Archers classed as stealthers??



As you guessed it its a question, why the fuck are archer classes classed as a stealther when they have no benefit of being a stealther class except being able to hide.
Assassins get stealth attacks, safe fall, better evade, poison, danger senses, detect hidden and can climb walls.
Archers........hide, and not very well either.

We get a bit more ar, still as useful as paper when a shade/tank finds you, we have gack hps and barely enought spec to barely raise combat.
We get a bow, wow, we cant take a yellow down half hp with a single blow isntantly even if they are moving, and we cant leave them to die to bleed and poison dam while you leap off a wall and land safely.

My main point is why are archers reduced to petty hiding and a bow when shades can stand beside its prey and dance with him/her, a ranger would be counter stealthed in a second and all archers know it to be true.

This is a flame, not a whine so any who say its a flame , may your genitals turn grey and prunish :puke:


Actually stealth only grants being hidden, detect hidden and wall climbing. crit strikes are their own spec, as is poison, better evade is part of the class not part of stealth. Of course post 1.50 stealth on an archer is all but useless anyway, thanks mythic. :rolleyes:


the funny thing is , only iziz, Creep and Korv are decent assasins

all others are just crap with buffs.


Stealth has saved my life. Even with my lvl38 scout I easily stealth very close to lvl50 mids. Ofcourse your no match for those hidden detect boys but with camo in 1.52 we should be able to at least travel through frontiers without the possibility of detection. Secondly I use stealth often to get that first shot without enemy pinpointing me and then I hide stealth again and shoot again. Very effective when outnumbered.


Originally posted by Aussie-
the funny thing is , only iziz, Creep and Korv are decent assasins

all others are just crap with buffs.


Does that mean Ninjastyle, Nicolas, Harpy are all shit buffbot users??

Reveal all!!


aussie u know nothing u think im buffed with 1 or 2 buffs? korv is buffed to the max with a lvl 45 buff bot mate :)

as for anyone else i think most of the stealthers have buff bots or are buffed in combat. Personlay i cant blame them as it ensures a 1 shot kill on mages and u dont unstealth.

my adivce to any shade is to get in a group with a druid and get them uber buffs without them u might aswell forget about any form of 1 shotting mages etc


well those 3 CAN play without. You dont.

jump jump jump infront of the druid ^^


o btw yes im really looking forward to next patch.I dont think you'll be seeing many solo archers classes much well i hope there is coz im blade shade and i specilize in killing stealther classes.


well im that small i have to jump mate half the time they cant find me coz there stood on me :)



Hhmmm, you need to be on the other side of the bow sometime mate, I can vouch for many people out there that archer types are not easy at all for us. I get a 3/4's of my health taken in 1 shot.
/face & lull/DD - not in range
Can't sprint because my end will now suck - basically stand there and get shafted, literally.

I am gagging for instant-mez, cure desease/poison ... right now I am staple stealth diet. I am going to take great pleasure in insta-mezzing stealthers that are so easily making swiss cheese from me. Sure there will be purges, but hopefully on the odd occasion it will already have been used, when that day finally dawns, I will be oh so happy.

Roll on 50...

I wish you would stop bitching about buffs, you all get them, I know, I am one of the people that is constantly handing them out.


you're almost yellow aussie :p and i'm coming for ya :p

envenom, wtf do you mean we can forget 1-shotting without druid buffs

1 : i can 1-shot without druid buffs, the rare occaisions i do get druid buffs they usually just keep me alive longer due to higher hp.

2 : ns are not made to be critshades, they are made to be env shades. if you want a critshade go play a sb :p


yes i have 1 shotted a few times without buffs but very rare mate i think ul know that.

but buffs just give that extra edge which is needed.


i don't know that funnily. i could 1-shot 50's at 46 if i got lucky, you would be surprised how many fall after about 670 pa, + 70 dot, and then an off chance of double swings, crits, procs, all adds up. even if you don;t 1-shot whats the worry? where does it say we should be able to kill any mage in 1-shot? as long as they fall fast im fine, buffs are not a nessecity, and if people werent using buffbots the "edge" would be unnessecary. you could argue that you need it against ppl that are buffed by ppl in their group. simple solution, try grouping, it works wonders :p


Originally posted by envenom
im blade shade and i specilize in killing stealther classes.

owye mate, thats definetly ur specialty rofl :)


Originally posted by old.Rahvinn
Assassins get stealth attacks, safe fall, better evade, poison, danger senses, detect hidden and can climb walls.
Archers........hide, and not very well either.

