Artifact camping - how long can you claim a mob?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Krissy said:
However camping a mob with a lowbie char isnt camping it imo, they cant kill it, they arnt wasting any time by camping it at all, and are mostlikly afk so wouldnt notice if it had poped and died anyway.

That reminds me of the Kit-Kat Panda advert with the photographer. :)

On topic......... 15 minutes should give the camper more than enough time to gather the group to kill the mob.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 9, 2004
um if the group/person cannot fight the mob right away they should forfit there spot if a group can can comes along


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 7, 2004
give camper invite, and equal chance on /random roll and problem solved. If camper doest like this, then he can either solo the mob or fo :)

Of course if he says his group is inc, and they are there in 10-15 mins at most then it would only be general courtesy to let him have it.

As for lowbie alts? I guess they are welcome to stay and 'watch' for mob spawn, but its a bit lame, and If I turned up with a group ready to go, they would have to be a friend of mine for me to not just go ahead and continue with encounter


Loyal Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Kained_again said:
give camper invite, and equal chance on /random roll and problem solved. If camper doest like this, then he can either solo the mob or fo :)

Of course if he says his group is inc, and they are there in 10-15 mins at most then it would only be general courtesy to let him have it.

As for lowbie alts? I guess they are welcome to stay and 'watch' for mob spawn, but its a bit lame, and If I turned up with a group ready to go, they would have to be a friend of mine for me to not just go ahead and continue with encounter
Fair enough but when you do that and the Camper wins the lotto you got a fg of pissed off people ;p

Been after SoM myself for 3 weeks now and every time ive gone to check if its up its camped by people.

Fucked if im gonna pay someone 20p for a cloak just so they can get rich and be greedy bastards.

As for camping, well mythic have said there is no such thing as "your" camp its FFA until someone actually hits the mob. If said camper attacks the mob after your group its considered kill stealing and mythic do not like that ;p


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 14, 2004
Balbor said:
um if the group/person cannot fight the mob right away they should forfit there spot if a group can can comes along

Yep, otherwise people who have nothing better to do and two accounts can just keep an alt permanently camped.

An exception to this is if they have a group who have logged their characters at the encounter and are just logging them in. Would say 5 minutes should be enough for this to happen and if they're not ready to go by then they should step aside.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 30, 2004
Lol, it's interesting this whole thing about camping.

When I bought DAOC I bought the official guide book which said that unlike other games of it's type, camping in daoc was discouraged. It said that's why you get less xp/bonus points the longer you stay in one place killing mobs.

Of course, on playing the game I found it was just as camped as any other! I don't have a big problem with this though, as everyone knows the score. Plus, ther's a kind of unwritten code of honour about camping and suchlike anyway. I have to say though, that whenever I've been in a big group farming mobs and the group has broken up, I can't bring myself to camp solo until I eventually get another group togoether; If I can't solo the mobs then I should move on and let someone who is in a position to start killing them to get on with it.

Camping with a lowbie alt really sucks. I think your group were maybe a bit too honourable in not moving in on the mob. As the other posts say, if they claimed to have a group incoming then maybe give them a few minutes to prove it. There again, as I said earlier, I wouldn't feel comfortable camping a place solo especially when theres a big group restlessly waiting for the spot!

After a few minutes the camper should have stepped aside in my opinion. In not doing so, he showed very little regard for other players, so I think you had very right to show him very little regard in return and just pull the mob. It's give and take; if everyone played honourably the game would be a helluva lot more fun, but that's probably asking a bit much, isn't it?



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
In some friday news GOA stated that noone can camp a mob.

If you arrive at the spot and you see a /lvl-char standing there it all doesn't matter in GOA's eyes. The group who pulled first wins.

Doesn't say a thing about morality though.



Dec 23, 2003
why bother asking if its camped just run right in and kill it like klan nidstang did to me while i was buffing up to kill it

and then proceded to take the piss out of me


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 28, 2004
i think that unless there is a char that can actually do the mob waiting and says a group is inc then i would just take the mob out. u cant camp with a /level char cause its just stupid and lazy. there is nothing they can do if you take out the mob ne way cause they aint actually taking the mob out


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Seeing the number of SoM for sale for 20p+ on CMs I'd have no qualms about taking the mob straight away because it's plain to see why the majority of people camp it.

