Ban all ROGUES they cheat!! Evidence inside



Now heres a problem
Dark Age of Camelot

Version 1.50C Release Notes



Up until last Tuesday, Assassin characters were able to remain hidden if they killed their target in one shot. This "ability" has been in the game since the inception of Critical Strike Combat Styles. However, we never intended for it to work that way - it is generally not a good game dynamic to have stealthed characters killing people and not becoming visible. Some assassins (not all, just some) were abusing this "ability" to one-shot kill "gray" level enemies and kill them with no chance of being found. But, at the time that we found out that assassins were able to do this, the assassin classes as a whole were still a bit underpowered, so we made the choice not to fix the bug.

As most assassins know, in the 1.50 patch, we inadvertently fixed the "one shot kill but remaining stealthed" bug (by fixing a few bugs relating to hidden players attacking monsters). Now that assassin characters are no longer underpowered, and no longer need any additional advantages, we have decided to keep this fix in. So, assassins will no longer be able to remain stealthed after one-shot kills. Assassins will still be able to kill some lower level (and probably "blue" level mages) characters in one shot, but no longer will they be able to do this with the impunity that they have enjoyed.

Mythic have now stated that all ROUGES who use stealth to remain hidden after one shot killing people have been using a bug...
Well thats there excuse for fixing it now in patch 1.50

So all you self righteous larges ones out there kindly tell me that armed with the knowledge u now know....

1: Are all rogue class people using stealth to remain hidden after 1 shot killing people cheats:?
2: Will you be reporting them as well for exploiting?
3: Can you realistically use the excuse well we aint patched yet so it aint relevant......

Double standards dont ya love em :mad:)

Just like to see you lot debate this issue cause whatever you think or say this BUG will be stopped in 1.50 !

See you all soon i am off to Arizona for a holiday :)




There is no need to report this bug, as Mythic knew that it was there, and chose not to fix it as the assasins were underpowered, so it was kinda an unitentional way to make it a bit more fair.
And anyone who used this bug had no way to prevent it, its not like they had to do a certain thing, a certain way to make it work, and they are not exactly gonna unstealth manually after killing someone if they don't have to.


lol so knowing they are exploiting you say it needs not to be reported.

Sorry i see a serious case of double standards...... its a documented bug and yet you are happy??

LOL personaly i think its all a load of b£$%^Xs but then hey i thought seeing you lot on a witchhunt i would give u something constructive to chase down :)




Originally posted by Del-Unger
Now heres a problem

Now that assassin characters are no longer underpowered, and no longer need any additional advantages, we have decided to keep this fix in. So, assassins will no longer be able to remain stealthed after one-shot kills. Assassins will still be able to kill some lower level (and probably "blue" level mages) characters in one shot, but no longer will they be able to do this with the impunity that they have enjoyed.

Ask this question again when we get patch 1.46 that no longer makes assassins underpowered.
But this will be an excellent future whinge for casters against GOA, as we wont get 1.50 until Autumn.


You living in fantasy land or something, it was a bug which was left in to balance the fact that Infiltrators are so under powered in this version and yes I am glad it is taken out because it is kind of silly

However u are waaaaaaaaay behind the times this was known about, about 2-3weeks ago, and no its not an exploitation of a bug, because there is no way of me not one shotting a wizzie who is blue

What u suggest I do ignore all blues and greens because I may one shot them without unstealthing?!

Wake up


i think they have kept this 'one-shot' thing for so long because to begin with it was unintentional (that's atleast what mythic said) and saw that it was not a bad bug (or 'feature' if you may since that's what it became). then after some pondering mythic has found out that this cannot be kept as a 'feature' and therefore became removed. i dunno tho.. kinda liked that about assassins (hence the class description assassin; the ability to assassinate).


my 2cp~


Actually .....

I just find it kind of funny to see everyone running round crying cheatzor non stop when the excuse levied is if its a BUG its an exploit so i just want to see the reaction from a few of ya knowing you are being killed by someone using a as yet unfixed BUG :)

Like i said it dont bother me one bit :)

Its called stirring the pot or fishing for some reactions





I been backstabbed a few times. But still the backstabber remained stealthed even when i survived, had to flush him with my thunder bellow, to hack him to pieces... So i guess this is more of a bug, then the one hit kill.


Hmmm np Del nice post btw

Oh and we are not assassins mate, sorry to say we are what they call we er infiltrate not assassinate, if we assasinated we would be called assassins and not infiltrators

Try and work that sentence out!:rolleyes:


the midgard 'assassin' class is called shadowblade and the hibernia one is called nightshade. the class is not called assassin but the category of them are. hunters, scouts and rangers for example are archers if you talk about all of them at one time. and infiltrators, shadowblades and nightshades are assassins. see?


I see your point but Assassins I have been told leads to misconceptions about the role.

If we were assassins we would have a speed buff to nimbly sprint away after performing our kill and we WOULD be able to one shot kill people as thats the life of an assassin

But alas that is not the case so I cannot consider myself a so called 'Assassin'

Just a logical deduction


I agree with Lonewolf..

I think the should at least be a chance to remain stealthed after 1 shotting someone.
make it like blocking or parry. a base chance + .5% per spec point in stealth


I think the Stealth ability is complete bollox anyway and should be removed, Backstab/Range/Criticals are plenty for rogues.

You should only be able to go invisible with a spell, potion or magic item.

Make it more realistic not uberistic!

