As a mid i hope mid/excal got owned tonight

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I was with the zerg to Bled with a group of mainly 44/46/50 chars. Two healers one 46 and me 35.Ok so im low but i can still rez and celerity (if possible) and keep healer safe and generally back main healer up.

Once my usefulness was over , Bled got taken, then me and the other healer were left. Skald decided we we were lowbies and dropped out group, SB left etc.

Me and the other healer yelled shouted /broadcasted that 2 healers were LFG and skaldless for speed.Not one dipshit mid bothered in the slightlest. We both tried to keep up with main fat ass of trolls but with only slow healer speed we lost em . Soon after i got aggroed by some purp mobs and up steps an alb to help them. Wierdly i waved as i was rather happy to give him any rps ,also saved me exp loss.So thanks alb :)

Mids can go to hell now far as im concerned.Refusal to groups ,refusal to cg ,ignoring healers(me tonight next time you who knows) BS about lowbies slowing people down (sorry i stopped to rez your dead ass !) it all sickened me totally.

Sure flame me whatever but where is the team work,comradery in what went on? They did know we were there ,they did ignore us and they didnt care in the slightest. Then the same morons will come here saying " oh we could have done blahblah blah keep if only people would come" etc etc.

I was there i wanted to help ,even at 35 i was helping , just a little but i was helping. Never again tho.

Good luck in getting healers to be rolled when buttbots are all around and those that do lvl up get treated like lepers if they aint got Ub3r Gu17d as a tag!!

And yes im am really pissed off about it since i thought it might be F U N being a game but i forgot i wasnt 50 so wasnt allowed to speak ,have an opinion or help out those with enough money to buy from ebay or buttbot their way to 50 who are so much more l33t than I.

,,!,, midgard/excalibur

/cheer Albion/Hibernia


Whatabout you give us the number for your dealer?

Sounds like you got some pretty good shit going on there


wankers. i have a cleric.. and i know how u feel dude.. nothing you can do accept, understand the fact that some peeps on your server obviously have their heads clearly inserted up their own arses.. v. deep and unable to to ever hope to free them, not that theyd want to.. being lvl 50..all powerful..all knowing..all amazing. and utter toss pots. dude excal..prydwen..all the servers are full of them. cant be helped. just ignore them eventually theyl get the msg that no one likes them. and i know alot of lvl 50s on ald/excal who are like that.. mabey i shud start naming names. but be here alll day.

really.. i mean i think..some of the lvl 50s out there need to stop with the shitty attitude to anyone who isnt lvl 50. its gay, its sad and rubbish and tbh the world doesnt really want spoilt brats ;) so grow up and respect people around u. just coz they lower doesnt mean your better than them.

and if ur confused. that was meant for the lvl 50 tossers who have their heads firmly wedged up their own arses.^

Uncle Sick(tm)

Roll a druid/bard on Hibernia/Prydwen. ;)


LoL seems like mid are getting owned.


oh and for the fucktard that thinks low = newbie well what can i say? Moron seems a good word.

Wasnt just about being low ,although how the hell 35 is low and newbie i wil never know, it was about being rudely ignorred by those that whine and moan about heals and rezzes.The same bitches who ask for buffs please,get them then 10 mins later when they get better tell you " shove your lowbie noob buffs i got real ones" !

Excalibur mid aint full of l33t kids and such like.Its full of shit.

Carlos Bananos

Originally posted by scartooth
LoL seems like mid are getting owned.


oh and for the fucktard that thinks low = newbie well what can i say? Moron seems a good word.

Wasnt just about being low ,although how the hell 35 is low and newbie i wil never know, it was about being rudely ignorred by those that whine and moan about heals and rezzes.The same bitches who ask for buffs please,get them then 10 mins later when they get better tell you " shove your lowbie noob buffs i got real ones" !

Excalibur mid aint full of l33t kids and such like.Its full of shit.

Yup, because obviosly ppl dont set up groups before they goto take keeps, therefore all groups have an empty spot.

Excal is fulla kids, yet your crying because the 'kids' wouldn't group you?

Sounds like a 'kid' got left out and is having a tantrum :rolleyes:

and btw, murpheys is right, lvl 35 is just too inaffective to be a reliable healer. Grey con >.<


It's still not nice to be ignored...

It's happened to me lots of times with my cleric (she's only recently 40+) I even had people removing my buffs the moment they got a hint of a higher level cleric inc.

