Are there any better or more fun games than daoc?



At the moment I am getting a little bored with daoc so I am looking if there are any more fun games out there.
A fun game is one with good pvp action.

1. I've been reading a little about AC2 wich seems pretty good but I wonder:
Do AC2 got any good pvp action?
Can anyone reccomend it?

2. Please give advice if you know any other good game than daoc.


From what I've heard AC2 is not very popular and few people play it, if I were you wait until SWG comes out or even Eden

Bleri McThrust

Tried AC2 through its Euro beta. At the time there where some serious lag issues, the graphics and idea was appealing but the lands seemed empty.

Worse than all that was the communicaton, there wasnt any, and if you wanted to post on the official forums you had to wait till your post was vetted, then hope it got past that before it appeared.

Dont know what its like now. Anywyas there are some good looking games coming up in the future, includingDragon Empires


Played AC2 aswell, lasted a few days, but there is a major lack of players, the lands seamed very sparse.

SWG is officialy released in the US on April the 14th (or 15th cant remember) So i will be plodding on with DAOC and SI until then.

EQ2 sounds promising, but thats not until the end of the year.


AC2 sucked like the last two posts suggested there is no community there, no communication and it really is quite boring

But it does have the most drop dead gorgeous graphics I have ever seen in any game before

Teh Fonz!!1

Nothing to do in Ac2 apart from count how many times you lag.

You'll not notice the nice graphics after a few minutes either, just the loading times and lag issues.

At the moment there is nothing to touch DAoC. 2003 is the year of the MMORPG though so give it a few months and you might have a little more choice.

Have you tried tractor?


max payne's a giggle if you've not played it already...

(picked up a cheap copy in Virgin)

good distraction for a day or too :) and a nice break from slaughtering monsters.

(slaughtering gansters and corporate soldiers instead)


Somebody was raving about World of Warcraft being good and some others are heading off to Eve-online (although its Sci-fi not fantasy).

However be warned there are tons of badly made MMORPGs coming onto the market at the moment - I personally wouldnt touch Neocron/AC2 as both seemed to me to have serious bugs/gameplay issues that make DAOC look stable and balanced :)

Not too sure about eve-online either - I hear it will only have 1 world on a cluster of servers but that makes me wonder what happens if a large proportion of the population gather in one spot... maybe they hope it wont be too popular?


I have been looking more in to Dragon empires for last 45 minutes. It looks pretty good but there arent much info yet as it isnt even in BETA yet.
But I signed up for the beta and looked at the forums. The forums seemed to be very much alive. Nothing like the dead AC2 forums I looked at.


My mate loaded AC2 , wasn't that impressed, the scenery has that distorted, quicktime-panoramic-shot look, more importantly we deleted it and DAOC stopped working!!!!
We had to do a go-back, to before loading AC2 to get it back!!



I've played Ac2 from launch and while it has some interesting features it also has alot of frustrating things about it.

Annoying things :

Inventory is utter rubbish, makes it hard to sell stuff .. and you have VERY limited space.

Crafting system is annoying with weapon crafting you have to get rare dropped trophies which can be VERY hard to find and also higher tier stuff costs SOO much money to make. Can be a very slow and frustrating process.

Performance even on monster pc's is poor frams per second wise. Alot of people have alot of problems, Hard drive thrashing game lock ups BSOD etc etc.

Plus points :

Amazing skills system, best I've seen in any game. You can make hybrid players mixing and matching skills as you like. I currantly have a archer that also has magic skills and enchanter skills.

Graphics are the best in any currant mmorpg or any game currantly available for that point

Turbine seem almost as good as the DAOC makers with patchs and a envolving story line. They have plenty of great stuff planed.

I'd say its a good game but DAOC is better at this currant time.. but then AC2 is very new.

I'm going to be freezing my level 34 archer/enchanter to restart daoc when the add on comes out. I'll wait for a few more patchs and see what turbine add.

Hope this helps abit.



