Bad attitude and lack of manners :(

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I was camped at a small nymph grove solo'ing yellow cons when a red con called Dekai from Angels of Vengeance came up and started one shotting everything that popped. I yelled just b4 to stop it and he carried on and then i said this:

I was a bit annoyed as you can imagine so spoke to the guild master who couldnt see a problem with it and when i said what if my main came and started doing the same to you at cornwall now he said you havent got an alt that can touch me :rolleyes:. I did point out that he missed the point but to no avail.

I had to move in the end cos it was really slow pops and he was killing 99% of them. How can people be so ignorant :mad:. Especially ones with high level mains who should know better.


I seem to have missed a bit after the first screeny, basically i said they must be grey con to you green at most and he said yes but its good when i get 5 at once.

Since when was con colour different for different classes :rolleyes:, just noticed that.


did he steal kills? nope. did he play the game as intended? yep. does it happen at higher levels? yep and its a lot harder to make xp at level 45+ but it happens. for all you know it could of been good xp for him or he needs money or a drop. just because he is red con, it doesnt mean they are grey to him.

Scutter Bob

I like the way that you told mal that you asked me nicely to leave, but you failed to put the screen shot of that up didn't you

'go away I'm camped here' thats real polite

and as n3wbie said, I did not kill steal, and I only pulled when more than 1 was present so there was something there for u to kill.

all the nymphs were green and blue to me, and when they add I get good grp bonuses.

have u ever noticed how some mobs will be the same con to you for more than 1 level??? And as you were not my lvl you would not know what they con'd to me.

and sending a lv 50 from your guild to come wipe out all the nymphs, lol.

please remember it is just a game

sorry if your annoyed, but you did not ask politely for me to leave, you just started moaning when I pulled. Perhaps a more civil request would have resulted in a more polite conversation, I simply responded to how you spoke to me.


The bit i missed of was a yell with you in range saying exactly: "please stop pulling, i am camped here and there aren't enough to go round"

You ignored me and carried on thats why i said what i did in the screenshot.

How could they have possibly added there was never more than one, they may have overlapped after you pulled but never 2 unpulled.

Yes i did notice that about con colour but considering in all the time i was there there was only 1 orange con most must have been green to you. You were one hitting them all.

The level 50 was nothing to do with you and was talking to someone else, she killed 3 of his pulls like he did to me earlier to show how annoying it is. As he swore a lot at me when i asked him to stop it.

If i was in your position i'd have seen that there was nothing to pull and move on, not ruin someons elses levelling by killing the slow popping mobs i was camped by.


Ooops forgot to log the wife out :).


Originally posted by Scutter Bob
I like the way that you told mal that you asked me nicely to leave, but you failed to put the screen shot of that up didn't you

'go away I'm camped here' thats real polite

and as n3wbie said, I did not kill steal, and I only pulled when more than 1 was present so there was something there for u to kill.

all the nymphs were green and blue to me, and when they add I get good grp bonuses.

have u ever noticed how some mobs will be the same con to you for more than 1 level??? And as you were not my lvl you would not know what they con'd to me.

and sending a lv 50 from your guild to come wipe out all the nymphs, lol.

please remember it is just a game

sorry if your annoyed, but you did not ask politely for me to leave, you just started moaning when I pulled. Perhaps a more civil request would have resulted in a more polite conversation, I simply responded to how you spoke to me.

Ok well he didn't send a lvl 50 I'm sitting next to him and saw what happened so decided to come along. As for wiping them out lol, I killed 3 or 4 at most as they were spawning in 1's. He asked a number of times politely before saying he was camped there and to please stop it. Yes you're right it is a game but how would you feel if you were camping the princess room or hulks and someone sat next to you and pulled them? I know I would be annoyed and so would most people, it's the same as this.


scutter is one of my officers so wouldnt and didnt break any guild rules about kill stealing as far as i can tell no kill stealing took place

you chose to blow this up out of proportion and make this public when clearly it was not necessary

are you just an attention grabber, who cannot handle competition?

oh and i forgot to say - i was told that your wife started saying sorry to the others at that nymph camp for your actions


Originally posted by seb1024
scutter is one of my officers so wouldnt and didnt break any guild rules about kill stealing as far as i can tell no kill stealing took place

you chose to blow this up out of proportion and make this public when clearly it was not necessary

are you just an attention grabber, who cannot handle competition?

oh and i forgot to say - i was told that your wife started saying sorry to the others at that nymph camp for your actions

No that's not true, I apologised to Fifty for nuking the nymphs as that was very childish and I don't usually act like that. Unless you were there you don't know what rules were broken. Like I said if you were in df and someone did that you would get annoyed just the same. Why are lower levels treated with less respect? Those nymphs don't pop quickly and he was camping them, suddendly a group of 3 and someone else turned up and started to pull them as well, doesn't make for good xp. Why should he have been the one to move?


Maybe you should think about someone else before yourself next time Scutter .... Give it a try, you might like it


lets see 20 members
52 active characters
30 characters at rank 0

me thinks you on an ego trip and you have no leadership and no website nothing there

there are a lot of good guys in this game and unfortunatly some bad ones as well, which do you suppose you fit in?

i already know which scutter is

Generic Poster

sorc are stronger than wizzies con shows differently, and are blue green to him


The point Haedric's trying to make is, if you see someone camping a spot, you don't just walk in and help yourself to the mobs. Well you can, but it's not very polite.

