anyone play a sorcerer?


Loyal Freddie
Feb 2, 2004
just wondering. was thinking of starting one. any info would be very welcome.

sorry for spelling sorcerer wrong if i did.



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 26, 2003
In general RvR, in tank grp.

See Enemy->Mez->Die->rez->cast a spell->die->sometimes another rez.

Can be very stressful at times :)

Good caster grps are great fun, as you dont get all the attention alone.

Fun and good all-around class, i've liked my sorc form the minute i made him :)


Loyal Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
learn to strafe like your very life depends on it

which it does :twak:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
never ever !!!!!!

make a tall avalonian with white hair!!!

i wish i knew more of the game when i created mine..gah

make the smallest briton/saracen you can make.



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Sorcerers are fun, and can be quite powerfull in a good group, but often you will be the first one facing the ground. Your main task is CC, trying to render the enemies useless while your group killes then one by one.In theory this sounds fun, but you will find you got serious disadvantages. your spells are about 3 sec cast time, you need to stand still for those. Other realms can insta mez/stun you, big chaps with even bigger swords/hammers or even worse, claws will kill you before you can even get a spell off. If you are so lucky as to get a spell off first, expect it to be (group) purged, or last for about 12 sec, after that you get a nice assist train on you that killes in about .3 sec. your best chance is to suck up first death, hope for a decent 100% rez and maybe get in a few more spells before you and your whole group is dead (again).
Another great invention from Mythic is called the interrupt code, made to insure casters like a sorc don't go casting spells, as it would interfere with the (tank) game play. In short, if someone atacks you, you are unable to cast spells, even when that person died you are still getting a "xxx is attacking you " and you can forget about casting that UberSpellOfOwnage. Some days I swear Mythic invented adaptive code that predicts how tanks / enemies would react should you have been able to cast that spell - but you can't because xxx is attacking you - even before he is aware you are in the area.
And let's not forget the fact that anything can trigger this interupt code from hell. Anything from enemies who just seem to be looking at you, over yellow con pets to the most crappy grey con pet will send you into the limbo state of I-want-to-cast-but-I-can't,-because-xxx-is-attacking-you.

Other than that sorcs are fun in RvR, you get lots of time to chat/interact with friends while waiting on a port to your next death/release..


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
sorc well, if you dont have /level start specing mind from start (to gets pets) and solo if you cant find anyone to group whit, when soloing to sent pet to tank wait for pet to have made about 20% dmg on your target, then dot even that you have only 1 matter its stil ok, and dont use your lifetab cost alot of power, when in group your job will be to be the mob flow controller, means mezz mobs so your group onyl have to take 1 mob at the time, and you have a crack, pot power over time helps good and if a mincer in group and he have the same lvl of power regen or lower he will need to fight, if you got /level you spec full mind also and stil full mind atlest until lvl 40, once lvl 40 you will need to find out if you wanna be body or mind sorc, dont even think on matter its crap

Mind sorc job is almost alike your trip from lvl 5 to 40 flow controller, in RvR you target-face-mezz, then try stay alive and whit the mind spec below you will have a AoE root to thes one you use in middel of the combat to keep pets and tanks away from casters and clerics, you will have highest mezz whits have a 1 out of 20 chance of resisting, crack 4, and some debuffes, use the str/con debuff in mind line its nice, but it brake mezz on pets, but not players, amnesia you use when you see a luri spamming PBAoE, or a Sm, becores amnesia makes em forget what thy was casting even on quickcast and MoC you mainly job will be CC :) and last task will be dmg assist so dding, its really last task.
So mind sorc is the main mezzer and keep PBAoEr busy so tanks can kill the luri.

Body sorc dont have a so good mezz so you will have to be 2 sorc in group, a mind sorc that is, anyway your job is to dmg assist, and to Root as you have a higher root its best if you use it in combat and now the mind sorc he can use it but well you know, if thers a wiz in group your job is resist debuff, fire wiz then you need to use assist and heat debuff, icey debuff the hard guys tanks etc or assist when he cast singel target, and try group whit a spirit cabby and assist him you will he works wonders :)
So body sorc is dmg assist and Root tanks and pets, and resist debuff for wiz, thy can debuff for matter cabbys but matter cabbys mostly like to AoE dot, but if thy cast singel then matter debuff :)

Mind sorc spec 44 Mind, 31 body

Body sorc spec 46 Body 28 Mind

hope it helps


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Playing a sorc in PvE is fun fun fun! People need and crave you. You are a vital part of the group.

