Bad lag on the new server setup!



Last night I was on the CTF 2 server which can now handle 20 players.

There were 19 people playing and it was the laggiest game I have ever played on a BW server.

It wasn’t just me either there we a number of players I ran past who were stationary in mid run before jerking back into play, which is what I was experiencing.

The new setup does not seam to be better IMO.

Also I notice we no longer have a custom maps server!? The custom servers were used daily, not both of them but at least one. Where as the Popular and Pro Maps servers were rarely used.

Can we please have a custom map server back and get rid of the Popular and Pro Maps?.............after all the custom map servers had all of the maps available to it anyway as it had voting!

Any chance you could get this sorted Starman?


i played 4 games in a row on the 20 man server, i had no lag except for a little in one of them... which was acceptable...

ive played in it a few times and it was fine.... hmmmmm

other people have said it was fine too... :/

but wasnt it u in one of them who complained about low fps? u sure u r just getting fps lag and no actual ping lag? :p


Well I will get the server admins to take alook - It may mean more servers being dropped. Most likely CTF 1 (Pro Maps) and the TDM server.


FPS Lag has never been a problem for me in EF from the day I started playing it back in 2000. I play at 1024 x 768 with my fps capped at 76 and it rarely drops below that.

It wasn’t that it was unplayable. My team won and I got MVP, but the game was spoiled somewhat for me by the lag (whatever its source). I would freeze for a couple of seconds at a time. This never normally happens.

Some of the others that I saw freezing in the same way would appear to have cable or ADSL as their pings were around 50. Mine was around 100 most of the time. It could be my ISDN connection that is the source of the problem but the fact that others had the same problem on broadband made me suspicious.

I have noticed in the last few months that allot more people have been complaining about Lag on BW servers, people with broadband I mean too. We have one member of [DAD] on a 56k modem who hasn't been able to get a decent game of EF for about 3 months, he has stopped playing it and only plays MOH now.

Just so that you I am not against having a 20 man server. I do feel that to have the time limit on that server set to 30 mins is to long as if the teams are even then it will go to 30 mins every time on a 10 v 10 game. I personally feel that this is too long, particularly if the map is one you don’t love! 20 mins would be better :)

My 2 cents

Btw a custom map server would still be good to have back ;)


A 10 v 10 server is all well and good but I don’t think it’s worth continually dropping more EF servers to service it!

Do that many people want a 20 mans server that they are willing to cut down the rest to get it?


I was in that server most of the night ( under smurf name) and there was hardly any lag at all and was even in the games you were in monty and never saw any of the lag you talk about including mid air freezes. i must admit earlyerr in the day ther was a glitch with ctf 2 before it went 20 player mirroring itself or somethin strange but that glitch was fixed.
As for the other server you talk about that was very very rarely used tbh.



i agree with monty on the point that a 20min timelimit wud be more suitable, for the 20 man server at least.... cos on maps like and1, u will never cap the max of 8, no matter what the teams.....

20mins wud be fine...

keep the server ! i love it ! :p


Maybe it's a good idea to set the sv_maxRate to 8000 on the 20 peeps server.
It might just reduce lag, some peeps have.


I am willing to concede that the lag may just have been mine. If I continue to get it on the 20 server I can always play else where.

Picard - The game I played was late last night and you were not on the server as Picard or Smurf, I have a screenie of the scores you see.

AND1 for sure would be a nightmare on 10v10 lol. Mind you its not my favourite map anyway.

Custom map server with voting........hint hint nudge nudge ;)


the 20 man server with voting wud be kinda cool..... but i bet it wud get abused and twats wud just keep voting till they got the only map they wanted...cos 10v10 on and1 and spyglass is insane....i played them both last nite LOL ! spyglass aint too bad....but and1, holy moly...


lol well certain maps aint good for such a thing.
The lag on the bookables is to be honest almost insane, it used to be good but now :(


actually i was there along with neo and reb [all smurf names of course]. dont think voting is a good idea, enable voting for maps and voting for kick is enabled as well and ppl really abuse this vote for kick.


We will not be enabling voting on many servers, as it curses more problems and it solves.


disi server is cool :D and 20 people server seems to be going well part from lag people are saying :(


im glad theres no vote kicking on gib servers.... some people want me banned from it :/

anyways, is any1 using this disi server ?


Just one custom map server with Voting on it would do the trick. Its used allot of the time.

When I go on and the maps on the main ctf server are AND1 I go onto the custom server, get a map up that people like and within a few mins there is a great game going!

Any chance of a return of the custom server..........we had one for ages, and it was used daily!

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