Armed Forces



Originally posted by Deadmanwalking.
Ignus no dis-respect m8 but thats bollocks.

When you say from the SAS books you have read? I rest my case.
My father is ex-SAS as in real information not sexed up Andy McNab thriller.

Well it was a book written by somone else on the training program of the SAS but you're probably right. I don't know much about the marines but I have been told about the paras officers having to go that little bit extra because the instructors resent them for what they'll become. I'll be quite happy to be a number being told what to do, I'm sick of responsibility.

Swift shut up, we argued in the other thread but there is no reason for you to bring it here so just drop it you silly boy.

Xtro 2.0

I haven't read most of the thread as it seemed like uninformed bollocks.

DMW - pm me about anything you want to know (from an ex officer's POV).


Originally posted by Swift^
IMO people who wish to join "defense" forces - have a deep seated problem in their mental state.

Don't get me wrong, I am in no way digging or flaming anyone here - I just can't understand the principal of wishing to work for something that treats you like shit, under a corrupt system that's in a terrible state, only so you can become a sheep - to do a certain job, menial and mundane - and at the mercy of fat wankers that wouldn't know the shit that you go through to stay IN that job.

Plus there's the inherant problem of the chance of being sentenced to death - and if you don't die you're going to have to live with the fact that you've probably killed someone.

I can't see how being shouted at all day and night, being treated like shit, being robbed of your identity and personality that makes who you are - could ever appear a good career option for someone.

And before you start with your "leftie" bullshit ignus, shut up. If you haven't got why I keep laughing at you by now, you won't ever - so please don't ever think of me laughing at you as a "comeback" - I just find people that constantly let things fly over their head amusing.

Its a good job we didnt have more people like you during the Second World War.

Menial and mundane? Hmmmmm I can hardly call being a fast jet pilot menial and mundane.

Not all jobs in the armed forces mean you either are going to be killed or kill someone.

Tell me what do you do as a job - hold on, let me guess, I'm betting you're a media or journalism student?

But then I believe you've not had much experience or much knowledge when it comes to important stuff such as the defence of the country, not when you call it the 'defense forces'

And like teh krypt you say your piece and then ignore anyone who disagrees with you - how very mature of you.


See I'm not the only one who dislikes you swift.


Originally posted by Cdr
For the RM you have to have that killer attitude, you have to be slightly crazy before you join - its what they are looking for.

Originally posted by Tom.

Deadmanwalking was charged with attempted murder with a laccy band

Right that's that sorted.


Heh, I've been considering joining the Army lately. It sounds sad but when I play games (Sigh) like MOH : AA I think although it must've been so terrible, it must be a hell of an experience to fight for your country like that.
Of course me playing the game can not give me an idea of how it must be in real life.


You know they were using a special version of operations flashpoint once to give soldiers an idea of the battlefield.


Yeah I heard about that, its amazing how realistic some games are. But I dont think it would really prepare you for the battlefield. :)


Originally posted by Swift^
I can't see how being shouted at all day and night, being treated like shit, being robbed of your identity and personality that makes who you are - could ever appear a good career option for someone.

A colourful description, and one I can assure you isn't true. You forget the sense of cameraderie between soldiers, and the positive aspects of the job, which are (probably)

routine (if you like that)
massive social circle
career prospects
job for life

I've never been a soldier etc, but I've met plenty of people who have (including my dad who did national service), and they all have fond memories.


Originally posted by old.ignus
See I'm not the only one who dislikes you swift.

No, but at least he's not going round like a twat squealing "look look everyone hates swift!!!!!!"


RM training is extremely arduous. It is after all , an elite regiment. The training for officers is much harder. If you have the heart for it the go for it, but be warned, there is no second best in the Royal Marines.

Even the Marines think Paras are crazy BTW


Mate of mine went to Sandhurst and it was quite the mind fuck :)

He's still in the forces (Captain) and is marrying another officer (a Major, reminds of that Jack Nicholson line from A Few Good Men, about getting a blow job off of a superior officer :p)

From an observers point of view, apart from training people to go into harms way and kill, the training seems to be "nasty" for want of another word in order to make you a little better to cope with the unbelievably fucking nastiness that war is (and "peace keeping" too, Kosovo was not nice).

