Puppiluppan said:I like AOD ... give good fights .. but they dont apply to the hiden laws on adding :/
Gamah said:Yes our group added 20-30 times in the last few weeks...
Oh wait..this was our first guild rvr for 2 weeks...so how exactly do we add when we are not running? Seems you should take your "don't speak more bs plz" advice
Coldbeard said:Actually bothered to write some long reply on Weldryn's post but chose to not post it anyway. Just sad to see how patethic your playstyle really is, your ego as well. You obviously have no problems being jerks so go ahead.
Brite, not like you are in position to insult anyone. You play an idiot class and behave like an idiot, perfect match.
Andrilyn, I wish I could believe you but what I've seen from AoD is as far from what you described as it gets.
( Delete/Lock this thread tbh, will only cause pointless flamewars and epeen fedning )
CstasY said:You're fucking useless. xD
Weld said:Happy Christmas guys! You deserve it after u playin unfair most of time. And don't speak more bs plz. Your group decided for adding us 24/7. Your group added-zerged on us about 20-30 time in last few weeks.
Netcode said:Agree, they are useless and clueless :>
Ckiller said:MMORPG all i have to say (go play CS or sumth instead)
DavidH said:I must agree with Andrilyn here as well, and I'm even in the guild. The very, very few times we've added is when another group has acted like morons on us several times before, and even then we usually respect the group they are fighting, and still don't add. So please don't come here and say we add on everything in sight. That simply doesn't happen on my watch. (Unless Ubi is 'stealthadding' when I'm sleeping ;<)
Weld said:Sorry mate. Then someone hijacked your account and played in zergs and addpugs these days. OR i have better idea. You add+zerg every time if you not in full guildgroup. You just put into your group one or two random ppl and say hello free adding etc.
End of story for me