ph34r my bl00d st41n5
N Nibbler Guest May 3, 2001 Thread starter #92 I'm gonna have to pretend my sausage and ketchup sarnie exploded down me now. Click to expand... Ooo i've heard about them sandwich bombers. Dangerous bunch of people
I'm gonna have to pretend my sausage and ketchup sarnie exploded down me now. Click to expand... Ooo i've heard about them sandwich bombers. Dangerous bunch of people
T Testin da Cable Guest May 3, 2001 Thread starter #93 lol didn't mean to do so much damage [to your shirt Wij ]
W Wij Guest May 3, 2001 Thread starter #94 Ooh fuck. I forgot I was only PRETENDING it was sausage and ketchup sarnie. I've licked it all off now
Ooh fuck. I forgot I was only PRETENDING it was sausage and ketchup sarnie. I've licked it all off now
T Testin da Cable Guest May 3, 2001 Thread starter #95 eeeeewwwww disgusting =PPPP what did it taste like btw