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Nov 28, 2004
You all deserve to be added on what goes round comes round /yells taxi:)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 29, 2003
Uberlama said:
(sorry to FL, tho we talked about this ingame and they DIDN'T MIND THAT WE ADDED AGAINST GAMAH'S GRP :p ),


never expected to see aod doing what they have been blamed for all these years.
Was speechless, esp when they ruined 3 fg fights in a row, last night
Altho i have been defending aod all those years on add policies, im really dissapointed, esp by the "qq more" behaviour, from people i have played countless times with


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
toxii said:

never expected to see aod doing what they have been blamed for all these years.
Was speechless, esp when they ruined 3 fg fights in a row, last night
Altho i have been defending aod all those years on add policies, im really dissapointed, esp by the "qq more" behaviour, from people i have played countless times with

yes as I said we had enough of adding for weeks. Btw, I talked to your friar Siligwyhn(sp?) and he said this, though he was talking in the name of the guild. And we added once to you at mg against gamah grp o_O


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
Uberlama mate, we have never added on your group, we do try not to ever add on anyone for that matter, even if they behave like pricks against us.
Even despite that you ruined every fight we had against even number albs this sunday (except one against some alb tankgroup, dont know who they are, hehe... good fight that one) so please tell me, should we keep running past your fights or do you want us to add on you?

Ofcourse that isnt up to me as I dont lead but still would be nice to know if you are gonna continue adding on us every time you see us :p

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
Gamah said:
Well, Well

What can we say about AOD, Add no matter what the situation, add on people they have informal agreements with no to add on..Severence even gave them THREE chances to honour that..but the Durucellas/Alaron foundation of retardedness wanted to add so they added 4 times. Ruined a good fight we had, Severence Vs FL, great 10 min fight, could go either way and AOD come in and nuke the fuck out of us..when toxii whined they replyed "QQ".

Have about as much skill as a cart load of turnips.

Thanks though AOD, another group we can add on safe in the knowledge you are clueless cocks.

Hahahahahaha... Gamah joined the hypocrites once again.


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Weld said:
Sorry mate. Then someone hijacked your account and played in zergs and addpugs these days. OR i have better idea. You add+zerg every time if you not in full guildgroup. You just put into your group one or two random ppl and say hello free adding etc.

End of story for me

I think you're confusing yourselves with Alaron and Duracellus here :D

Anyhow, while I think it was a good try of AoD, and I had some nice fights against the FG AoD, I still think the reputation of both Steveh and Alaron kinda blew any odds about getting a fair chance.


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 29, 2004
It's too easy to slip into 'add on everyone' mentality coz quite a few new groups from the excal cluster dont respect the fg/fg fights, however you have to be more discerning about what groups have been adding on you and which groups have been trying to respect you're 8v8.

Frankly youve been adding like bastards and last night you were particularly bad. Well you reap what you sow, if you want to make an effort to preserve 8v8 fights then stop adding and NFD will ofcourse return the favour.


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
Gamah said:
Well, Well

What can we say about AOD, Add no matter what the situation, add on people they have informal agreements with no to add on..Severence even gave them THREE chances to honour that..but the Durucellas/Alaron foundation of retardedness wanted to add so they added 4 times. Ruined a good fight we had, Severence Vs FL, great 10 min fight, could go either way and AOD come in and nuke the fuck out of us..when toxii whined they replyed "QQ".

Have about as much skill as a cart load of turnips.

Thanks though AOD, another group we can add on safe in the knowledge you are clueless cocks.

Any fg vs fg fight, AoD as a rule do not, and will not add.

During some fight you had with 2 FG of albs - some of the group added.

Now exqueeze me if I am wrong were fighting 2fg, thats 1 more than 1, 1 less than 3 - TWO...0...1..TWO.

You threw your dummy out of the pram because of this ? All I know is Ataraxia informed us via irc after this " zerg" fight, your group had decided to add on everything with regard to AoD. You know as well as I do, both of our groups HAVE turned away from fights the other was already having. This sort of arrangement is now very rare on cluster, and you threw it all away becuase of some silly 2fg + AoD adds fight ?

This crappy thread was intentional, we 100% expected it. For one night only, after your remarks we decided for once to actually show you what its like when we do add.

Isnt this the pot calling the kettle black ? You are running in a regular guild grp now...and ofc realise the fun to be had in FG vs FG fights..... and how crap it is ( like your fight with FL) when someone adds....gamah this type of adding happens every single day we run a gg - you any idea how tedious it gets ?

Func and his bunch of losers are real adders here.

Ataraxia had been telling us he was getting on really well with you via irc, and it was actually announced at the start of the last few nights of gg, that we would not add on Gamah Grp. I honestly though your group leader would realise this applies to FG vs FG fights. The zerg happens, live with it and move on.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Severance was the only group imo that didnt add on my group last night. I CLEARLY ran past every bloddy fight there was and even when albs where fighting a hib grp in orange/brownish we just turned the other way, Guess what group runs after us while we engaged Severance and decide to rip our clerics off while both severance and our offence(mercs) gets slaughtered by mid adds.

I dont see the whole idea about screwing an 8v8 (even if its a so called 3 way).

Im gonna keep not adding, even though I wanna add so bad on some groups they usually fighting a group I know like perhaps FL which I dont wanna screw fights for at all.

This Cluster is fucking worthless adding wise and when I see the alb zerglings run around zzzzzzzzz. More sad part is that mids actually have several grps on stick and they are opted.

Alb zergs are sheeps anyway.

On topic Severance are a nice fight Im just sad that we got added upon every damn time we met last night since from my PoV it was bloddy even and could of gone either way, I have no doubt they are better than us since we had our second guild run but when the fight gets screwed like that just makes u wanna log


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
it's really not that difficult a concept:

read the CoC, follow it. "Add" whine is not allowed.
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