Tesla Monkor

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
You cannot 'camp a spawn'. The CoC clearly states that UNLESS YOU ARE IN COMBAT WITH A MOB, IT ISN'T YOURS.

No matter how many hours of your life you decide to waste by sitting there, if another group runs past and kills the mob, they're perfectly in their right by doing so, if you're just sitting there watching it.

This doesn't stop people from being nice to those people waiting for hours by giving them 5 minutes to get their group there, and then killing it. That is just a courtesy, and not a right for the waitee.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Camping a mob doesnt mean the mob is theirs. Only benefit campng does is give you the knowledge that the mob has spawned first. So If I see 1 person camping a spot and the mob has spawned and I have a group with me I will pull. Tough shit to the camper.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Garnet said:
Camping a mob doesnt mean the mob is theirs. Only benefit campng does is give you the knowledge that the mob has spawned first. So If I see 1 person camping a spot and the mob has spawned and I have a group with me I will pull. Tough shit to the camper.

this is very true. Largest benefit is indeed as you say, one is aware of that the mob actually is there.

However, for instance when i needed GoV.. I camped danos for 30 hours. If someone had walsed in and killed him 1min after he had spawned just because they happen to pass that minute and ignore me standing there (i had bots and shit along tho to be able to kill), id be a bit annoyed tbh. Nothing say that they cannot pull, but some common sense is good too.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Shike said:
However, for instance when i needed GoV.. I camped danos for 30 hours. If someone had walsed in and killed him 1min after he had spawned just because they happen to pass that minute and ignore me standing there (i had bots and shit along tho to be able to kill), id be a bit annoyed tbh. Nothing say that they cannot pull, but some common sense is good too.

If the camper was ready to kill the mob then id let him kill it but if its just 1 person who was unable to kill it I would take the mob.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
It's true that the mobs are not yours and you can't really 'camp' a spawn, but still, it's a unwritten rule. I think It's a bit harsh to give someone 5-15 min to get a group together. Not everyone is from a big guild or a big alliance, and if you would have been sitting on a spawn for 10+ hours and some group moves in on your mob because: 'Well sorry but your 5-15 mins are up' you'd be pretty pissed. Cutting people some slack once and a while is nice. Perhaps the next time you are in the same situation.

I would give them more then just 15 mins if the person is camping with a real char. Having 2 accs and putting up a /level 20 char on some spawn is just bs.

There is no law that says you can't cut before someone in the line to the buss, but you don't do that either.



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Honestly, don't 'camp' a mob if you can't get a group there within 5 minutes after the mob spawned. Like Tesla said, unless you're in combat with the mob, anyone happening to be passing by is free to kill it, even if you have been standing at the spot waiting for the mob to spawn for 10 hours.

.. it's a unwritten rule ..

I don't agree. If I was in the situation of camping a mob, and was unable to collect a group to help me with the mob before someone else showed up, I would accept them killing it regardless of how long I had been camping it.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Okay so you're saying that because of the '5 minute rule' up towards 3 fg of people shuold be in a 5 minutes away distance so the person can get his own artifact without having to risk anything..?

You have to consider that not everyone is close to the mobs, perhaps the person has 8 people ready to help but they need to log on their other char or something due to any given reason, this can take some time, it's not like it will take 1 hour for about 8 people to get from point A to B nomatter where they happen to be.
But I think giving someone such a short period of time is a bit harsh.

I think what's fair is to ask the person camping if he or she has a group incomming or if he's gathering people or what. Perhaps due to some reason there aren't alot people online but the person is really trying, as I said before, cutting someone some slack isen't all that bad and I promise, it dosen't hurt.

I camped SoM for a pretty long time, this was during EM and it was game night so alot of people were watching fotball, thus I had to contact everything from old friends to people who happen to be around and it took maybe 15-20 minutes for them to come to the spawn, if someone would have taken the spawn then I guess there isen't anything I could have done but I sure as hell would have gone out of my way to piss that someone off..



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I really dont care anymore about this so called ''unwritten rule of getting a group in 5/10 min if the camp is claimed'' to get the artifact.

It happend already 2x time ''camping an artifact'', seeing the mob spawn. Getting a group and BANG some pple run in at the camp kill the mob, take the arti and go off again. And making me clear i was to slow and had no right of camping and should shut it :eek7: Couldnt even do the enqounter credit, whats the easiet to get.

