Avoid Supanet for an ISP


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Perhaps a thread like this already exists! if not i'll post anyway :) if anyone was thinking of changing ISP's >DO NOT< go with supanet, read reviews and believe them cause its all true!

Download Speed: 463 kbps (57.9 KB/sec ) Upload Speed: 333 kbps (41.6 KB/sec )

Actual speed test of my line, its been like this for 6 months, and i'm on an 8mb/s package by rights I should be getting no less than 2000kbps via a speed test (and no i'm not over my fair useage policy).

It all started back when I got my internet from supanet in august or so, for about 2-3 months the line was amazing permanent fast speeds and no faults or anything. Then it happend, the line suddenly started to go down hill rather rapidly constant disconnects, web pages cannot be displayed AND (this is the best part) supanet claiming it was british telecom.

Anyway after a few months bickering I stumbled upon quite a few threads on the internet about supanet and how these other random people from around the UK are having the EXACT same problem with the EXACT same isp :( what supanet do is this-

1. You sign up
2. Nice fast line for the first few months
3. Line starts to fall apart
4. They deny everything
5. You stumble on threads and idle gossip about supanet and read that they're purposely limiting 8mb/s customers to 300-500kb/s via a speed test (few people that arent to nifty with the net may think "oh hey 300-500kbs isn't so bad) wrong 300-500kb/s in speed test terms is around 50-60kb/s or so.

Pathetic company avoid them.

p.s they also have a 12 month contract BUT if you leave them before 2 years are up you get charged £50.

p.s 2 anyone that can recommend a good isp since i'm looking? I came across a company called ADSL24 that gives out 8mb/s packages for £19.99, 30gig peak time dl limit but 300gig off peak limit with some really amazing features.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003


24 mb down 1 mb up line, £18 a month, no limits just the usual fair usage thingy, no contract just need to give them 3 months notice when you leave. But you need to be near an enabled exchange.

I live a way off from the exchange so very rarly get the full 24mb, usualy get around 12.



Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
I use Be, decent ISP. If you live in London you'l almost certainly be able to get on.

ford prefect

Can't get enough of FH
Aug 27, 2006
I use Tiscali at home, who seem to have OK customer support. My line speed is quite slow though, I'm lucky if I get 2mbit, but then I live in the middle of nowhere and I suspect that the local exchange still has cheery lady operators moving cables around a switchboard, I suspect this is true because at dinner time the phones often stop working (switchboard staff on lunch I think) :p


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
1. You sign up
2. Nice fast line for the first few months
3. Line starts to fall apart
4. They deny everything
5. You stumble on threads and idle gossip about supanet and read that they're purposely limiting 8mb/s customers to 300-500kb/s via a speed test (few people that arent to nifty with the net may think "oh hey 300-500kbs isn't so bad) wrong 300-500kb/s in speed test terms is around 50-60kb/s or so.

Pathetic company avoid them.

p.s they also have a 12 month contract BUT if you leave them before 2 years are up you get charged £50.

if you can prove that, im sure its breach of contract. phone up CAB and ask em.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Sadly the area I live in is just outside "bethere" reach :( just did the exchange test (typical) I was thinking of trying this out-

ADSL24 - Broadband ADSL, Bonded ADSL and Office services at fantastic prices

£19.99 for 30gig peak limit but 300gig off peak, 1 month contract :) doesn't sound that bad to me as when I download I usually download offpeak anyway so the 30 gig peak time limit doesn't bother me as I won't be hardly touching it.

Edit: the service adsl24 provide seems fairly reasonable to me, they have a lot of nice little features via the control panel section where you get quite alot of control over your line when you want it rather than having to sit in a queue for 37mins 41seconds (supanet)


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
if you can prove that, im sure its breach of contract. phone up CAB and ask em.

Aye I was onto that first :/ sadly one of the managers at supanet pointed out aslong as they have speeds above 128kb/s via a speed test theres fuck all legally I could do.

Edit: just did a speed test and this is on a good day with no downloads on, no other pc's on at the moment just my pc and msn and this is the results of an 8mb package from supanet.

Date of Speed Test: 2007-12-16
Download Speed: 597 kbps (74.6 KB/sec transfer rate) <--- 74.6kb/sec might look alright to some but might I add that its spikey as hell making the 74kb/s totally void.

Upload Speed: 292 kbps (36.5 KB/sec transfer rate)

Its lower than that usually


Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
Broadband should be offered in tighter bandwidth limits. 1-2Mbit 2-4Mbit 4-8Mbit 8-12mBit 12-18 18-24 etc and guarantee you fall into the correct bracket. Of course, that would dent profitability and perhaps even drive prices up but I suspect a lot of people wouldnt mind paying a couple of quid more a month to get a more stable and well defined service.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Broadband should be offered in tighter bandwidth limits. 1-2Mbit 2-4Mbit 4-8Mbit 8-12mBit 12-18 18-24 etc and guarantee you fall into the correct bracket. Of course, that would dent profitability and perhaps even drive prices up but I suspect a lot of people wouldnt mind paying a couple of quid more a month to get a more stable and well defined service.

