Are you being quiet???


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Doomy said:
I agree with that. I dont see why it happens, I am fully aware that its a disaster of the highest scale, and my thoughts go out (constantly atm) to the 3 big football stadiums worth of poor souls that have been killed and the families assosciated with those people.

We had one at my work, 3 minutes (timed by radio 2) and I just feel that those 3 minutes sitting there was a complete waste. I could have carried on working but then i wouldnt be being respectful. People empathise/sympathise in their own way, I certainly do and having a forced 'time for respect' is unecessary when im perfectly capable and certainly willing to do my own thing. Donated £20 between me and my girlfriend (hey its January!) which will get put to good use im sure.

Another thing that irks me is that someone is actually allocating extra minutes to these 'silences'. It seems like they are graded on severity, 3 minutes for the east and war victims 1 minute. How do they work this out? Who decides this? Im not being an asshole for the sake of it but the whole point of showing that you give a fuck is chatting to friends and family about this. Asking questions, trying to get answers etc.

I just dont like how its done, its not something that offends me but every time it happens I just think why oh why...

I was talking to a bar owner about this very subject last night. His attitude was "fuck 3 minute silences, they do nowt for nobody" I Didn't entirely agree, but he was more interested in people being positive and helping rather than being a bit quiet so they can think they've shown respect and that's enough, which is probably what a lot of people do.


Jan 21, 2004
TdC said:
20? in that case I'll put you over my knee :)

remember a certain event in Asia? with big waves?

The asian surfin-championship of 1994? i watched that aswell... was KICKASS!


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Why 3 minutes silence? we only have 1 minutes silence for our own war dead, yet we have 3 minutes for people killed in a tragic disaster?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
A better question would be would there have been any silence if a few europeans hadn't been killed.

It seems to me that politicians, eg the blair/brown speaches yesterday,wants to participate in a pissing up the wall contest with how much sympathy they feel for the "victims". The religeous types of course love this sort of stuff as they can go on about it restoring their faith.

Why is it that everyone has to participate these days or they are unfeeling. Must be this multimedia society we live in, bringing death to us over the cornflakes.

I was equally unaffected by the death of a certain Princess but in that case the overreaction was gobsmacking.

If you feel the need to participate, give money and clothing etc. 3 min silence just demeans the point of rememberence day when we commemorate the 11-12 million who died in the 2 wars.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I agree.

Oh, and the bs way the media are reporting, and it seems revelling in all this defies description :/

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