Are Excaliber players better then pwyden players?



Are Excaliber players better then pryden players?

Bored ;)


No but I would say they are in general younger :)


I'll prolly agree with you on that point ^^

Seems alot more greifing goes on with Excal but that might be down to the larger player base

Ie more players the more plebs


Get it right, its prydwen. :m00:

And, Ill have to say.....uhm....... Prydwen > Excal

Thanks for playing Dark Age of Camelot, come again :p


Originally posted by AbPoon

Ie more players the more plebs

Could not agree more.. I have had chars on all three realms on Excal, still have a retired 28 Skald on Mid/excal, just so bored of the crap I would get when out exping.. might have just been I was unlucky but it put me off that server. Prydwen just seems to be more pleasant.. just look at the fourms for proof.



avg wordcount/hour on #daoc.excalibur 0.4
avg wordcount/hour on #daoc.prydwen 1200
(values based on feelings rather then observations)

After seeing excal (yesyes allso ingame), all i can say is that the community on pryd looks alot tighter and more mature (based on only a few minutes a few times)

am i too cautious?


Originally posted by klavrynd
avg wordcount/hour on #daoc.excalibur 0.4
avg wordcount/hour on #daoc.prydwen 1200
(values based on feelings rather then observations)

Thats because all are talking in #celticfist :)


Some world class players on Excal no doubt about that, sadly the seemingly lower average age and vast amount of l33t d00d level 50 power levelled n00bs puts alot of people off. My time in Hibernia on Excal was very pleasent as I had guildmates from Prydwen with me and some people from the larger guild were extremely helpful to Prydwen refugees, sadly I never got a warm welcome in Midgard when I tried playing there and I hear Albion is far worse.

Prydwen may have lower player numbers but it still has some very good guilds and good players, you can't hold quality down and our finest like Coren, Blood, Azal, Walker, Teoz, Pbuck etc.. are up there with the best on any server.


Prydwen is full of pansy tea drinkers who all ponce around RPing (haha) while us Excalibur lot just run around swearing and beating the crap out of each other.

Then again does it really matter?

Excal is the most Realm War active in the world though.


Originally posted by Cronn
Prydwen is full of pansy tea drinkers who all ponce around RPing (haha) while us Excalibur lot just run around swearing and beating the crap out of each other.

Then again does it really matter?

Excal is the most Realm War active in the world though.

Lol :) I never roleplay, my spelling can't keep up with all that olde english and not talking about exp numbers drives me mad :p Oh and tea ain't for pansys ya bast! ;)


excalibur is one FU mess of a mixture of players :D

it rocks :D

would be cool if we had a proper test server with charcopy....

vengance Vs SoTL anyone :D


I think until you've been in every guild and spoken to every player on both servers, you really cannot make any generalistions that will withstand any real scrutiny.

Being someone on Prydwen who thinks typing inane bullshit 24/7 and speaking in a sort of brain-damaged dialect that would embarrass a toddler doesn't mean that behaviour extrapolates to cover the entire server just because your online friends are similarly hindered in faculties.

Exc has more players and Alb/Exc has the most. Why? Because those are almost the default choices with a new account and a new player. Players choose Exc because it is English and it has the biggest population. They go on to choose Alb because, if asked to choose between an Eldritch and a Wizard...they'll not have a clue what an Eldricth is. After all, how many people thoroughly read, compared and researched for their very first char? I know I didn't...that's why I'm a fucking sorcerer.

Prydwen seems to be home to the people who left Exc to join a "better" realm. And I bet a few are those who logged on at some bizarre time when more Pry players were online than on Exc and so chose it as re. the above.

Exc = unofficial Spanish server
Pry = unofficial chanter alt server



vast amount of l33t d00d level 50 power levelled n00bs puts alot of people off.

Unfortunately I have also noticed a vast upsurge of this type of thing happening on Pryd/Mid now.

One guy I met over the wekeend had a 48 in /played 6 days (I think?) which included 800+ crafting skill.

Also the number of bought accounts seems to be on the increase. One player I talked to this weekend claimed to have 2 level 50's and currently playing a level 48, all bought or so he says at level 40 and xp's through the last 10 levels by himself.

I left excal/alb to come to Prydwen because for me these type of players were ruining the game only to find that the epedemic seems to be spreading to Prydwen :(


prydwen = albs camping mile gates from 6am GMT..
excal = hibs/mids zerg`n 24/7..

not that much difference tbh

i prefer prydwen over excal anyday the people are nice the atmosphere is friendlier. Only thing i dont like is the RvR, Odins/Hadrains do have there fair few of little scurmishes but nothing worth while ie dont happen all the time its kinda spazmatic.

excal on the otherhand has got to be most boring server to lvl on everyones all uptight and selfish (prolly the 10 year olds atleast) but RvR from the limited times ive been bothered to play my Gimpstrel has been ok(ish).

Roo Stercogburn

I've got a druid and a hero on Hib/Ex as well as my other chars on Mid/Pryd. Fairly low level as yet, but it's been interesting playing in groups.

In general I've definately met a lot more younger players on Hib/Ex. Also in general, interesting chat while grouped is a lot less. Have come across a lot more l3e342354t d0oe0oeds or whatever the stupid i-speak naming is. Was in a group where everyone was roleplaying and one of these kiddies joined it and it was hilarious to see the confusion. Ok, so some people still see roleplaying as thee's and thy's and stuff but even so, it is meant to be a roleplaying game after all.

Its a bit dangerous to generalise too much, as there are good people, good players and good fun to be had on both, but I have to say, I prefer the more chilled out peeps I've met on Mid/Pryd generally. I've been lucky to bump into some really nice peeps on Ex but I do meet more twits than so far on Pryd.

