Bad attitude and lack of manners :(

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Originally posted by - Pathfinder -
Pulling mobs when someone else is allready camping the spawn is inherently lame behaviour - it doesn't matter if it's a group or a high level farming cash, you don't steal a spawn from someone else. Simple.

i was dunters and someone from your guild came a long with their buffbot, was that acceptable? or are you being a hypocrite?yes it is acceptable because there is enough dunters for 5 groups just like at nymphs there is enough of them for 2 groups at least.

if its bad to pull mobs from where someone is camping, then why are camps big enough for more than 1 person?

Generic Poster

Originally posted by Dook_Pug
Why do Albs feel the need to come and bring all matters that could easily be solved internally onto the boards?

Why do kobolds gatecrash our forum and polute everything with their vile touch.

/shoo, go away :p

Originally posted by n3wbie
i was dunters and someone from your guild came a long with their buffbot, was that acceptable?

Which guild would that be?


i quoted Blaen so it would the guild he is in.


Originally posted by Generic Poster

Why do kobolds gatecrash our forum and polute everything with their vile touch.

/shoo, go away :p

...but...but it's so entertaining here!

PS. I'm a Dorf you filthy fleabitten Alb!


Originally posted by Dook_Pug

...but...but it's so entertaining here!

PS. I'm a Dorf you filthy fleabitten Alb!

Originally posted by Dook_Pug

Shimmering 50 Shadowblade

He moves with the sound of heavy breathing, he kills with the deadly agility of a two-tone whale. It's Shimmering the Dorf Shadowblade!



Originally posted by mirieth

He moves with the sound of heavy breathing, he kills with the deadly agility of a two-tone whale. It's Shimmering the Dorf Shadowblade!


My main is Dook. Notice the name I go by on the forum? Ah yes! Dook!

So it would stand to reason that maybe, just maybe...When I say 'me' I'm talking about my main? I.E. My Runie?


- Pathfinder -

Originally posted by n3wbie

i was dunters and someone from your guild came a long with their buffbot, was that acceptable? or are you being a hypocrite?yes it is acceptable because there is enough dunters for 5 groups just like at nymphs there is enough of them for 2 groups at least.

if its bad to pull mobs from where someone is camping, then why are camps big enough for more than 1 person?

Since he specifically mentions the fact that the guy in question was killing every single mob for him, obviously the camp couldn't support both of them. If you want to troll, at least try to avoid looking like a fool :m00:


Originally posted by Karim
I had read the thread is it his fault if his character is able to solo all those with hardly any downtime? :O

He was 1 hitting the mobs and I hardly call that good xp, I have a 50 wiz myself so I know what wizzies can do. The fact is these people were downright rude. One of them even logged his lvl 44 and said "Duel me tart". I have screenshots to back this up as well. They insulted me many times and I didn't insult them once. He went on to say if I beat him in a duel that velcro could have his spot back (implying that the spot was Velcro's in the first place). I refused because I don't like to be drawn into petty arguements, it was the principal of it. Why people have to be so rude I don't know but I do know that we have a very good and friendly guild and that is what is important to us, I'm not power hungry like some and I don't care what rank I am. So what is we have lots of rank 0? That was the original gms choice because he saw what happened when people are placed in positions of responsibility, they often abuse it and have no real concern for others. Personally I'd be ashamed to be in the same guild as people that acted so rudely, but that's just the way I am.

EDIT: I forgot to log my husband out should have been posted by Jodieg aka SYDELLE GRIFFIN - LVL 50 WIz


How can you say being able to one shot green/blues isnt good exp? thats the best exp there is he can kill them so fast instead of chaining yellows


Originally posted by Karim
How can you say being able to one shot green/blues isnt good exp? thats the best exp there is he can kill them so fast instead of chaining yellows

Did you read what I said? I said he was 1 shotting GREENS not blues and greens are NOT the fastest xp, they are crap xp and it takes twice as long to lvl. The best xp in the game is in a group as a wizard or chaining blues, you can't 1 hit blues as a wizard. I love the way you ignored everything else I said while also ignoring the point, ie he was stealing a camp, not matter how you look at it that's what happened. I suppose you don't mind poeple pulling next to you when you're pulling slow popping mobs? How you can say that's good xp is laughable as the pops were so slow he could have took a yellow by the time 1 had popped and then they would have been shared hence the reason only 1 person could pull from there.


How did i ignore everything you said if i chose not to relate to parts of things what you said is my own buisness and if greens and blues so crap to kill over and over why did people make tangler groups and kill gobbos if they are such low cons

Generic Poster

Tanglers are unique and although they con yellow/blue, there's good XP from killing 10+ / pull.

Wizzies cannot chain-pull, even if they're one-shotting blues/greens, there's still downtime.


