BarrysWorld Q&A Session



Maybe if BW used an exsisting ISP with 0800 access, and put in a Huge Bandwith pipe to that isp.. that would solve it :)


that dont bother me now

seeming ive spent ages on it so far, say about 300 or more hours at any time of the day, so i think i prolly have surpassed the 40 quid innitially spent on it, if this were a noraml isp it would be about 500 poind so far



sad net addict innit frankie :(

Go outside a bit more m8 ;)


Simple strategy really:

1) Offer free-call package for a monthly subscription rate

2) Limit the use simply to internal BarrysWorld network.

3) People can play games, view your web pages, engage in the BarrysWorld community etc. You would also have to offer e-mail.

4) If people want to use it for external purposes, make them reconnect to the 0845 service so they are paying for it.

Whats wrong with that? Complaints, ideas...

If youre not going to do that - then you should maybe invest in additional external bandwidth - to make it faster for people on other ISPs to play at BarrysWorld - encouraging them to join the BarrysWorld online community, but actually connected elsewhere....



If you'd be prepared to pay £50 a month for 0800, why is it you have to scab accounts off me which cost a mere 9.99, you pikey gypsy :)


old.[GA] Shovel

Okie, so, the gist of this is:

a) BW becomes a proper ISP type thing with 0800 type offer somewhere in the service, probably incuring losses somewhere down the line.

b) BW doesnt, sticks with the service, advertising could go wrong if people arent going to get an 0845 any more.


A suggestion:

Ok, this local loop undoing business in 2001?????

the words ADSL.... (I seem to recall the possiblilty of seperate organisations being able to run the service (admittedly as an ISP) - setting their own ratios etc and pricing when this local loop thing happens.

Is this a possibility for BW???


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by relay99:
Simple strategy really:

1) Offer free-call package for a monthly subscription rate

2) Limit the use simply to internal BarrysWorld network.

3) People can play games, view your web pages, engage in the BarrysWorld community etc. You would also have to offer e-mail.

4) If people want to use it for external purposes, make them reconnect to the 0845 service so they are paying for it.

Whats wrong with that? Complaints, ideas...

If youre not going to do that - then you should maybe invest in additional external bandwidth - to make it faster for people on other ISPs to play at BarrysWorld - encouraging them to join the BarrysWorld online community, but actually connected elsewhere....

Well you've just made the biggest turkey strategy :p.


It just boils down to the gaming community being made up of alot of stoodants with parents fed up of big phone bills. j00 is tight bitches :)

Seriously though, BW offers a great service for a measly 1p a min you get the best possible connection to there servers and it's not asking much for you to give BW back something considering the amount of useage the servers get, and the website, and ftp and the tournament coverage etc..


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Comon Guys give them a break will ya!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

No way, they've had plenty of breaks lately :). Give em hell :p.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>BarrysWorld isn't an ISP.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ok now, hang on a minute. How can you say Barrysworld is not an ISP?

Internet - BW is on the internet (or do you disagree? :p).
Service Provider - BW provides a Dialup that can be used for any internet activity, many game servers and an email server. There aren't many *other* ISPs that offer any different. In fact, most offer you less. Also I specifically remember DBs referring to BW as an ISP in his column.

As for the main argument, after my last phonebill I NEVER want to see a penny go towards a dialup again. I've been on BTi's free service for many months now but I still get ginormous phonebills from what I thought was a tiny amount of time spent using BW and Nildram, to play clan matches.
I back up what relay99 is saying about 0800 dialups being the only way for *ISPs* to expand. Until, of course, BT opens up the local loop... can't wait for BW ADSL :).


50 quid a month for phast 0800, I'll have some of that!
I would be happy (well tolerent anyway) to pay 50 of my hard earned squids to play me fav games online. If I was restricted to gameplay only thats fine with me, I could always piggy back with some shite 9.99 deal for webby stuff.
I know there are loads of other ISP's out there, even tried BT once, ONCE, took my ping to BW from 70 to 200 with huge PL and peaking at 500 ffs, I'm on ISDN.
The only other contender right now seems to be the package that CLARAnet are putting together(50 month 24/7 and fast). FYI I use Freeserve 0845 right now, rock solid good connection, better than Jolt and Eidos.
ADSL would appear from the reports to be good only for downloads and web browsing, cus its wide not fast. So I'll be sticking with ISDN but its costing me many beer tokens right now.
BW pleeeeeze do something, or hook into an ISP that can give us what we want.

