ARR's DAOC Artifact Helper Utility


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 9, 2004
I'll add a interactive user guide for the utility later on. Stay tuned.


Loyal Freddie
Apr 4, 2004
Nice improvments, and the flash interactive introduction real looks nice.


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 9, 2004
New 1.0.5 is now avail for grabs. From now on, I'll start developing the ARR's DAOC ML Helper instead.

If there's a bug or a feature request I'll code it to this Artifact Helper utility - otherwise this one is going to be last version of it.


Size: 1 735 KB

MD5: f4f5834773c351d1ad4c50e45ef48785

Version history
!Slight optimization in file read operation.


Loyal Freddie
Apr 4, 2004
Encounter credit missing for following five artifacts. Used version 1.0.6

[22:19:39] Healing Embrace Encounter, completed. ;Healer's Embrace Cloak
[22:19:39] Arms of the Wind Encounter, completed. ;Arms of the Wind
[22:19:39] Night Terror, completed. ;Gem of Lost Memories
[22:19:39] Eirene's Chestpiece Encounter, completed. ;Eirene's Hauberk
[22:19:39] Eerie Lightstone Encounter, completed. ;Eerienes Dark Light Stone

ARR's DAOC Artifact Helper.ini said:
Artifact7String=A Healing Embrace
Artifact7FullName=Healer's Embrace Cloak

Artifact28Name=Arms of the Winds
Artifact28String=Arms of the Winds
Artifact28FullName=Arms of the Winds

Artifact32String=Gem of Lost Memories
Artifact32FullName=Gem of Lost Memories

Artifact50String=Eirene's Hauberk
Artifact50FullName=Eirene's Hauberk

Artifact20Name=Eerie Darkness Lighting Stone
Artifact20String=Eerie Darkness
Artifact20FullName=Eerie Darkness Lighting Stone

