Armed Forces



I am quite seriously considering joining the Royal Marines. Now i have only just started my A-levels but i intend to finish them first and then join at officer level.

Now im just really after your thoughts/experiences of the British armed forces but anything relevant will do.


If you wanna be an officer don't join the marines or paras, I've heard the stories of how they treat their officers to make sure they're ready to keep a level head on the battlefield.


Those stories are at least 80% bullshit. But they don't play them down as it adds to the Ultra hard image.

If anything do join the marines for officer level as they train the officers and the enlisted at the same location. The army for instance has Sandhurst for it's officer training which is far removed from the training that the "grunts" receive.


No I heard these stories from 2 ex-paras, ex-blackwatch and from the SAS books I read. I'm entering at trade level but I intend to work my way up, that way you're respected when you get to the top because you worked for it. Officers and red caps are not liked in the military.


Go to Sandhurst and you're likely to be buying your groceries from my Mother in Law... be warned!!!

(It's just down the road and she works in the NAAFI shop in the RMA ;))


Ignus no dis-respect m8 but thats bollocks.

When you say from the SAS books you have read? I rest my case.
My father is ex-SAS as in real information not sexed up Andy McNab thriller.

Not to mention the paras are hardly likely to be saying the selection process is a piece of piss, as it then takes away from their image of being the hardest/best trained military forces around.

Oh and about not being liked, hence why the Marine officers are trained in the same location and with the grunts. To get away from the problem you described.


Ive got a mate doing his Royal Marines training atm.

When i next see him i'll ask him what its like :)
I dont think hes going for officer, but the officers train alongside the grunts in the Marines from what ive heard, they just have more training after the other recruits finish.

EDIT: I really should read the entire post first ;)


My dad was an RM as was my brother-in-law. Both enjoyed their time although they both agreed the physical side was incredibly difficult. I believe though you are quite sporty so this I imagin won't be an issue?


Yeah, im not to worried about the physical side. And also part of the 30 weeks basic training is more about getting your up to shape physically.

It's the attitude they want.


Originally posted by old.ignus
Officers and red caps are not liked in the military.

They're not liked because the people who dont like them are not clever enough to goto Cranwell or Sandhurst to start off with.

They're not liked because they get away with more than the grunts as its seen as 'hi-jinks' when an officer does something - whereas when a grunt does something its seen as bad behaviour.

I see you're getting into the 'grunt' mentality already.

For the RM you have to have that killer attitude, you have to be slightly crazy before you join - its what they are looking for.


I have a mate who is in the marines, he left school during his A-levels then he went off to Iraq. Came back a few months ago, but didn't seem that keen on discussing what it was like over there. Although i have to admit the marines turned him into a right hard bastard.
Even taught me how piss easy it is to go from being in a head lock to having your attacker on the floor in one arm move.


Mates dad is an ex-para and he diddnt find it too bad. At the moment i'm torn between becoming and officer in the RAF/Navy or becoming a journalist......or becoming a geophysicist. Still havent nailed it down, nor will i be likely to in the future.

Advice my brother, who's an officer in the RAF atm, has given is to "not limit your carreer". He was all set-up to be an infantry officer before he realised that when he was released to civvie-street he would have no skills or experience in lines of work that could keep him supported.

If that makes sense......then again.....i saw a leaflet on fish farming that looked really interesting (seriously).

(I dont think this helped you :p )


Well unless i suddenly get offered a contract for my tennis playing or i stick at being a diving insturctor, it's law at uni for me or the armed forces.


IMO people who wish to join "defense" forces - have a deep seated problem in their mental state.

Don't get me wrong, I am in no way digging or flaming anyone here - I just can't understand the principal of wishing to work for something that treats you like shit, under a corrupt system that's in a terrible state, only so you can become a sheep - to do a certain job, menial and mundane - and at the mercy of fat wankers that wouldn't know the shit that you go through to stay IN that job.

Plus there's the inherant problem of the chance of being sentenced to death - and if you don't die you're going to have to live with the fact that you've probably killed someone.

I can't see how being shouted at all day and night, being treated like shit, being robbed of your identity and personality that makes who you are - could ever appear a good career option for someone.

And before you start with your "leftie" bullshit ignus, shut up. If you haven't got why I keep laughing at you by now, you won't ever - so please don't ever think of me laughing at you as a "comeback" - I just find people that constantly let things fly over their head amusing.


I'm getting a degree for sure before i do anything else. Sure, you dont need one to get ahead (my dad doesnt have one yet he earns more then both of his brothers who do have one (in teaching) but he still regrets not getting one as he's found certain avenues closed off) but its still usefull. Besides, if i do join the armed forces, i want to go in as an officer, otherwise known as a "rupert" for those wanting to go in as a squaddie. Besides, iirc, having a degree enables you to have a one step promotion immediatley.


