Anyone use DOAx ?



Ok I know your not allowed to use it but.....

Is it possible to log 2 characters from the same account on ?

And if it is how do you do it ?

Was thinking of downloading DOAx but have heard some bad things about it.


daox, no you are not able to play two chars on the SAME account (the notorious account already logged in)... separate accounts and same PC yes, at least I have heard so.


Thought so, pain in the ass but spose I can lvl a m8 up if he's off-line when I'm item hunting solo :)


No, there is no way to have two characters on the same account logged on at the same time, because the server will not permit the same account to double-connect.

What daox says it does is allow the DAOC client to run

a) windowed, and
b) in multiple instances

which means that you can run 2 DAOC sessions in 2 windows and switch back and forth. However to connect them both at the same time, you will need 2 accounts.

I have not tried it myself and I have no idea if it is reliable or not, or what kind of machine you need to be able to run 2 DAOC clients at the same time.

They say a lot of people use it just so they can safely alt-tab out to check AIM, their mp3 player, and whatnot, without crashing DAOC all the time. I have a laptop for all that stuff anyways ;)


Windowed would be so handy when I play my Cleric cause as soon as I log out I all my buffs go and it's a pain to rebuff when all I wanted was an alt > tab to check something.


Yup, damn there are an AMAZING amount of people playing DAoC who have two PCs. Where is this world going to...
As for PC power... depends... a buff bot (high level theurgist/wizard/cleric) for example on another account running on a second instance of DAoC will not need much more power considering that if yo ahve ever noticed in games where you may alt+tab your computer begins to dump memory into programs on top... so it will always make the DAoC on top run much better and not divide power 50/50... especially with a cleric buffbot one wouldn't have to mind since the cleric won't have to be looked at after buffs (high-level so wont die and no 10 minute timer...).
Just an opinion and have heard that some do this.


actually, just for the record, i was playing on excal recently and my friend logged into prydwen, and we were playing for several hours simultaneously. Same account there btw, obviously.
Not been able to duplicate this though :(


Was kinda thinking of the buff bot idea cause my buffs aren't bad.

I play a m8s scout sometimes and that's so much better buffed :)

Minst has just got power song 3 so would have been good with my Cleric - grp, power song, /sick and let the cleric hammer yellow/oranges in the barrows ;)

Guess I'll have to do some tests to see what I can do.


You mean you haven't been able to do it again... right... if you have duped stuff the WHACK! :)


doax users will be banned soon so i aint gonna touch it :D


Originally posted by old.mattshanes
doax users will be banned soon so i aint gonna touch it :D
Hmm? According to what? Where? US?


... according to Kemor on the Eyes and Ears forum SFX - it is in breach of the CoC and will lead to a ban if caught.

Tread very carefully folks.



I see... wonder where his E&E forum actually is, not like I am trying to get there (it is private, eh...) but still... wonder if it is in some passworded part of or summit :D


DAoX is against CoC. So are many other programs that allow playing in windowed. CoC prohibits all 3rd party programs that are associated with DAoC. Mainly due all kind of cheating possibilities, packetsniffers, macros etc.

I dont know if there is a way for Kemor/Mythic/GOA to check if one is using a program like this, I dont know what those programs change from the memory. But what I do know, is that those are popular programs, and Im sure GOA/Mythic are well aware of those. But there has been more exploiting the gamecode than external cheating, so they shouldnt worry about that really. Since this is a game that you spend many many hours without logging out, not being able to alt-tab is IMO bit stupid. Sure you can always log out and do what you need to do, but then you might need to waste more time doing something you necessarily wouldnt need to if you could just alt-tab. But then again, cheating might get a bit upwards.

As a multitasker, myself Im against this "no alt-tabbing", I tend to use many other programs on the meantime while playing games. But what can you do. You use them, its your resposibility, and you take the blame for it.

P.S. Plus, if they really wanted to clean out all those programs, they could do it. If they wanted to ban all using, I bet theyd have to ban most of US players.