Used chatlog
*** Chat Log Opened: Sat Jun 24 22:19:33 2006

[22:19:33]  To stop logging, type /chatlog again.
[22:19:39] You are currently working on the following quests:
[22:19:39] On step 2 of quest 'People Lost (Midgard)'
[22:19:39] What to do: 'Find Sentry Vudi in the Underground Forest.  Be sure to give him the note from Idiegi.'
[22:19:39] On step 2 of quest '[GOA]The Ravages of Ignorance'
[22:19:39] What to do: 'Marmapia's story could well interest Gjaloin.'
[22:19:39] On step 1 of quest '[GOA]Chopped Silver'
[22:19:39] What to do: 'Obtain a silver cult object from Albion, in order to bring it to Silfrkluv Silfrskerason. He will explain you how to do it.'
[22:19:39] You have completed the following quests:
[22:19:39] Tingler Arrows, completed.
[22:19:39] Tradande one drop, completed.
[22:19:39] [GOA]Fylgja, completed.
[22:19:39] Feathers, completed.
[22:19:39] Trealine's Visions, completed.
[22:19:39] The Rod and the Scholars, completed.
[22:19:39] Visions of Darkness, completed.
[22:19:39] Decoding the Map, completed.
[22:19:39] Gokstorm one drop, completed.
[22:19:39] Gashir, completed.
[22:19:39] Wisdom of Time, completed.
[22:19:39] Fjalar, completed.
[22:19:39] Mimir's Protection, completed.
[22:19:39] The Desire of A God, completed.
[22:19:39] Completed Quests Cleared, lvl 1 to 15, completed.
[22:19:39] Ancestral Secrets, completed.
[22:19:39] [GOA] Arrival on Heimaey, completed.
[22:19:39] Nagoltooth one drop, completed.
[22:19:39] Juuso's Potion, completed.
[22:19:39] Catla's Downfall, completed.
[22:19:39] Mucking through the Ick, completed.
[22:19:39] Tartaros' Gift Encounter, completed.
[22:19:39] Strange Powers, completed.
[22:19:39] Mother's Children, completed.
[22:19:39] Final Rest, completed.
[22:19:39] Conquering the Sea, completed.
[22:19:39] Chimera's Fortification, completed.
[22:19:39] Malice's Axe Encounter, completed.
[22:19:39] Retrieval, completed.
[22:19:39] Kalare's Necklace, completed.
[22:19:39] Belt of the Sun Encounter, completed.
[22:19:39] Winged Helm Encounter, completed.
[22:19:39] Belt of Moon, completed.
[22:19:39] Kalare's Necklace Encounter, completed.
[22:19:39] Immortal Imposter, completed.
[22:19:39] Shades of Mist Encounter, completed.
[22:19:39] Ammut's Appetite, completed.
[22:19:39] Erinys' Charm Encounter, completed.
[22:19:39] Eerie Lightstone Encounter, completed.
[22:19:39] Egg of Youth, completed.
[22:19:39] Ring of Fire Encounter, completed.
[22:19:39] Spear of Kings Encounter, completed.
[22:19:39] Healing Embrace Encounter, completed.
[22:19:39] Alvarus' Leggings Encounter, completed.
[22:19:39] Sekhmet's Messenger, completed.
[22:19:39] Agne's Great Might, completed.
[22:19:39] Dream Sphere Encounter, completed.
[22:19:39] Bracers Encounter, completed.
[22:19:39] Crocodile's Tears Ring Encounter, completed.
[22:19:39] Traldor's Oracle Encounter, completed.
[22:19:39] Conquering Twilight, completed.
[22:19:39] Harpy's Feather Cloak Encounter, completed.
[22:19:39] Braggart's Bow Encounter, completed.
[22:19:39] The Rising Pyramid, completed.
[22:19:39] Know Your Opponents, completed.
[22:19:39] Mariasha's Sharkskin Gloves Encounter, completed.
[22:19:39] The Skyros Order, level 40-50, completed.
[22:19:39] Battler Encounter, completed.
[22:19:39] Nailah's Robes Encounter, completed.
[22:19:39] A Gift of Love Encounter, completed.
[22:19:39] Askafroa one drop, completed.
[22:19:39] The Golden Spear Encounter, completed.
[22:19:39] Typhon's Rage, completed.
[22:19:39] Band of Stars Encounter, completed.
[22:19:39] Ring of Dances Encounter, completed.
[22:19:39] Traitor's Dagger Encounter, completed.
[22:19:39] Orion's Belt Encounter, completed.
[22:19:39] Ring of Unyielding Will Encounter, completed.
[22:19:39] Scorpion's Tail Encounter, completed.
[22:19:39] Bruiser Encounter, completed.
[22:19:39] Crown of Zahur Encounter, completed.
[22:19:39] Scepter of the Meritorious Encounter, completed.
[22:19:39] Eirene's Chestpiece Encounter, completed.
[22:19:39] Scarab Wing Vest Encounter, completed.
[22:19:39] Seven Coins, completed.
[22:19:39] Rise of the Phoenix, completed.
[22:19:39] Oglidarsh Belt Encounter, completed.
[22:19:39] Wing's Dive Encounter, completed.
[22:19:39] Snatcher Encounter, completed.
[22:19:39] Scalars Encounter, completed.
[22:19:39] Jacina's Sash Encounter, completed.
[22:19:39] Balle's Potion, completed.
[22:19:39] Hibernian one time drop, completed.
[22:19:39] Werewolf Bane, completed.
[22:19:39] Cloudsong Encounter, completed.
[22:19:39] Cloudsong, completed.
[22:19:39] Atlantis' Warlords, completed.
[22:19:39] Draco, completed.
[22:19:39] Fool's Bow Encounter, completed.
[22:19:39] Phoebus' Harp Encounter, completed.
[22:19:39] Bracelet of Zo'arkat Encounter, completed.
[22:19:39] Night Terror, completed.
[22:19:39] Shield of Khaos Encounter, completed.
[22:19:39] Welcoming for a Warrior, completed.
[22:19:39] The King of Stone, completed.
[22:19:39] The Cyclopes' Eye, completed.
[22:19:39] Nimora's Celestial Compass, completed.
[22:19:39] Dark Places of the Soul, completed.
[22:19:39] The Morvalt Crystal, completed.
[22:19:39] A Flask Encounter, completed.
[22:19:39] [GOA] The Royal Lottery, completed.
[22:19:39] Becoming a Champion of the Realm, completed.
[22:19:39] Earlybird Special, completed.
[22:19:39] Letter from Visindakonar, completed.
[22:19:39] Letter from Visindakonar, completed.
[22:19:39] Letter from Visindakonar, completed.
[22:19:39] Letter from Visindakonar, completed.
[22:19:39] Rebellion: Introduction to the Cause, completed.
[22:19:39] Rebellion: Answering the Call, completed.
[22:19:39] Rebellion: Spreading the Word, completed.
[22:19:39] Once Burned, Twice Shy, completed.
[22:19:39] Rebellion: Among the Dissidents, completed.
[22:19:39] Rebellion: The Race to Hagg Dalur, completed.
[22:19:39] Conspiracy: Dark Development, completed.
[22:19:39] Conspiracy: Rite of Binding, completed.
[22:19:39] Conspiracy: Forging the Key, completed.
[22:19:39] Conspiracy: Finding The Keeper, completed.
[22:19:39] Inferno, completed.
[22:19:39] Staff of the Gods Encounter, completed.
[22:19:39] [GOA]The disappearance of Gathar, completed.
[22:19:39] [GOA]The teleportations de Gathar, completed.
[22:19:39] [GOA]Gremoan!, completed.
[22:19:39] Foppish Sleeves Encounter, completed.
[22:19:39] Enyalios' Boots Encounter, completed.
[22:19:39] Shaman Epic Weapon Selection, completed.
[22:19:39] Flamedancer's Boots Encounter, completed.
[22:19:39] Arms of the Wind Encounter, completed.
[22:19:39] Eternal Plant Encounter, completed.
[22:19:39] Atlantis Tablet Encounter, completed.