Originally posted by Swift^
Don't get me wrong, I am in no way digging or flaming anyone here - I just can't understand the principal of wishing to work for something that treats you like shit, under a corrupt system that's in a terrible state, only so you can become a sheep - to do a certain job, menial and mundane - and at the mercy of fat wankers that wouldn't know the shit that you go through to stay IN that job.

I thought this was about the UK army not the US's "army" ;)


Originally posted by Swift^
IMO people who wish to join "defense" forces - have a deep seated problem in their mental state.

Don't get me wrong, I am in no way digging or flaming anyone here -

Please get out of this thread.



For having an opinion?

You're sounding like The Krypt now.


No for insulting me and many others.

Don't hide behind it's my opinion.


Originally posted by Swift^
IMO people who wish to join "defense" forces - have a deep seated problem in their mental state.

Don't get me wrong, I am in no way digging or flaming anyone here - I just can't understand the principal of wishing to work for something that treats you like shit, under a corrupt system that's in a terrible state, only so you can become a sheep - to do a certain job, menial and mundane - and at the mercy of fat wankers that wouldn't know the shit that you go through to stay IN that job.

isnt that what every job is like? :)


Originally posted by Deadmanwalking.
No for insulting me and many others.

Don't hide behind it's my opinion.

My god, Krypt is Deadmanwalking!

Christ. You start a thread on a public forum, someone says something you don't like and you spit your dummy.

If you can't take peoples opinions, then 'please get out of this thread'. You can't pick and choose who replies with what opinion, that's not the idea of forums.


My father was an RMP (Royal Military Policeman) and i've lived in an army enviroment all my life. If you are serious about joining the army i would highly advise starting at the highest possible rank. Also make sure you don't have any dis-abilities etc, as you will a) most likely not make it in and b) if you do, promotion's will be few and far between. To be honest i would advise against joining, but you will have to do research and make your own opinion.


Mank.... if you read half of what you commented on you might have an idea. Ignus earlier on said what he saw of it and that was fair enough. Swift has just come to continue his pointless fight with ignus and at the same time insult people.


Originally posted by Deadmanwalking.
No for insulting me and many others.

Don't hide behind it's my opinion.

I'm not insulting you, I'm not insulting anyone. I went out of my way at the start of the post to make sure no-one got that impression, because that was not my intention.

Please, don't start a bloody argument when all I've done is state my opinion. I'm not "hiding" behind the "it's my opinion" line - it IS my opinion. And I know quite a few people in person who have/do work with and in the armed forces, and they know my thoughts on the matter. They don't care though, because they do as they wish, with their own thoughts and opinions. Think I'm fool for thinking it, or being so "general" with my statement, but don't try and push me out of the thread because my opinion differs from yours.

You ARE acting like Krypt now, taking it personally as an attack - being meladromatic and not being able to listen to someone say a few words. Shhh my pretty.

If it bothers you that much that I have an opinion, you can always put me on the ignore list surely?


Originally posted by .Asmo
My father was an RMP (Royal Military Policeman) and i've lived in an army enviroment all my life. If you are serious about joining the army i would highly advise starting at the highest possible rank. Also make sure you don't have any dis-abilities etc, as you will a) most likely not make it in and b) if you do, promotion's will be few and far between. To be honest i would advise against joining, but you will have to do research and make your own opinion.

I have done some research apart from the stuff i grew up with. I'm off to a "careers" interview (Read: Properganda) next week. So will see what i think of it after that.


Originally posted by Deadmanwalking.
Mank.... if you read half of what you commented on you might have an idea. Ignus earlier on said what he saw of it and that was fair enough. Swift has just come to continue his pointless fight with ignus and at the same time insult people.

Frankly, all he did was state his opinion. If you think that's a personal insult towards you or Ignus then you've got one hell of an ego, buddy.

Shall I get out of your thread now I've expressed an opinion, or do I have your permission to carry on posting?

Failing that, you could just close the thread.


Originally posted by Deadmanwalking.
Mank.... if you read half of what you commented on you might have an idea. Ignus earlier on said what he saw of it and that was fair enough. Swift has just come to continue his pointless fight with ignus and at the same time insult people.

No, I saw a thread. I read the first post. I read the other posts. I replied to the first post with my opinion on Armed Forces.

Where was I trying to insult people and start a fight?
I did mention ignus yes, but to PREVENT that from happening - stating I don't care, I don't want to hear it and I'm not going to get involved.

Should you reply with another argumentative post, I shall disregard it entirely - as I can't be arsed to get into an argument over an over-reaction.


Wow, a Brentford resident who's actually giving opinions and not bumping every thread! The Conduct Code is working!

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