Apology to all concerned Tribers




It seems that everyone got the wrong impression from my posting on TN. The fact of the matter is that I am sorry, and if Karma wants to take my comments out of context even when what I wrote is RIGHT THERE, then fair enough.



old.[DT] Turdmonkey

There is quite likely no way you can make it up to the people concerned (me not being one of them)
But if you really considered them friends surely you should have told them rather than "leaving them hints"

old.[DT] Turdmonkey

There is quite likely no way you can make it up to the people concerned (me not being one of them)
But if you really considered them friends surely you should have told them rather than "leaving them hints"


Yawn all you like, Xtro. The only reason I have for talking about it is that:

a) I miss my friends.
b) You got significant parts of your story wrong.

For starters, you based a large part of your 'discovery theory' on the fact that there were no women rowing teams in Keble. Actually, there are 11 female rowing teams in Keble, so god knows why you think that. The fact that they don't have a web page doesn't mean they don't exist - not everything in real life is based on the web.

I have the entire log of what you were saying to the other CL and assorted peeps throughout the 'discovery'. I particulary note:

[16:03] <X|out> [16:02] <Kittens> Who knows?
[16:03] <X|out> [16:02] <X|out> a lot
[16:03] <X|out> [16:02] <X|out> about 12
[16:03] <X|out> [16:02] <Kittens> As in CL?
[16:03] <X|out> [16:02] <X|out> mainly
[16:03] <X|out> [16:02] <X|out> orion knows
[16:03] <X|out> [16:02] <X|out> he was gutted
[16:03] <X|out> [16:02] <Kittens> Ah fuck.
[16:03] <X|out> [16:02] <X|out> like really gutted
[16:03] <X|out> [16:02] <Kittens> I FUCKING KNOW!
[16:03] <X|out> i am turning the screw
[16:03] <X|out> har har

Seems like you were enjoying hurting me, and delighting in hurting Orion there. And people say I'm a wanker? Hello?

And this:

[16:35] <X|out> anyway
[16:35] <X|out> what now
[16:35] <X|out> you've apologised
[16:35] <X|out> so thnx for that

I did apologise. I could paste that bit too, but you get my point? Xtro, content in condemning me as a twat, has in turn not done what he promised:

[16:39] <X|out> i'm not going to kick u out
[16:39] <X|out> you've come clean
[16:39] <X|out> but all the female act has to die
[16:39] <X|out> totally


[16:52] <X|out> ok i have already said i am not kicking you out of CL

Anyone who wants this log can go get it for themselves from a number of CL peeps.

My only point is - I apologised, I was told I wasn't gonna get kicked out, and then the next thing I know I am universally acclaimed a wanker, in a number of columns, without having a chance to say anything back.

/me yawns

Still trust Xtro? I don't.


As someone with zero involvement in this, I reckon it's time to just drop the whole thing and carry on.


Errr lol VGX !!

Hehe, Kitten's it thing wtf you are, What exactly do you think ppl are going to do, go, HAHA, good joke, you fewl'd us for a year, haha nice one, ..... I dont think so, yeah there going to laugh, a hell of a lot, but not WITH you :cool:

I like ppl like you, makes me look that lil bit better... and thats hard to do ]:->
Miss Albie



nearly forgot
/me moons Xtro & Zen ;p

Xtro, just a side note m8, dont yarn to much, you never know whats going to be stuck in there with some ppl around here ;p


Wow, a public thread - I read the column in question, and despite all the shenannegins that took place of which I only have one side of the story, my overriding feeling was simple:

Kittens is a liar

There you go. The internet uses an honour system, after all - and none as unforgiving as the gaming communities.


Agree with you there Morpheous m8. Internet is based on honour and respect, since no-one knows who you really are.

Sorry Kitteh/Andy, but i don't wanna talk to you any more.



Well I decided not to waste my column on this "old" subject so I'll post my views here.

A long time ago in a galaxy far far away.... well the internet anyway, In a galaxy called "Tribes" a new player came along called "kittens". Mining respawn points on SB, chaining well, 0wning gens on broadside, etc...

This person then joined Wtc and the shocks started to come in irc when people were saying that kittens was female, so I beleived this to be true (i had no reason not to). After a while kittens left Wtc (can't remember why now) and joined TD, and I have to say from the very first evening of irc chat with "her" I told mobley (my real life friend) and stamper that NO WAY WAS THIS A GIRL!!! after a VERY short explanation of why they both agreed with me.