That's why I simply don't RvR with my cleric any more.
That and the fact that I've simply seen too much grass at close range :)

Maybe when/if I hit 50 I will try again, I don't know...


sorry but if ur level 35 ur just a liability


If all people helped on the RR, even level 20's (I hear you say lol) we would've kept those power relics.

I think due to our ignorance of lowbies being totally useless, ever saw 3 lvl 30s take out a 50?

Might be a shit comparisment, but if they can wringe upon the mass and deal a few hits, like everyone else, what's the problem with them being there while they're only helping you and the rest of your family?

And the lame comments of "Go to caledonia", or "Go level some", that's just fucking idiotic. This dude probably stopped his exp group or whatever he was doing just to defend our realm, I see enough shitholes with 30948 level 50's saying: "Yawn, Relic Raid, oh we won't loose shit, I'll just keep on exping Alt #30949" dragging his group who all are alts of mains aswell with him, that's another group not up for defense.

I'm not saying it's your daily responsility to defend them (for some of us it is) but if someone does show the spirit for it you shouldn't slag them off like that.

Oh and in addition:

Level 35 can rez level 50's ;)


Originally posted by scartooth
oh and for the fucktard that thinks low = newbie well what can i say? Moron seems a good word.

You cant read. "LOW AND NEWBIE"


Meatballs kinda sumed it up.

Scar, your words tell me you are not experienced. = Newbie.

It's not like I said cunt. Newbie is a common word, and you shouldn't be offended by it. Not after you posted THAT.

edit: I also have a healer. I don't expect lvl 50s to take me in RvR. I help if I can, or i start my own group.


actually having lowbies in a group can be a good thing ;p

often you find the enemy makes a bee line for the lower con players ie blue/green/grey because they are considered easy kills giving the higher lvl peeps more time to kick ass/mezz/stun/root the enemy.

and fyi i took my zerk to rvr before she hit 50.. lived longer than most of the lvl 50`s and still managed to rack up a nice kill spam.

dont judge a player by there level. go by there utility to the group

if they will help you life longer great take them. if your group lacks speed and there`s a level 35 near buy.. great take. some speed is better than no speed.

as for the comments above. you are right some l33t dude`s that think there all great and powerful because they got pl`d to 50 really do need to get there heads out of there ass`s.


Originally posted by old.Osy
ah, the miracles of being low and newbie.

howlong it take you toget to 50 murphys? i remember not to long ago you were runnig around suavage in your NEWBIE green/blue con grp :) easy rp's , you seemed to off taken AGES to ding 50 but you still rvr'd when u were green/blue to 50's " i even solo'd 3 of your grp , i ae rooted and then mezz'd over root and killed 3 of u before sucky theurg mez broke and thane kept dd for the restof your grp to ill me" and cos one i had killed was your healer i came back with a guildy n finished of rest of your grp who all had to release cos healer was dead :p so before you go spurning your mouth off and calling other people newbs i sugest you take a good look at yourself 1st :)

took me AGES to get to lvl 50 with my 1st char. and i remember going to emain "before bg's" when i was a lvl26 scout and i mess'd about dying a LOT but at the same time i had shit loads of fun and i learnt a LOT about rvr before i even dinged 30 . so how the fuck you think low lvl = no exp in rvr is bullshit . only thing low lvl = in rvr is lack of ability to kill.. doesnt mean u dont have the ability to learn . hence NOT a newb

also loking at all the "newb . low lvl comments . they are nearly all from mids" people who judge people by there lvl or con are just assholes imo :) its a game and if somebody lower lvls want to help out there realm in raids then good on em . least they willing to help unlike many lvl40+'s who prolly to busy farming emerald seals from green con mobs for there alts :)


Originally posted by SevenSins
If all people helped on the RR, even level 20's (I hear you say lol) we would've kept those power relics.

I think due to our ignorance of lowbies being totally useless, ever saw 3 lvl 30s take out a 50?

Might be a shit comparisment, but if they can wringe upon the mass and deal a few hits, like everyone else, what's the problem with them being there while they're only helping you and the rest of your family?

And the lame comments of "Go to caledonia", or "Go level some", that's just fucking idiotic. This dude probably stopped his exp group or whatever he was doing just to defend our realm, I see enough shitholes with 30948 level 50's saying: "Yawn, Relic Raid, oh we won't loose shit, I'll just keep on exping Alt #30949" dragging his group who all are alts of mains aswell with him, that's another group not up for defense.

I'm not saying it's your daily responsility to defend them (for some of us it is) but if someone does show the spirit for it you shouldn't slag them off like that.

