armsman TL??



ok, I have been looking around for a new armsmen TL and finally found where the boards are (
Now as you see the TL's are updated frequently, but the last armsman report was 3 pages ago at date :17/12/02 ...... no offence but we are now 5 months further and I think thats enough time to pust another TL report because we all know that armsman will lose vs most other tanks of the realm ( imho hybrids/me does ).
Does anyone know why the fuck it isnt being updated ? because I'm kinda fed up with every class in the game getting upgrades etc and arms getting shit.
Ofcourse this could be me just being an idiot usual ^^ but then again this is my point of view, anyone wanna show me theres ?

Hit ^_^

armsmens need a booost. my cleric can allmost solo my arms fs...


not every TL posts his report there anymore , alot other class reports are missing if you look good.


Nothing says he has to post there - armsman TL usually doesnt.

Look at Alb fighters VN board - he usually posts it (or bits of it) there along with other stuff.


Originally posted by Hit ^_^
armsmens need a booost. my cleric can allmost solo my arms fs...

my rejuv cleric HAS soloed a 2hand armsman (2-3 levels lower than me but still)

Repent Reloaded

Thing with pure tanks is you cant give them anything new, like a spell or whatever, it must be a stat change of some sort. But knowing mythic with stat changes they will fuck them up or make them god like overpowerd.


well rather have god overpowered then the crap I am now, anywase they are upgrading all the other chars why not the arms ? And why the fuck is our special RA so weak ? no one has it, sucks rly ( and btw 14 pts for something crappy......nice going mythic )

ow draylor can ya give me some links pls m8, never saw anny of em :-/

Hit ^_^

we got cheap Ip and purge tho..but arms are the crappiest tanks in game..

wished i rolled a paladin instead :\

as a arms u cant do shit by your self.


good thing that IP and purge can be used vry often.......and it rly helps the lower arms in PvE and the BG's......ahem


They'll prolly try and "fix" armsmen with a crappy RA improvement or some bullshit instead of actually doing something propperly. All my armsman is good for is salaving atm.


i dont really see how warriors are and better tbh

Sharp Thing

Originally posted by stupidshady
and it rly helps the lower arms in PvE and the BG's......ahem
yea, i mean, those casters all running around with moc and clerics with bof in bg, nerf :|


its not like anny caster ingame is gimpd without his RA's.....arms are, why else would they lower the cost ? for fun ?

Sharp Thing

Originally posted by stupidshady
its not like anny caster ingame is gimpd without his RA's.....arms are, why else would they lower the cost ? for fun ?
arms arent really gimped, they are just boring :p


Originally posted by Jiggs
i dont really see how warriors are and better tbh

Imho the fact that a warrior can use a 1h and a 2h weapon with one skill (axe, sword or hammer) makes them a bit better than armsmans.

But... Midgard is the melee realm so that might explain it.


TBH i think arms have been kinda left behind in the world of DAOC. if they spec pole sure they smash hard but damn are they slow. 1 miss and game over. and S&S make great guards men but dmg output is megga limited. so u look to their RA`s and relly apart from IP and Purge they have nothing. and the 1 good skill they have got in RA`s is bugged.......
so Im not sure what they do need but i know there far from a complete class..

Hit ^_^

a s&s warrior hits for about the same as a pole arms fs..


Get in line ya filthy tanks. It's archers turn atm. :p


Originally posted by Hit ^_^
a scout pwn a arms anyday.

Certainly not! Beat, quite possibley, but pwn no. Bow hits for sweet nothing on plate, even with the right arrows. All the tank needs to do is some sort of stun (im not sure about the pole spec line, do u get a stun?) get behind and thats one dead scout.

Of course the slow speed does make the scout block very easily, not that the scout would be doing much melee damage vs. the arms.


Originally posted by loxleyhood
im not sure about the pole spec line, do u get a stun
Yes - from a 2-style chain requiring your opponent to use a style on you.

Nice for duels if your opponent chooses to let you use it, in real use its not going to be successfully used too often.

And thats why so many polearm users have 42 shield.

