BarrysWorld League



We have started doing some work on a slightly different idea for a BF1942 league with BarrysWorld but before we go too far down the rules approach I want to check with you guys whether you would be interesting in a slightly non-standard approach to a league.

First off I'd like to say the whole concept for this league came from Baal - I admit no ownership. All I am involved with is making sure that his idea can be made to work in a competitive environment!

Right so what is this idea - well most of the leagues and ladder that I have seen springing up seem to use the approach taken from MoH - a map is picked and then both teams take their turn playing it as either axis or allies with a time limit set of say 20 minutes per side.

The approach we are looking at as a possible alternative is something more akin to Risk (the board game) meets FPS ladder, that is that each team is allocated to a side (axis or allies) for the duration of the leage and then randomly allocated a map which they control.

Loss of a league match would pass control of the map over to the aggressor and visa versa, allowing territory gain or loss from week to week from each side.

This obviously means that a team could potentially not control any map and in this case they would be added to the reinforcements list. What are reinforcements I hear you say? Well we think that every match should be played 16 vs 16, but recognise that organising 16 players in a clan is a bit of a bitch. As such we would like to propose that a clan team is 8 players but that each match consisted of 2 clan teams (brigades) per side - ie. 4 teams. If you currently didnt pospess a territory, you would be randomly assigned to assist another team in the defense or attack of their map.

I also mentioned lives. Lives represent the attrition on your brigade as you fight wars. Loosing territories costs you lives as you are depleted of resources and ultimately unable to continue. When a clan looses all of its lives it is game over and they are out of the league.

Match reports will come from "the front" at the end of each week and at the end of the league, either axis or allies will be the outright winner with one clan still having lives left and being declared the overall victor.

OK, there is a lot more to the idea than what's written up here, but before we go into depth of the rules (and write and work on a few of them) are people interested in this "conflict" approach or do they want something more traditional?

Let me know please.



I've never been in a league (or a clan for that matter) but for what its worth this sounds pretty special and has the potential to attract clans who are interested in a 'cause and effect' style 'big picture' campaign approach. The BWCaEBPCABF1942L, if you will.

I like it. I also like Risk.


yeah its a good idea but i prefer the standard league format :D

just much better, clans like to fight for themselves in a standard league as competition, not fight with other clans, and then have arguments at the end about who actually won the map

Scooba Da Bass

It sounds like a good idea, but I'm not sure as to the fairness in allocating each clan to one 'side'. Personally I'd be quite angry if we had to play axis every single match. Not that we're bad as them, but more that the infantry weapon seems more in favour of the allies. Apart from this reservation it sounds like a great idea.


Sounds like a cracking idea, an evolution of the standard league format. It'll only work if clans are willing to go along with the whole "big picture" theory though - I know from Quaking experience that most clans only care about their own position, and some will go to any length to get it, and yes I do mean cheating and so on.

But if clans are happy enough to go for this then it'd prove intriguing to say the least :)


Its a really good idea but i just feel there won't be enough clans interested in it. End of the day while some clans will be up for some fun and won't care about there league position, for a lot of clans its all they care about.


I too have had reservations about the clan co-operation side of things, but with the new subscription community forming, I was hoping we'd get a more community based spirit - personally I think it would be worth doing one season to see how it goes.

On the numbers front, we'd be looking to have been 16-32 clans playing - bearing in mind bookables and league servers are open to all, I dont see this being a major issue - again we'd see how it went with uptake.

Finally on gun balance, I dont disagree that the german rifles are poor, but I think its fair to say each side has some good and some bad things - if the german machine guns suck, the Tiger makes up for it - and remember with the territory side of things, you may be german, or japanese depending on which map the fight is over.

More feedback always welcome - I'm currently feeling we may have a go-er here in terms of something completely new, if and only if we pitch it right.



Clan Warfare

Dav, I have been looking for a suitable game to launch Clan Warfare.

Have a gander, lemme know in IRC if you want some assistance.



Oh, and Risk style leagues have been around since Quake 1 ;)

=FUK= Mendez

IMO these "RISK" style leagues look good on paper but are a lot more hassle to run than the standard league which is why many of them have failed in the past. Battlefield 1942 is a new game with new clans and I don't think that this would work. Perhaps for the next league after the clans are more established but not now.



looks like Veng done a lot of work allready...


Veng - thanks for that site and the info - Ill take a look and get back to you when we have a bit more of an idea about how its going to run.

As for the complicated admin'ing of the league - leave that up to us - I have an admin team in mind and they are more than capable of running this

Saying that, the point is still valid - is this too ambitious a thing to try for the first BW league for this game?



you can never tell how it going to go down unless you try first.

oi mendy st=fuk=u :p


=FUK= Mendez

Aside from the rules about the specifics of this league style you're also going to have to think up rules to cover the clan games themselves which is something that hasn't yet been playtested to a great extent. How long should a match be? How many tickets? What server settings?

And then you get onto the "gaming ettiquette" problems - by this I mean things which are likely to be discovered but which certain sections in the community frown upon. I'm thinking of the equivilents of BH'ing and Camping.

Anyway it's not upto me, it's upto whoever's arsed to run leagues and the representatives of the clans who're going to play in them.

Oh and Wildie I'm not chicken, I'm just looking forward lots to playing BF in a league - away from all those muppets on the publics - and I'd like to get through a league with the minimum ofrestarts, missed weeks, clans leaving because they feel the rules are "unfair" and other such crap.


