Four questions:
1) What performs better in RvR, a defensive armsman (High parry and shield, low weapon) or an offensive one (High weapon low etc..)? By this i mean on general terms, does it pay to be defensive or are you just a walking shield that does no damage.
2) Whats better in RvR thrust, crush or slash damsge and why?
3) Can Armsman spec in crossbow? Some things i've read say yes and others say no.
4) Whats a recommended spec for both an offensive and a defensive armsman that will perform well in both RvR and PvE.
Oh and are there any guilds out there that actually help there members out or all they all just used to slag each other off and to sit on there collective fat arses together like all the ones i've joined?
1) What performs better in RvR, a defensive armsman (High parry and shield, low weapon) or an offensive one (High weapon low etc..)? By this i mean on general terms, does it pay to be defensive or are you just a walking shield that does no damage.
2) Whats better in RvR thrust, crush or slash damsge and why?
3) Can Armsman spec in crossbow? Some things i've read say yes and others say no.
4) Whats a recommended spec for both an offensive and a defensive armsman that will perform well in both RvR and PvE.
Oh and are there any guilds out there that actually help there members out or all they all just used to slag each other off and to sit on there collective fat arses together like all the ones i've joined?