Thanks for the great servers.



OK, heres my 2 pence worth from a complete gaming idiot so feel free to shoot me down in flames :)

At the moment the debate seems to be about how b/w can continue to provide its excellent servers and dialup, without pricing itself out of the market when compared to current "free" ISP's.

The current complaint seems to be about call charges, but is that the only way forward? What we're talking about is the fact that most ppl use barrysworld for their servers rather than their dialup. So why not charge a very small subscription fee (only a couple o' quid a month) for use of the b/w game servers, irrelevant of what dialup ppl are using?
I dont pretend to know much about dialups or servers, but surely some sort of registration/password sequence could be incorporated into them.
I'm sure most people wouldnt begrudge a few quid if it helps maintain the fastest, most up to date game servers in the uk which they enjoy playing on, and other companies such as kali are already doing it..

Also if b/w decided to go down the 0800 pay per month road then subscription to the servers could easily be included in the price.

This might sound a bit controverial, but I would happily pay it, even if i dont use the b/w dialup. Just to know that my money would go on helping to maintain the best game servers the uk has to offer.

flame away.... /me reaches for his fireproof overalls...


Man, some of you wanna throw money away!!
£50 per month??? I pay £20 per year for unlimited 24/7 free time access (52,666bps on a 56k modem as a rule, no shit!)!!!!!

But, £10 per month for an 0800 dial up to BW, which DOESNT allow net traffic, but DOES allow icq, now that I would pay for!


m8, don't mean to sound rude but 52,666 or woteva means fuck all... Ping is the best benchmark of a modem.


But I agree with the £10 for access to gaming servers/ICQ/IRC etc cuz thats what all gamers use so there ya go :)

Whilst I am here, does anyone know how good freeserves new 0800 24/7 access is? Cheers :)


I would wait until we see how good or bad the forthcoming ADSL and Cable Modems are.

Let's face it most gamers that spend a lot of money on net access are all looking for a way of accessing the net 24/7 for a fixed fee (somewhere between 40-50 quid pcm) which gives them ISDN like pings and little packet loss to popular game and league servers, in this country UKCCL, WP and BW. If cable or ADSL can offer that (the price is spot on) then there'll be no need for 0845 at all imho.

I only ever use 0845 now to play league matches and practice. The rest of the time it's either X-Stream or BT0800 - these do offer good enough pings for some non-critical ping games and of course is ok for sitting in IRC. So I find myself playing more Counter Strike and games like Asheron's Call that are fine on 0800 ISDN. As soon as I have some experience of what the cable and ADSL service is like in my area (both are coming soon) I'll make the decision about leaving ISDN for good.

To be honest I really can't see any long term future in 0845 dialup... :(


I'd agree with the last message. I only use 0845 when speed is important, otherwise I'm happy with BTi 0800, which I think is fine most of the time.

I'm online a LOT, so it's either 0800 or always on for me. I don't think paying anything over £10/month for any sort of 56K connection is value for money, but I'm willing to pay £40 for DSL.

Oh, when you write your CV remember:
There = Not here
Their = Not mine


"there'll be" is short for "there will be" not "their will be". I hope you don't get to read my C.V. ;)


Perhaps Utumno could help fill in the particulars.

If you take this from a business point of view, which BW must now, then BW would be making a big mistake going for 0800 access.
Even at £50 a month its hard to provide a service that is decent, supported and also doesn't make a loss.

Others are providing it for cheaper and when it comes to it all will be looking at combination of price/performance.

BTi is currently doing free, I wish they'd stop using free since its not, evenings and weekends for £9.99 a month and by having this system I can't see how BT is making money directly off this service. It might make it from being a loss leader, it means that you don't mind losing money in one area because you'll make it up in other areas.

