gosh! why no, I actually mentioned nothing of the kind :-P
I told her:
- I get "colds" at the drop of a hat, all my life. as a kid I had my lungs very thoroughly checked by really good asian docs.
- I've been ill for a week twice in the past two months with throat/cold things
- I'd been getting ill regularly and it had been getting gradually worse for years
- my head and specifically right ear fills up with gunge
- because I get these things all the time and they seem to be worse in the spring/summer
- I want to know if it's hayfever related
she agreed with me and sent me off to have this test, gave me some anti-histamines and some spray that I have to dose my nose with. The latter btw, is awesome. I feel like I have much more air. Anyway, HF results negative, so whatever it is, it isn't that (alzo sprache das hospital, etc, etc). I'm a bit unhappy because tbh I can only think of worse things that come after hayferver (sorry hf sufferers) really, and I don't want any of those :-(
Since the allergy panel came back as blank, that actually only checks a small number of common hayfever triggers. Dog, cat, grass and house dustmite are the most common ones. As I've said before, I used to work for a medical diagnostics company and one of the products was allergy tests. I was having allergic reactions to things and had my blood tested as part of the product testing.
Scale of 0-4, 0 being no reaction, 4 being borderline anaphylaxis. Cats - 4, Dogs - 3, grass - 1, dustmites - 0 which is pretty much what I expected.
Unless you had the extended skin allergy test, I doubt it's caught if you're allergic to something common but not necessarily tested.
Nasal spray at a guess is Beconase? Makes your eyes water a bit, but the cumulative effect is worthwhile after a few days.
I'm just throwing ideas out here, so don't read too deeply into them.
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)?
Poor nutrition / lack of vitamins?
Blocked or partially blocked eustachian tubes?
It may be worth asking your GP for a referral to an ENT specialist if you get colds and gunge easily all the time. If you have something "mechanically" wrong with your ears, nose or throat, they'll pick up on it.
The NHS & Government are absolute fuck ups in this area, why do they try and encourage people NOT to use A&E unless totally necessary, when it could be quite an emergency, but you'll have to wait 2 weeks to be seen to anyway, sort it out, then maybe people will be swayed.
I had to go to hospital at 4am this morning for stomach pains, turns out I had a kidney stone. Was the most painful thing I've had to deal with and I've broken/dislocated bones etc. Last time I had to go to a hospital was 13 years or so ago and I do think the food has improved a bit
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