But the general behavoir of pple at camps its nuts. Never saw got some many /sends, making me clear he/she was first and he/she claims and some bad words at if i even dare to try for it <being treaded with hacks and stuff>.

Lool worse thing i had was at some last week, standing there waitting on spawn. Some comes next to me waiting aswell. I go ld <long live GoA servers:worthy: > Get back in and BANG. Getting /send you where away and lost the claim to the camping spot. And making it very clear to me. Hope GoA enjoyed those screenies i sended.

Hmm strange but i said before to him/her if it spawns he could join for the arti /random if he wanted. Was welcome in me group. But this selfish person was planning to get it for himself.

So if pple now camping a spot, i will clock you for 5 min after that bad luck.
If pple want it this way, good i can play it aswell.

Just me 2 Eurocents


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I really dont care anymore about this so called ''unwritten rule of getting a group in 5/10 min if the camp is claimed'' to get the artifact.

It happend already 2x time ''camping an artifact'', seeing the mob spawn. Getting a group and BANG some pple run in at the camp kill the mob, take the arti and go off again. And making me clear i was to slow and had no right of camping and should shut it :eek7: Couldnt even do the enqounter credit, whats the easiet to get.

But the general behavoir of pple at camps its nuts. Never saw got some many /sends, making me clear he/she was first and he/she claims and some bad words at if i even dare to try for it <being treaded with hacks and stuff>.

Lool worse thing i had was at some last week, standing there waitting on spawn. Some comes next to me waiting aswell. I go ld <long live GoA servers:worthy: > Get back in and BANG. Getting /send you where away and lost the claim to the camping spot. And making it very clear to me. Hope GoA enjoyed those screenies i sended.

Hmm strange but i said before to him/her if it spawns he could join for the arti /random if he wanted. Was welcome in me group. But this selfish person was planning to get it for himself.

So if pple now camping a spot, i will clock you for 5 min after that bad luck.
If pple want it this way, good i can play it aswell. But it doenst make me feel good if i do, blame the twats who do this.

Just me 2 Eurocents And freddy should fix this horrible lag on this site.
Feel like i am using a modem :/


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 2, 2004
It's kinda hard to come up with a common rule for this sort of situation, innit? If you ask me, camping shouldn't be necessary at all. While I've enjoyed ToA'ing my character after returning to daoc after over a years break, I truly failed to see the fun in sitting at SoM mob for 16 hours in a row, waiting for it to spawn. I don't think it's so essential for a game to have some pieces of eq that are simply so utterly hard to get.

To answer the question itself, yes I think a person camping a mob _should_ have the right to reserve it until he gets a group there, as long as he is actually _working on it_. Like I said, I camped SoM for 16 hours, spent a whole day on the thing (with my main char, I dont like alt-camping either, even though I have a bot I like the idea of one char/one person in game atst much more)... And I must say, people were very fair and kindly took off after I told em I had been there for a long time. Had someone just robbed the kill when it spawned, it simply would not have been fair - I had waited for 16 hours. Are there, or should there be any kind of written rules that state the mob was mine? Well, maybe not. Is it fair play? I think it is.


Fledgling Freddie
May 20, 2004

A lot of issues raised in this thread and echoed in many others.

First of all camping mods, should it be allowed? Personally i think yes, no1 will roam and "hope" for arti's they desperately need it simply wouldn't work. Ok camping with alts? Fundamentally what difference does it make which character you camp with? I know i often camp an artifact i need and alchemy on the other computer on the same time so i use an alt. Frankly with 24 hour plus respawn times there is no way i can physically sit at the machine staring at the pop spot, if i didn't log my second account on and idle away i would end up going afk and there is nothing more frustrating than an afk camper. Because i have had people walk in front of me and take arti mobs and when i pm them i get "sorry didn't realise you were camping" i named my character very odviously for the job he was doing "Todayiamcamping GoV". Personally i thought this was a little too much but i was sick of people making "mistakes" as to what i was camping. Another point on camping i do sometimes roam with friends, quite literally butchering any arti/drop mob, whatevers up :) We will never touch a camped mob, but we will often hit arti's that none of us particularly need, this is cause a lot of the arti mobs are more challenging than other mobs and it is fun to do this. Likewise if any1 is nearby wanting credit and often chance to lotto (if we don't need the item) we always invite. Also tend to do a /who "zone" just to be sure. If your in ashen and there is a group there its usually either on its way to Battler or ML7 dungeon and its polite to check.

