are alb classes really that bad?



i see lots of posts about how albs suck in rvr etc and counter posts from other realms saying "get skillz!" etc....

so 2 quick questions..........

a: when the pvp server comes, which alb class if any will u play? (excluding infi, prolly the best class we have :/)

b: if you could make a group from all classes in all realms to face either a mid or hib only group, which alb classes would you pick?


a) all but infils and minstrells are gimps.
b) A full group of minstrells to run away really fast.

Arg why did i start my main on alb!!! :twak:


alb classes dont sux they just dont have any specialist classes like hib and mid do so it seems to ppl they sux thats why on there own there not too effective but lots of em own


Yeah.. there's the thing. We don't suck as such but need to be in a balanced group to be effective and there the problem lies. Try getting a balanced group in RvR. Not easy.


alb classes dont suk at all, ok some do but all realms have bad classes, its just mid and hib have a few uber classes and alb doesnt. its been said many times b4 and i dont want to start another flame fest but the main reason alb get owned in rvr is mid insta mezz and hibs mezz/stun. i play a pally and say what u like about them it wont make any diff to me i think they own and i am yet to see another class that can kill 2-3 blues at the same time non stop


well mids dont usually leave mtk without at least 1 healer, 2 is common, when i played alb i can count the amount of times i was in a group with 2 sorc on one hand.

The classes arent really gimped although one or two do need a bit of help after the next patch, its the people dont make the ones needed.


1) albion seems incapable of getting the right classes in groups, played by capable people*
2) distribution of abilities on alb classes is screwed, with features on rarely-played alb classes (the classic is nearsight on cabalists/runemasters/eldritches)
3) alb's only insta AE mezz is on our main healer, is PBAOE, and is being put on a 5 minute timer next patch - it is, therefore, not worth mentioning
4) more alb classes than other realms means the chances of being able to put the right characteristics with decent players in the right groups are far lower than other realms

I think we've been here before, no? Alb classes are not "crap" - there is something that all classes can do really well, that other classes cant. However, to be a truly useful class you have to have a speciality AND you have to have versatility. Alb classes dont have that.

plus hibs get group purge, which is just lame, but thats another story alltogether

* and yes the clevar kiddies at the back (im looking at you Festima) will all chirp in saying "well go and roll one yourself then" - GREAT, that deprives albion of <insert original class here> which is also needed! woohoo great solution!


Im rolling a pally on pvp :) king of pve and imo king of 1v1 :) esp[ecially later patches when pallys can get prevent flight and end chant and better resist buff , also able to get virtually 3 full heals "1full grp included" with heal chant on top that = hard to kill char 1v1 :)


I think part of the problems albs are facing are more cause of ppl´s playing style than real class differnce issues.

an example is the paladin, ppl keep saying how much he suck in rvr, but he´s actually pretty good, if played correctly (protecting casters, slam and FH saves a lot of lives). if this is done succesfully, rest of grp can win the battle offensivly (killing the opponent), and what u know, the pally is actually good :)

a lot of ppl also complain about how crappy the sorcerer is. somehow quite a good deal of sorcerers in albion have repeadetly proven their ability to not only stay alive during battles, but also to win the battle with their mezz.

learn to play ur char. correctly and know what to do, and how to do it, makes albs more succesfull - from my experience at least.


i think that alb struggles bea#cuase they need sorcerers in rvr for area mezz , although on midgard this is where healers make sorcerers gimps as they heal and mezz so that an extra space for a tank, or whatever , i think you know what i mean , 2 spots used for sorcerer and cleric on alb side 1 spot used for healer on mid side :p which i think gives midgard a little advantage :p


Example: If mids got RM and healer in grp (2 chars) they got: bolts, AE dmg
pbt, mez/stun, speed (casters) GOOD nukes, heals, Nearsight.

For all this albs need: 1)Wizzy cause only his nukes are as good and only he got bolts and AE as Dark RM's, 2)Theurg for PBT, 3) Cleric for heals/stuns 4) Cabby for nearsight 4)Sorc for Mez/speed. So thats 4 Classes needed in alb to mach a mid grp wich got ONLY 2 classes in it.


Actually there are sum kick ass classes on alb.

Sorc/minstrel/infil/cleric <--- those kick ass.

+armsman getting the most uber style in their polearms next patch.

2sorcs+1minstrel+2clerics+1infil+2armsman = kickass albrvr group. (remove 1 sorc and put a pbt theurg if the other is v.good at surviving :p)


Sorc = "Kick ass" rofl, that must be why everyone is racing to play sorc.


Originally posted by Duryn
Sorc = "Kick ass" rofl, that must be why everyone is racing to play sorc.

sorc is actually the only main mezzer who can keel ppl. Yes, they are first target, yes, they dont have the 2 instaheals and chainarmour from healers or the hps/rf + AM from the bards, but still, u cant get it all.

imho AEmezz, AEroot, 210dd, lifetap, speed, charm, ... enuff.




Originally posted by old.Anarki
Example: If mids got RM and healer in grp (2 chars) they got: bolts, AE dmg
pbt, mez/stun, speed (casters) GOOD nukes, heals, Nearsight.

For all this albs need: 1)Wizzy cause only his nukes are as good and only he got bolts and AE as Dark RM's, 2)Theurg for PBT, 3) Cleric for heals/stuns 4) Cabby for nearsight 4)Sorc for Mez/speed. So thats 4 Classes needed in alb to mach a mid grp wich got ONLY 2 classes in it.

