Bad Omen..

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Okay, I'm really enjoying myself ingame atm, and I haven't been rvr'ing I've been playing my BD so it seem's I've been missing something's. I've heard recently that the guild to which I am a member has been slated in cg's and what's more upsetting is the fact that a person I regarded as a good friend and a damn decent guy has completely made a U-Turn slagging off my guild. I won't mention name's, if they wana reply and give their reason's with evidence for their accusations and claim;s them I'd be more than happy to read it.

Below are some quote's I've recently read:-
I dont want to be the one who takes the flak
but I guess as I dont give a fuk its my job
I understand your guild dont care as rp is your only thought, but try understand the mid who just lvled to 50's opinion.

well I dunno about all of mid, but...lets put it like this every single guild at the arvakr retake meeting last night just slated you.

you prolly dont care
why should you, you play the game you want
and thats fair enough, but at least understand thats why no mid wants to have anything to do with you

look regardless of erverything you understand why the majority of mid hates all BO members.

but most mid dont like what you do, wheter you like it or not.

you msg ppl asking where rvr is, yet never reply when we msg you, we rez your guys, yet you dont rez us.

look I know how to fight/rvr etc, but the behaviour of some of you is a joke, tell you what try this, make a newbie and join any mid guild and ask what they think of BO.

everyone left your alliance as they hated you, so /as wont work, well nemisis (durgi) and you guys are considered the same now.

I plvled azal if you know him.

no its the fact that random rvr groups with healers or other essential members lose them to BO groups.

look off to bed, etc, farm rp all you want 99% of mid doesnt like you, or your members for what you do, yes the 13 year old who see's you rp total will, but the true mids know what to think of you.

our rvr group kills 3 times our number regularly not because of tactics but because of composition and we know how to play our chars.

nm nn lemme know when you wanna know any guilds opinion
or better yet ask them
you will see...

I cant understand why people are thinking like this, just because we are an rvr guild, ... and strangely we rvr alot - with BO I've been in plenty of keep takes and realm defence's.

I've played my healer alot in BO groups and saying that we dont rez people is pathetic, I know for a fact we do, we just make sure we check for nearby enemy's first so our healer's aint oop.

Anyone who send's me for scouting info, I give them the location and detail's, and it's usualy that people dont give it to me.

I'f our guild group need's a healer, and there's a healer from our guild in a random group then obviousely they will join us... I know for a fact m90% of mid guild's do the same. I'm usualy pve'ing because I cant be arsed to wait for groups - if anyone need's to fill a spot with a class I have just drop me a message and I'll prolly turn up.

For the guy who said all this, I'm totally disapointed in you, I hope you was VERY drunk or something, otherwise you've changed beyond belief. There have been some muppet's in BO most have been kicked, I'm still around tho!:p.

Anyway.. no point in fighting your own realm, we've lost no relic's, and you can bet ure life if there was a threat in our frontier we'd defend it, and if there was a relic raid we'd be on it.

The reason I've posted all this is because I dont like the fact our guild has a bad name, for nothing, and all the member's are regarded as elitest pricks - anyone who know's me know's im just a prick I'm not leet, I'm a pve whore with too much spare time, I dont think I'm better than anyone, only Zarff, Ardrias and Blej :p.

Urgat Rip-Eye


Not something for public boards IMO.

Sort it out in private.


BO sucks, especially that pudz guy...lamz0r :(

But on a serious note...I never had a problem with BO, most people I spoke to seemed to dislike their philosophy of RP being most important above all other guild activities..but thats just what they do, a primarily RvR guild. Maybe it's all changed, I've not played in a while so this is based on 3 months or so ago. Some members were a big arrogant, but you get that worse than anyone else imo.


btw, give names pudz..would help immensely :]


like probably all guilds (except Nyd, which were 100% fantastic), bo is half idiots half really nice people


purple warriors are 100% awesome.

best buncha ppl i've met online ever :D


I love Bad Omen and Nemesis they are DoA sworn enemies and i love nothing better then to take a BO or Nemesis keep, and also Svea and Bulle are on the black list of keep where smashing is a top priority...

But it always a shame when someone bad mouths you, no matter the reason. Some people dont realise its just a game and everyone is here to have fun.

Roo Stercogburn

Originally posted by klavrynd
like probably all guilds (except Nyd, which were 100% fantastic), bo is half idiots half really nice people

No, Nyd were all 100% nice idiots :D

And btw Ayam likes to be called Bob, as I found out last Friday night (went to London and went out with the Nyds and a couple of others).


Originally posted by klavrynd
like probably all guilds (except Nyd, which were 100% fantastic), bo is half idiots half really nice people

Awww Klav such a nice thing to say!

