anyone know peep called klazart ??



Seerkind who were ya? I am still trying to get all my old mates from The Mafia to come play DAoC.


Cant remember tbh it was Seerkind or Seerkindas, was in The Holy Order for absolutely ages, back when the 1st sabuk wars took place. I remember u was a mage. I was a Tao. Same guild as Stonemage, Cookie, Sanctis , Neocrash, Pineapple (DtM):p, hehe


Originally posted by C0ngo
Guess most of you we're on Dragon or you'd probably know me and I'd recognise the names.

I was only on Dragon for a short while .. .was on Phoenix from day 1. But ... I didn't use this name there. :p


Originally posted by Keri

I was only on Dragon for a short while .. .was on Phoenix from day 1. But ... I didn't use this name there. :p

I was on Phoe pretty much from the start (cause I missed the start of dragon and getting killed all the time suked) and when I left, about Dec last year I think, I had a lvl 31 wiz with loads of cash and some very nice gear so I gave the char to a m8 in Guild.

I'm still in contact with at least 3 other people from Phoe who are in Alb.

What was your char name then Keri ?

I didn't have a Mage Staff either although I could afford the prices it didn't seem any point cause I had a 1-6 spear so 1 mill gold for +1 to min MC seemed a bit pointless :p


My little bro was OwenOdell on Phoenix so you might have known him. I was a lvl 33 wizzie with almost every item in the game and more cash then i could handle ;). What a pile of sh*t that game was although I really did like a lot of the people and atmosphere there (well in my guild at least). Not quite the same here but sure that will change soon.

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