But how would the 2 midgard classes perform all the equvivalent of the 4 albions class'

Last time I checked - 1 person can cast 1 spell at the time - thus the 4 albions can get 4 spells of and 2 midgards can get 2 spells off.

And then you have the cleric that have ranged damage also - Sorcerer have DOTs - healers don't have any damage capacity (other then their self-only damage add).
Cabby and Theurgs have pets - Runemasters have none.

I would take a balanced party any day over a group where most depend on 1 - 2 people.


Duryn: i think the reason why no1 wants to play their sorc in rvr - is because they go in their - do their job and die, and lay face down in the dirt until the last person has been rezzed - when they may get a rez...... its only in the very good rvr groups ive been in, with clerics like Noret, Herbal, Daws, Pit that the sorc has been given a good rez asap so that when more CC is needed it can be....... if tanks actually protected the sorcs i think that more wud actually bother to play.....insted the tanks run off to hit another tank that has jus been mezzed, who then comes over and mooses or zerks on the sorc, who promptly die.

If albs took more care of their caster classes i think that they wud do a lot better.

Jus my opinion


love how the non-albs who don't have high-lvl sorcs, all say what a great class it is :p

lofff, the nukes are high variance and low dmg unless you limit yourself to a green con pet and 100 radius lower mezz. As to the rest of that.... what's the use of having the best mezz in the game? NO ranged insta CC (not even root fs) vs, next patch, every hib or mid group having insta ranged AE mezz? Add in group purge... bleah.
Tempting to go into a rant about grp purge, but i'll follow WF's example and keep schtum. :p

edit: Negura...for the record, i know several other clerics that have specced for the 50%hp rezz. The problem is rezzing in combat... you don't rezz in combat just to get your sorc some RPs, sorry, but you just DON'T. If you're in a busy place (i.e. in the bowl, for example) you might do so in case another grp comes along...
Sorcs may be a rare class because they tend to mezz then get owned, is possibly quite true. It's NOT true to say that they get owned because 95% of clerics suck...


Originally posted by old.LandShark
edit: Negura...for the record, i know several other clerics that have specced for the 50%hp rezz. The problem is rezzing in combat... you don't rezz in combat just to get your sorc some RPs, sorry, but you just DON'T. If you're in a busy place (i.e. in the bowl, for example) you might do so in case another grp comes along...
Sorcs may be a rare class because they tend to mezz then get owned, is possibly quite true. It's NOT true to say that they get owned because 95% of clerics suck...

lol i never said they died cuz of clerics - i said they died because tanks didnt protect them.

and whenever one of those clerics rez me its 100% hp rez 50% power rez, meaning CC straight away.



I cant imagine how we can protect a sorc from 4-5 evil tanks bashing it after GRP purge or insta mez o_O


just 1 thing, hib bards have no insta CC yet, but u have quickcast CC. instaCC coming is not an excuse since u eat the dust nowadays.

Also u talk bout grouppurge... its cool yeh, mb as cool as bunker of faith or SoS?

Its not that a bard lasts longer than a sorc when chased by 5 tanks, so its not that its easier to protect a bard.

get a point.


Originally posted by old.LandShark
lofff, the nukes are high variance and low dmg unless you limit yourself to a green con pet and 100 radius lower mezz.

ehm mb no?

45body rest mind... <--- 46sec 300radius AEmezz, 6X sec 350radius AEroot, 210DD (spec dd not high variance or low dmg), 40sh pet (anyways it will just keep busy a caster nm its con)

wonder how is it posible... that i know better what am talking than u, alb.


last point:

bards higher insta AEmezz will b 33second, on a 10 min timer, not far from the pb cleric one on a 30sec timer....


Gotta agree with lofff here..... but.... 48 body rest mind is better version Lofff :wub:


Originally posted by Negura`
Gotta agree with lofff here..... but.... 48 body rest mind is better version Lofff :wub:

well yeah, since u cant get higher than the 24mind mezz u dont really have better place for those spare :p not that it will increase ur cap a lot anyways :p

this and high wildpower... omg ^^

ps: u look better now babe, ur troll was easy+ugly :wub:


Avarage age in albion (player rl age) is probably lowest by several years compared to the other realms and thus we perform thereafter. Albion has most people wich makes it hard to find groups where you know all the players (and their playstyle) wich creates difficulties. We also have the most "first time users" and there's not many who comes from another realm into our (its more likely that people leave our realm and go to hib/mid). - These are a few of the factors that makes Albion seem like a "bad" realm when compared to others.

However, there are good players aswell. Problem is that there are so many bad/inexperianced players that the good ones are hardly noticable.

Thats what I think


Originally posted by old.Odysseus
RP for level 50's:
Albion is at the bottom on total and on weekly earnings.

Population level 50:
Albion has the majority of players.

Total RP for all players, by class:
Albions classes are distributed lower than the other 2 realms.

Here are the statistical facts, make your own conclusions.

- albion has less skilled players (certain type of person chose to play alb maybe)
- albion has higher population on most servers (and many more level 50s with low RR) meaning the other realms get more RPs
- most albions don't have the first clue about an efficient rvr team
- the best minstrels would rather solo or play in stealth teams than group with average L50 albs
- albs severely underrate the sorc class, or your regular alb is stupid and thinks they don't need sorcs or that they wouldn't make a difference (the only conclusions that i can come to that you don't have enough sorcs)

those are my conclusions, were they the same as yours?


sounds about right nova, that and:

- the average alb is a moron who would struggle in a mental battle with a bicycle pump

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