Its also likely that BT is providing this service to stay at the forefront of the telecommunications industry thats been rising up around them.

BT has the infastructure to provide a decent service even if loads and loads of users connect to the service, like a lot of the other ISPs that are offering unmetered access.

BT are a multi-billion pound company and can accept these losses.

Investment companies like 3i who have invested in Barrysworld are going to expect results, maybe not in a year or even 2 years but they will expect them, all of which would be in BWs business plan ;). The kind of infastructure required to have 0800 access and managing to provide enough connections to almost break-even and then the extra advertising that is required to make up the loss is just to much for BW at the moment and I couldn't see BWs financial advisors Deloitte & Touche going for it either.

I think that offering ADSL services is something that BW will be able to do before being able to offer 0800 access by which time who the hell would want to use a modem or ISDN any way :).

I believe that BW should not worry about 0800 and focus more on providing better services to outside connections.


I say GL to BW. They have been here yonks and have always (in my eyes) had players/connections and servers up to the best quality you could expect from an Organisation that started off doing this for free.

I think ppl easily forget and become too greedy about what they want. Players should remember that these services are provided with no other cost than a dialup to BW!!!!!



Gemma the Dog

Speaking as a Cablemodem'er I couldn't imagine going back to any form of dialup ;)

The only kind of deal that would tempt me would be ADSL. However, does anyone know if it's possible to give ftp & web traffic a much lower priority to gaming related traffic? That way anyone wanting to do some large file downloads won't gobble all the bandwidth.

I admit it's nice to be able to pull files down at over 50kbps (when it works...I'm talking NTL here...), but I'd be quite happy for downloads to come down at a fraction of that speed if it meant really good ping times & no P/L to game servers.

Is that possible? Or am I talking b*ll*cks ?


the gaming community in australia needs something like barrysworld

so all i can say is
hurry up and go multi national!!!


Just a thought ive had not sure how popular it would be or if it would :confused: commercially work but:
Would it be possible to have some sort of thing where you gave bw yer credit card details prolly along with some sort of setup fee/montly subscription to get access on 0800 number and get billed by bw for the time you use at a slightly lower rate than bt/whoever charges, if that could work (and bw had the capacity/bandwidth for it to work) that should temp useage from lots of other fast 0845 offerings for gameplay. That would just be great from the gaming point of view :cool:. The 0845 offering would hopefully also be avaidable for people to test the network speed or for those who wouldnt use the service much.
When are the t-shirt avaidable? i want one :D


I dont normally post to the forums, but i fell compelled to post on such an issue.
Barrysworld has been a part of gaming for many years now, and over those years it has provided a trememdoue service to all gamers. It was the first ISP I used and i stuck with it until i got BT Internet due to the amazing serveice i got from it. It's pings were the best and it was great for surfing too. As they have done for many years, it is only right that Barrysworld do what is best for gaming, but i dont think they could support an 0800 number. Or at least, nit a STANDARD 0800 number...
If BW wanted to offer an 0800 number that was shithot for gaming then it would have to be just for that: GAMING. An 0800 number that provided access to only gaming websites i.e. BW, Savage, UKCCL and had access for ICQ and IRC (Quakenet ONLY) and the service would provide a shithot connection to the game servers. I certainly would be willing to pay a flat monthly rate for such a service and i know most of you would too. Apart from all the hardcore gamers and broadband users, it's not the ping that bothers most players much, it's cost. Thats why hundreds of thousends put up with &gt;250 ping, horrendous packet loss ang appauling lag on BTi. Because it is cheep, and there is usually no difficulty getting on it. Thats why people put up with it. Thats why a BW 0800 dial-up would have to be a set price. If it adhered to the restrictions i oulayed above then it could offer the access for around £15-20 a month. Now be honest. You would pay £15 a month for IRC, ICQ, Gaming websites and a shithot connection to the best gaming servers in the UK, wouldn't you?
I rest my case.

Hi Durzel, Eldritch.
Hi Mum.


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