Don't feel you have to join an elite unit for an interesting career. Seems every British regiment gets to go to exoctic places, meet interesting people and kill them these days, sign of the times.


If you want an easy life and a guaranteed career join the engineers*

*only easy when your country isn't at war cos otherwise you are in the shit

Sir Frizz

All i'll say is that i'd recommend you to do a degree in Uni before becoming an officer.


damn, people "wanting" to join the army....

I'm gonna get a letter sometime between my 22nd and 25th birthday I believe, telling me I have to do my duty to my country and enlist in the army for a period of 12 months or so

yay :/


Originally posted by Swift^
IMO people who wish to join "defense" forces - have a deep seated problem in their mental state.

Don't get me wrong, I am in no way digging or flaming anyone here - I just can't understand the principal of wishing to work for something that treats you like shit, under a corrupt system that's in a terrible state, only so you can become a sheep - to do a certain job, menial and mundane - and at the mercy of fat wankers that wouldn't know the shit that you go through to stay IN that job.

Plus there's the inherant problem of the chance of being sentenced to death - and if you don't die you're going to have to live with the fact that you've probably killed someone.

I can't see how being shouted at all day and night, being treated like shit, being robbed of your identity and personality that makes who you are - could ever appear a good career option for someone.

And before you start with your "leftie" bullshit ignus, shut up. If you haven't got why I keep laughing at you by now, you won't ever - so please don't ever think of me laughing at you as a "comeback" - I just find people that constantly let things fly over their head amusing.

I have two brothers in the armed forces, and I can say for a fact that you couldn't be further from the truth.

'Deep seated Mental problem'
'Treats you like shit ..... corrupt system'
'Sentenced to death' - rofl

Have you formed your opinion based upon 'It 'aint 'alf hot mum' and other purile TV shows, or have you actually met anyone who is in the Army/RAF/Navy ?


Swift cannot reply because he has been banned in relation to a different matter, please refrain from abusing him even if you disagree with his point of view.


Might be of some interest to you

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Originally posted by SilverHood
damn, people "wanting" to join the army....

I'm gonna get a letter sometime between my 22nd and 25th birthday I believe, telling me I have to do my duty to my country and enlist in the army for a period of 12 months or so

yay :/

Where are you from? I always thought you were English, sorry :)


Originally posted by bigfoot
Swift cannot reply because he has been banned in relation to a different matter, please refrain from abusing him even if you disagree with his point of view.


Good lord, we finally get someone with a point of view who can punctuate properly and he gets banned. :(

Bring back swift^, I liked his posts. Even if he was wazz or something :D

Testin da Cable

he was Wazz? negative shite ;)


being warned away from elite regiments because the push the men very hard and the officers harder?
-what a load of cock that is. why to you think it's an elite reg huh? you should be damn glad they are willing to test you ffs :eek:

-get your degree first. be assured, you'll be damn glad.

easy life
-wtf? you're joining the army to effing serve your country! if you're a lazy **** then stay away unless you plan on pulling finger and getting off your arse.

as to werd nutters in certain regiments..true and false tbh. the regiment wants people who are willing to do certain things. if those people happen to enjoy it then so be it.

Rubber Bullets

Originally posted by Swift^
I just can't understand the principal of wishing to work for something that treats you like shit, under a corrupt system that's in a terrible state, only so you can become a sheep - to do a certain job, menial and mundane - and at the mercy of fat wankers that wouldn't know the shit that you go through to stay IN that job.

To be honest this sounds more like the NHS, and I should know :(.



Originally posted by Rubber Bullets
To be honest this sounds more like the NHS, and I should know :(.

Don't underestimate the NHS. They inflict more casualties than all the other forces put together.


Originally posted by mank!
Where are you from? I always thought you were English, sorry :)

I'm Danish, but I live in England atm :)


I was almost right. Do you have a weird Mancunian Danish accent like Peter Schmeichel?

(sorry :))


no, I have a unique accent when drunk, and an almost flawless surrey accent during the day :)


Originally posted by bigfoot
Swift cannot reply because he has been banned in relation to a different matter, please refrain from abusing him even if you disagree with his point of view.

What was he banned for?

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