Playing a sorc in RvR is...well, try to imagine the worst torture that you wouldn't dare inflict on your most mortal enemy because it was just too cruel and inhumane. That is only a tiny fraction of the pain and frustration that is involved in playing a sorcerer in RvR.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 8, 2004
Sorcerers are great. Loads of fun to play in RvR, both in tank and caster groups. If you are observant, have fast reactions, know what to do and when to do it and have a good group around you, you won't spend much time eating dirt.

Otherwise, you'd better be a very easy-going, laid-laid back sort of guy, or you're going to need therapy (as the guys above have testified).


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Id love to play a sorc if I could find a server where albion did'nt have all the population :)

They look like the best caster ingame to me :)

I played on in thid, would have been great fun if albion didnt zerg the whole thing, so that I couldnt even get ganked as a solo caster :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Ungrouped these are a nightmare to lvl as theres no lifetransfer spell that should have been on this class. So you spend ages sitting waiting for your pet to heal.

Group pve doesn't get good till around lvl 30 which is when most groups actually realise that adds = more xp and require CC.

So nice for Mythic to give us the advantage of having a paper wearing, low hps, main CC char with no insta mez, stun, root, that can't self heal. Reallly useful thx.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Spear said:
Ungrouped these are a nightmare to lvl as theres no lifetransfer spell that should have been on this class. So you spend ages sitting waiting for your pet to heal.

you havent played a sorc much i can see, pets heal faster then players, even whit like 10% your rdy short time after, and whit the crack your power regen fast to, and as i sayed in the other post, only dot and dont lifetab its a wast of power unless you have speced into body

Spear said:
Group pve doesn't get good till around lvl 30 which is when most groups actually realise that adds = more xp and require CC.

wrong, sorc improve a group alrdy from lvl 10 of.

Spear said:
So nice for Mythic to give us the advantage of having a paper wearing, low hps, main CC char with no insta mez, stun, root, that can't self heal. Reallly useful thx.

well i know its a pain that a sorc is a caster and therfor is cloth user and low hp, and becores of no insta and cloth useing thy have bolt range mezz whit 400 in Area, stun is on clerics, Root try look on body line, singel target, and when specing thy get AoE root, cant heal itself well thats true but thy can lifetab dmg enemy and get healed is ok.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
The sorc gets a bad rep from player-bases like FH for one reason - it's a difficult class to play. The truth is as follows, like it or lump it;

1) You are more likely to die than anyone else in your group once you make contact with the enemy.
2) You have more responsibility than any other group member for being situationally aware, able to react think fast on your feet.

What not to believe;

1) You spend all your time dead - only if you're are shit, decent sorcs go the distance 7/10 times.
2) You spend what time you're not dead running around unbuffed because you've just been rezzed - no, your group shouldnt be bothering to rez you, if you don't get it right the first time you might as well stay on the floor. Unless you're a body sorc in a pbae group, your contribution from this point onwards will be minimal.
3) You will find it hard to level - evidently these people have never played the class; you get a yellow pet, nuke, debuffs, oh and those old mezz/root spells come in handy too. If you spec mind you get pot, if you spec body you get debuffs. You are Mr. Utility, and groups love you.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Giga try typing with your fingertips not your palm its very hard to read anything you write. :)

Self healing in my definition doesn't require you to cast a spell on another and hope it isn't resisted.

I was pointing out the lack of any insta CC spell on sorc which kinda makes it hard to avoid dying when 4 savages are ripping you a new one.

Just my experiences with sorc was I didn't get in alot of groups till after lvl 30 but then I was leveling up when minstrels were fotm.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 8, 2004
Spear said:
Giga try typing with your fingertips not your palm its very hard to read anything you write. :)
Try typing back to him in a language you aren't fluent in (or at least try not being a cock).