As for Roo, his secret is out. He wants to form a new guild 'Defencers of Bob' and change his name to Roo Bob.


there is only 1 person from BO that i know and dont like,the guy freaked at me in malmo for no reason :/,the others that i know all seem to be nice chaps :)


Re: Hmm

Originally posted by Urgat Rip-Eye
Not something for public boards IMO.

Sort it out in private.

Eye's and Ears ingame, not on forums, thats for the forum moderator to decide, thanks.

And as for you Elrond you monkey ... you wait :p.


after some of the bashing bad omen or some of them gave my new alliance i could go on to agree with many of the points this guy who ever he was posted , but i`m not gonna .

i made a point of passing on some info to a good ingame friend who at the time was in BO , Kharok Svark so that he could pass on to gm`s as bjel was away at the time and i didnt know who was running it , about the way people where starting to view bad omen and some of their members and their actions , i had more than one member of bad omen at the time who i thought of as a good ingame friends and didnt want them or the guild to get a bad rep .

three guilds have given me the most rvr fun outside my own , on the times i have been lucky enough to be invited to join a guild grp . first is savage conclave joined them a couple of time now playing my shammie battlefield , great bunch of guys good friendly chat and good fun with lots or rp to boot , if i could make my guild rvr anything it would be like they are doing at the moment , couple of times they where running around hads or emain and where only to happy to let others follow or even join they grps . /salute good mix or guild rvr and letting others share in the pleasure .

second most fun was with warders who got there fair share of emain moans from peeps i come to recall when they first started , second mostly being that kephan is an all round nice bloke always enjoy a good chat with him and a good laugh , even though he beat me to a super TG shield in a random 100 , one day he will give me back my precious :) klavrynd and rudor too always thought of them as sound peeps even if klavrynd tends to be a bit honest for his own good sometimes :)

and third is a bad omen grp only joined them a few times , they know their rvr , as i`m sure i have said before its always good action when i have run with them , i like high level rvr very much , if everyone got a chance to run with bad omen they may get to see the other side , not rezzing is not always what it seems , if i was running a grp as i do sometimes in rvr my guild and random grps , i wouldnt risk my grp to rez someone i would go off to rebuff and check the area first , sometimes its ok to stop and rez sometimes its not safe if your grp could get mezzed or the peeps that killed you are still around , because they are all standing still , most guilds like warders and bad omen will at least rez the seers , but they may want to come back and do it and not do it right away .

its a shame more people have not had the chance to run with warders and bad omen , you would see how much fun you can get out of grps like that , you would also see that what looks one way to you is not always ment in the same way and there may be a reason behind it you dont think of . how would many if not most peeps i know rate bad omen , prob that "the enemy of your enemy is your friend" we may not like the way bad omen go about their game but peeps are free to do what they like they pay their money , and they are a mid guild all the same .

i think a major thing that upsets peeps is that bad omen and warders are 2 of the best rvr 1fg type guilds on mid and if your guild , alliance or random grps is trying to take or retake a keep and keep getting farmed over and over by 1fg of high rr hibs or albs , grps that can take out 3 times their number , you want help and the help you most need is someone who can match the albs or hibs 1fg vs 1fg , so then you can get on with taking your keep .
yet often they dont want to help , i see both sides .

all i say to bad omen is you dont have to help on keep takes , and i agree that you would defend the relic if the albs was on our relic keep . but like you or not a good many people respec how good you are at rvr and it wouldnt hurt you to put that rvr skill and your 1fg to helping others sometimes , i dont mean every night just time to time , if you want respec for more than just being good at rvr that is . its up too you how you want to thought of . info is also a 2 way thing , to get info you have to pass it on .

i would say to a good many peeps if you dislike the way they play , run with them in emain etc for a time if you get the chance , it may not make you like them but it will show you a side to rvr you may not have seen , and its a standard or rvr i would very like to be able to get to with my guild rvr .

old.Ayam Ganbatte

Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn
No, Nyd were all 100% nice idiots :D

And btw Ayam likes to be called Bob, as I found out last Friday night (went to London and went out with the Nyds and a couple of others).

1) It's not my fault you couldn't be bothered to take 10 seconds out to pronounce my real name properly (in fact it probably wasn't your fault either, the alcohol could be felt in the bloodstream at that point).

2) I'd prefer even being called Ayam in real life before being called Bob, no offence to Bobs out there, but your name's more boring than the dictionary section of a library.

3) I can count to 3, don't mess with the numerate, we will mathematicise your butt into the highest number of pieces that I can count to (which would be 3).