ShadowBane is ment to be released next month in the US, not sure about here tho


if you haven't played Warcraft 3 yet ... great game ;)

The Story is fantastic.


if you dont mind single player RPGs then morrowind is good, you can make all kind of good classes such as a wizard who can wear plate and fight with long swords etc.. also the enchanting skill is good - you trap monsters souls in soul gems then bind them to weapons or mix and match many spells into one spell so you can have a spell that does fire dmg with fire resists decrease and poison in one cast.


Servers being empty might affect that fact you cant play it nowhere else than 6 selected countries till 15th feb :)

Edit: And i mean Asheron call 2


Neverwinter Nights is a great game too, based on AD&D rules and has a decent singleplayer campain (THo ending leaves you lacking some).

An expansion on the way for it too, I might check that out I think, depending on how long SI can keep me interested.

Generally tho, I am holding my breath for EQ2, which is still a fair bit away, World of Warcraft doesn't appeal to me and SWG has more downsides than I like (1 char slot, 1 "Jedi" slot with permadeath, etc.).

I don't think you will come across a better game than DAoC atm, I just wish euro would get a PvE server as well...


Originally posted by Ragnarok1978
Neverwinter Nights is a great game too, based on AD&D rules and has a decent singleplayer campain (THo ending leaves you lacking some).

i don't mean to be an anorak geek - but neverwinter nights is based on D&D 3rd Ed rules, not AD&D (which was discontinued with d&d 3e coming out). afaik nwn was the first game to be based on the new (and much improved) rules :p

*runs away to hide*


but neverwinter nights is based on D&D 3rd Ed rules, not AD&D (which was discontinued with d&d 3e coming out). afaik nwn was the first game to be based on the new (and much improved) rules :p

Aaaah! may the devils from the plane of eternal icecream terror and vanilla coke burn you in butter-and-mud-sauce!

The 3rd edition rules for D&D is some of the worst rules ever for the true roleplayers, setting it up perfectly for the powergamers is the worst ever they could do.. sure it works when applying it to games (nwn in mind), but the good old "roleplaying" rules where it was harder to get up in levels was way much more fun.. that edition gave the Dorktower and Knights of the dinner table a new dimension, bringing it into your own home.. :) (in other words, I do NOT agree that 3rd ed. is any good ;) )

phew.. just had to vent some steam and sorry for going off topic..

back to topic.. Morrowind is a great game for playing if you're a little bored of DAoC :)

--/ AD&D (2nd edition) fanatic signing out ;)


cba arguing here about it, there's been the same things said a few hundred times before on noah's forums :)


Anyone who have played EVE who can say if it is fun or not?


Eve-Online == crap-online

Ive beta tested EVE and I can honestly tell you to stay away from it unless you like spending hours clicking through dialouge windows - becuase that is al the interaction you do in that game.

You have no means to freely roam the world, but only click around in listst and choose a destination, then watch a colourful animation of a ship, and then more clicking through dialouge windows.

EVE-online is at best an advanced Browser Game like Planetarion or Arch-mage if you know about these.

There is not even a slightest way of comparing eve with daoc types of mmorpg.


Must say AC2 SUCKS! The pc spec for full instal is 2 gig. Its the laggest game ive ever played. 50 people is like 500 in daoc.
THe mobs are so buggy. Any object they go near gets em stuck. Some of the graphics are nice, some effects etc. The mobs and some skins look rubbish.


of all the mmorpgs i've played to date (and that's alot of mmorpgs), i have enjoyed daoc the most hands down.

i'm enjoying shadowbane beta too tho, i think that game has great potential. and you also have games coming out like WoW, swg, dragon empires, horizons etc...

the mmorpg landscape looks crowded, but promising.


Btw i forgot to recommend Age of Mythologi
IMHO the best RTS game sience Starcraft..

a bit demanding to play, you have to read about the units :), or you get wastet so bad to an "unkillable unit type"

but after the initial rook bashing the games becomes splendid.

allso the players there is better than the avarage War3/[insert random RTS game] player..

but be warned about the game finder system .. at times it sux badly ... not as good as battlenet..


Gifv massively multiplater online PONG!!!!

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