Tbh, a SHIT-load of people would get banned from what I've seen.


The thing is, disabling alt-tab as a means to stop people using 3rd party utils or trainers to cheat is already a failure. DAOX exists, is maintained and Mythic/GOA can't do anything about it.
This means those people that want to use alt-tab for cheating purposes are already doing so. Conversely, those people who just want to be able to use a fundamental function of their OS and still play DAOC without cheating are running the risk of getting banned.

Quoting the CoC is pointless, Mythic/GOA are NOT going to ban anyone for using this program (if they could detect it, I suspect that its use will be widespread) without alienating many innocent customers. Just like some laws in the real world, those that are nonsense or uninforcable are generally ignored and eventually disappear into history.


Uninforcable... pretty much suites the situation. I would say that if they think of banning daox users and scan for them... they will be stunned at the numbers of them and we will see the population cut in half possibly :p


which means that if they ever do find out who uses it they wont bother banning them because they will get less money :)


Actually i think the whole idea with "no alt-tab"-policy is just wasted. As SW:G's developers said (can't remember the exact words but): Disabling alt-tab-possibilites will not bother real cheaters (since there is always a way to bypass that function). Altough casual ppl will only find it anoying...

Mythic should consider the possibilites to alt-tab... that way ppl will stop using daox and don't have to get banned (if ever caught) because they just wanted to do something else during [sarcasm] the totaly fantastic and exciting long wait for an item to be crafted or kill downtime with oh-so-nifty ability to do nothing. [/sarcasm]

I'm going to get an additional comp after this summer so i can do other things during downtime and the oh-so-stupid designed crafting proceedure (really, you should be able to press a button and craft that item until materials is gone imho :eek: ) so can do some stimulating things like listening on mp3's, surf, chat, play another account, etc. :p

That's my two pennies :p


btw sfxman, have you noticed that im stalking your posts and trying to reply to them all?

ive never posted this much in my entire life, lol!

erm.. yeah. and could mythic pretty please remove the annoyance of daoc windowing every 5 mins to some prog i didnt even know was running...

but that would go away with the ability to alt-tab so..



But as was said a person who wants to cheat badly... doesn't give a rats ass about a game having alt+tab disabled.


Originally posted by c0ngo
Was kinda thinking of the buff bot idea cause my buffs aren't bad.

I play a m8s scout sometimes and that's so much better buffed :)

Minst has just got power song 3 so would have been good with my Cleric - grp, power song, /sick and let the cleric hammer yellow/oranges in the barrows ;)

Guess I'll have to do some tests to see what I can do.

Couldn't get any fucking worse m8 ...


Have to agree not being able to alt-tab is absolute insanity, to expect a human being to sit at the trees for 8hrs killing them just continually staring at the same screen imo is madness and is driving me mental at the moment, they really need to address this issue Mythic that is not GOA

- Pathfinder -

If I were kemor I'd prolly object to you posting stuff from a private forum on a public one. As for banning people using DAOx, good luck :) Perhaps some people will be banned, although I doubt it; ALL people using it will never get banned, simply because it would kill the servers.

Take the case where 50+ high lv Hibs exploited the hole bug and set up shop in a Midgard starter town. They butchered all players/NPCs there, and kept doing so until a GM teleported them off. Instead of a ban for this blatant abuse (when asked how they did it they basically told the GM to FO), they got a letter of reprimand. Why? Simple economics; if they had all been banned, Hibernia on that server would die, which would probably cause Albs/Mids to get bored as well.


i would like a prog to disable that :puke: windows key :rolleyes:
got me killed more then once.


Pathfinder good point... pretty much what I have been thinking.

See windforce... alt+tab being allowed would save you from this too. :rolleyes:


I got the impression that barring any form of alt-tab helped prevent account hacking while you are online, someone trying to hack in and pinch your user id's would have a harder time, cos any access would cause the game to drop out, maybe this is just complete b@ll@cks, I just heard it.


I get the feeling that if you do use DAoX then announcing it on a public forum would be a bad idea.

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