Atlantis Tablet Excal 19:15 GMT
Server: Excal
Meet: Volcanus
Date/Time: Friday 24th 19:15 GMT
BG: Bogeywoman-p
All are welcome. I'll be focusing with necro + bb. Would love any second healer so I can get credit on sorc, otherwise I'll have to provide the other healer.
If tablet drops will lotto at temple after.
This will happen subject to it being up so not dependant on any group setup.
Server: Excal
Meet: Volcanus
Date/Time: Friday 24th 19:15 GMT
BG: Bogeywoman-p
All are welcome. I'll be focusing with necro + bb. Would love any second healer so I can get credit on sorc, otherwise I'll have to provide the other healer.
If tablet drops will lotto at temple after.
This will happen subject to it being up so not dependant on any group setup.