As a mid i hope mid/excal got owned tonight

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get to 36, and you will no longe be grey to 50's... makes a difference :)

otherwise come play midgard prydwen... can always use another healer there ;)


Boy, what a great game and wonderful design that makes all of this stuff true =/.

This game is so unconductive to helping others it makes me want to scream. And it isn't all the fault of dickhed players by any means.

I try to grab a lowbie now and then to score a fw Rp in front of DL when doing gorge patrol...sometimes they live long enough to get some =).

One time we took my wife's 22 bard into Emain and got her over 200 points, lol.

She was mezzing (albeit breifly), and interrupting casters and even lived a few times.

On the other hand, we were at Avakr last night with her 26 hero, and even tho I got several invites to group as a 50 Warden, nobody would let her in (although one guy would have, but there was only one space...thanks, bro) with me for even one run.


Originally posted by driwen
all i wanted to say was that if he thought this was such a big problem, he should have adressed it better. So his claim with the cg is nonsense, but how was I supposed to KNOW that. Off course I guessed there was no real problem, but I just tried to be reasonable friendly to him. While pointing out the things he actually did wrong.
Making a thread about such an occasion is off course weird, but to flame the person for being a little green behind the ears?? Besides in rvr discussion in excal there are always atleast 4 threads about the last RR. So one thread about this should not be that big a problem. Besides instead off teaching him what he did wrong, you just flamed him. So instead off flaming him, I tried to explain to him why everyone is posting angry at him as just a one or two midgards were assess by leaving his group.

Of course i flame him. Flaming a whole realm when trying to fight against a hib and alb zerg trying to get to our 2 relic keeps, because a 35 healer didnt get the attention he thought deserved? I would had been more friendly if he didnt come here with an attitude problem. He did. Hope he buggers off to another realm. He wont get into my group if i can help it.


Originally posted by old.Osy

dude, if you're Elendala, excuse me... but you're full of shit. I used to kill you 9/10 in sauvage, SOLO.
Yes I have rvred before 50. Yes I have rvred since 27.

Back then, there were few lvl 50s. God knows, I used to meet grays in rvr, as lvl 27. So your comparison is not accurate.
As of calling me a newb, I think you will find different.
Now kindly, fuck off.

u never solo'd me once in suavage :) unless u were grpd :)

but this isnt a biggest dong contest ,.

its your attitude towards calling lower lvl folks NEWBIES in rvr . as u clearly said yourself you went to rvr @lvl27 . so you will know that you DO learn a lot when out there "even if u cant kill shit" and that your NOT a newbie either.. so as isaid above before you go casting judgement on people just because they r lower con i suggest as above u look at yourself and think back to when uwere that lvl. did you consider yourself a newb "after being to rvr a few times" did you consider yourself a newb when u was gr/green/blue to 50's my guess is u didnt. so stfu and stop flaming the guy for flaming the elitist atitude asholes.

lower con/lvl regardless of what people say doesNOT consider them newbs or useless . would you invite the green/blue con healer who knows howto playhis char ? or a lvl50 newb who bouguhtitoff ebay ? or a guy borrowing his friends acc and that hedoesnt know how to play ? i can assureyou some of thegrays/greens/blues usee running around thefrontier know MORE than a LOT oflvl 50's .. p/l'd toons that aint got a clue how toplay there char.. ebay bought chars. or jst someboy who rarely goes to pvp cos they enjoy pve or roleplay more . look at the bigger picture instead of your NARROW minded opinions which imo makeyou look like a fool :)


As far as i am aware last night was at bled since that was changed hands but then im a noob so i might be wrong. (checked maps and it was bled)

Also i cant name anyone since the whole zerg seemed to suddenly become deaf ,blind and very very dumb to healers ,more than me but you forgot to notice i said that.

If you think its right to ignore and berate and belittle anything and everything a 35th healer has done then fine but just remember some of you asswipes were rezzed by me and hit yes without a thought.

Keep it up tho mid/exc you guys are really showing your class now. :/


Originally posted by Tasans
Of course i flame him. Flaming a whole realm when trying to fight against a hib and alb zerg trying to get to our 2 relic keeps, because a 35 healer didnt get the attention he thought deserved? I would had been more friendly if he didnt come here with an attitude problem. He did. Hope he buggers off to another realm. He wont get into my group if i can help it.

