armsman TL??



Originally posted by Repent
or make them god like overpowerd.

I'd take that! Even if it only lasted a patch or 2 :D


Originally posted by Repent
Thing with pure tanks is you cant give them anything new, like a spell or whatever, it must be a stat change of some sort. But knowing mythic with stat changes they will fuck them up or make them god like overpowerd.

this is probably the first and last thing I'll ever agree with repent about :great:

Mythic is gonna screw things up royally either way.


Don't think it is hard to make it a fun char. again,

Just upgrade the plate absorb to some higher factor say 40%
that way we get less dmg and stand longer.

Second is the Xbow , make it like it is in RL you can fire it while walking.
No need to reload you need to do that when you stand still like in RL . but just preloaded and 1 shot while running would be grat to shoot some1 you run after to get out of speed with 1 chance.

My current dmg output and speedrate is fine
no complains about that tbh.

But indeed we need some loving it is So long ago
how about some end regen orso :clap:
or a special feature where you can smak some1 with that bucket.


Originally posted by Sohan_THC

Second is the Xbow , make it like it is in RL you can fire it while walking.

They should give us a preload skill at a certain level/spec where you can load a shot, then move off, change weps etc. and come back to the wepon and insta fire it off, then requiring to reload.

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Plate wearers should get an Uppercut skill on a 7 minute timer where they can smack their enemy in the jaw and stun him for 5 seconds. Metal gauntlets have gotta hurt.


Maybe it's me,but I don't feel gimped at all:
I 'm happy of my char ,happy of my spec ,if I have to compare the 3 hard tanks of the realm I would say warriors are better than armsmen under all point of views (but also far better than Heroes).

I still think Albion tanks are often bad specced and ,sorry to say that,crap players.


say what u want... but arms need some new toys

nothing has changed since the start...

pole arms are damn slow n the unique ra that could help em
is deeply bugged... Mastery ov arms...

thers not any speed increase ive it at lvl3 = 0 speed increase
im not saing "wee" but none

n what bout soldier crap baricade bwa...

nm we Only have to spend point in 2 dif skill to get the damage variance every other tank get with only one speccline...

we have plate that... doesnt give a f...

i still like my arms... maybe cuz is my first char on excal n is 1.5 years old =) but... i wont suggest it as alt or first char to anyone...

yess is true would be good due to his damn slow swing to learn how to perform chain and reactionary style... but si booooooooooring...
pole give "nice" damge but nothing special
n is slow... to kill somthing u rlly rlly need lot player skill n no lag =)

i wont state anything to all (few) the ppl who said they rox with arms n only others r plaing bad and/or have wrong specc...
but... try to get out ov ur group... try the lone arms...
yess daok is a social game etc etc... but to say one clas i good n does not need any form ov tweek try it alone without buff or group ability or support... n see =)

in the end....

3 pure heavy tank class
no spell no magik right?

WTF heroes got Moose???


Originally posted by Silenzio

pole arms are damn slow n the unique ra that could help em
is deeply bugged... Mastery ov arms...

More fast swing=damage cap reduction;
do you want to break pbt?get a shield tank and stick to the same target whit him (you are supposed to play in a group),
or switch every shot whit your 1h (you start whit 1h shotting unstiled to break pbt then you handle your pole and you style,then again on 1h)

Soldier Barricade sux? Snare styles are bugged?did you ever consider "prevent flight"?
Best ras for tanks Imo.

M® Zîllâ

The prob with arms is doble specing warriors/heros do not have to do it and have a simlar or in some cases supeior damage output which tbh really sux.

The other prob is ra, mastry of arms is bugged which is great seing as it is probaly 1 of the most attractive realm abillty after ip & purge but this effects all tanks not just arms.

As a hole my arms is cool but i do get pissed at little things which could be easily soretd and wouldnt put arms at a advantage over other tanks.


All problems for arms or other melee class will be solve if .....

We get back str relics from mids!!! go go go :)


Originally posted by Jiggs
i dont really see how warriors are and better tbh

warriors get to spec for slam, get full 2h damage and still have some parry.

Armsmen get erm.. plate? (instead of evade 1+chain)

their RAs are all pretty naff.