I plvled azal if you know him.

lol, you did? damn cus there was me thinking i was about the what, 5th-8th lvl 50 on the server and all :p so that woulda made it kinda hard to pl me? :clap:

Pudz, pm me and tell me who it was! I wanna find out how they think they pl'd me plz


Azal is a powerlevelled n00b!!1

(damn good dancer though) :p


Derric's been chewing viagra again and drinking red bull ><


what do you mean by again.. he never stop'd..I even seen him pour that combination on cornflakes ffs.. Kinda silly, shrooms are so much better imho

Kharok Svark

Well, if ever there was a need to reply to a thread, yet again I think this is one :)

I was in Bad Omen, and during my time there a good friend Hoden was kind enough to speak honestly of some comments that others had made, which were passed on to the guild oficers.

However one side feels sad that they are doing there best to stand proud for the realm, another will either feel shunned or angered, tha they viewed the path of a different glory.

One player, one realm, one game ...

I have had the pleasure and the pain, IMO of playing with some of the (main characters) of the game.

If you know then maybe you have seen a glimpse of my view ;

Krill and Ayam ... the strength of resolution to stand proud in their stature as Roleplyers may me feel a shine inside each time I took the battlefield next to them (akin I mention the Blackbirds)

Roo, how he felt so many internal battles for so long keeping so many happy I will never know, a true gentleman never to be forgotten.

Blej, such a strength of purpose and yet, with such wisdom, follow or not you cannot fault his aim, a true leader.

Silverwolf, a true friend in arms. Good day or bad, the sense of humour still had the feeling that it perked you up ( even if light year behind it's time )

Borg, JarJar and Zak ... A true leadership even if each of different virtue, Strength, Kindness and Wisdom.

Hoden and Iron, good friends in game I have never met, but now should the day ever arrise to meet them, I woudl share a hearty pint and a laugh.

Azal, though I saw him little whenever he appreared, the battle fields would glow with an awesome prowess, as though born to know where to take the battle.

Saaug, many took dislike to him, I however saw a side of focus, that rightly or wrongly made me like him as a character.

Durgi, maybe in my view a manipulator of people but one that at least when the sheep slept would lead into the lions den, for who's reward a discussion not for this day.

Each I have met ingame, yet 3 times more I should care to name, each Friends, Each Midgard, Each Dark Age of Camelot.

From every angle knowing them has made my in game experience what it is, what each stands for will be different, but that makes them who they are.

The only thing that makes me sad in some small way, is that 2 thirds on this server I will only ever know as an Adversary ...


i`m not friends with ironlung , but my guild is not yet very strong in rvr , so we started an alliance with a bunch of silly trolls , we just use them as cannon fodder in rvr , they die and we clean up the realm points , as long as you keep feeding the stupid trolls with luri pie they will do just about anything for you .

luri pie + big rocks to throw = happy troll

come back soon kharok you need to roll a new char like a bone dancer before the LA patch :)


Originally posted by Damon Doombring
what do you mean by again.. he never stop'd..I even seen him pour that combination on cornflakes ffs.. Kinda silly, shrooms are so much better imho

You took all shrooms though,you nasty old man you. :(


One bad apple can spoil the whole damn bunch or how did it go...


Originally posted by old.Ayam Ganbatte
2) I'd prefer even being called Ayam in real life before being called Bob, no offence to Bobs out there, but your name's more boring than the dictionary section of a library.

MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA! Finally someone else who realises how utterly boring the name Bob is.

I can now rest in peace.

Berz Blackburn

Hehehe Azal pl'ed, i have been xp'ing with him in spin etc :D


Azal I must say early retail SB's were nothing but a waste of a group spot, Hoster knows this, he damn well knows we (BloodLust old skool) PL'ed his "2.0 spec, cant use venom or PA cos i get aggro" ass all the way to 46 in Spindle, at which point he proceeded to go and gather 500K realm points for the guild by wtfpwning level 50's with his Level 46 GimpBlade :D

But well anyone who claims to have PLed Azal, even a little bit, would have to have been REAAAAL Old Skool Nemesis :D

And Pudz I admire your loyalty d00d :D


I disagree tbh, tho SB's were pretty gimpy with 2.0x spec points we were still dishing out as much damage as thanes/skalds etc.

Admittedly using dot/PA used to get aggro too damn often just had to play them as an additional damage causing 'tank' but not jump in right at the start of each fight so you didn't get aggro and waste all the healers pow with each mob :) Definately not a waste of a group spot though.


Originally posted by Azal
I disagree tbh, tho SB's were pretty gimpy with 2.0x spec points we were still dishing out as much damage as thanes/skalds etc.

Admittedly using dot/PA used to get aggro too damn often just had to play them as an additional damage causing 'tank' but not jump in right at the start of each fight so you didn't get aggro and waste all the healers pow with each mob :) Definately not a waste of a group spot though.

youre a n00b you gimp

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