No shit for brains i didt say it was just me , i said there were O T H E R healers there too having probs but then we are just there to support heal rez cc buff rezz rezz rezz heal heal heal cc cc cc so we dont do as much as you Mr Uber do we now? Now go play your game you sad little man with your buffbot behind you and be a big man. Like you are obviosuly a big man to tell me not to have an attitude ,ill just toe the line now bwanna and follow your lead and do what ever you say.

pfft you seriosuly think i care one bit whether you are friendly or not and that im crying over not getting in your group ever again??? get real and get a reality check .


Originally posted by scartooth

Also i cant name anyone since the whole zerg seemed to suddenly become deaf ,blind and very very dumb to healers ,more than me but you forgot to notice i said that.

i meant the once who left your group. As I already said if you are in a zerg and dont have a group you are out off luck 90% of the time as the zerg is full with fg's.. And I usually dont respond if someone is yelling lfg and I cant help him.


yoda, read before posting.

Never said Low = Newbie. I said Scar is LOW _AND_ NEWBIE.

get it ? play with the words again.

as for our encounters from the past, you're still full of shit.

Urme the Legend

I remember the good old days when there wasn't that many 40+ around :)


Very old screenshot :)

I like Kaahs comment to .. read it if you can swedish ;)


No shit for brains i didt say it was just me , i said there were O T H E R healers there too having probs
Yeah the 46 healer you said and wanted a group to get both of you in. Realise that at bled it was 4 GUILDS that attacked and came as fgs. I know i was there. Your stupid little head cant realise that we came as balanced groups there so anyone lfg got ignored.

but then we are just there to support heal rez cc buff rezz rezz rezz heal heal heal cc cc cc so we dont do as much as you Mr Uber do we now
Where did i say that healers dont do much? I have much respect for healers but not for retards like you. I never said i was uber, if it wasnt for great healers in my guild i would die often.

Now go play your game you sad little man with your buffbot behind you and be a big man
I dont have a bot, my shaman is an active char, and i will play my game and enjoy it, not come here and whine like a bitch when someone doesnt want me into a group.

Like you are obviosuly a big man to tell me not to have an attitude
You are 12 right? You came here with an attitude from your first post, and continued through it. It screamed "attention whore" from miles away.

ill just toe the line now bwanna and follow your lead and do what ever you say.
In every big rvr situation you follow the leaders, but i guess you are one of those clueless faggots that yell charge everytime they see an enemy.

pfft you seriosuly think i care one bit whether you are friendly or not and that im crying over not getting in your group ever again??? get real and get a reality check .
Then why did you came here the first place? To educate us with you wisdom? Do you think i give a fuck for what you think? If you dont care that im not friendly then why did you reply to me? HELLO HERE PLZ I WANT ATTENTION. Cry me a fucking river noob.

Fyi i have grouped with 35 and lower chars in rvr, and i dont say no to them, unless we have an fg in the making or we are going somewhere that low chars are not able to cope. But from my guild only to avoid bitches like you.

So go delete you char, and reroll to albion, it will suit better there.
Mid would do much better without you.


The guild that attacked bled: Nolby pride, which usually gets balanced guild groups, and most of them 50. White rose, they are 1 of the biggest guilds and can get balanced 50 lvl guild groups most of the time. Fom, again one of the biggest guilds with balanced groups. Gov, with a balanced group.

Note the use of the word balanced? It means that 2 healers cant get into the same group, cause they will unbalance it.
Those 4 guilds had the difficult task to retake bled as fast as possible with 180 albs only a few mins behind them, and a hib zerg wandering around. Those 4 guilds had to take alot of heat because they had to retake more keeps asap, keeps that were defended. We moved quickly from bled because most of the albs were rez sick or dead and wouldnt be a problem. We had no time to waste for a 35 healer.
So quit your ME ME ME attitude and start thinking for the good of the realm.


Ok, I think all sides have made their points....

... now how about a nice game of chess?
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