Asheron's Call 2, A Noobs perspective



Bah, you two posted when i was editing my post >_<


Yeah well, it seems you can only get it from fileplanet anyway, so unless you have an account with them, you would have had to wait on a queue for ages.


Originally posted by old.Glendower
Wow, imagine that.

Maybe Mythic should hire some of the programmers who do EQ???
Maybe, but we still wouldn't get collision detection. The game world hasn't been designed for it so Mythic can't just switch it on (it's supported by their game engine, they switched it off though). I don't think collision detection will ever happen in DAoC, it would basically require entirely redesigning the game from scratch.


Originally posted by baphomet
It's normally a lot higher than that.
and then you have to wait for the file to actually download, which is quite often very slow on the free accounts.

downloaded yesterday without having to wait even a minute...and that at the full speed my connection is capable of...and I do that every time. the download speed that is, sometimes I have to wait 30 minutes...

try a different server, maybe? :)

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by shatter
Crafting in AC2 is pretty much broken all over and the patch schedual for the future makes it clear that fixing it is not a proirty.... But even without the problems the basic premisis is flawed. You can mine (which is good) but soon as you have a mote (of iron or whatever) you can start to craft. No need to be standing near a forge to make that trusty hammer. Nope you can do it in the middle of a frigging field, accompianed by the sound effect of iron being flattend on an anvil!!!!!!!! This blew a lot of the "imergence" for me.
Crafting was fixed on Monday. Works perfectly now.

And you make it sound like crafting is easy? It's not. As you get higher, you need to mine, forage, gather the ingredients all over. And some ingredients are damn rare. Not only that, there's no going to a merchant and just buying what you need, you have to get it, and failure means you lose the ingredients. So crafting takes a lot longer, and at high level you HAVE to go to a special forge if you don't want to risk losing valuable stuff. And enchantments on weapons last a variety of lengths. So you need to get them enchanted again.

Oh, and you have to forge better crafting tools as you go along. Not just buy L0 items that you put somewhere on yourself. You have to wield it for the magical effect. Just saying, that I spent ages crafting in testing, and I find sitting buying materials at a merchant and just sitting there pressing 1 button every few minutes far worse than having to scrounge for ingredients.



Its poop - let me see if i can find my old post...

Originally posted by Euthanasia.
I also have AC2 but can't be arse to load it up yet..tell me if it's good umkay ?

Quite simply dont.

Its awful - here's a run down of my experiences:

1. Installed game, patcher crashed halfway through corrupting the 1 gig file that forms the bulk of the install. Result, reinstall game and repatch.

2. Get game working and create character. Wander round the world having fun for about an hour before I get stuck in a tree. My char is continuously dragged back there until i give up and log off as the Customer assistant didnt turn up after 10 mins of waiting.

3. Next day I log on and same problem - this time rep arrives and im free again. Decide to craft an item - game crashes. Log in again, make item, decide to go fight something with it. Im told to go east but there is a hill in the way - not a problem I think. I try to climb the hill and get stuck in 'crease' in the landscape. The only way I could traverse the hill was to follow the creases. Got frustrated and logged off.

4. Next day tried to log on and each time I reached character selection screen it disconnected my internet connection (15 times in a row). Tried DAOC, surfed the internet, checked email instead and all these were fine. Tried to get Microsoft support and realised AC2 isnt listed as a support option, despite being flagged as 'supported'

5. Began hunt for receipt.

Conclusion: Im coming back to DAOC but you may see me more in my original realm of hibernia an excali.


Originally posted by Brannor McThife
Crafting was fixed on Monday. Works perfectly now.

And you make it sound like crafting is easy? It's not. As you get higher, you need to mine, forage, gather the ingredients all over. And some ingredients are damn rare. Not only that, there's no going to a merchant and just buying what you need, you have to get it, and failure means you lose the ingredients.


Not easy... I know that because I had a good bash it, developed all the tools I would need, made better ones and passed on the old ones to my alterantive characters. It was cool being able to use one higher level alterant to dress and arm a lower level one, I liked that bit. I likes the idea of mining, might be nice to see that in DAOC, although not sure where you would mine "cloth/thread" if you are a tailor.... Hunting animals for this? Rare cats produce rare cat gut for rare garments to be worn rarely???

Anyway, you have forgotten to mention the main problem with crafting, that is Drops are often better quatilty pro level than what can be made... Yes specialist forges were cool, but in the early levels you dont need one at all... No sense there, just comerical dumb downing to pacify powerleveling crafters.

After that it becomes (in my view) unrealistly expenisve to continue crafting.

I liked the ideas they had, but the ability to make anything (from shoes to sheilds) meant that these ideas were dilluted. No-one can specialise that well when everyone can eventually do this stuff...

But crafting was only part of my problem with AC2. Generaly speaking it was just not really interesting enough and far to easy to level. Do a Vault and you practiacly leveled alone on the XP earnt from that. Do a quest (over and over - just wait for the timer to click) and you can get to 50 (as many have done) in just a few weeks!

AC2 has excellent graphics, good animation, good sounds, cool emotes, nicely created landscapes. What is does not have is a game behind it all. This isnt really just my view. Look at the population of AC2 compaired with DAOC (US or Europe) and even the population of AC1 to see what I mean. In all the time I played the servers averaged out at 600 for the UK, 400 for the Germans and less for the French! One time it went as high as 800 on a patch day, but it never repeated that.

maybe in a year I will go back and see what has changed. Or maybe I will be playing StarWars by then ;)


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