Spear said:
Self healing in my definition doesn't require you to cast a spell on another and hope it isn't resisted.
You really cannot be serious about the self-heal thing? :eek7:

Spear said:
I was pointing out the lack of any insta CC spell on sorc which kinda makes it hard to avoid dying when 4 savages are ripping you a new one.
You don't need insta CC when 4 savages are already attacking you - even if it lands on all 4 of them it would only buy you 3 seconds. What you need is:
a) to avoid the situation in the first place by doing your initial job better, or getting out of the way faster;
b) get a good guard and good healers;
c) debuff them to shit and wait for them to be killed while continuing to interrupt their support chars;


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Sorry didn't realise it was just a language problem I have a work colleague that types with the same kind of spelling mistakes because he tries to type faster than his finger will move.

Nice of you to lower the thread to name calling thou.
I thought everyone would just see this post was nothing more than a whine about the main CC classes in the game obviously you didn't.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
i just tryed to help the player that asked for help about how to play a sorc,
but yes its true what pin sayed about the decent player who playes the sorc, i have ben ther myself but whit time i found out how to get a good mezz, and if i can, can others to :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
I just love my sorc. I like it alot more then my mincer (in grps that is).
my current spec is 40 body / 36 mind but i'm thinking about respeccing my sorc (rnp) to 46 body / 28 mind

1) better debuff, this is my main reason because i think albion doesn't play debuff assist nuking setup grp's enough (or maybe this has been tried and proved unpossible? i've been away from the game long so pls update me on this :) )
This would make sorc / ice or fire caster grps viable becouse imho withouth 50% debuff they are kinda gimped compared to hib caster grps.
And you would be a more effective sorc in caba / sorc debuff grps.

2) better nuke. 209 dd is nice and u have the good lifetap for moc situations

3) good aoe dex/quick debuff wich is nice against casters

4) ok aoe root (same as old spec). Not worth speccing to 49 to get best root imo.

1) sucky aoe mezz
We all know mezz from albs isn't that effective anymore. GP with hib grps and det5 mid tanks. Offcourse this keeps you out of tank grps, but i really like caster grps more so not that much of a problem for me.

2) sucky aoe str/con debuff
gonne miss that

3) unable to charm yellow pets (not 100% sure on that one tho)
that's what i'm gonne mis the most and keeps me from respeccing atm
(and the fact that i don't have respec stone but whatever :p)

4) blue crack

pls discuss, i'm quit sure i overlooked some things :)


Dec 26, 2003
might aswel take a spirit caby then.

better aoe snare then body sorc.
better nukes then body sorc
better debuffs (desease/nearsight)
higher con pet then body sorc

and a sorcers job is not to nuke.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
since when have cabys heat or cold debuffs ?

and in caby/sorc grp 2cabys + 2/3sorcs > 3 or more cabys + 1 sorc

and snare is on same immunity timer as root wich shouldn't :p

and aoe desease is in body line and nearsight in matter line

so lots of "and's" :p


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 2, 2004
My 2 cents worth for the dude who started the thread...
Sorc is fun to play in all situations when...and its a big when... you have a good group around you - you do need protection in RvR and if your pally suddenly see's glory and runs off leaving you alone with a big ole bullseye strapped to you (especially if you roll a big char with white hair - someone mentioned this before and i cant agree more) then prepare for a major whupping... however you can stand your ground and become really useful if you can work in tandem with someone protecting you - so it aint all bad but you gotta be prepared to take the rough with the smooth on RvR on a fair few occasions and if you have little patience then my advice would be pick another char..
Now PvE we used to be god before someone fed the Tangs a shitload of Orange Tango and E additives and freaked em out..
Still in AC we are quite handy but not the guaranteed spot in a group char we were at Tangs..
I have enoyed and hated my sorc at times - when its good its great.. when its bad you spam /gu and wait for rez after rez ..
The last thing I would say is that if you are going to roll a sorc is that i find its worth having an alt (necro for solo or tank for contrast from sorc) to break the sometimes monotany of sorc leveling as it can fly for a few levels and then really suck for a few (same as most chars though i guess) and i do like the backup of when things get tooooo much that i can log another Char to level that doesnt die when the first mob/toon stares really nastily at me.
Think others have covered the specs and fact that pets can come in handy - charmable up to your level with no fear of losing control of charm (unlike mins)
, also especially in caster groups with ice wizzies those ice debuffs and str/con debuffs sure do help an awful lot and i think some people really do underate what a good sorc can do in a PvE group even when mezzing isnt required...

