Appeal to Albion as a realm


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 2, 2004
There's something I need to get of my chest about Alb as a realm. I'm Cleric, 40 rejuv 36 ench, fully toa'd/templated and all that crap and i'm getting really tiresome about the fact that I run around RvR solo like all the time, would say 99% of the time but can't even say that cuz I do NOT get ANY sort of group at all!!

What's wrong with albion, have they grow tired having to group with a cleric? Do my future excist of standing at CS with buffbot specc? Is there anyone that still make a cleric for healing purposes? Why do I spend 2/3 hours sitting at cs every single evening in the hope at least 1 kind person would invite me for some rvr...

Its really getting annoying having to pay rent for my house with gold instead of bounty points...I ran out of bp's like 3 months ago now...I make one crafter after another, level a toon now and then to enjoy the free level thingy...I have an ice wizzy that found out Avalon CIty is ruled by Necromancers these days and as such pve has no meaning at all anymore. My old guild Illusions died and my new one, Legiona Flavia Firma is a nice one, but doesn't really come out in rvr alot so i'm asking this....

What have I done wrong in past 3 years to be hated by my own realm?

Is it apathy? Ignorance? lack of team spirit? or just the 'go to hell i'm uber enough to kill 5 enemies alone' attitude that killed rvr for me?

This is not a whine, just a tired cleric that just died 5 times in a row running solo to berkstead to defend against the mids and got farmed by bonedancers along the way... why do I even time I let you guys die on purpose so i can enjoy the little rp i'll get from rezzing ya'll...i'm that bitter...


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 2, 2004
Nevermind me, i misplaced this post. Its meant to albs from Prydwen...I hope this changes with Cluster though, or i'll be hanging my cloak on the wall perminantly and go play games like Guildwars or WoW full time...


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
First of all I doubt that Albion hates you :eek7:

Second of all, do you have a guild? Perhabs you should make an event with 7 others from your guild and try running more than 1 or 2 times a week..

Practise makes perfect ;)

IF you don't have a guild start looking :)

There are hardly any random grps these days since they would get killed very fast by the "We are teh pwnz" grps from the other realms...

Hope I helped alittle atleast? :twak:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 31, 2005
don't just apply to prydwen, cos that seems a little too familiar to me too sometimes, but hoping to get our guild RvR grp up and running soon, look out for the continual NR deathspam coming to a frontier near you :)


Loyal Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Being in a decent guild makes all the difference...

A hint when applying to a (new) guild: check out their forum, see how many guildevents there are and if the guild population keeps itself happy.

If they don't have a forum, don't bother.

PS: when i say decent guild i don't mean the self-proclaimed uber farm guilds.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
If you have a strong guild behind you, starting as a low RR cleric is hard but not impossible. Once you've built up some RPs to RR6 or so you're well on your way to accessing the more necessary abilities.

My guess is you don't have an RVR-based guild, so you look for public groups. Firstly these are few and far between, and secondly they are more likely to take higher RR clerics as assurance of capibility.

Not saying you're bad, but you get my point.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 24, 2004
When cluster comes we will happily take you. we often lack a cleric in our group :)


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
sorry if this come across in thw wrong way but why dont u make your own group? This will get you the rvr expereince and make u better known to the other groups/regular player base and increase the possibility of you logging in and getting insta invite.

Once u get "seen about the scene(tm)" and u spank rr5+ it will get alot easier for you. Personally if i want an rvr group ill spam cs/gu/as for a while then after 20 mins or so start making my own one. Then you get to choose who you inv and the shoe goes onto the other foot.

Like anything breaking into an area and building up a rep is always hard at the start but keep at it.

Ofc ive never had any problems because im so fantastic people actually pay me to grp with them so they can be seen with me :)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Make sure you have Teamspeak and Ventrilo up and working with mic ready. Also make sure you're template's decent, you're MLed sufficiently.

Suck the preverbial cock for 500k and they'll soon be sucking yours.

Oh and Ging is a moo! :m00:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
To be honest i know how you feel i played mid/pry for 2 years made all the fotm classes and yet i was still waiting 2 hours for a random group who would disband on first death. Last straw was losing my house and dragon head :p coz my net was down for a month.