Oh and in addition:

Level 35 can rez level 50's ;)

actacully low lvls dont provide that much in rvr, sure they might tag alog but they shouldnt expect anything - not even a ress because time/power is usually left for other things

sure its not fun, but thats how it is..

and one rule to go after that is quite good, is that if more than half your grp is dead you might aswell release, and regrp at bind spot, and let the surviors suicide... because its lots of downtime running around with ress sick unbuffed ppl in the frontiers..


ROFL nice friends you got there ;)

Did you know ressing people giv rps? and ressing a grey is nice because it almost cost no power (but then again most people never played a healer because it's just a buffbot for them). Playing a healer/cleric/druid requires skill and is in my eyes a work of art if yah are good at it.

And people who are now 35 are 50 later and apparantly this one ain't gonna be your friend then....


I agree that the atitude towards non-50s on Prydwen/Midgard is horrible. The interesting thing is to see the diffrence in people when I ask for groups with my level50 or when I choose some of my 40+ alts.

Several times people even get caught in their own mess....they port to emain, /yell to fill their own group and when someone other than a level50 answer they either dont respond or come up with some other poor excuse.

Sometimes, only sometimes, you run into people that actually behave like people and then even the zergs of emain can be fun for the most non-group friendly character.

Too many on Prydwen/Midgard only care for themselves and dont share many thoughts for their fellow, fighting Mids.


Might be a 'tad' unfair to call your entire realm nobblers because a grey-to-50 healer didn't get a group...



1) I never expected to be taken by 50s to a relic raid i was A S K E D ! so fuck you.

2) I rezzed about a dozen dead fatass trolls during bled take/defense which was around 10/15 mins. NOT ONE REFUSED THE REZ!

3) I healed the healer and various other "not worth healing" classes during keep take. Kept healer alive until she was out of danger and kept a pbaoaer alive while at gate!

4)Caledonia is just as bad as i found out and i thought maybe the "big guys" would be more mature etc but they werent they are as arrogant and ignorrant as the 35 group it seems in rvr. Maybe i met your alts eh?

5) My buffs were/are ok for casters who werent top line placed for buffs from the HUNDREDS of healers you had along for the fight.

6) During fights when i stayed close to skald in group i was able to keep celerity pulsing but that wouldnt have helped at all would it? ,,!,,

7) next time in df and you see a healer and you are D E A D and ask for a rez dont be surprised to be told... fuck you!

Most of you who spout this 50 is l33t shit are idiots.This is a game where we all pay the same. I came along becuase i was asked to and i WAS some help when it suited the big guys. NO WHERE does it say realm v realm is 50 exclusive.If it was then sub 50 wouldnt be able to access frontier lands etc. I can go buy 3 or 4 50 lvl chars and suddenly i'll be taken seriously?? morons. Last night you mids treated a 46 healer the same way as me but seem to have ignorred that part even tho i stated it earlier. Was she a lowbie noob too? guess she must be even tho she was cc'ing like mad etc.

You guys werent even using any tactics last night lol. Far from being uber 50 and knowing what you were doing ,you all charged after the first sign of albs and zerged them. ANYONE CAN DO THAT! ffs! You left all flanks and rear ungaurded ,left healers (not just me) alone and ungaurded, ran off with one yell of /moving ( so much more efficient to yell that keep quiet and use a cg eh ?)

You guys showed me last night that come the end of month(ish) when sub is due i will NOT bother renewing it.Hey until then i might try gettin fg with my healer and forget to heal them and let em die,oops sorry lag, and then remember my rez is shite and if your higher than me tough.

And carlos if moans and complaints are the realm of kids then we are al kids aint we prick.

Landshark it wasnt that i didnt get a group.I was in a group until they decided that i was holding them back(me and 46 healer) due to the heals that kept them alive,the rezzes i did on realmmates, buffs to cloth wearers, stuns(yes they work ya know) stuff like that that was holding them back :/ then they left more than just me behind and im sure would later bemoan "we need healers :( "

You guys really need a wake up call.You are worse than the worse i EVER came across in EQ.

BTW i never said once that this was my only char here or elsewhere or that this char was highest lvl JUST that i have NEVER met such ungrateful people as the mids in exc and never had anyone or seen anyone treated like me and others were other night anywhere . Im not going to even stoop to dick size waggle with ya on what lvl chars i have but i do have chars on prydwen/hib and guinevere / mlf and they are higher than this char so ,,!,,

/clap Mid/Exc and their sense of community and kinsmanship :/


I'm actually glad you won't renew. Not often do i get to see so much fuss on a minor thing such this. I hope some lurikeen bites you and you get diseased.


