anyone else think the PVP so far sucks?

- English -

Resident Freddy
Apr 7, 2004
Just at level 26 (chanter) atm in the abyss but omg how shitty is PVP for 90% of classes. The only classes i asked if they like it are sorcs & rangers. People just fly off, there are too many stuns, snares, silences which make casting heals impossible (for me anyway).

Today I had just killed a mob and a sorc flew over without me knowing, got max range and just nuked me from the sky before I could reach him I was dead ( fair enough if he was behind me and nuking id accept that, but above is really quite shitty). I really hope the games PVP isnt like this at level 50 else I can see alot quitting & alot of wasted time ;\ .

What are other peoples opinions about it?


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
nothing wrong with it, adjust your play style from warhammer/daoc to aion :p from a group point of view the game is fine, solo pov you need to use your head alot :p

p.s chanters are terrible soloers vs any ranged class you wont win vs a good kiter no matter what gear you have on how many pots you pop - rangers/sorcs > chanters in open areas.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
nothing wrong with it, adjust your play style from warhammer/daoc to aion :p from a group point of view the game is fine, solo pov you need to use your head alot :p

p.s chanters are terrible soloers vs any ranged class you wont win vs a good kiter no matter what gear you have on how many pots you pop - rangers/sorcs > chanters in open areas.

So are there any closed areas?


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
So are there any closed areas?

be loads I guess, abuse LOS unless players can fire through solid walls like monsters can (pretty sure they can't tho) its the downer of the class, every class has its downsides

Casters - fucked if caught in melee and can't get away
Healers - fucked if heals are interupted
Rangers - fucked if you can stun them while pot timers are on
Tanks - tanks.... enough said :x
Assassins - /laugh if your a Templar


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
You shouldn't ever expect to be able to solo in the abyss without getting ganked. except late night maybe even then there are roaming groups.

It's meant to be a group area, you should get a healer a tank and another DPS or two and go farm some higher level monsters. ( so you can defend vs smaller gank groups ).


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 27, 2003
The classes are pretty unbalanced at this level as well, apparently it evens out at later levels. Rangers & Sorcs are the ganking classes of choice atm


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
The classes are pretty unbalanced at this level as well, apparently it evens out at later levels. Rangers & Sorcs are the ganking classes of choice atm

Indeed, alot of classes get skills that break CC and so forth later on so its a huge impact on solo or even group play.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
The classes are pretty unbalanced at this level as well, apparently it evens out at later levels. Rangers & Sorcs are the ganking classes of choice atm

SM's in pvp are shit no matter what level it is tho, atleast untill they make the pets fly.

so untill then thats a big chunk of their DPS u dont have to worry about.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
SM's in pvp are shit no matter what level it is tho, atleast untill they make the pets fly.

so untill then thats a big chunk of their DPS u dont have to worry about.

you're kidding right? you seen how many toys sms get to kite people and how much damage their dots do at 50? any melee is basicly a free kill for an sm.


FH is my second home
Feb 17, 2006
i expect the majority of small groups will roam in the various 'riftable' zones to be honest. there is probably less pve aggro/more open flat areas in the pve zones for the most part than in the abyss, so roaming would work better there. and you of course can't fly in the normal zones, so it would be just normal roaming on foot :).


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I freaking love the abyss PVP it adds so many more dimensions to pvp.
It's so so awesome owning people due to managing flight time vs someone who you couldnt beat normally because they're 5 levels above you, but lure them into a mistake :)

Eg you have flight pots etc lure someone away from an edge over the drop and when they realise they will run out of time and head for land you sleep them and/or snare them.

You can do the same w/ the smaller random guard spots you have, some great ones on the upper tier like islands off the side that are friendly, by the time the enemy realises they cant fly back to safe land :)


Part of the furniture
Jul 26, 2007
How do you tell if something is 5 levels above you? The majority of people i meet just resist everything i cast on them and have a ?? where it should say their level.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
you're kidding right? you seen how many toys sms get to kite people and how much damage their dots do at 50? any melee is basicly a free kill for an sm.

i know how many toys sm's get, and i also know how to get around most of them.

its rather simple really. tho i'd like to enjoy my sm a tad longer so excuse me if i dont tell how :)

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