Moved to Alb/excal was fun starting out again found a nice rvr guild make a new for urself and ppl will invite you upon logging on :) stick it out till cluster things be much better excal much better for rvr then prydwen


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
eggy said:
My guess is you don't have an RVR-based guild, so you look for public groups. Firstly these are few and far between, and secondly they are more likely to take higher RR clerics as assurance of capibility.

Not saying you're bad, but you get my point.

Basically what Rod is saying is that it's Catch 22. The better groups won't want you because you are too low RR, and you can't get RR because you can't get a group.

If nothing's improved come cluster, then PM Flimgoblin on these boards, because I am sure HG would welcome you with open arms. We are a well respected Guild. We don't run opted groups, but we're in a great Alliance and there is Guild and Alliance RVR almost every night.

Don't give up! :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
change your last name to LFG or NotABot or smth, it can help honestly ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
"Oh Mandi, Well you came and you gave without taking,
But Albs sent you away oh Mandi..."

Nomans Land

One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 28, 2004
Cornokz did you even read the thread starter? He/she said they were in a guild lol :p

Anyway, If you looking for RvR, find an alliance with RvR guilds or even an RvR guild. As said by others, get yourself noticed, start your own groups, dont rely on others, get yourself seen and hey presto.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 22, 2004
It's mostly about who you know and when you know they are going to be about, these days :( If you know people who run public RvR grps and when, then your basically set.

Otherwise, your only chance is guild or /as.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 29, 2003
Especially as Cleric is hard to get known. But seriously it all changes in 1 run. Once Kithana was little and unknown. Then I joined a random "opted" grp (the ones with 3 x sorc, 3 x cabby, 2 x cleric), did a good job and boom, I was on the map :) Have patience, do your job, and you will do well :)


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Danamyr said:
Basically what Rod is saying is that it's Catch 22. The better groups won't want you because you are too low RR, and you can't get RR because you can't get a group.

If nothing's improved come cluster, then PM Flimgoblin on these boards, because I am sure HG would welcome you with open arms. We are a well respected Guild. We don't run opted groups, but we're in a great Alliance and there is Guild and Alliance RVR almost every night.

Don't give up! :)

can't join guilds cross-cluster unfortunately. However if you're in one of our "roleplaying" keep taking battlegroups asking nicely will probably get ye a group ;)

Or failing that - start your own. Take the people yelling "Lfg" in sauvage, find out the ones that stick with it after a death or two and don't reinvite the ones that log immediately (without a good reason) on dying.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
I'll invite you next time I'll run a group Mandi :)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
Up until recently I had the same problem. Then I moved to a more rvr guild and now get groups almost every time I log on.

As said before it's catch 22, the good groups won't invite you if they don't know you and they won't get to know you if they never invite you.

The main reason for this is simple. It's not that your low RR, it's because for every good well templated cleric that knows how to play, theres 5 wannabe buffbots in rog gear who simply have no idea what they are doing. The good clerics are often known and it's much simpler to invite one of them than take a chance on a random. This really applies to every class.
If you got an invite to a group and 20 mins later the group turned round and said, omg your are crap and kicked you from the group you'd feel a whole lot worse than if they never invited you. So from the groups perspective, it's often better not to take the risk.

There's 2 options.. you can either look for another guild, one that's more active in rvr and will have a space for you sometimes, or you can try to start your own groups. There's often lots of randoms yelling lfg and although many of them will be in rog gear and not much good, there will be a few who are decent. Remember them and invite them next time. Once you get known by a few people, finding groups becomes much easier!


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 2, 2004
Oh Flimsyyyyyy!!!

Nice of you to take care of FH the way you do, but did you really have to delete the post I made here with the replies of the people I know and replace it with the mistyped one I made on Excal/alb? >.<


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Mandi said:
Oh Flimsyyyyyy!!!

Nice of you to take care of FH the way you do, but did you really have to delete the post I made here with the replies of the people I know and replace it with the mistyped one I made on Excal/alb? >.<
I liked the other one better ;x

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