*** Chat Log Closed: Sat Jun 24 22:19:43 2006
waiting for next version :)


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 9, 2004
Txs guys, I'll update those to the ini file, and release a new version in the beginning of the next week :)


Loyal Freddie
Apr 4, 2004
Mundokar said:
[10:33:17] The Band of Stars, completed.
[10:33:17] The Cyclops' Eye, completed.
Arr_Trocca.log said:
[22:19:39] Band of Stars Encounter, completed.
[22:19:39] The Cyclopes' Eye, completed.
Seams that we have two different string that are possible for those artifacts.
My logg came from a shamie, I'll check other toons as I get home to see if encounter has different string depending on what class they are. Neither of the artifacts are acctivated on my shammie, so thats might be the problem aswell.

:confused: Mundokar have you acctivated Band of Stars and Cyclops' Eye on the char where you got chatlog from? and if it's class speciffic what class is that char?

The strings in ARR's DAOC Artifact Helper.ini looks ok aswell.
ARR's DAOC Artifact Helper.ini said:
Artifact9String=The Cyclopes' Eye
Artifact9FullName=The Cyclopes' Eye Shield

Artifact21String=Band of Stars
Artifact21FullName=Band of Stars


Loyal Freddie
Apr 4, 2004
Column for acctivated artifacts, or different colour or something to show those that are acctivated. ofc this would only work if all artifacts have different strings for encounter and acctivated.

Dropdown box for class selection. Would show in list if current chatlog(char-class) could acctivate the specific artifact.Or simply remove those artifacts that the class could not use. This however would be a time consuming work as VoS isn't updated, would mean reseach for each class, and losts of farming scrolls to check out every possible artifact.

Might just do that research on shamie thou, got to have a large pve goal in this game :) , only like 5more artifact enc more and I got them all on shamie.

Missing artifact?
Also I'm missing Snakecharmer's Weapon in *.ini
Any Savage that have this encounter in a chatlog plz submit it, else I'll go there and farm it.