Now to my point - To ALL these people that have been "hurt" or "deceived" i'm sorry but you have only yourself to blame!
The mear mention of kittens' name in irc would have either stamper, mobley or I shouting "ffs its a man!" and you chose to laugh it off as silly, well I don't feel "hurt or "deceived" ;)

I don't really want to get into a "i told you so" thing (sorry if it sounds like it) but there are 2 rules to the internet (and i've been using it since 9600 modems, so i should know them ;))

rule 1. NEVER truly beleive ANYTHING ANYONE tells you unless it is proved.

rule 2. You can be whoever/whatever you want.

lastly, to all those who now hate kittens I have one question...

If you truly think he is a liar then how do you know that "kittens" hasn't been using a different alias for months, building up a good reputation as himself, joining tribes and being YOUR "friend" knowing full well "kittens" won't last forever??

just one last thing, Anyone seen gav? :)


Indeed. Like Ego said, be afraid be very afraid.

But out of interest, did anyone read what I said? Because everyone has conveniently ignored it. And as much as anyone would like to comfort themselves with 'Kittens is a liar', I only lied about that one thing. Maybe it was kinda major, but still. I'm not a bad guy, and the people I still speak to, who know me best (and must therefore have been subjected to the largest number of lies, according to available theories) still talk to me. So, it seems the only people who hate me, never knew me in the first place, or possibly they are just angry that they didn't 'spot' me. You know, the only time it's hard to spot a liar... is when they don't lie. Took you guys well over a year. Maybe, I wasn't lying all that much?

Doesn't bother me. I see you around every day.


To be afraid, you have to have something to be afraid of...
Dunno bout the rest of you, but I think this is just a very sad bloke, looking for attention.
Feel free to give it to him, I know I can't be bothered. The only time I got into the 'kittens, arrgghh' bit, was to comment on a post on TN.

If you're replying to this post, then you're just feeding his appetite for attention.
Simple way to deal with it, don't post anymore, I know I'm not going to


Interesting how everyone can have a go at me in their columns, and then the second I have a chance to answer back, I am 'attention seeking' or 'boring' or 'should let it go', or whatever.

I would have. But Karma, mate, you decided to go out of your way to call me a prick. 'Nuff respect to mad-12 who just called me a wanker. That's an opinion. But, Karma, you had a rather large go at me. You expect me to just ignore it?

And as far as being 'just a very sad bloke' goes - erm, hello, you spend your time commenting about a fictitious character on a column dedicated to online gaming. I'm sad?


Kitty...Kittens...erm....whatever the hell u wanna be called, ok so i didnt really know you (am kinda glad i didnt now) but u deserve all the flames u're gettin.

Now as far as i remember (i was busy in RL around this time but kept an eye on it) CL members had a discussion over several days which resulted in "you" being kicked.

So in answer to "Still trust Xtro?" YES i do trust him. As peeps have SEEN the gh3y, Meatloaf wannabe llama :p

/Me aplogises to Karma for feeding "IT" attention :p
/Me waves to Xtro, Moons Albie and gives Milkshake a beer.
/Me also bows down to Ego who has been so right all along :)

back to the beer now. Cyas

Sly2k af [CL]0wns


Kudos to Ego for being right all along. But at least he seems to see my side of the story. Same to Dodgy, whose column I saw on http://www.tribesplayers.co.uk

Those two people saw what I did, and say it was wrong. It was. But they still see it was a mistake that got out of hand, not some hell-bent attempt to fool you all and have a quick laff about it. I didn't mean to piss anyone off. It just happened. Such is life.


Kittens said:

I only lied about that one thing. Maybe it was kinda major, but still. I'm not a bad guy

I have to ask you this - did you claim to be pregnant and then claim to have an abortion, as Xtro suggested in his column?


Yes, Morpheus, but if you had read my reply you would know the circumstances surrounding that occurence. The event DID happen, not to me, but to my g/f.

As I said, I was seeking support, and under the circumstances, I could hardly say my b/f had become pregnat could I...


A lie, upon a lie, within a lie.

You, sir, are without honour.



Not too sure if Kittens remembers me but I spoke to him/her in #cstrike.uk about 4months ago thinking that he was an ex clan m8 of mine with an extra 's' (ewo Kitten! long time no see, if you ever read this)...

I genuinely thought that he was female, and tbh thought it was cool that more female gamers were getting involved in the various scenes.

Now I'm not saying that he should have lied about the various things that he did, but I mean this is going a little far... I know that your clan mates are the closest thing you have online, the sense of cameraderie between you all shows not only that the clan is strong, but that it will also survive a great deal of stress, but you can't lie to them...

