Archers rejoice! <cries>



I didn't call crit shot a style because you can't shift-i and the game lists it as an ability rather than a style, I suppose it is a kinda style though but still no to hit bonus on it. Concerning the fumble rate, I read that somewhere on VN so maybe it ain't the most reliable info ;)


Originally posted by stu
I'd like to see scouts (well, all archers really) getting improved ranged abilities, in exchange for losing some melee capability (although that doesn't sit too well with hunters getting improved spear damage soonish). They should be a less extreme mage - ie from range they are deadly (although less so, but from higher range and better concealment), up close they should lose to a tank (although be able to contribute more than a mage). Speccable Shield on Scouts is a joke. The fact that a Ranger can melee a Skald to death is a joke. Hunters... well, they're just a joke :)

Well, the new hunter pets can compete with shields, they hit pretty hard too. I as a scout could say that self buffs is a joke :p Especially self damage add WITH CD. :) But stuff will probably be balanced more in future patches.

Originally posted by -dewey-
I didn't call crit shot a style because you can't shift-i and the game lists it as an ability rather than a style, I suppose it is a kinda style though but still no to hit bonus on it. Concerning the fumble rate, I read that somewhere on VN so maybe it ain't the most reliable info ;)

Yeah, should be a to-hit bonus on it atleast.. This is the results of a log I think, so I don't think it's false facts. But random generator swings might have something to do with it, even though it's tested with over 2000 shots.

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