Ok, so i camp and the mob pops. Yes i very much do believe you should not camp if you cannot kill within a reasonable time. 5 minutes is a joke and completely unrealistic, but likewise more than 20 is some1 taking the piss. I do appreciate that some newer players struggle to get arti's, and moreso struggle to get groups for them but at the end of the day that does not warrant being selfish and "camping out" arti's that others could take. At the end of the day the quicker it dies, the quicker it repops and the more arti's for the server. If your struggling to get groups to hunt the arti's u need then help other people, that way they will help you when you need, /as is also a good option.

Lotto'ing and camping arti's you plan to sell or don't need. Now i wiill get flamed for this but i do indeed sell arti's that i don't need and likewise lotto for them and here's why. If people are doing ffa arti's and need my help, yes i want to lotto. There are certain scrolls i struggle to farm that others find easy, there are certain arti's i can farm easy that others find difficult, its just a form of trade. Secondly often i help on lotto arti's that the group in question is struggling to do without me, yet i know none of them or have been helped by them. At the end of the day my own template is not finished and i have neither the time nor inclination to help everyone that needs it as a good samaritan, deep down everyone is the same. I do of course help my friends without question and if i even think some1 has been decent to me or helped me in the past you can be damned sure i will help them and not want to lotto, even sometimes rather cheekily i will help with the arti and lotto with the intentions of giving it to my friend(s). All that said i will never camp an artifact i do not need, i think with demand for pretty much all artifacts it is kinda low to camp an arti to sell it. Farm scrolls of course, farm item drops on quick respawn encounters, all good, but camping a 24 hour respawn arti, to block other people for a couple of plat, thats just wrong in my view.

As an afterthought to the ethics on selling artifacts, something else occured to me. The people i mentioned earlier that struggled to get groups for arti's, sometimes they can never get an arti. That said they can easily get credit (i know i will happily invite any1 to bg for credit unless i know them to have stole in the past - bg loot doesn't work for arti's), and can likewise easily farm cash. Sometimes an arti from a cm is the only chance a player has of getting an arti.

Another thing you have to bare in mind is some people have more available time than others, saying they cannot lotto for arti's cause it is not needed on their main would ensure that less smaller players would complete arti encounters. If an arti needs 8 people to do it thats a 1/8 chance the player will get it, if he can only raise 5 people thats not 1/5 cause his group won't get the arti, its a big fat 0 chance so the way i see it, it is nessecary.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
first one who hit mob owns it. It's very nice to let ppl who camp a mob kill it, but it's really no rule or something anyone need to obey.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
Guess it all depends on how you are as a person, I personally would give a camper 15 - 20 mins to gather group. Not in GoA/Mythic rules but I have ethics community etc etc.

Play how you would want to be treated.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 14, 2004
Two sides I suppose, but not having a second account I don't see why I should have no chance of getting an arti like SoM because someone is able to keep an alt permanently camping the spot. While I can see that it would be frustrating to have a mob that you have had an alt parked at taken by a group that is ready to go, I would imagine its collectively rather more frustrating to get a hunt together only to find that all the artis you're after are camped by /lvl 20s bouncing up and down threatening dire consequences if you dare touch their mob.

If you have an alt camped at a spot I would say you should still be able, in most cases to get a group together to hunt it before another group turns up on the off-chance. If you can't better luck next time.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
I know someone who was camping an arti for like 2 days.. On the first day it popped he asked for help.. as help was being mustered a guild ran in and took the mob. Fair enough ..

The second day hes camping it it isnt up and the Same guild runs past and yells.. if it was up we would kill it.

I hope this isnt the way its going to be .. i camped CS for over 3 days to gain credit, imagine if it was you and someone acted like that ..

What goes around comes around though..


Resident Freddy
Jan 19, 2004
I would do it like this, we give you 10 mins to assemble grp, if not, we offer our support in order that my grp get to roll (1 person) and you get 1 roll, highest gets item... would be fair imo (assuming the char isn't lvl 20 or some fucker you already hate)

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