Are there any unique items left in the game now ?


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
Artifacts have become diluted. With the new patch they are now much easier to get. Most people have at least one artifact. The impact of seeing someone walk about with multiple high-end artis (AT, EoY, GOV, Phoebus, etc) does not now raise as many eyebrows as once it might have.

With Darkness Rising we have got Champion Weapons. They look nice. And Im sure we're gonna love em. Will we moan on FH that they're too hard to get, then in 12 months time a patch is released making them as easy as artis to get ?

Dragon drops were very prized upon a time. Now 1 FG can take down Golestandt.

Legion is easy. Throw enough bodies in the zerg and he's mush. I don't believe anyone has successfully zerged level 99 Behemoth (correct me if I'm wriong), however.

Sidi is still a nice challenge - but again can be zerged with 50/60 ppl. And drops are quite affordable.

OK ML9 stuff is pricey. In fact apart from certain ML drops is there anything left in the game now which can be said to be really hard to get / unique / very rare / never found on CMs for sale etc ? Or are all items ultimatelty easy to get with enough cash ?


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 15, 2004
I can remember the good old days, when i was officially a market whore, and I could sell the glowie drops from places like Dartmoor for a few plats because they looked quite good, and very few people had them.

I think the cluster has made things more available, as some things that were quite common to find on prydwen market were rarely found on the excalibur market, and vise vera.

Also, I don't think that 'the great prydwen server fook-up of d00m' helped things either.

Now I think it really is a case of if you've got enough plats, you can get whatever you want.

- English -

Resident Freddy
Apr 7, 2004
i also remember farming DS with a lvl 50 knight pet from lyo, items sold for 1p or so per glowie:D


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
I'd say ML10 sets are fairly tricky to acquire still but with enough time you can get everything in the game ;) that's the design and it always has been.

Incidentally Behemoth isn't just level 99 he's invulnerable - "swiftly dodges your blow" when you try to melee him.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
Incidentally Behemoth isn't just level 99 he's invulnerable - "swiftly dodges your blow" when you try to melee him.
Then you just hit him from out of range where he can be attacked. Same with the dragons if you use a bow or volley.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
Some people on US have claimed that they killed Behemoth though I've never seen any screenshots of him actually dead (or the loot he dropped).
Don't really believe he is invulnerable as you might be able to take him down on a coop server with every pet spam class and tons of people (maybe around 500+).

I only faced him once and he did 1 shot everyone he encountered though this was before ToA/Catacombs so who knows it might be possible to do him or we need to wait a bit till Mythic will release a new expansion with some OP spells and/or classes.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Well I still won't call items which you need 60+ people to get "easy to obtain". It's a MMORPG and raiding monsters with 60 people is just the way a MMORPG is designed to work. Altho I agree that killing the dragon with just 1 fg isn't really fair.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Phoebee-v- said:
Then you just hit him from out of range where he can be attacked. Same with the dragons if you use a bow or volley.

that's stuck to him ;) he has no place he can be engaged.

Legion has the same effect if you leave the platform - just behemoth has no "place you can hit him" at least not that I've ever heard of.

(you'd think melee range in his chamber would be it if there was one ;))


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Thegreatest said:
Well I still won't call items which you need 60+ people to get "easy to obtain". It's a MMORPG and raiding monsters with 60 people is just the way a MMORPG is designed to work. Altho I agree that killing the dragon with just 1 fg isn't really fair.

get 59 friends, kill it 60 times ;)

there are items that are harder than others to get but they're far from unique.


Loyal Freddie
May 4, 2004
I think the server would easily crash if you brought 500 people together in the small room of behemoth :p Pretty sure he can't be killed either, I remember reading something about it a while ago.


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
Drifting slightly off topic - and returning to Behemoth - if he's invulnerable then not even a level 100 mod could kill him without tinkering with the invulnerability code.

If he's not invulnerable (cue Arnie quote: "If its bleeds we can kill it") then get 100 serv necs each with bb's and deal with it like Cetus...or pet spam it with 100 focus cabs, 100 theurgs, 100 ice wizies, and a small hamster called Colin.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
If it shows as either 'Neutral' 'Hostile' or 'Aggresive' then it can be hit no matter the level. It is all a matter of beating the 'chance-to-hit' code which is insanely high on a level 99 NPC. For example, to hit Legion who is well over level 80 you probably need about 25 people plus pets hitting him at once to register any damage. As the level rises the chance to hit basically goes through the roof, so whilst Behemoth may be killable you would need an insane amount of people hitting to even register damage. Then you have the other problem, if what Filmgoblin says is correct about the 'Behemoth cannot be attacked from here' message then Mythic may well have coded it into the game that the Behemoth NPC is permanently out of range. Until I hear otherwise I will believe this to be the case. It is not so much that he is theoretically unkillable so much as he is unreachable.

If anyone can prove otherwise I would be delighted to be proven wrong on this.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
It's an "engage radius" - it's used for monsters like legion that can't move past a certain location so if you want to damage it you need to be in a place the monster can move to to hit you.

Behemoth is set up so that he can't be engaged anywhere (at least anywhere anyone's ever tried to hit him from ;) note that with spells the message is always "Your spell is resisted" so you can't tell if it's a radius however if you try and melee legion when not on his platform you'll get the same message you get trying to hit behemoth. And indeed it doesn't matter what level he is - if he was level 1 you'd still not be able to kill him because of this).