ISPs pay a set fee per month for a customers ADSL Max line, why would they reduce the maximum speed on something they can't really control?


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
Aye I was onto that first :/ sadly one of the managers at supanet pointed out aslong as they have speeds above 128kb/s via a speed test theres fuck all legally I could do.

Edit: just did a speed test and this is on a good day with no downloads on, no other pc's on at the moment just my pc and msn and this is the results of an 8mb package from supanet.

Date of Speed Test: 2007-12-16
Download Speed: 597 kbps (74.6 KB/sec transfer rate) <--- 74.6kb/sec might look alright to some but might I add that its spikey as hell making the 74kb/s totally void.

Upload Speed: 292 kbps (36.5 KB/sec transfer rate)

Its lower than that usually

i dont know enough about the legal bit. but surely if were offering "100 speed thing " and your getting consistently 20 ish. then its too far off, and its false advertising ? and if its staying down there, cant you demand a cheaper rate to a service of that level? i know they have a "if its over X its ok" in the agreement, but surely it comes under "fair use" or whatever ? or even false advertising ? if it NEVER gets up there, then it cant, then they sold you a defective product?
spiking i understnad but if its underperforming 100% of the time think thats different ?

ill stop waffling now :D


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
oh and if your looking for a new one try Zen

used em for years, good record, and UK based. cant recommend em enough :)


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Zen are good but they are more expensive than many ISP's

I'm with be and they are very good (touch wood)


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
Zen are good but they are more expensive than many ISP's

I'm with be and they are very good (touch wood)

yeah . but in 3 years had.... zero problems with it that i didnt cause :mad: however, phone support being english guys in the UK who know what they are talking about, not someone reading off a script in Mumbai is worth the few extra quid imo


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Yea, I was thinking about getting Zen before I decided on adsl 24 :) Zen threw me off tho due to the prices they charge :( Adsl24 are just under Zen via a broadband comparison chart so shouldn't be to bad I hope.

Chart here :) Etanet is adsl24 (adsl24 is a reseller company so it goes through etanet)

thinkbroadband :: Compare broadband service providers

As you can see adsl24 isn't that far below Zen and its ALOT cheaper (£19.99 for 8mb adsl 30gig peak time limit - 300gig off peak limit) i'd get cable but its not enabled around here yet :(

Now lets add Supanet to the equation

thinkbroadband :: Compare broadband service providers

Notice the difference... lmao


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
So yea, I think on a final note i'll just go with adsl 24 :) can't argue with-

1. 1 Month Contract
2. 300gig offpeak limit
3. Cheap
4. Reliable customer support (going off thinkbroadband)


Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
Enta were a good company to deal with when we used them for our PC supplies if thats any help.

Have you checked out how much Zen is with the 65gb allowance? Over £50 a month is absolutely scandalous.

Be were great for the 3 months I had them, they are owned by O2 now though and O2 are going to offer free broadband with phone contracts so expect Be to go tits up for speed in the near future, also I could never understand their customer service people, definitely not of this country.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I have never actually phoned Be.
I have always used their online support tickets and they respond very quickly.

I'm hoping that Be don't go downhill after O2 have mucked about.
I would like to think that the people who are paying would be on a different "line" as to those that get it free...and therefore speeds etc won't be affected.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Enta were a good company to deal with when we used them for our PC supplies if thats any help.

Have you checked out how much Zen is with the 65gb allowance? Over £50 a month is absolutely scandalous.

Be were great for the 3 months I had them, they are owned by O2 now though and O2 are going to offer free broadband with phone contracts so expect Be to go tits up for speed in the near future, also I could never understand their customer service people, definitely not of this country.

yea thats another reason I was pushed towards Enta/ads24 :) Zen's 50gig a month allowance counts for both peak and offpeak so 50gig a month all round vs potentially 330 gig heh :) and the difference is only marginally better.


Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
I have never actually phoned Be.
I have always used their online support tickets and they respond very quickly.

I'm hoping that Be don't go downhill after O2 have mucked about.
I would like to think that the people who are paying would be on a different "line" as to those that get it free...and therefore speeds etc won't be affected.

Unlikely thatl be the case, too expensive to run like that. They would need more kit in exchanges etc.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Well, wish me luck :) just migrated over to adsl24 (doesn't go live until 27th tho :) package I went with was-

Office 45
8 Mbps dl
832 kbps ul
45 GB peak time
300 GB off-peak
£29.38 pm

Now the 832kbs ul I'm hoping will give me around 70kb/s upload speed or around that mark... the 448kb/s I get at the moment lands me around 45kb/s could anyone possibly work this out for me :)?

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