Originally posted by Karim
How did i ignore everything you said if i chose not to relate to parts of things what you said is my own buisness and if greens and blues so crap to kill over and over why did people make tangler groups and kill gobbos if they are such low cons

For god's sake they were GREEN not blue how many more times!! You think a wiz can 1 hit a blue? They can't do that unless they crit every time but every one he spelled was 1 hit. If you can't see the difference between nymphs and goblins then you haven't got a clue. In case you don't know I'll spell it out, goblins pop quicker and there's loads of them. Like I said I'm a wiz so know all about downtime and to 1 shot a green gives crap xp and if they pop every few minutes then it makes no differrence if it's green or yellow. Ignoring parts of a post you don't like is just a lack of intelligence in my opinion.


Originally posted by jodieg

For god's sake they were GREEN not blue how many more times!! You think a wiz can 1 hit a blue? They can't do that unless they crit every time but every one he spelled was 1 hit. If you can't see the difference between nymphs and goblins then you haven't got a clue. In case you don't know I'll spell it out, goblins pop quicker and there's loads of them. Like I said I'm a wiz so know all about downtime and to 1 shot a green gives crap xp and if they pop every few minutes then it makes no differrence if it's green or yellow. Ignoring parts of a post you don't like is just a lack of intelligence in my opinion.

Thats rich saying i ignored parts of a post when u ignored mine when i said i know there are a lot more gobbos so dont treat me like a idiot when u cant clearly backup what u say


Originally posted by Karim

Thats rich saying i ignored parts of a post when u ignored mine when i said i know there are a lot more gobbos so dont treat me like a idiot when u cant clearly backup what u say

Correct me if I'm wrong but I did say there are lots of goblins. You're just contradicting yourself now, you're comparing the goblins to nymphs in one breath then saying there are lots of goblins; that doesn't make sense because there aren't lots of nymphs and they pop slower. Maybe you need to reread my post, as I clearly didn't ignore any part of yours. I've backed up everything I've said.


When did i say that there were lots of nymphs in one place the trees are dotted all over plains with different lvl ranges, all ive done is come to stick up for a guild mate who is a friend of mine if he pays to play why should he be limited to where he hunts ?


Originally posted by Karim
When did i say that there were lots of nymphs in one place the trees are dotted all over plains with different lvl ranges, all ive done is come to stick up for a guild mate who is a friend of mine if he pays to play why should he be limited to where he hunts ?

It's been stated through this whole post that there weren't lots of nymphs there. As you were comparing nymphs to goblins I assumed you must have picked them because you thought they are similar otherwise you wouldn't have compared them. Why are you changing the subject? The only nymphs in question are the ones at that particular camp and if, as you said yourself, there are loads all over the place why didn't your guild member pick one of those uncamped ones? Just to be ignorant maybe? You shouldn't stick up for people just for the sake of it you should be sure they are in the right first. Their lack of manners was nothing to be desired either. No one is talking about limitations only commen curtesy, you just don't steal camps like that and it's as simple as that. I'd be embarrassed to do something like that.


How do i know if u are telling the full truth of the matter when u smudged out some of the chat? and how do you know if the other trees werent camped also but the one u was at was less camped than the rest or the other camps were grey or too high for dekai


Originally posted by Karim
How do i know if u are telling the full truth of the matter when u smudged out some of the chat? and how do you know if the other trees werent camped also but the one u was at was less camped than the rest or the other camps were grey or too high for dekai

I didn't smudge the chat I have my own screenshots that I'll post later if you want to see the lack of manners your guild members posess. The one he was at was too low for him as he was 1 hitting them and he wasn't the only person in your guild that was there, there was another group of 3 one of which was in your guild, one said he was in the alliance and another unguilded. I find it hard to believe that all others were more camped and that isn't the point anyway the point is you don't steal camps especially without even asking. He had the cheek to buff Velcro and then when he was asked to stop pulling from Velcro's spot said that as he buffed him he shouldn't complain about it! It's just too stupid for words. I've gone to the princess room with a fg before and seen one person there, I had the decency to ask if we could pull from there too and when he said no because of slow pops (he'd already cleared the room) we left, we didn't just say sod you we're pulling anyway cos there are no rules on it. Maybe some people have less manners though.


So your saying when you left the princess room no one was mad because he wouldnt let you pull from there?


Originally posted by Karim
So your saying when you left the princess room no one was mad because he wouldnt let you pull from there?

You've got it in 1.


and earlier u treated me like a idiot saying they were all green even put it in caps and all so why in ur screenie does it say grey and green? back it up please and finally if u have so much manners why do u insist on dragging it onto the forums for everyone to see a whine about some1 coming and killing some mobs


Originally posted by Karim
and earlier u treated me like a idiot saying they were all green even put it in caps and all so why in ur screenie does it say grey and green? back it up please and finally if u have so much manners why do u insist on dragging it onto the forums for everyone to see a whine about some1 coming and killing some mobs

Firstly, i posted the orignal thread and yes i said grey or green. Even if they were all green what difference does it make. Back what up? I've posted screen shots of it all. As i said before i was pissed of at my treatment so posted it. There's only so many times you can say something and you are obviously having difficulty understanding the point so i'm gonna get the thread closed. Carrying the argument on like you have been and sidestepping the main issue is just pointless.
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