Originally posted by Ialkarn
More fast swing=damage cap reduction;
do you want to break pbt?get a shield tank and stick to the same target whit him (you are supposed to play in a group),
or switch every shot whit your 1h (you start whit 1h shotting unstiled to break pbt then you handle your pole and you style,then again on 1h)

Soldier Barricade sux? Snare styles are bugged?did you ever consider "prevent flight"?
Best ras for tanks Imo.

u have 60 qui?

i dont, 135 qui nearly capped
n if i wearout all the item my cap doest move at all, tested tested alot... allways the same...
but but...

moa should work as an Haste, that as far as i know shouldent do anything to dps... also moa require agument str 3 so is a lil boost to weap skill


sadly albion on excal is an antisocial realm =)
not so easy to get a group... n harder a decent group with some tactics

often/allways happen to lay down on the ground wyle fg after fg pass over without a ress

my intent is not to go throught pbt =) (but happy when i can)
just to hit someone before he kill me :)

i switch alot from 1h to pole
to get full advantage ov my spec... etc etc

i.e. blok n attak... beartooth...Pole n so on...

quite fast switch... but i can land a cripblow or a phalnax
before my enemy start move again... the second style after the chain come allways when he is already free...

or with a 9 sec stun from slam or defender
im only able to land 2 shot before he moves again
no more...


yess i like Prevent flight... the prob is... enemy wont flee :)
would be good only for thos caster that try to run away n root

by me... still think best ra is determination =) nothing to do with damage output but... help alot

still say... i like my arms :) but some new toy could make him more enjoyable...

and again try to play without a group to see/evaluate what a class can or cannot do in truth...

or mmm well maybe i just need a buffbotbuahhaahhaah neva! =)

one thing... time ago in a post u said to have hig tireless
was it referd to test server or not?
ive it to lvl 2... nice but think i can do without... just lvl 1 for off fight or run regen...

bb =)

if it looks confuse n misstyped... well im at work after lunchbrake... couldent bother ;P


Armsmen suck tbh pure pole spec is shit in rvr its way to slow and most grps have BT...can't do a alot there...hybrid 42sheild/44-50 pole means nerfed pole dmg with the slash factor....if the fecking TL would do sumthing about it and change it so we didn't have to spec twice to do average dmg it would be alot better....better still increase dmg on styles that can be used anytime ie Poleaxe, Crippling Blow (and make the fecking snare work!!!!)


the TL doesn't _do_ anything - he's just a player that takes feedback and gives it to mythic.

He recently posted a "woohoo" on the fighter boards
( and the "woo" turned out to be block/parry fixing (very nice for defensive types)

But now that that's out the way he's going to push for something to improve the dual speccing - that's what screws over armsmen (and 2h paladins), since from 1.62 the extra parry/shield a warrior/hero can get will make quite a difference.


Originally posted by Silenzio
u have 60 qui?

i dont, 135 qui nearly capped
n if i wearout all the item my cap doest move at all, tested tested alot... allways the same...
but but...

lol bs, it does change

either that or you have some weird spec

sadly albion on excal is an antisocial realm =)

hate it when ppl always refer to albion as if they are "other people" and they are the ones who make mistakes, not us.

i would have used the word "we" instead of albion.

yess i like Prevent flight... the prob is... enemy wont flee


do u go after zerkers or heros? cos i wouldnt expect them to flee.

and again try to play without a group to see/evaluate what a class can or cannot do in truth...

rofl armsman cant do anything without a group.. we are a group class not a soloer.
although u can find odd 1v1 duels armsmen are essentially group players.

i have capped quickness and i did some tests myself a few months ago

50 quick - 125quickness (with a fast weapon) = about 130+- less damage on my cap if i remember correct

dunno bout s/s or pole if the quickness reduces the damage by the same amount as 2h.


I haven't seen people mention much about 2 handed armsman, i hear alot about it in guild chat being a good option with slam aswell. also stun from front 2nd thing in a chain (afaik)

Very nice dmg on side style.

Fair enough i think they need some loving cause my mincer has very close duels with Armsman.


Originally posted by jilson
aww are the diddle armsman upset :(

Is it me or do hibs/mids not have plate?
Is it me or do Armsman have plate?

Correct me if it's jst me that thinks these things.

cry me a river

Is it me or do hibs/mids tanks have better damage, better defence and one of them a 50% instaheal? Plus both have evade?

Is it me or is plate such a pointless advantage?

Correct me if it's just me that thinks these things.


Originally posted by Flimgoblin
Is it me or do hibs/mids tanks have better damage, better defence and one of them a 50% instaheal? Plus both have evade?

Is it me or is plate such a pointless advantage?

