Are Bards allowed to enjoy the game ?



Get 2-3 pbaoe nukers and a mentalist... warden, druid, 2-3 tanks... aah...


Just a little yay for our great bard Banny too, does a fantastic job, and SHES NOT A TAXI!



Of course, us bards, sometimes get 'Play mana' of 'Switch to end' requests. At least I do (and many, if not most times, for a reason also...). Sometimes it annoys me, most times I couldn't care less, and do as Im asked to, because it is the smart thing to do.

As a bard I am an aid to the group (still does in no way make me less important...). I can taxi, I can heal, I can keep the tanks tanking and the casters casting (and stronger healers (=druids) healing). Also, in no small part I have the best crowd control ability of all the classes in Hibernia, which can many times mean survival (or death...) for the whole group. And, if needed, I still CAN pick up a sword or mace and join in on a fight (not to even mention the DD shout...).
I bet the bard is Hibernia's 'Most Wanted' in groups, judging by the number of requests I get to groups, although I can't even begin counting the number of times, when in a situ if I had played my char a bit better (or differently) our entire group hadn't been wiped out. Of course, there are also close situs, where I have most probably saved the whole group.

But... point being... if you get annoyed by some people's behaviour towards you in a group, as a bard, Im sure it is a piece of cake for you to find another group you can join. Keep in mind though, that after about around lvl10 (if not before...), soloing is really no option for a bard: you need a group just as much as a group needs you.


Hehe thx Wuren :)

Problem with the mana eld speccing is that its somewhat harder to justify beeing one in the end game..
Still rox tho



Bah Anakha we shout "End dong" at you when you're already playing it, but it's just a test to see if u're afk don't take it wrong.

As for jinx last time I yelled "end song" without adding please she hit me with her lute so now I'm careful :/

Totally agreeing with what Nova said, bards decide in RvR (especially small scale when you take out superior odds) who wins the fight.

Btw albions sorcerer liek Veeshan have AOE mezz too, so if u see her, kill her fast :p



*AHEM* ;)
Sigh...those days in my thirties with Cuther saying I was "one of the best 35+ bards" he'd played with are over, eh.../cry

-Civoth, 42 bard
...just another bard heading for retirement...


Hi Feldegast, now even i realized how good bard does matter !

When we changed u to other bard tonight for BW things went so wrong... Even though our group seemed stronger...



Hey Civoth

Was great when we grouped at that time!

Only long time I didn't have the occasion to group again, or didn't see u in RvR recently either.

Hope to see you on the battelfield soon (as I don't go around xping any more of course)



Urca thats both god and bad to hear.

As said a happy and good bard rocks PvE, the same happy and good bard gets slauthgetered on the battlefield againts the other realms..

Alb or mid group

[group] Scum 1: Ok all, go for the bards first no matter what!
[group] Scum 2: Ok
[group] Scum 3: Ok

I want some means of defence..

Still I hope Mythic decides to throw ALL (incl Mid and Alb) of the supportclasses a bone for the endgame (especially the Naturalists since that starting class is the worst in the game more or less)

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