He's probably not got a loot table anyway ;)


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
cHodAX said:
If it shows as either 'Neutral' 'Hostile' or 'Aggresive' then it can be hit no matter the level. It is all a matter of beating the 'chance-to-hit' code which is insanely high on a level 99 NPC. For example, to hit Legion who is well over level 80 you probably need about 25 people plus pets hitting him at once to register any damage. As the level rises the chance to hit basically goes through the roof, so whilst Behemoth may be killable you would need an insane amount of people hitting to even register damage. Then you have the other problem, if what Filmgoblin says is correct about the 'Behemoth cannot be attacked from here' message then Mythic may well have coded it into the game that the Behemoth NPC is permanently out of range. Until I hear otherwise I will believe this to be the case. It is not so much that he is theoretically unkillable so much as he is unreachable.

If anyone can prove otherwise I would be delighted to be proven wrong on this.

Danord solo'd legion.. well him running 4 accs.. ;p


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
Whats the point of having an aggressive mob that will kill anyone and everyone who comes up against it ?

Theoretically, if it was somehow killable, 600 people could take it down - but that number of ppl in one zone would crash the servers.

Compare that to, say, the combined might of a Realm Keep like Castle Sauvage. The Master Wizards and Elite Realm Guards (or whatever they're called) are all over level 70 and your average Hib or Mid zerg would get annihilated...but at least they are killable. Hard but entirely possible. ---> home invasion.

I don't see the point of having a mob that simply can't be killed.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
I have a Borogove Cloak from an old GOA event..that's pretty unique :p


Jan 22, 2005
There a alot of unique items in the game, all the Murdaigean quest items, Sinovia/ML5/ML7/ML9 shields, swords, cloaks, there are loads.


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
Dorimor1 said:
There a alot of unique items in the game, all the Murdaigean quest items, Sinovia/ML5/ML7/ML9 shields, swords, cloaks, there are loads.

Take ML 7.7 shield. In Albion, they are known as Magma Infused Defenders. Very nice shields. But practically every Paladin in the game has one. And they've all got malice, battler, prob using same template...these items are commonplace rather than unique - imo. Or just trundle down to your nearest housing zone and buy an ML7.7 shield for 5 plat.

I guess "unique" depends on how you look at it :)


Oct 26, 2004
People learned how to get those artis in an easy and effective way. Thats why u see allot of people wearing those items.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 8, 2004
Lamp said:
Sidi is still a nice challenge - but again can be zerged with 50/60 ppl. And drops are quite affordable.

Galladoria in hib offers more of a challenge, even with a very sizable raid sucess with the final encounter isnt guaranteed without people really listening and doing the right stuff. Its the only place hibs can get the heal proc vest or the epic necklaces, making them the harderst items to farm imo. Everything in TOA is easy by comparison.

Hydra from SI dungeon is also a decent challenge, need a few groups to get there and she has a nasty habbit of crashing the zone and despawning if she feels threatened :)


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
MaCaBr3 said:
People learned how to get those artis in an easy and effective way. Thats why u see allot of people wearing those items.

So, if more and more ppl get the same stuff, they become less unique. More commonplace. Their value as highly desirable items has diluted.

Perhaps Film is correct - ML10 stuff at the moment is so rare than characters who own ML10 stuff perhaps can claim they have a unique / highly valuable item.

My point is that with 1.81, the same - perhaps - cannot be said for artis.

Give it a few patches and artis will become as boring as epic armour is now (1.78).


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
Lamp said:
Give it a few patches and artis will become as boring as epic armour is now (1.78).


Epic armour is not outdated because it's available to everyone.

It's outdated because there is better stuff out there.

Some of the best stuff out there is Artifacts. In fact, it was deemed these were so powerful, that they essentially were a requirement to even start participating in RvR.

A fully decked out in ToA gear character didn't and doesn't raise eyebrows.

Instead a character in non-ToA gear raises eyebrows if he attempts to participate on full footing in RvR. He is considered "gimp". Perhaps a strong word, but matter of fact is, that he will have less tools available compared to someone that finished his PvE grind.

With 1.81 the bar is lowered to allow more people easier access to these requirements. There are still alot of very rare items out there. This time it's just DR/Catacombs/ToA static drops/ROGs that can give characters an edge.

I don't see a problem with this. In fact, I would see a problem if Mythic didn't lower the bar as new items were introduced in the past two expansions.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Apoc sets are uber rare (because of the necklace required) but sadly they aren't worth the effort in attaining because they are badly outdated and require a huge time investment plus alot of organisation to obtain. I think Mythic had the right idea with those sets as well, made much more sense than some of the ToA gear.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 7, 2004
well, drops from arti encs will go up in price when the 1.81 hits. becouse ppl will do them elss than now, becouse you only need enc and scrolls, no need to camp it to get it.

+ i need some ml9 drop called cloudstone... havent seen eny for sale. must be rare

id say ml10 offhand blade is rare.


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
dragon didnt manage to kill behemoth when someone ported i on top of atk :)


Loyal Freddie
Nov 12, 2004
behemoth =)

i remember a raid few days bfore NF no shroom cap in zones and no fop nerf, think jokke did raid of around 100 hibs and around 16 lvl50 anis ><, no1 got him of 100% in end just gave up and ported back 2 legion room.
some1 do maths of how many shrooms =) this was bfore cap on shrooms was introduced.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 3, 2004
i dont think anybody had apoc set on prydwen tbh.. he was killed only a few times..

Tesla Monkor

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
Actually, the 5 uberitems that dropped from GOA's Huge Event Battle are still ingame, and those are guaranteed unique - and irreplacable. They're so unique that not even the US servers have them.

Good luck finding one, though. ;)

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