Okay, I'm really enjoying myself ingame atm, and I haven't been rvr'ing I've been playing my BD so it seem's I've been missing something's. I've heard recently that the guild to which I am a member has been slated in cg's and what's more upsetting is the fact that a person I regarded as a good friend and a damn decent guy has completely made a U-Turn slagging off my guild. I won't mention name's, if they wana reply and give their reason's with evidence for their accusations and claim;s them I'd be more than happy to read it.
Below are some quote's I've recently read:-
I dont want to be the one who takes the flak
but I guess as I dont give a fuk its my job
I understand your guild dont care as rp is your only thought, but try understand the mid who just lvled to 50's opinion.
well I dunno about all of mid, but...lets put it like this every single guild at the arvakr retake meeting last night just slated you.
you prolly dont care
why should you, you play the game you want
and thats fair enough, but at least understand thats why no mid wants to have anything to do with you
look regardless of erverything you understand why the majority of mid hates all BO members.
but most mid dont like what you do, wheter you like it or not.
you msg ppl asking where rvr is, yet never reply when we msg you, we rez your guys, yet you dont rez us.
look I know how to fight/rvr etc, but the behaviour of some of you is a joke, tell you what try this, make a newbie and join any mid guild and ask what they think of BO.
everyone left your alliance as they hated you, so /as wont work, well nemisis (durgi) and you guys are considered the same now.
I plvled azal if you know him.
no its the fact that random rvr groups with healers or other essential members lose them to BO groups.
look off to bed, etc, farm rp all you want 99% of mid doesnt like you, or your members for what you do, yes the 13 year old who see's you rp total will, but the true mids know what to think of you.
our rvr group kills 3 times our number regularly not because of tactics but because of composition and we know how to play our chars.
nm nn lemme know when you wanna know any guilds opinion
or better yet ask them
you will see...
I cant understand why people are thinking like this, just because we are an rvr guild, ... and strangely we rvr alot - with BO I've been in plenty of keep takes and realm defence's.
I've played my healer alot in BO groups and saying that we dont rez people is pathetic, I know for a fact we do, we just make sure we check for nearby enemy's first so our healer's aint oop.
Anyone who send's me for scouting info, I give them the location and detail's, and it's usualy that people dont give it to me.
I'f our guild group need's a healer, and there's a healer from our guild in a random group then obviousely they will join us... I know for a fact m90% of mid guild's do the same. I'm usualy pve'ing because I cant be arsed to wait for groups - if anyone need's to fill a spot with a class I have just drop me a message and I'll prolly turn up.
For the guy who said all this, I'm totally disapointed in you, I hope you was VERY drunk or something, otherwise you've changed beyond belief. There have been some muppet's in BO most have been kicked, I'm still around tho!
Anyway.. no point in fighting your own realm, we've lost no relic's, and you can bet ure life if there was a threat in our frontier we'd defend it, and if there was a relic raid we'd be on it.
The reason I've posted all this is because I dont like the fact our guild has a bad name, for nothing, and all the member's are regarded as elitest pricks - anyone who know's me know's im just a prick I'm not leet, I'm a pve whore with too much spare time, I dont think I'm better than anyone, only Zarff, Ardrias and Blej
Below are some quote's I've recently read:-
I dont want to be the one who takes the flak
but I guess as I dont give a fuk its my job
I understand your guild dont care as rp is your only thought, but try understand the mid who just lvled to 50's opinion.
well I dunno about all of mid, but...lets put it like this every single guild at the arvakr retake meeting last night just slated you.
you prolly dont care
why should you, you play the game you want
and thats fair enough, but at least understand thats why no mid wants to have anything to do with you
look regardless of erverything you understand why the majority of mid hates all BO members.
but most mid dont like what you do, wheter you like it or not.
you msg ppl asking where rvr is, yet never reply when we msg you, we rez your guys, yet you dont rez us.
look I know how to fight/rvr etc, but the behaviour of some of you is a joke, tell you what try this, make a newbie and join any mid guild and ask what they think of BO.
everyone left your alliance as they hated you, so /as wont work, well nemisis (durgi) and you guys are considered the same now.
I plvled azal if you know him.
no its the fact that random rvr groups with healers or other essential members lose them to BO groups.
look off to bed, etc, farm rp all you want 99% of mid doesnt like you, or your members for what you do, yes the 13 year old who see's you rp total will, but the true mids know what to think of you.
our rvr group kills 3 times our number regularly not because of tactics but because of composition and we know how to play our chars.
nm nn lemme know when you wanna know any guilds opinion
or better yet ask them
you will see...
I cant understand why people are thinking like this, just because we are an rvr guild, ... and strangely we rvr alot - with BO I've been in plenty of keep takes and realm defence's.
I've played my healer alot in BO groups and saying that we dont rez people is pathetic, I know for a fact we do, we just make sure we check for nearby enemy's first so our healer's aint oop.
Anyone who send's me for scouting info, I give them the location and detail's, and it's usualy that people dont give it to me.
I'f our guild group need's a healer, and there's a healer from our guild in a random group then obviousely they will join us... I know for a fact m90% of mid guild's do the same. I'm usualy pve'ing because I cant be arsed to wait for groups - if anyone need's to fill a spot with a class I have just drop me a message and I'll prolly turn up.
For the guy who said all this, I'm totally disapointed in you, I hope you was VERY drunk or something, otherwise you've changed beyond belief. There have been some muppet's in BO most have been kicked, I'm still around tho!
Anyway.. no point in fighting your own realm, we've lost no relic's, and you can bet ure life if there was a threat in our frontier we'd defend it, and if there was a relic raid we'd be on it.
The reason I've posted all this is because I dont like the fact our guild has a bad name, for nothing, and all the member's are regarded as elitest pricks - anyone who know's me know's im just a prick I'm not leet, I'm a pve whore with too much spare time, I dont think I'm better than anyone, only Zarff, Ardrias and Blej