God please give us an AD&D MMORPG



Del your just a bratty young teenager as your post suggests.
Aw goa took away your favourite toy the Bow of Flames so now you want to make other people feel guilty?
Mythic stated thta they are removing what had become a FEATURE!?!? not a bug ya poor git.
And btw that is my reaction to you stirring up the nonexistant pot.


lol Truth

teenager i am not thanks for wishing it upon me.

As for whining haha look to yourselfs first..

As stated ages ago if u dont like it moan and young chap Truth flame away as i wont get upset by your excellent posts :)

In fact i see u biting on the fishing line right :)




oh btw Truth please read the post from Sanya as she herself describes

As most assassins know, in the 1.50 patch, we inadvertently fixed the "one shot kill but remaining stealthed" bug

Ops maybe she mispelt bug ya poor git ... LOL sorry but reading was one thing i am good at how about you?

BTW how is your Igloo this time of year?




Lol @ del the hunter!
Imo they should take ALL stealth classes out the game!
Steath is for wimps and the weak!
Come out and FIGHT!



Its not a bug, it is a feature Mythicc stumbled upon by accident and decided they liked it.

Now the feature is Nerfed in 1.50.

Assasins should havd no repurcussions about using it till 1.50.

I knwo my younbg SB will use it till 1.50 to try get that RR3 asap


Stealth is still complete arse.



BTW Anyone gonna get to RR10? That would be awesome!


So now you want what -- Assassins to stop killing people while stealthed until they install patch 1.50?

It's not a bug -- maybe a design flaw or an oversight, but Mythic's known about for months. It wasn't on their agenda to 'fix' at all. The fact that it was 'fixed' is 1.50 was simply due to them fixing something else elsewhere in the code. The assassin 'fix' was a side effect they liked. ;)

Enjoy it while you can, it won't last, assassins. =)


Bug or not, people were using it unknowingly, and now they do know about it, it cant be avoided, unless they destealth before they attack, don't some stealth crit spec rely on being stealthed while attacking? so they can't avoid attacking like that anyway.

del do you seriously think that we think that you're gonna destealth before attacking anyone just to be 'honourable', i for one don't believe you will :clap:


One shot kills (and staying stealthed) are not a bug. They were here for 8 months, they never showed in the issues list of camelotherald, and Sanya never talked about it in any board. This is probably the worst move I have ever seen in a game of this kind to make a nerf, and is a very, very bad precedent for us. This assassin "ability" has been around since release, and a lot of ppl (myself included) thought it was a legitimate tactic. Its not easy, only happens in lowbies and/or ppl that sits in the most insecure places, and a lot of times fails with no reason.

What really annoys me more of this is the way the "fix" was done. No initial patch notes on camelotherald, no word on: ok, we fix this bug, but we will fix other damn bugs that are around since day one and are known by everyone (like pets chasing you stealthed 10 miles away). I'm sure, almost all of you will enjoy this "fix". But dont enjoy it too much, maybe next month other class will get a "fix" for a skill that wasnt working as intended since day one, but it was there and all of us thought it was working in the right way. Mythic has lost is reputation (they lost it sometime ago, IMHO). They dont test well their patches, just look at all the unscheduled downtime and emergency hotfix crap in latest patches, and 1.50 RA skills are funny, lots of them doesnt work as intended, and respec is not a solution, because they still are not working (How is supposed to make a choice of a skill, if it still doesnt works!!)

But I still like this game, and I have some faith in it.

Yep, my english sucks :p


Laico speaks the truth!

For all the nerfs that we have namely:

Non-Group Friendly
Shit at PvE
Low HP's
Low Armour Factor
Too little Spec points too many essential skills Stealth/env/thr/CS

Too name but a few, and now ur saying make stealth less powerful u may as well just stick a fork in us we're done

The one shot thing I feel was silly to have in the game but to be honest I would have loved if they have kept it in

As for Realm abilities they can just fook off, poor archers get absolutely shafted in 1.50, and infiltrators just get better!


Originally posted by Lanceloc
I think the Stealth ability is complete bollox anyway and should be removed, Backstab/Range/Criticals are plenty for rogues.

You should only be able to go invisible with a spell, potion or magic item.

Make it more realistic not uberistic!

Okies, re-name it Invisibility..sorted

BTW The CS styles (backstab/perf) start from stealth. So if stealth was removed, you've screwed 2 spec lines, and are nearly as gimped as Paladins


Oh i dunno 1.50 allows Paladins to be the only class that has a chant that breaks Mez lol

Gimped perhaps popular in 1.50 very much so.




We have dragons, casters nuking, ppl that swim in plate armor :D, undeads, teleporters to other realms, and the list goes on. Still you want a more realistic world? Go play another thing then.


Healing breaks-mezz and chant breaks-mezz was taken out from 1.50 in the last minute.


I'll admit it, we're probly at least 10 years before we'll see ultra realistic MMORPGs.

I cant wait!!!!!


Aye Del, I think ye’r onto something here!

How about this.. stealth as such was originally a character display bug. Instead of fixing it, Mythic decided it a good thing as less characters to draw reduces lag caused by the less than perfect GFX engine. There are rumors of a better GFX engine being introduced in the expansion pack. As they did with 1-shot, they will probably fix the original stealth bug. Instead of being completely invisible, all toons of assassin classes will be scaled down to 10% of their original size to make them harder to detect. All other classes will get additional Realm Ability to ground-target assassin classes, pick them up as loot and carry in their inventories. Assassins will be stacckable by 20.


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