Depends how you play the game <shrugs>


Originally posted by seb1024
lets see 20 members
52 active characters
30 characters at rank 0

me thinks you on an ego trip and you have no leadership and no website nothing there

there are a lot of good guys in this game and unfortunatly some bad ones as well, which do you suppose you fit in?

i already know which scutter is

Malicki you are NOT improving your position by posting utter bullshit here.....

who cares how they run their guild? your guildmember obviously took another mans camp, wether or not he leeched and actually broke the CoC was never mentioned, in my opinion Dekai AND you are showing some serious lack of respect for other players.

we had a similar situation pop up in the guild I´m in, a guy is pulling nymphs and one of our members log in and start pulling the same spot, because he claims that he had the camp first, turns out he had been logged out for 1½-2 hours, if this was dekai being the guy that logged in you would probably say he had first right to the spot too right???

in this case however the member of our guild was told to stop acting like a fool and behave himself, and THAT was in my opinion what you should have done to Dekai, a guild does mean cooperation and friendship and all that, but it does ALSO mean being able to tell your members when they act wrongly, regardless of that act being in violation of the CoC or not.


Originally posted by Generic Poster


The point Haedric's trying to make is, if you see someone camping a spot, you don't just walk in and help yourself to the mobs. Well you can, but it's not very polite.

Depends how you play the game <shrugs>

Thats how I would see it. Guess some people just dont want to be polite in game :(


LOL the guild i am in has no bearing on this matter or me as a person. Generic Poster seems to have got my jist :).

Scutter Bob

Originally posted by Garian
Maybe you should think about someone else before yourself next time Scutter .... Give it a try, you might like it

so you were there at the time then? u saw what really was going on then? Or are you just listening to someones twisted interpretation of the event?

think before you type .... Give it a try, you might like it


i dont have a position i need to defend nor a position to lose Addlcove you have no idea what i said to dekai and i dont see any reason to post any of my comments or remarks to him here

dont expect further answers


lol :m00:

kinda strange that GMs and officers of accused guilds start immediately to flame the author of this post instead of explaining themselves and the occurance. (see also T-30 thread)

If your guild didn't do anything wrong, why do you have to insult people here ?
wouldn't it be more effective if you would rather reveal that the other person is talking BS ? :D

but i guess the average IQ of the posters/readers here couldn't handle that..

Scutter Bob

First few threads covered everything, nothing I can do to prove the truth, just sit back and watch the knowledgeless opinions of others roll in, this matter is closed, these things happen, just some people like to 'cry to mummy' and on most forums in existence flaming will occur.

I have no problems with my actions, as I know no rules were broken, those who know me know what I'm like to / with other people, yet people who do not know me, or do not know what occured insist on making comments that just highlight ignorance.

And I have not insulted anyone on these forums, just stated the blind opinion of one of the replies.

c ya in game u happy little bunch :D


Why do Albs feel the need to come and bring all matters that could easily be solved internally onto the boards?

Every week there's a new post slating one guild or another.

Grow up FGS.


Bah Dook ffs! I was happily mezzing Albs at the spawn point in Sauvage and you just came along and started killing them! I mean, ffs! They are all worth brilliant RP's for me, but you can just kill them all in seconds. You stole my camp!



But seriously guys, you do not just pull from the same spawn point as someone else, it just isn't right.

Personally (note: personally means my opinion in this case) I think that the first person to arrive at a spawn should be the only person to pull from it. Someone coming along who is a higher level and capable of killing multiple mobs at the spawn on their own can easily move on and kill other mobs.

If a spawn is camped, it's just bad manners to start pulling form it.

And on a side note, wtf does the fact a guild having no website have to do with how the guild is run or how good the guild is?

So, if that is true, HDS apparently are a shit guild, have no structure or leadership, and are incapable of doing anything.

Err... ok, I'll stop there before I get into more trouble :m00:


Originally posted by VidX
HDS apparently are a shit guild, have no structure or leadership, and are incapable of doing anything.

That's not nice! Not nice at all... :eek:


Originally posted by Dook_Pug
Why do Albs feel the need to come and bring all matters that could easily be solved internally onto the boards?

Every week there's a new post slating one guild or another.

Grow up FGS.

Err i asked who the GM was, was given Malicki's name and you can see the rest. Nothing was solved at all. I wouldnt normally do this but although i wasn't "crying to mummy" :p i was pretty pissed off as you can imagine. In hindsight it wasn't the best thing to do even though i made a point of not flaming / insulting any individual or guild. Pity others couldnt do the same :(.


Originally posted by seb1024
and no website

Ah, I've never known that without a website a guild can contain only "some bad ones"...


Dekai took your spot because he came and killed some mobs?
If thats so do you see only one group camping the gobbo house in lyonesse ? or am i correct in saying that there used to be more than one group there before gobbos became uber because people complained about cabalists able to solo camps of them damn u whoever complained! :) and yes i know there are a lot more gobbos than at the nymph trees :p and wizzies can solo nymph trees with ease even if they were low con he would prolly get more exp than he would killing just one yellow con and maybe even save more power so less downtime. People shouldnt be able to go that the whole camp is their's because everyone pays monthly to play so why should they be able to do nothing (gain no exp) while others can when you both pay the same a month


Originally posted by Karim
People shouldnt be able to go that the whole camp is their's because everyone pays monthly to play so why should they be able to do nothing (gain no exp) while others can when you both pay the same a month

I had to leave cos he was killing *ALL* the mobs where i was camped, have you not read any of the thread. If there was enough for both of us i wouldnt have had a problem.


I had read the thread is it his fault if his character is able to solo all those with hardly any downtime? :O


in that case then, lets make a petition to remove necros from the game because they kill faster than any other class :sleeping:

- Pathfinder -

Pulling mobs when someone else is allready camping the spawn is inherently lame behaviour - it doesn't matter if it's a group or a high level farming cash, you don't steal a spawn from someone else. Simple.
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