Aug Mend healer looking for guild(Ywain 6 Mid)


Loyal Freddie
Nov 26, 2005
Hello All

So after my goodbye post I made back in 2006 I finaly decided to come back to this game, and now I am looking for a friendly guild that would not mind showingmy the ropes again.

My main character are a Aug/Mend healer named Eiirla (used to be Eiira but that was changed after the server transfer) I had back in 2006 a really good kit on this character but I dont know how well that holds upp today

Back in 2006 I played in the following guilds:
Red Shadows (think that was the name , bunch of really nice guys)
Golden Age ( higly motivated PVP guild)

Please feel free to throw me a /tell in game , I will most likely be running around lost some were exploring all the new stuff and trying to find my way ones again


Loyal Freddie
Nov 26, 2005
Thankl you :)

I dident know about the chat channel or the other forum

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