Great idea

Im sure there are gonna be quite a few issues that need resolving to make this style of league work on a practical level, convincing people that its a good idea being one of them :)

I see the risk side of it being played by the clan leaders, or clanmembers who are actully interested in a vaguely strategic game, while the guys who just want to play bf1942 can turn up for league games and play with no thought for the grand plan.

I dont know the state of the modding and map building community for bf1942, but if new maps are built i would hope to just add them to the maplist\world map as they turn up.

There are loads of ways that scores are used for results, and no reason to exclusively use one. There will be an overall win for either axix or allies, but within that there will still be highest frag scorer and a clan who wins most games.

I have yet to thrash out a final plan for this, so if anyone has any suggestions, or can point out exactly why this wont work, post em here :)

Be kind, im shy


Yep, Burr and I found World Domination a bitch to administrate. Not easy - particularly match bookings, making sure people keep challenging, but also making sure people don't get challenged too much!

I sank countless hours into this kind of idea, and to a large degree it worked, but in the long term ... ?

A hell of a challenge. Contact me if you need help or advice though! ;)


OK - there has been a lot of feedback here - some good, some bad. I think the thing for me and Baal to do is go off and do a first draft of the rules and then get some more feedback off you guys.

I'll also come a calling to Veng and Xantaro for some valued advise :)

Thanks for the feedback guys - keep it coming if you have more to offer.



np Dav.

"Veng" on IRC or mail

Run BW leagues before and quite a few WP ones :)

Lets get a sess on IRC throwing a few ideas about ....

Scooba Da Bass

Knowing that certain individuals will more than likely be involved in this, I have to say I have reservations about the admin team. There are people who are NOT mature enough to run a league, and as such I'd have serious doubts about entering into such a league. I'd rather play off BW with people I feel I can trust than on BW with power hungry children.



for those of you that would like to meet other clans and representatives of the upcoming Battlefield 1942 community, head along to --> and make yourselves at home. :)


Originally posted by Scooba Da Bass
Knowing that certain individuals will more than likely be involved in this, I have to say I have reservations about the admin team. There are people who are NOT mature enough to run a league, and as such I'd have serious doubts about entering into such a league. I'd rather play off BW with people I feel I can trust than on BW with power hungry children.

Rather presumptive comment about the admin team there Scoobs - just who do you think is going to be involved with this that you wish to label a "power hungry child"?

Yes, I have my admin team in mind - they are a highly responsible, hard working set of individuals with considerable adminning experience of BW leagues - leagues which have run successfully for many, many seasons.

Whatever your problem is with these individuals, I think the success and longevity of said leagues says all that needs to be said - maybe you just have a clash of personality with one of them?


Scooba Da Bass

I'm not going to be naming names on here, once the actual league organiser(s) are announced along with their admin team (bearing in mind so far I've had at least 3 people suggest they're gonna be running said league), I'll make a decision with my clan as to whether we enter.

There's a difference between a clash of personalities, and what I feel about said individual. I'd hate to give him any more of a chance to negate his personal issues by acting the way he does, having said that I'd also hate to deprive my clan of the chance to play on BW because of this one individual.


Scoobs, when the admin team is named, and assuming it contains the person you are talking about, then you can make your decision.

If you decide to withdraw your team on the basis of your incompatibility with one of the many admins, it would be a shame - but at the end of the day you are but one clan of many.

It would be a shame if you hampered the enjoyment of the rest of clan [G], just because you are unable to put your differences aside - maybe they should be allowed to decide if they play or not!

As to the point of multiple people talking about running the league, I am aware of 2 people so far who have muted the idea - I am but one of them trying to put forward a novel idea, but in the end I may or may not be involved with the league.




I must say that real mature of you scoob. make your clan miss out for your personal problems with one person well done.

Scooba Da Bass

Re: well

Originally posted by wildie
I must say that real mature of you scoob. make your clan miss out for your personal problems with one person well done.

FUK you really wanna keep this one sedated, talk about giving your clan a bad name.



ok i wont bother no more with flaming or upsetting fellow bf players.
respect to you all :)

=FUK= Mendez

You need a pair of =FUK='s patent pending Wildie decoder goggles and a mirror before you can truely understand what he's trying to say however when you do he does sometimes make sense.

As for giving FUK a bad name well it had to happen sooner or later :)



how about something like that...

not clans as such, just 2 side, axis or allies, and have big ass 32 v 32 matches, lasting an hour, two, where people can come and go as they please

except we wouldnt need to pay for each campaign, as we're all subscribers ;)


Why not divide clans into divisions, play 16 v's 16 (because that is what we want to play), and work with other clans to defeat the common enemy.

Or alternatively, all be thrown into a boiling pot at the start of the week, you get a side to play on a map so one week you are Axis next Allied and the map rotates, possibly seeding as well so it's not bias (2 top clans fighting it out for 2 worst clans etc).

Each clan would pull together 8 players each (with 2 subs each) and play against another 2 clans of 8 players.

This then free's up the clan leaders from the horror that is managing atleast 20+ members.

This would bring in a new element of clan co-op. To gain league points you have to take flags, each flag taken equates to 2 points in game and appears in the overall total on left at end. Your frags are the middle column on the end screen (or that's how I read it anyway). So by taking frags (1pt) from overall score you can see how many flags that clan member took (divide by 2).

Tot them up and add them to the league score. Rather than 3 points for a win etc you work on the premise that it's Flag takes totalled.

The element of this I like is the fact that you may find clans fighting each other for flag takes (ff on as well), which makes it highly amusing especially if you have 2 clans that work together to win the map.

Winning the map should award each clan a % (rounded down) of the flags they took, and then on top of that there is the minor, major victory % that is added on top.

Just my mind running off on a weekday morning (better than work) :p

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