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- #31
Originally posted by Torvarg
Talking about not rezzing...
I'd like to thank 'Warders of the 7:th Sigil' for not rezzing me and my friends tonight at HMG in HW... You had 3 healers and 1 shaman if I'm not wrong.
My little group of 4 people got killed by a FG hibbs and after that 'Warders + Grizlas and a shaman' came along and killed em, we waited... and waited... they killed the last luris ontop of us so they sure as hell saw us.
Okay I thought they might be "scouting so the leet hibb/alb group doesn't come when they rezz"... but that was not the case, they reb0ffed and ran away.
pudzi pudzi pudz.....call me what you wan't you little sl_tI dont think I'm better than anyone, only Zarff, Ardrias and Blej .
Originally posted by old.Zarff
pudzi pudzi pudz.....call me what you wan't you little sl_tp) but NEVER put me in context with blejs mkay! :s
Originally posted by mobiusmid
MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA! Finally someone else who realises how utterly boring the name Bob is.
I can now rest in peace.
I got a perfect recovery from Warders at amgE the other day.....made me very happyOriginally posted by zapzap
I didnt see any of U, only other mid I saw was a SM doing pbae at doors after fight was over, maybe I was to busy runing after drooood that jumped walls with ½ my group looking for him.
Sorry about that.