Yes, what Kittens did was wrong, and tbh we did deserve to find out about it... Now to deal with Xtro.

Xtro... I'd *really* like to call you a four letter word beginning with 'c' right now (whoops guess I've lost a m8 even though we've never met, and I guess that one day if I was ever good enough, I won't make it into CL ach well... tribes aint really my game anyway... long live qw)... You used a column update, nay you used 2 of them to wage a little war against kittens... like I said we did deserve to know. You were obviously hurting, thats totally understandable, but I mean c'mon 'now I think its funny as f**k.' riiiiiiiiiiight, that just smacks of c***ness.

FFS, your column is a privilege NOT just a place for you to act 'cool' and 'hard' [pfffff glasgow term :p], and to basically claim that Kittens is satan incarnate. Jesus just say something like, 'Someone in my clan, [CL], hurt myself and the other clan members a lot... You know who you are.' but nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo YOU had to be BIG and show everyone... They would have found out eventually I admit that, but in retrospect, they didn't need you to do all the shit you did (damn broke my pact not to swear).

To summarise, Kittens was in the wrong, shouldn't have done that. The whole abortion thing, though a VERY dodgy topic to lie about, is almost understandable... If you care about someone like kittens obviously does for his gf (as I do, but can't tell them, NO FS IT IS NOT MY SISTER [or any of my family :p])), then of course he's gonna be hurting. IMO Xtro could have dealt with the whole issue in a fashion that wouldn't alienate Kittens from the whole community... how does it feel to have destroyed someones enjoyment in a game... bet you feel great about it. I think someone needs tuition on love...

Ach well, I've rambled on a bit and it's probably not my place to say, plus this is like the fisrt post I've ever really been critical of someone in the uk community (any of them), unless you count the abuse I give out on certain servers to certain llamas that deserve it.

I apologise for the really long post, for being a complete bastard and to anyone who takes offence and please direct all flames to mailto:I.dont.give.a.fuck@fuck.off.org



n.b: kittens, I don't give a f**k what you did, I though you were a nice person, thats not changed.

[Edited by Nakoma on 18-12-00 at 15:32]


ROFL! Yes, change it! Bwah ha ha!

BTW, Kittens, who was that picture of anyway? Some random net-chick, or what?


Nakoma - you've missed my whole point. Damn you are making me add to this thread and I DO NOT want to do this but I have to reply.

The whole point of the update was to stop the whole sorry charade. I wanted as many people to know as quickly as possible so no more lies went on. By the way - I did tell Andrew/Kittens that "Kittens" had to die off to which he agreed.

As Sly says - we (our clan) talked about this for DAYS after we found out once and for all Kittens was male and deiberated what to do. And yes I used to think wow cool more women gamers - but shit like this just adds fuel to the fire that see a "woman" in IRC - presume its a bloke. How sad that the next person who asked to join CL had to go through a trial by fire of us asking all kinds of details to make sure it wasnt "Kittens" trying to rejoin under another name.

You are suggesting that I think I am hard and cool? Because I have a column on a website?? LOL.

I speak my mind. I suck at tribes. I drink beer. I have OPINIONS which I put on my OPINION column which yes I am GLAD to have. I treat my clanmates with respect. I lead a clan of 30+ people and you should see how upset, pissed off and hurt they all are. I make it a special priority no matter how large our clan - that its a bond of friendship that extends outside of playing PC games ffs.

We meet up at LANs. Mate if you go to i7 or i8 in Newbury come up to us and I will buy you a beer and you can meet all the tribes section. A close friendly bunch of people including me allegedly. You can call me all the names under the sun its ok - you werent up until 5am consoling someone pretending they had lost a child.

Btw - poor Tequn-Rijar of CL. A GENUINE female gamer who has to go through sexist bullshit all the time - which isnt helped by people pretending to be female.

Morpheus - respect. When you have lost the trust of people its pretty damn hard to get it back. How do you know ANYTHING "Kittens" says is true.

So finally Nakoma - you dont know me. Your opinion is yours, fair enough. You dont have all the facts, fair enough.

And as for alienating Kittens? I think we know that he cut his own throat. I dont hate Kittens - as I said I do now think "its funny as fuck" - you have to LAUGH AT ALL THIS AS ITS REVOLVED AROUND PC GAMES. If you didnt laugh you'd go insane.

I wont be posting again (must...resist..) as its time to move on as I said before. Andy/Kittens - just accept that you pissed people off. Get over that and move on.

Mine's a stella Nakoma - whats yours? :)



End of the day, can i still stroke ur pussy?
/me toddles off leaving the crowd in hysterics

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