Originally posted by -yoda-
howlong it take you toget to 50 murphys? i remember not to long ago you were runnig around suavage in your NEWBIE green/blue con grp :) easy rp's , you seemed to off taken AGES to ding 50 but you still rvr'd when u were green/blue to 50's " i even solo'd 3 of your grp , i ae rooted and then mezz'd over root and killed 3 of u before sucky theurg mez broke and thane kept dd for the restof your grp to ill me" and cos one i had killed was your healer i came back with a guildy n finished of rest of your grp who all had to release cos healer was dead :p so before you go spurning your mouth off and calling other people newbs i sugest you take a good look at yourself 1st :)

took me AGES to get to lvl 50 with my 1st char. and i remember going to emain "before bg's" when i was a lvl26 scout and i mess'd about dying a LOT but at the same time i had shit loads of fun and i learnt a LOT about rvr before i even dinged 30 . so how the fuck you think low lvl = no exp in rvr is bullshit . only thing low lvl = in rvr is lack of ability to kill.. doesnt mean u dont have the ability to learn . hence NOT a newb

dude, if you're Elendala, excuse me... but you're full of shit. I used to kill you 9/10 in sauvage, SOLO.
Yes I have rvred before 50. Yes I have rvred since 27.

Back then, there were few lvl 50s. God knows, I used to meet grays in rvr, as lvl 27. So your comparison is not accurate.
As of calling me a newb, I think you will find different.
Now kindly, fuck off.


Because those people you grouped with represent the whole of midgard :rolleyes:


last night it was nottmore who was under attack not bled.. Also there can only be 50 people in a cg, so you cant get everyone around the keep in a cg. And I am a lvl 45 hunter and I have no real problem in RvR, but occasionally you run into assholes. So instead of flaming everyone in midgard, you could have named the ones who left your group and what exactly happened witht the cg.
Btw when you are in jamtland or in odins. Most people already got a fg, so they cant take up another player in their group. Besides if I am with my guildies in a group of 7, I wont easily take up an outsider in the group. But thats also, because I am in a dutch speaking guild. But as a healer of lvl 35, you can expect that people dont want them in their group. Also if you are not at svasud, you can expect most people to have an already fg. So instead of flaming every mid, who couldnt have done much to this thing. Tell us what happened exactly and give us names off the ones who left you without a group..


Tbh i dont want to see someone with that attidtude getting 50 in midgard. Also if you keep going like this prepare not to find a group. Ever. Good luck soloing your rps at the cs.


Originally posted by driwen
last night it was nottmore who was under attack not bled.. Also there can only be 50 people in a cg, so you cant get everyone around the keep in a cg. And I am a lvl 45 hunter and I have no real problem in RvR, but occasionally you run into assholes. So instead of flaming everyone in midgard, you could have named the ones who left your group and what exactly happened witht the cg.
Btw when you are in jamtland or in odins. Most people already got a fg, so they cant take up another player in their group. Besides if I am with my guildies in a group of 7, I wont easily take up an outsider in the group. But thats also, because I am in a dutch speaking guild. But as a healer of lvl 35, you can expect that people dont want them in their group. Also if you are not at svasud, you can expect most people to have an already fg. So instead of flaming every mid, who couldnt have done much to this thing. Tell us what happened exactly and give us names off the ones who left you without a group..

People leaving groups happens all the time. If we posted a whine thread everytime it happened BW would be crash.
His case looks like an attention whore got ignored. My guess is that he made a healer because he expected he would get groups 24/7 and be always wanted. Tough luck. Also the cg was only for groups leaders. If you werent a group leader you shouldnt be there period.
You guys showed me last night that come the end of month(ish) when sub is due i will NOT bother renewing it
Bye bye, we wont give a rats ass.


all i wanted to say was that if he thought this was such a big problem, he should have adressed it better. So his claim with the cg is nonsense, but how was I supposed to KNOW that. Off course I guessed there was no real problem, but I just tried to be reasonable friendly to him. While pointing out the things he actually did wrong.
Making a thread about such an occasion is off course weird, but to flame the person for being a little green behind the ears?? Besides in rvr discussion in excal there are always atleast 4 threads about the last RR. So one thread about this should not be that big a problem. Besides instead off teaching him what he did wrong, you just flamed him. So instead off flaming him, I tried to explain to him why everyone is posting angry at him as just a one or two midgards were assess by leaving his group.
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