We get a bit more ar, still as useful as paper when a shade/tank finds you, we have gack hps and barely enought spec to barely raise combat.
We get a bow, wow, we cant take a yellow down half hp with a single blow isntantly even if they are moving, and we cant leave them to die to bleed and poison dam while you leap off a wall and land safely.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Therefore im making a SB :)

And why the hell is it called a Scout?.. Where?.. When?.. All raids im at they send assasins :)



You will see alot of archers quitting come the next patch or going dormant

And if you don't believe me I was there when see hidden was implemented in America and trust me, a SHIT load of archers quit.

They just became RP cows to all the assassins

As for saying archers are crap, I hardly think you can call one shotting a caster crap

Ask any assassin other than a buffed norseman SB we cannot one shot a wizard even sometimes when he is sitting down, you are lucky if u hit above 700hps with perf artery, yellow con of course

Perfect example was Dun Crauchon last night where I lost count of how many people Aussie and Kinad picked off

If anyone dare says archers are nerfed I will freak!!

800-1000dmg Crit
300-500 dmg per hit with arrow

Melee shit granted, and stealth poor

But with that kind of dmg at nearly 3s a bow pull they are the most dmging class in the game by far! Except maybe wizards but they have constraints like terrible HP's no stealth and mana


oh so Hunters wont get nerfed ?
They will not have the fastest Draw time for much longer, but they will still have the lowest Bow dmg, and the worst defence and a direct result of the defence part the worst melee skills.

but oh yes Hunters arent Archers.....


are you telling me you're still not 50? Damn, man... :D

lol @ the original poster. Is he complaining his archer's stealth is a bit ghetto?
Is he in a timewarp? We're not on 1.50 yet buddy, get out there and snipe like the rest of em...

edit: A shade can't stand on top of ME and /dance, dunno about you. Perhaps you need to level beyond 20 to avoid this kind of problem? :>


Originally posted by old.Atrox
oh so Hunters wont get nerfed ?
They will not have the fastest Draw time for much longer, but they will still have the lowest Bow dmg, and the worst defence and a direct result of the defence part the worst melee skills.

but oh yes Hunters arent Archers.....

How right you are in America the Hunter class has been nerfed to oblivion and I stand by you my friend when I say its a bloody insult to nerf such a good class not overpowered just right in my opinion

So yeah mate ur right, but with camouflage now life is a little easier


YaY!!! Camo !!!
Now we can kill 1 and run back to or PK's and wait for 10min til we can remain undetected again!!!
Camo is a insult, so worthless, only thing its good for is scouting, and thats the assasins job now. ( or will be soon )


yeah, let's give a class ability to walk all over the RvR-zones undetected from everyone, ranged attack so the target have to spend some time to catch you, and then good melee so he wont die even if he foocks up. hell, let's add all sorts of buffs, envenom, skaldtypespeed, PBT and 5*lvl speccpoints so none ever will be able to kill this class.

Do you really have a clue how much safer it is with ranged attacks?



As for hunters being best damage dealers in the game, erm I will say a few things, it goes like this..........

You Target Blah.......3s to fire
You Miss (Blade Turn)
You Prepeare to fire 2.6s
You Hit for about 200-300 Damage
You Prepare to fire 2.6s
You Miss (Yet more pulsing blade turn)
By this time u have either been spotted by the rest of the group, or the target in question has done face, and has started to move towards you.
You Prepare to fire (If lucky hit agin for 200-300 Damge)
At this point if they are a caster class, you will be either mezzed or have incoming bolts etc, if they are shield class you will have been engaged and most likely be dead...........

Ohh and with the upcoming see hidden, thats going to be daft, just read the american boards, you will see how many hunters, have gave up there characters, and even after 1.52 patch and camo you will still see hunters giving up.