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Dunno about the rest of you but I would have thought that they should take a good look at the fact that you have to train in both slash/thrust/crush AS WELL as polearm or 2H. None of the other realms have to do that and it just seems really fucked up to me. What was the, if any, reasoning behind that? I realise that would mean that Armsman could spec 50 pole and 50 parry but isn't that much the same as the other main tanks from other realms?

In all my months of playing I have accepted and understood, albeit vaguely, many of the strange restrictions Mythic placed on Albion but I have never understood this one.


Originally posted by Sissyfoo
Dunno about the rest of you but I would have thought that they should take a good look at the fact that you have to train in both slash/thrust/crush AS WELL as polearm or 2H. None of the other realms have to do that and it just seems really fucked up to me. What was the, if any, reasoning behind that? I realise that would mean that Armsman could spec 50 pole and 50 parry but isn't that much the same as the other main tanks from other realms?

In all my months of playing I have accepted and understood, albeit vaguely, many of the strange restrictions Mythic placed on Albion but I have never understood this one.

Yes, but armsmen have teh plate!!!!11!!1


Warriors, ALWAYS out damage armsman with one hand no matter how armsman is specced, that was changed in recent patch making warrior a better class than armsman, this si also pretty much hwo they phrased it in patch notes

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Originally posted by ReaLX
Yes, but armsmen have teh plate!!!!11!!1

Ah yes...plate. That really evens things out.


Try pure pole spec lol, I have no problem dueling any other tank class of the other realms and win more often then I lose. And don't give me that uber zerker/hero crap, a pure poler can stand up to any tank and theres no reason why your armsman can't either. Yes armsman need to be looked at and we need a little boost but we are far far from gimped.

However your quite right about the Armsman TL, I myself recently searched for the last report and its rediculously out dated, and even then the fixes asked for in the last several reports we're not addressed in any way shape or form.

These include the broken styles, and non of the pole or many other melee styles actually giving the 'slow' effects they claim to in rvr (icon appears but no hindering effect actually takes place), not to mention the crap RA and near useless crossbow.

It would be nice to know that A) The armsman TL is still awake and paying attention, and B) Mythic havent completely forgotten Armsman in there Albion review.

To surmise, Armsman are not broken but we have waited long enough for our fixes.


Duel means nothiong in rvr, who will duel u in emain?:p pure pole can't even solo a same realm rank SB easily.
Compare to warriors, heros, zerkers, armsman is the gimpest char. I am a rr 6L5 armsman, i tried full pole/slash full pole/thrust, i can't see any benefit of the DAMAGE of the polearm compare to other realms 2 hand weapons. If u are pure pole, vs 6 second pbt, u can't do a shit.
Ok, we have plate, but could that thing really help ? Hero, warrior,zerker, lives much longer inside enemies or kills much more faster.
We absloutly need a TL, need a BIG fix, coz armsman is soooo crap.


Originally posted by B3rt4old
TBH i think arms have been kinda left behind in the world of DAOC. if they spec pole sure they smash hard but damn are they slow. 1 miss and game over. and S&S make great guards men but dmg output is megga limited. so u look to their RA`s and relly apart from IP and Purge they have nothing. and the 1 good skill they have got in RA`s is bugged.......
so Im not sure what they do need but i know there far from a complete class..

well arms got also determination..which for grp play is good (even deter3 is ok)
they can take also ap which is also good

well i have to agree with shady...
we take *nothin* except the low cost ip purge..which they gave it on also didn't change anything...
about the armsman TL reporter...well i think that he got "connections" with mythic that's why he never post a tl wait he has made one /curt :puke:
anyway i have discuss and in the past this...ok arms are not SOOOO bad...but heck they need some "push forward"
a pole/slam spec is hmpf good?why mids-hibs (shield+spears fortehwin) do not need to spec 2h+dmg type? (wonder) ....and we HAVE to ...unless we want to hit for 100-500 dmg...:puke:
give arms sthin like hamster or heroe ability...turn us into mouse i do not care :p:p or give a ability on timer like warcry (sounds good...barbarians used to make warcrys on war :p:p) that will give +10% dmg and attack speed on a 10mins timer...well not good at all....but now we go sthing is better than nothing :puke:

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