Correct me if it's just me that thinks these things.



plate does make a difference believe it or not... the absorb may seem like nothing but it actually helps.

warriors are more flexible but our pole > their 2h.

evade well most tanks out there prefer frontload damage therefore 0quick in SC template and no quick buffs and i havent seen any hero/warrior evade much anyway.

the 50%heal i think isnt so bad as heros wear scale which is kinda vulnerable to slash which is a very common damage type across 3 realms.


well reading all your ideas etc.....I think most ppl agree arms do need some loving, ok we are not THE most gimp class, but we can use some loving its been so long eh ? :-(

anywase I still love my arms but sc rly made pole go for shit eh.....couldnt they make a less resist on pole or so ? because zerker hitting me for 600+ dam with left axe in morph mode with 3 relics and me havin 26% in slash resist and having plate imho isnt fair, and I wanna do the same damage, and I NEVER do 600+ on anny tank in anny realm ( caster yes, but then again, they weak eh :) )


Originally posted by stupidshady
I NEVER do 600+ on anny tank in anny realm ( caster yes, but then again, they weak eh :) )

erm ive seen ppl do 600+ with pole easy 500-750/800 damage isnt reallyh a problem for pole and 1000+ with crits come a lot i would think

fs i do 500+ often, 600 being a bit harder but even ive done 1000+ with crit before pre sc... and im 2h.


Originally posted by gunZ-
lol bs, it does change

either that or you have some weird spec

50 pole +11 by item n some rr
51 thrust with item n rr

maybe weird but should damage

Originally posted by gunZ-

hate it when ppl always refer to albion as if they are "other people" and they are the ones who make mistakes, not us.

i would have used the word "we" instead of albion.

i wrote albion/excalibur to give a rightfull coordinate bout the server n realm im talking about, "we" doest meen a lot =)
since everyone could read here n not been part ov excal albion :)

but yess im refering to Others, since im not the one whos not gona ress when play my clerik, or group someone alone or help in other manner

Originally posted by gunZ-


do u go after zerkers or heros? cos i wouldnt expect them to flee.

in truth i go for what is arround =)

generaly look for pbaoer healer mezzer =)

or guard our healer/caster

u allways so lucky been able to choose who can attak u or who cannot?

Originally posted by gunZ-

rofl armsman cant do anything without a group.. we are a group class not a soloer.
although u can find odd 1v1 duels armsmen are essentially group players.

u made the point :) stateing we (armsman) can do rlly few alone
thats meen we could enjoy rightfull some toy

Originally posted by gunZ-

i have capped quickness and i did some tests myself a few months ago

50 quick - 125quickness (with a fast weapon) = about 130+- less damage on my cap if i remember correct

dunno bout s/s or pole if the quickness reduces the damage by the same amount as 2h.

i will test again, just to be more sure... but 130 dif looks huge...
wile with pole ... im talking bout wielding a pole... dint notice any diff



on most tanks I do like 200+ to 300+ dam with ( -150 ) due to resists......prob just me ? but hybrid eh




i know hybrid who do at least 500 T_T

but 200-300 is...... dunno how i can say


well then, is it just me ???? ahem, dunno eh, could be.
maybe now ya know why I'm complaining ( read whining :p )


Arms arent gimped but ther pretty poor atm. in comparasion to other tanks ofc. I have seen ppl saying plate is an advantage, in PvE maybe. I dont know about u other guys but when I charge forward to engage the enemy my plate is a warning sign. It makes ppl target u and nuke. I can vouch for that was both an arms and a hibbie :D.

The thing about Hero's and Warriors is they wear chain/scale. Lots of classes in that realm wear that armor so are not spotted as easliy. Most of midgard wear chain god damn :D. with warriors recent loving they do far more dmg than armsmen. a 2h hammer spec warrior will own any plate wearer anyday, a thrust pole V a warrior has more of a chance but not much. The free speccing in mid of getting 1h and 2h dmg for free is fine imo but leave it in Mid FFS, if u spec 2h in hib u either get spear, same dmg type for no dmg reduction, or LW which is so unfair. Slash and Crush dmg for free \o/, its like giving a Hero 3. spec points and with moose its makes the hero a tough cookie no matter the spec. Hib shud have this removed or alb should be given the same option, hib are the magic realm after all.

I stopped playing my arms, mostly, because he wasnt any fun, I think some armsman boost is neccesary. 1 special skill I thought of was a timer based ability that allowed the armsman to convert his own AF for weap. dmg. he would hit for insane dmg but will take insane dmg in return. I cant really think of another fix/solution.

just my 2 cents.


dmg with hybrid spec depends soley on your u spec'd hybrid

ie my spec is 42 sheild 44 pole 39 slash 24 parry and i don't really do that great dmg 300-500 depending on class often more if its on a caster with a crit....

but if u got 44pole 44slash or 50pole 44/39 slash dmg improoves alot


got ( a bit gimpd I know ) 42 shield, 42 slash and 46 pole, well, did a bit rvr, I do about 300+ normally on tanks.... but for the love of god, thats with pole and sc +11 and when I fight a mid 2H skald he hits me for 600.........relics or not thats just not fair :-((


skald owning an armsman mmmkay

something wrong now

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