Seriously, give if you feel like it. Thats it really. There will always be people who will beg, because its the easy option. Also, there will always be people who need money because they are struggling. Try to work out who is who, its not hard.


well i dont give beggers money, but as long as the person is asking nicely for a reasonable amount. like under 10 asking for 5s for horse ride or a little sort to buy a weapon and needs a few silver. i have mo problem with that, but the ones begging and get gobby when u dont give it them just annoy me


Have to admit, i hate beggers too.

Although i have given money to new peeps. After seeing them work hard on the mobs ;)

10g and they are happy.

However, I do ask politely for ebs from Casters, makes all the difference when your lvl 5 etc ;p



To me politeness goes along way, if someone asks, very politely, for a reasonable amount for that level i'll give them a gold piece, if they make the effort to roleplay it a little, i'll give them a little more.

or if they have an especially cute character it also helps :D

One thing though is that I never, EVER give ANYTHING to beggers who use abbreviations and say ' give gold PLZ', as far as im concerned if there not willing to make the effort to type the whole word 'please' then they get sweet FA.

On the other hand i've been known to give 10 G or more to new characters I have grouped with, with my sickly wealthy in comparison alts, just for the sake of them being good groups, I think its nice to politely enquire if they need gold if grouped with them in salisbury and they have been fun to group with.

Politeness goes a long way.


Cheekiest beggar I've met was yesterday, comes up to me and asks for 100 gold

quick /who <lemon>

<begging lemon> the level 24 Infiltrator in Camelot

"What do you need all that for?"
"Dye" He replies
"80 will do instead then" he then says

So i just send him packing with nothing, Peopl are begging for dye money too, gah.

And this was on the last day of the account being active, wonderful last thing to rememeber about Albion there


I don't give money to guilded beggars, ever.

And I agree with Kagato, abbreviations like 'plz' don't wear well with me, I can't even bring myself to type 'grats' when someone levels, 'congrats' is as far as I will go :)

(As an aside, why does anyone type 'n e' instead of 'any'? It's the same number of keystrokes and a lot less clear, but, I digress)

Usually, if you ignore them, they go away. Go earn your gold like the rest of us did!


PLZ Osmosis hav u N E g? PLZ PLZ!!1! m8 plz give g plz!

Uncle Sick(tm)

stfu t0t0!!1 u r teh b3gg1ng su><><0r!!!!1 ffs f@ck off already!
ne1 given him g??

... guilded beggars?
Just /send <officer of beggar's guild> "Do you guys condone begging? Interesting."

This will result in guildless beggar most of the time... oh and a feeling of satisfaction.;)


as mentioned lots of times before, politeness goes a long way.

also if the name of a lowbie sparks something in me (favorite character in a book, whatever) I usually dump some gold on them.

rude beggers will always be ignored tho. or advised to hunt greencons


At the start of procedings I used to delve out gold to any low levels I happen to come across without them even asking. Due to the amount of alts roaming around these days I seldom bother now. However if someone asks politely for some money then I'm inclined to give them a couple of gold coins or so as I don't get asked often so it's no big deal.


I would too... but I haven't been asked politely in months, and being asked impolitely so often has worn my patience a little thin.


Woot I'll have to start leeching gold off Alrindel... Crafters are all rich anyway... :p

Uncle Sick(tm)

The worst thing is... 95% of the gold/buff beggars don't even say "Thank you"... not even the retarded "thx" can be heard.

And everyone takes shitty cookie cutter chars for granted.
"Giv buff x plz!!"
"Sorry, I didn't spec in that line."
"ffs gimp"
"Love you, too, honey..."

Fucking wankers...


Originally posted by Uncle Sick(tm)
The worst thing is... 95% of the gold/buff beggars don't even say "Thank you"... not even the retarded "thx" can be heard.

And everyone takes shitty cookie cutter chars for granted.
"Giv buff x plz!!"
"Sorry, I didn't spec in that line."
"ffs gimp"
"Love you, too, honey..."

Fucking wankers...

Getting the Enchanter blues?

Feed them fighters some STFU Pie.

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