Last bit of advice - roll a scout - one of the most loved chars for groups and RvR ever (just kept secret honest) you will hit 50 in a matter of days and be loved by all ! (for those in the know....ssssshhh ;) )


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
sorcs play a different game than most of the other classes in daoc

for sorcs rvr isnt the chat while mincer leads and spam 2 buttons in my only qbar when i fight, you need to rotate the whole fucking time and look to every fucking direction to land your mezz first, and then do a shitloadthings above :).
plus you get to get jumped by every 1button class in the game for not doing something right, even if it was beyond you

sorc = teh stress, but sorc = teh l33t :) if you do good in games give it a try, if you like rvring while eating smoking speaking on phone reading newspaper/playboy alttabing to mirc and watching tv, while you have whole big conversation open in /gu and with 2 ppl using pms, try something else :p


Loyal Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
All I can say m8

Make your Sorcerer, coz they are loads of fun, if you pay attention to what you do in RvR.
You can be alive a long time if your in a proper grp, but eat dirt most of your day in sucky ones. :eek7:
My experience is that mind sorcs is loved in all kind of grp's, while the body sorc aint that popular in tank grps due to crappy mezz and your ubah debuffs <Ice/Fire> cant be used to much in tank grp's.
Join a caster grp as body sorc, stay alive and debuff for your ice/fire wizz and they love you. :fluffle:

About grp purge from hibs: stay alert and remezz asap when they use it, coz it dont have imunity timer and can be mezzed upon. :m00:

My 2 cent.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
Dawn said:
sorc = teh stress, but sorc = teh l33t :) if you do good in games give it a try, if you like rvring while eating smoking speaking on phone reading newspaper/playboy alttabing to mirc and watching tv, while you have whole big conversation open in /gu and with 2 ppl using pms, try something else :p

So so true...even had to ask guildies to please not PM me if I'm in a rvr zone with my Sorc :)

As for the question, I love my Sorc. (even more so since the patch and the new level 50 life tap).

I see 3 main situations

1. PvE as people have said you will be wanted in groups, but given a yellow con pet (who's life retruns almost instantly since the anti-chaining mob code was introduced), your own debuffs and baseline dots, oranges are no problem solo although best xp will be for linked yellows.

2. Tank group rvr. You will die alot unless there are at least 2 very awake clerics in group. But you can also turn tideof fight, even if initial cc doesn't hold determ tanks for very long the various aoe tools you can use to interupt their support are crucial.

3. Caster group rvr (I speak on this from point of view of Spirit Cabby/Sorc based group) This is the most fun yuo can have in rvr for my money. My other half has the spirit cabby, he debuffs, we each nuke twice and things die. A complete relief from the hacking away for days routine of tanks :)

(All above written from point of view of a Mind Sorc (44 mind/31 body) so no real experience of playing Sorc as debuffer, we don't have enough active Sorcs in guild to afford the luxury of running with one of each)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 5, 2004
The sorc is probably the most rewarding and challenging class in game (to play to it's fullest potential). Even if you're a body sorc your main job is still CC, the hardest part is figuring out when to run and when to stand your ground and hit those extra spells.

Being too impatient/gun-ho i always tried to quickcast that last aoe mezz on their healers etc when a savage train was on me to turn the tides for the group, but unless your in a good group it usually never makes a difference anyways. It's this impatience that probably makes me a worse sorcerer than i could've been ( not saying i was crap or anything ^^).

Also learn how to strafe spin, can make you last alot longer even against an assist train of 3-4 people, people might think its lame, but i've had more people abuse the run-through bug, so fuck it.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Spyf said:
About grp purge from hibs: stay alert and remezz asap when they use it, coz it dont have imunity timer and can be mezzed upon. :m00:

My 2 cent.

and you are RR6?

This and the overpopulation problems that alb have is why I dont play a sorc otherwise Im shure it would be great fun.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
strafe spin?
Tell thy knowledge great ilu, and come back to game at that! :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
better nukes then body sorc

Name me 1 Caba who nukes better than me, when the enemy is debuffed... :p

btw If its a n00b enemy with 0% body resists would still outnuke him :p

body ftw :clap:

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