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 9, 2004
Hmm different strings per certain artifact for different classes? hmm that might be solved with comma separated ArtifactXXString entry in ini file, which each of these string "variants" utility would compare for each read line from chat log file.

Need time to make it tho - btw there's already marked one artifact with two different strings to be found in ini file (so amount of artifacts the utility reports is bit false, instead 62 artifacts there is only 61). Its the belt of the Sun (marked as belt of the sun or belt of sun).

Instead of:
Artifact40Name=Belt of Sun
Artifact40String=Belt of Sun
Artifact40FullName=Belt of Sun

Artifact58Name=Belt of Sun
Artifact58String=Belt of the Sun
Artifact58FullName=Belt of the Sun

It could be:
Artifact40Name=Belt of Sun
Artifact40String=Belt of Sun,Belt of the Sun
Artifact40FullName=Belt of Sun


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 9, 2004
Joohl said:
Column for acctivated artifacts, or different colour or something to show those that are acctivated. ofc this would only work if all artifacts have different strings for encounter and acctivated.

Dropdown box for class selection. Would show in list if current chatlog(char-class) could acctivate the specific artifact.Or simply remove those artifacts that the class could not use. This however would be a time consuming work as VoS isn't updated, would mean reseach for each class, and losts of farming scrolls to check out every possible artifact.

Might just do that research on shamie thou, got to have a large pve goal in this game :) , only like 5more artifact enc more and I got them all on shamie.

Missing artifact?
Also I'm missing Snakecharmer's Weapon in *.ini
Any Savage that have this encounter in a chatlog plz submit it, else I'll go there and farm it.

Nice suggestions - I could add a char based feature to the utility, where you could define char's name, and in each artifact's row in listview you could tick a checkbox whatever the artifact is activated for the toon or not. You could load the toon's ini file from File menu, and save the info. By this way you could keep track of which artifact are activated for the toon..

The class specific artifact list implementation would require significant amount of time - maybe in pro version then ;D


Loyal Freddie
Apr 4, 2004
I can't find any difference between classes, all classes have same chatlog strings on artifacts.
Looked at my Warr/SM/Hunt/Shamie/Healer/RM/Valk, ofc only able to compare some artifacts but those that I did compare had no changes between classes.

Working on a list for encounter and acctivated artifacts now, using order they show up in *.ini file as of v1.0.6
Can ofc only add both strings enc/acct for those that I have acctivated and got enc on another toon.
Got all but 6artifact enc strings.


Loyal Freddie
Apr 4, 2004
Ok the list with encounter and acctivation strings is done as far as I could comme.
I still need more scrolls to compleet this list, if anyone have encounter string for the following five artifacts, do pm me or post them here.
  • Aten's Shield
  • Goddess' Necklace
  • Stone of Atlantis
  • Night's Shroud Bracele
  • Snakecharmer's Weapon

Theres alot of missing activation strings in the attached artifact list.xls (Norton scaned on my end, but do rescan and flame me for beeing dirty if I'm :) ).
So if you have activated artifact strings that are missing pm or email me with them. thnx

Prefered msg form:
Artifact: Erinys' Charm
Ecounter: Erinys' Charm Encounter, completed.
Activated: Erinys' Charm, completed.


  • artifact list.xls
    20.5 KB · Views: 16


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 9, 2004
Mundokar said:
Band of Stars

[10:33:17] The Band of Stars, completed.

Noticed that in my toons this encounter has been listed either in:

[08:08:42] The Band of Stars, completed.


[19:28:23] Band of Stars Encounter, completed.


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 9, 2004
Mundokar said:
Cyclops Eye

[10:33:17] The Cyclops' Eye, completed.

Typo in word cyclops' will be fixed in next release.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 29, 2003
I have both activated on my Valk. I have seen artifact encounter names changed with patches. On one char for example Cloudsong is listed 3 (!) times in the quest log.


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 9, 2004
Mundokar said:
I have both activated on my Valk. I have seen artifact encounter names changed with patches. On one char for example Cloudsong is listed 3 (!) times in the quest log.

About CS - its due its unique subquest..

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