
Question: If somebody has done autotrain all the way up to lvl 48 and uses a full skill respec-stone - will the autotrain point bonus still be there, or will it get lost with the respec?

- plz, if you dont know or not sure, save your opinion to yourself. I would appreciate answer from ppl who know this for a fact, it would suck bigtime to do respec and loose all bonus points =/


Yes, youll lose the benefit of autotraining.

Autotrain lines will be trained to their minimum levels (12 @ 48) - but the points to do this will be removed from the total you have available :rolleyes:

Go to Sidi for a single line respec - or just buy one - if you want to avoid this and really need to respec.


You dont lose points that you gained from Autotraining...

Its even so that if you got a /level char, you can 'autotrain' at minimal cost by using your single line respec (or a respec stone @ 48) by training 1 point (NOT more) in the skills you autotrain and then either respec that skill, or use a full-respec stone...

No points are given back, but your skills that autotrain are brought up to their 'minimum level' at no additional cost... This is how I got 9 free slash points @ 40 by /respec slash ... (/level char, powerleveled)...


U dont use any auto points at all, im half autotrained in stealth and i got the xtra points after using a full respec


dunno about stones, but respec which was given to us for free (few patches ago) didnt eliminate bonus points from autotrain


Originally posted by -Wedge-
No points are given back, but your skills that autotrain are brought up to their 'minimum level' at no additional cost... This is how I got 9 free slash points @ 40 by /respec slash ... (/level char, powerleveled)...

I dissagree on this points about /leveled chars.
I respeced my /leveled scout at 47 and got what looked like some very nice autotrain points in Longbow.
But when I asked my mate who also had a scout at the same level we had the exact same amout on points left and same spec.

So somewhere the game see that you are a /leveled char and take those autotrained points back.

Read there for info about /leveled chars


i had trained too much in parry on my pala, and had autoed slash and chants, then i used a full respec, without loosing the points i had gotten with autotrain.


STOP THE JERKAGE!!! everyone who says u cannot respec if autotrained...

if autotrained all the way from 0 to 48

u can safetly use a respec stones whenever u want...

u will still have ur 77 or 154 bonus point...

remeber autotrain = do not spend any point in that skill from lvl 1 to 48



A respec will always refund points down to the minimum levels.

However you got an autotrainable line up to spec 12, you can't get those points out again, no matter whether you autotrained or normal trained them in.

Yes, it is possible to trigger an exploit around this with /level.

To answer the obvious followup question; yes this is fricking annoying.

However, Mythic can't really do it any other way until they turn off autotraining completely. Which, incidentally, is something they should have done long ago.

Autotraining was intended to help prevent noobs gimping themselves. Which is something it patently does not do. Indeed it's far from unknown for noobs to gimp themselves *because* of autotrain, when confusion arises around a respec.


autotraining gives a bonus to powerlevelled characters - and punishes anyone who levelled up properly, speccing in a line they expected to use later.

It's stupid and should be removed


i dident make auto traning whit Saxo- When full respec patch came, and i respecced i got auto train in slash n chant ( wohoo )


Well, if you did then you got a very unusual bug, which is possible I suppose.

What's your spec now?


Originally posted by Tharion
I dissagree on this points about /leveled chars.
I respeced my /leveled scout at 47 and got what looked like some very nice autotrain points in Longbow.
But when I asked my mate who also had a scout at the same level we had the exact same amout on points left and same spec.

So somewhere the game see that you are a /leveled char and take those autotrained points back.

Read there for info about /leveled chars

If you have a /level char, and you train 1 point into a skill that normally autotrains, and then respec either full or only that skill, then it will be brought up to the minimum for that level without additional cost.... Why do you need to train 1 point? Well thats because you cant /respec a skill that has no points in it...

As for losing points that where autotrained, I'm 99.99% sure that this does not happen, as I respec'd my armsman 3 times or something like that already... And if you lost points, the spec that I now have would not have been possible :p

I think that autotraining should be removed from the game though...


I made a full respec on my infil that has autotrained stealth to 44, and i lost no points at all when i made the full respec.

The Meduza.


Originally posted by Flimgoblin
autotraining gives a bonus to powerlevelled characters - and punishes anyone who levelled up properly, speccing in a line they expected to use later.

It's stupid and should be removed

mmm hey flim

i started my main at the time ov release...

we even leveled together...

i autotrained my arms in trust and slash, not that easy at that time were no /respec was even aviable...

u think would be fair loseing the result ov all that effort?

or even my inf who soloed all the way till 46 without no stealth (aye after 46 i decide to try wasting time getting a group, but howtf... i got tons ov em till 49 ;P)

even i couldent autotrain my scout :) (scout without bow isn't playable)



Originally posted by -Wedge-
If you have a /level char, and you train 1 point into a skill that normally autotrains, and then respec either full or only that skill, then it will be brought up to the minimum for that level without additional cost.... Why do you need to train 1 point? Well thats because you cant /respec a skill that has no points in it...