Like the flame attempt in the thread title though. Impressed. Lots :D



Overall friendlyness on Prydwen is much higher in all 3 realms, of course each realm has it's fair share of dickheads as well but alot of us are just 20-somethings who like blowing/chopping stuff up whilst supping a few beers :) The general attitude is alot more chilled out. Excal sadly doesn't seem to have that kind of community, or at least in the 2 realms I have tried.

Generic Poster

Originally posted by Cronn
Excal is the most Realm War active in the world though.

I'm sure the German servers have more RvR activity than the English ones.

Besides, Nolby Pride kicked your asses(allegedly) but when they came to prydwen, we came on them.


Generally I can't tell much difference between the servers and I have played my fair part on Excal and have a friend that plays hib there atm.

Generally I would ofcourse state that prydwen is a friendlier place, but that could just be because I know that many more people here and it is my "home" server so don't put much into it.

Excalibur has far more RvR activity, but then again they also hold one of the highest population numbers. I haven't RvR'ed much on excal but I would guess the "zerg" situation there is worse than on prydwen.

Generally, what I like about prydwen is, that the "balance" switches around pretty often. No realm ever has the upper hand for very long and often the realm that is the king the one day is rock bottom the next, only to become king once again in the future.

Prydwen relic situation is pathetic tho, the trend now seems to be < 8 am week-end raids to get em, when midgard recently lost their 3 str relics I logged on before 9 to see 2 taken over and one being neutral, heh. One realm did it and I fear all realms will be doing it soon (Midgard tried, but failed).

I hope relic raids will go back to later in the day once SI hits, making them more fun and longer :D



Lol @ people :p

The two servers is JUST as nice and gentle and caring and talking and you mention it on all three realms. You just claim yours is better since you are biased and have not tried the other one enough. No matter where you started will always be the best, if that is first book read, first server played or first successfull guild :p

The scales of wars on the two servers might be a little different, thats all the difference it is.

And no, exal is no unofficial spanish server :p


played most on Excalibur

the ratio l33t CS kiddie to semi mature adult is clearly more favorable on Prydwen tho, so Prydwen is clearly better.
(tho the difference is slowly getting smaller)


both servers r the same really ur meet ur set of online mates on any server and there still be a big head gimp u dont like :p back to the real topic better as in better skilled? thats plan silly how can u be better skilled at pressing some buttons :p wat really makes the diff is who has the biggest zerg mid alb or hib? not the players m0


I will admit though i belive that the players hardened in the rvr on Excal would probley find less challenge on Pryden as a whole.

And no this wasnt a flame attempt i just wanted to see what peoples views were on it and see if we could have a discussion thread without everyone just resorting to flaming ;)


I played both now for about a year total.

Ive only been back on excalibur for about a month but the BG action seems much more intense - lots better. Less keep camping, more charges etc (in my so far limited experience).

Prywden was nice - I had a nice guild and met some good people but then I've met some nice people here aswell:) I think it just depends who you bump into - I met some right bell-ends on Prywden and Im sure I will meet some on Excali aswell!


i don't think one server is better than the other. they are different. but all the pryd players that insult excalibur for having more idiots are silly.. more population= more idiots :rolleyes:

and btw the excal community is in #celticfist :>


There are quite a few nice people in Midgard/Exc (Like, say, the whole of Nazgul) - but alot of turds too.

Sorry, but I hate you all. You pile of excrement you!


my experience of albion excal wasn't very good.

One guy kept on spamming his task macro, and I kindly suggested that he could actually macro it as a whisper to save us the pain of his TASK every 2 mins.

I was plainly told to "get a fucking life fuckwit"


I've seen people leave groups as soon as they get a drop, seen people leave groups mid pull for "better" groups.
I've also seen more morons on my stay on excal than I have on my entire life on prydwen. Now, my prydwen life is +35 days.
My excal play time time is about 10... from lvl 1-27 on excal, and lvl 1-50 on prydwen.

People on excal also seem a lot more obsessed with money. I remember being low level and needeing an armor drop someone next to me got. he kindly gave it to me, as he didn't need it. I then passed my old armor to another person in the group.

On excal, I got told by a wizard that if I wanted the studded drop that dropped (for my scout), and he was in my group too, I would have to pay 20g. And that wasn't the only time it happend.
Excal seems all about ME ME ME ME ME ME, I remember making general conversation while leveling my wizard at the broken bridge, only to be told "Don't chat, xp, chat wastes time".

Ok, have to be fair, there are a few muppets on prydwen midgard, but they are far between... and I have never EVER been griefed on prydwen, while leveling over 8 chars to +20.

my brothers first day on excal an armsman or palladin from Phoenix Guard (not the only bad enocunter, ended up on my xp blacklist) was killing all the low level mobs around Prydwen Keep. Even the ones my brother was killing. He eventually fucked off, but it's not the only encounter. High level casters killing everything in mithra was a commom occurance, despite us telling them to stop. A lvl 50 armsman standing about calling everyone down there "n00bs" because we weren't 50.

Just apears to me that the mentality of most alb excal players is quite different that the average prydwen player.....

sheesh, what a long post, lol


50 thane
50 sb

on prydwen


on excal

Imo prydwen is alot nicer.
ppl on eatch server that i dunno havent had any special problem on any... but i like prydwen cause imo it isnt as big zergs excal has.. and those zergs is just so boring..
Imo atleast normal fights on prydwen is more fun cause its lesser zergs = means u need more skills to win a battle.

and just cause a server gets more rp doesnt mean its more fun etc... since the more u have, the more zerg, the more rp u can gain. Sure like yeaa excl got his first rr10 wiooo
But tbh i think that person that dinged rr10 on prydwen would have had fights he remembers that been great etc and lesser zergs then the excali one..

Thats my opinion atleast about both servers

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