The best thing hunters can do is get lvl 50 and go hunt n00bs at Forest Savauge, or Mount Collory, Cruncheon etc etc.

I for one will get my, hunter to 50 and then see what the new patch holds, I will then get my Skald to 50 and play with him if the Huter does become as gimped as I have read about.

Before you SAY this is a flame etc etc its no flame its fact. Simple as that.


Gahldir yea I know what benefits ranged attacks have, and yea I addmit some archers were overpowerd b4, and now it''s assasins turn to be ontop, PA, you cant stop that attack, unless it's a failed PA, poison/debuffs, Mallus took me down from 1200hp to less then 950hp with the con debuff then came the PA dmg and the poison ticks. but yea keep whineing about Archers and how uber they are... jackass....

[Edit] Im not calling for a Assasin nerf [/Edit]


Perfect example was Dun Crauchon last night where I lost count of how many people Aussie and Kinad picked off

Actually, Scouts are made for keepdefence ( if i'm correct )
Do you see us whine about how many ppl you farm in Keepattacks?

infil: let's take Crim, should be fun. It's Defended
wiz: hmmm.. right


U know what I can't be bothered anymore I am too tired and its friday all I try and do is inject a little life into the boards a little more than a boring debate and everyone seems to get all defensive and protective of their class, like its their child or summin

I never said Assassin classes are not uber, and I am not whining that scouts are super powered ffs they are in my realm why would I whine about a class which is supporting , I am just making a factual point thats all no insult no flame no having a go, no knocking, no piss taking, no derogatory words, no underlying attack

Just simply Scouts are uber, why can't u take that as a compliment and stop assuming I am attacking u?!?



yeah, let's give a class ability to walk all over the RvR-zones undetected from everyone, ranged attack so the target have to spend some time to catch you, and then good melee so he wont die even if he foocks up. hell, let's add all sorts of buffs, envenom, skaldtypespeed, PBT and 5*lvl speccpoints so none ever will be able to kill this class.

-- The Camo ability protects an archer SINGLEHANDEDLY from See hidden. The normal Detection range you get simply from con and detect hidden still applies. This requires an archer to go high stealth to be a good scout, that means lower melee, shield or bow(considering a Scout). And there is a 10 min timer.. You do know See Hidden means Godmode? A lvl 5 infiltrator with enough leeched rp can spot any stealthed character all the way to the clipping plane, it overrules ANY stealth spec even if it's at 50 base. lvl 5 sb w/see hidden speaking to his group: "Ooh, lookie, a purple con stealther, assist me everyone, what lvl is he?"
-Huge lvl 50 troll with enormous axe or whatever: "He's lvl 50, nice spotting, /y CHAAAAAARGE LEMMINGS!"

This negates AN ENTIRE SPECLINE?! To get what? Camo that works ever 10 minutes. Sigh..

Archers are uber, when they have a successfull attack (yawn, pbt, bt, nearsight, shield(even with only standing in attack mode with a shield you get an extra 30% chance to block arrows), engage(99% chance to block), bucket'o hp, they won't be uber.


As I understand it, See Hidden works to clip range, but it only reveals the player 'shadowed'. So the assassin would still have to be pretty sharp eyed to see an enemy that far away, especially if the archer is using trees etc. for cover (remember target nearest enemy only works at short range, so the assassin would have to actually see the shadow to target and 'see' the archer).

If this is true (someone please confirm about the shadowed thing) then you are getting hysterical Tranquil-, it's not as if this lvl5 assassin will see a giant neon sign above your head :p

Also, can't archers take assassins with them anyway ? Surely assassins with see hidden can see other assassins ? So I really don't see the point of the moan. If you are scared that this lvl5 assassin will spot you and send his tanks with you, take tanks as well, and a healer, and a caster maybe. Its called GROUPING btw :p

Mythics idea was to get you grouped up and not RP farming, mission accomplished imho.


Do you group with a FG when you scout a relic army?
What's the use to bring Scouts when you can just send one Infiltrator?

Edit: Ah, The scout can hide from See hidden with Camo, infs cannot. Iiiih.. I can see the light.

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