As for losing points that where autotrained, I'm 99.99% sure that this does not happen, as I respec'd my armsman 3 times or something like that already... And if you lost points, the spec that I now have would not have been possible :p

I think that autotraining should be removed from the game though...

Well it doesnt work if you havent autotrained all the way, as Tharion said, we tried with /levled chars and it didnt work.

I even noticed, respecing my mins that after nullifying instruments i had a nice 12 points or so in instruments but after maxing it to 50 i still had no extras left.

I have no doubt you who autotrained the normal way still have your points after respec but the things ive tried with /level didnt work, just looked like it worked until i dinged 50.


Originally posted by -Wedge-
If you have a /level char, and you train 1 point into a skill that normally autotrains, and then respec either full or only that skill, then it will be brought up to the minimum for that level without additional cost.... Why do you need to train 1 point? Well thats because you cant /respec a skill that has no points in it...

Well I'm pretty much sure it just fools you.
Yes you get the points auto, but somewhere it get subtracted.
In the thread I supplied it is explained better.


I have a weird situation.

Lvled my char to 19 then /level came in so late one night I thought, hey an easy free lvl... big mistake that's gonna cost me 3 plat or so.

Have been doing crush instead of flex to auto flex. So I had the few auto points from 5 til 19... then I got nothing til 40 when I used the free single line respec. I respecced the line that only had auto points (I never put a point in flex) and got back all the auto points that I was missing between 20 and 40. I didn't lose any spec points.

The problem now is that I am autoing to 48 so at 48 I get to use a single stone for flex and and single stone for crush. Would like to just use one full stone, but I am not sure if that will mess up all my efforts or not give me the flex points. Maybe two singles are cheaper anyhow. Not sure.

Point is if you have an old char close to 20 that you are autoing, don't use /level :p


Originally posted by Flimgoblin
autotraining gives a bonus to powerlevelled characters - and punishes anyone who levelled up properly, speccing in a line they expected to use later.

It's stupid and should be removed
I didn't PL my SB, played her the hard way solo/duo up to 45 then made groups to get to 50. I didn't have much fun in the BG's, but other stealthers did as they could see me from far away. I endured though, knowing I could get the spec I wanted only if I autotrained to 48.

Why should i have that removed? Yes - it's easier to get full amount of points if you get PL'd - but that's not why autotraining is in the game. Autotraining exist mainly to help the newcomers being able to not get completely gimped by giving them free points in skills they need but haven't trained.

Makes me giggle when thinking about that and noticing albion has the most autotraining of all realms ;) ( was a joke - not a flame bait - so chill :D )


I autotrained stealth to lvl 48, (got me 77 extra points to spec for). Then one day i won a full respecstone on a dragonraid, I respecced, and i still have those 77 extra specpoints.

So no, you dont loose anything if u respec even if u have autotrained.


Autotraining exist mainly to help the newcomers being able to not get completely gimped by giving them free points in skills they need but haven't trained.

Because newbies who train <12 in their main weapon by the time they get to level 50 are just so common.

Thankfully it's all ok.


50 Crossbow
50 Shield
28 2 handed
12 Slash
12 Thrust

...isn't a gimp spec for an armsman. Apparently.

/respec at level 20 and 40 solves the newbie problem. Autotrain does no such thing.

Autotrain hurts newbies who train from 1-50 in (say) Slash, and then want to switch to Crush, only they end up with 41 shield because Slash has a minimum spec (required only because of bloody autotrain) but crush does not.

The only people who benefit from autotrain are PLers.


So no, you dont loose anything if u respec even if u have autotrained.

Correct, but you do lose out if you trained the traditional way in a line which has autotrain, and then try to respec out into a line which does not have autotrain.


i autotrained my arms in trust and slash, not that easy at that time were no /respec was even aviable...

u think would be fair loseing the result ov all that effort?

Personally I think this is like a zerker saying 'I levelled to 50 when LA sucked, then you made it uber, you should only nerf it for those who made fotm characters'.

I also think, when all is said and done, that using autotrain for reasons other than gimp protection as a noob is an exploit.

Noone is going to tell me for instance that it's a hardship to autotrain stealth to 48.

BUT, as a compromise I'd be more than happy just to see autotrain turned off today for all future points gained, and leave those who exploited this in the past with the extra points they now have.



been asked 10thousendzilions ov time

"how hig is ur stealth"
"m8 u should rlly train ur stealth"
"oh god ur stealth sux"
"hey i can see u from far what crap stealth u got"

this sorto ov harassic habit from moron brain limited ppl

is even harder than leveling wiht a low skill

and u say exploited?


Originally posted by old.Ramas
Who cares if you're not at RvR level?

try to autotrain a char

n exp...

ull get this sort ov message or pm even if u r on a horse...

rlly annoy

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