Are there any better or more fun games than daoc?



Originally posted by old.Filip
Btw i forgot to recommend Age of Mythologi
IMHO the best RTS game sience Starcraft..

a bit demanding to play, you have to read about the units :), or you get wastet so bad to an "unkillable unit type"

but after the initial rook bashing the games becomes splendid.

allso the players there is better than the avarage War3/[insert random RTS game] player..

but be warned about the game finder system .. at times it sux badly ... not as good as battlenet..

All those 'Age of <whatever>' are just :

1. get lots of workers
2. get lots of units
3. zerg around

somehow it always came down to this when I played it.


Ya... thats why i stopped playing the old age games ..

but the new 1 is better.... though still rather complex. The counter unit system makes it worth playing.

if you only build 1 unit type and send em in like in the old games you would get killed so bad if the opponent is prepared and got the counter unit for it rdy ..

you have to control the battels and micro a lot to win..
(which i like.. some dont (but they are gays))


Try the Last map in Warcraft3 on highest difficulty (Night Elves)... that's a challenge :p


Never play vs the computer....
imho it gives you bad habbits which hurt you bad when you play online


I used to say SC or SC-bw was the best RTS, but Command & Conquer - Generals is simply better :) Atleast I think so :)


WUT ??? ARE YOU INSANE ? !!! ?? :p

imho C&C was good at the time.. and was for most ppl the first game where they learned to micro manage

but no where near SC/BW in quality..

in C&C i only saw 1 unit type (men or tanks depending on players lvl) beening made..

in SC there was loads of diffenrent strat's and tricks even at the higher lvl of gaming...

but i forgive you young padwen ... you have much to learn ...


(boored at work :) )


Originally posted by old.Filip
WUT ??? ARE YOU INSANE ? !!! ?? :p

imho C&C was good at the time.. and was for most ppl the first game where they learned to micro manage

but no where near SC/BW in quality..

in C&C i only saw 1 unit type (men or tanks depending on players lvl) beening made..

in SC there was loads of diffenrent strat's and tricks even at the higher lvl of gaming...

but i forgive you young padwen ... you have much to learn ...


(boored at work :) )

he's talking about the new c&c game called c&c: generals. it's not been out for long. 'tis an awesome game with insane graphics. not the awesome story-mode you know from the other c&c games, but rock solid gameplay and graphics.


Originally posted by rynnor

Not too sure about eve-online either - I hear it will only have 1 world on a cluster of servers but that makes me wonder what happens if a large proportion of the population gather in one spot... maybe they hope it wont be too popular?

EVE will have 5000 solar systems to explore with 10'000's of planets and space stations, where ever you got your info from is completly wrong. Even the beta version has 1000 systems already live and the whole whole system of corperations is working extremlt well according to my friends in beta. Imagine running your own corperation and owning your own planet or solar system with its own fleet of defence ships. Makes me drool :)


EvE makes me drool too :)

Just hope they get it right


Originally posted by old.cHodAX

EVE will have 5000 solar systems to explore with 10'000's of planets and space stations, where ever you got your info from is completly wrong. Even the beta version has 1000 systems already live and the whole whole system of corperations is working extremlt well according to my friends in beta. Imagine running your own corperation and owning your own planet or solar system with its own fleet of defence ships. Makes me drool :)

Oops - poor choice of terminology by me - when I said world I meant what to daoc would be a server - so effectively everyone who plays Eve is on the same server - can interacct etc.

Nice idea I'm just not convinced the architecture will really cope with it yet - certainly one logical server is the real future of MMORPG's.


Originally posted by rynnor

Oops - poor choice of terminology by me - when I said world I meant what to daoc would be a server - so effectively everyone who plays Eve is on the same server - can interacct etc.

Nice idea I'm just not convinced the architecture will really cope with it yet - certainly one logical server is the real future of MMORPG's.

Ah understood, you are correct in that case but I have to point out the following. They are using clustered servers to create one persistant world but they have commited a huge amount of money to buy racks of servers and some serious bandwidth. I was told that initial server setup will be capable of hosting 30,000 players which is very close to the numbers they are expecting on day 1 of retail, if they hit those numbers at the very start they well expand the server farm to support many more players. They have built the code so that an expanding player base can quickly be accomodated , however they will have a max number set for players in one sector. I would guess that number would be in the 100's at the very least so large events are more than possible. Sadly having all the players in one sector is never going to happen though as they would need some serious supercomuting hardware to support that kind of event.


Originally posted by old.cHodAX
Even the beta version has 1000 systems already live and the whole whole system of corperations is working extremlt well according to my friends in beta.

1000 system is a slight overestimation from your friends :D


Well I was basing that number off what I was told about beta 5 having about 20% of the final map, sadly after 18 months on the beta list I still haven't got in, bastards :( Anyway, my favorite part of the FAQ ;

3.6 How do characters advance their skills?

By activating their skill-training kits. After a training-kit is activated, a certain period of time must elapse before training is complete and the skill becomes functional. The activation time required will be measured in real-time, and activated skills will continue to be taught regardless of whether the player is logged onto the game or not. Activation time can range from less than an hour to several days, depending on the type and complexity of the skill being taught. Characters will still have to locate and purchase the skills they need and activate them manually. The more powerful the skill, the rarer and more expensive it will be

3.7 Can players max out in their skill advancement?

Over time, yes. But as explained above advancing a skill always takes a minimum amount of time, so maxing out a character will take a very, very long time, and no silly gaming-behavior (such as macroing) will affect this. Maxing out in a given skill group takes shorter time, of course, but this can still be measured in months.

:clap: No more exp grind, you can earn money and advance your character even when offline :) FAQ is here for those who want to find out more.

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