BarrysWorld League



Why is it whenever you come up with what you think is a new idea, some smart arse comes along and does it first :)

That is exactly the sort of thing we are trying to achieve - and in fact, since Baal and I sat down last night in a pub and did the first draft of the rules, it seems even closer!

There are some subtle differences for what we have in mind - I'll post some more later when I've finished documenting them. I'm also dicussing it with the powers that be to find out what resources we could have available to us.



OK - its crunch time. After a series of useful discussions with Bif and the powers-that-be at Barrysworld (thanks for all your time and constructive comments Bif) it comes down to the following crutial point...

Because of the heavy CPU load of this game, it will have to be a subs-only league. This means that all teams that enter will have to be able to field its squad solely from BW members - there will NOT be externally accessible servers.

Bearing this in mind, how many clans have the numbers (or can persuade its membership to pay their subs)?

Would those clan-leaders or representatives interested in any form of BW BF1942 league (with any set of rules, not necessarily the ones this thread is discussing) please contact me so I can do a head count.



=FUK= would be in

Probably around 25 active members.


I'm sure Green would be keen (hrrhrr) and we have more than 12 members. Not sure exact numbers. The clan grows and evolves like a sewer-dwelling turtle.

Scooba Da Bass

I've already spoken to Dav about it, yeah we're up for it, and members so far is 22 ;/



OK so we have a stunning sign up so far of... 3 :)

Actually 2 of you that have entered are big enough to have 2 squads so that actually make 5 if you include DP's meagre 8 or so members!

Come on you lot - I see loads of clan tags playing on the servers - pimp like you've never pimped before :)



Usually just FUK and G peeps, innit? I wonder if KEA would be able to get a BF42 clan together, and what about HAI?

Scooba Da Bass

Originally posted by Summo

22? Who are all these people?

If you were ever on IRC you'd know heh.

Tremor wanted to join yesterday, but he didn't know if KEA would let him ;/


bw league

I'm a sub'er and not a member of any clan so guys let me know if you need me to join one to make up the numbers for one of the less, er, popular clans.



Louster, you're in Green. Stick a [G] in front of your name and you're done.

You'd better pop into #clangreen on QuakeNet from time to time otherwise Scooba gets shirty. :/

Scooba Da Bass

heh so that's where the 400 extra members came from, SUMMMMOOOO!


Are you l337 enough?

I can just picture the hard-core trials that people have to go through to get into [G]:

Summo: "So, you wanna be in [G] huh?"

N00b: "Yes please mr summo sir!"

Summo: "You got BF1942 yet?"

N00b: "Yes sir, my momma bought it on the way back from the shops."

Summo: "Hmmm, ok, you're in!"

[G] N00b: "yay!"

Scooba Da Bass



Hey! We've known Louster for ages! He's welcome in my clan, and he's welcome to use my bathwater.


Well I don't see which help you could provide UKRich seeing as your league was a failure and not completed.

As for the original topic...

The idea sure sounds like great fun - we'd all love to play Risk online as a FPS - but - still, I'd suggest sticking to a more traditionnal league format. That Risk idea means a game in the game... so that'd be cool as a special event/tourney but not as the regular competition.

Starting a league up is already a lot of work and regular type leagues are needed, so maybe first go by that :) I know that's what I'm looking forward to (à la BWQ3 leagues) :D... and later sure do it :D


Back on topic

Hi all,

I don't have any specific ideas, but I do think the competion should move away from the current/past clan systems. The scope for something new is very big.

I've been in TFC and CS clans and sometimes it seems too 'clicky'. Read some of these replies and you might get an idea. Barrysworld would be a great place to have a community wide event. Not just for clans but open too all.

Maybe you could have groups, like houses at school. maybe 5 different groups with higher ranking players who command battles.

Every player could have a ranking and even War medals. There could be famous battle where people get special medals for 'against all odds' wins. etc etc.

I'd have more respect for a commander with lots of War medals.

A system like this would need a smart web design, but if BW pulled it off they could attract a lot more customers. Let's face it there will be normal clan league/ladders else where. Been there got the t'shirt.

=FUK= Mendez

I don't think I'd find myself respecting someone because they have a gif of a medal on their webpage :)

BF1942 is a game - or maybe at the most a team sport. You have a team, you "0wn" the other team, sorted. It's not real and neither is it designed to be a pseudo reality ala UO.

I've always found it particularly sad when people have tried to make out that being in a clan was being like in the army, clans which have had the "Star of Brilliance for 5 SGs destroyed" and ranks for people within the clan such as Captain. It's one step away from being a Furry.


Originally posted by =FUK= Mendez
I don't think I'd find myself respecting someone because they have a gif of a medal on their webpage :)

It wouldn't be on their webpage, it would be on the barrysworld site.

BF1942 is a game - or maybe at the most a team sport. You have a team, you "0wn" the other team, sorted. It's not real and neither is it designed to be a pseudo reality ala UO. [/B]

Well go play CS then, bf is more about fun that just owning the other team. If there are no goals to play for then the apeal is limited. Why not have other goals than just being top of a ladder for a month?

I've always found it particularly sad when people have tried to make out that being in a clan was being like in the army, clans which have had the "Star of Brilliance for 5 SGs destroyed" and ranks for people within the clan such as Captain. It's one step away from being a Furry. [/B]

Well you obvisously think clan wars are more important than they are. Besides the whole idea was to do away with clans, and instead have open teams with no overall control. This would let people who wern't interested in hardcore clan battles (most of the people who play online) have more fun than just open servers.


Well i reckon that a more traditional league is need to start with to get the clan community on BW going, then go with an obscure format, after a season or two and you know what clans are active etc.

but cause its subscription only, your gonna have a tough job of getting many clans signed up, especially as big clans are needed.

=FUK= Mendez

Well no, BF is about playing the game - and being at your personal best when doing so. And optionally being part of a team which does it's best.

This is all within BF - getting more kills than you did last map, helping to take more cap points, being on the winning team. Knowing that you "r0x0r" :)

Just because BF is WW2 themed doesn't mean it's any more suitible or meant for an imersive experience than any other online game - it's just that people seem to think that it is in the same way that they think calling themselves Vasilli is both original and cool.

As for the idea of being part of a "house" if people don't want to join a clan then they're unlikely to be arsed to join something that's a clan by another name. The accepted answer for people who want to kind of experience a clan game without being in a clan is a pickup game on irc where those who want to play are split into two teams before hand.

Oh and I still wouldn't respect someone with a gif of a medal even if the gif's hosted on :)


Yeah, probably a good idea to get started with a more traditional league, and then maybe try to ease in elements of your idea - it will certainly work, but perhaps you can learn from the difficulties others have experienced, and get it right first time.

Good luck to ya. ;)

Scooba Da Bass

Uhm, I find myself agreeing with both sides of the arguement here.

Yes, it'll be nice to have a straight forward league type affair. However, a more involved campaign style game will also be a lot of fun, possibly the campaign thing could be arranged with an emphasis more on the pitching in side, not looking for an overall winner as such.

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