Any1 else ever been suspended for fuck all?


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 26, 2005
today i was duelling with a RL m8 on the emain/north sea border (i think) i got a phonecall and was afk when some fucking gimp alb monkeyfucker comes and says im rp pharming and i could get banned while i was on the phone to my m8, next thing i know xilin (or something like that) came and said i was exploiting a bug by being inside a texture (whatever the fuck that means) and rp pharming (which is against CoC i believe)

now all this happens while im on the phone, and my m8 is on the phone so i didnt get a chance to explain, next thing i know both mine and my m8s accts r suspended.

While i agree that bug exploits etc r what goa call "against the atmosphere of the game" whatever the fuck that means (i think it means being naughty~)... ppl like myself and my m8 r being suspended for fuck all (she did say that she dragged me behind some rocks while i was on the phone)

So im guessing said monkeyfucker reported me for exploits, while i dont blame him for reporting me, goa didnt even give me a chance to explain myself.

so any1 else ever been fucked over by goa in this way?

what next? ban soloing? fucking latex trouser wearing inbred retards!!

p.s. r there any smileys that show a goa member being twatted by a fucking elephant? plz let me know or better still goa member being fragged wiv a shotgun?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Thank god goa has gotten this loose cannon under control. Like its not as if they have better things to be doing

Lost items
Sorting lag


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 25, 2004

Remembers irc from today at work...

(certain uber puller): Just found some gimp in north sea
(certain uber puller): rp farming a rr3 warden

Didn't think it got reported :D

And i think it was this certain puller...don't have irc logs from work at home :p

Sorry to hear you got suspended anyhow, but organising ingame fights isn't allowed afaik.


Dec 22, 2003
Phoenixx said:
today i was duelling with a RL m8 on the emain/north sea border (i think) i got a phonecall and was afk when some fucking gimp alb monkeyfucker comes and says im rp pharming and i could get banned while i was on the phone to my m8, next thing i know xilin (or something like that) came and said i was exploiting a bug by being inside a texture (whatever the fuck that means) and rp pharming (which is against CoC i believe)

now all this happens while im on the phone, and my m8 is on the phone so i didnt get a chance to explain, next thing i know both mine and my m8s accts r suspended.

While i agree that bug exploits etc r what goa call "against the atmosphere of the game" whatever the fuck that means (i think it means being naughty~)... ppl like myself and my m8 r being suspended for fuck all (she did say that she dragged me behind some rocks while i was on the phone)

So im guessing said monkeyfucker reported me for exploits, while i dont blame him for reporting me, goa didnt even give me a chance to explain myself.

so any1 else ever been fucked over by goa in this way?

what next? ban soloing? fucking latex trouser wearing inbred retards!!

p.s. r there any smileys that show a goa member being twatted by a fucking elephant? plz let me know or better still goa member being fragged wiv a shotgun?

Thanks for calling me a monkey fucker, arranged dueling is against the CoC anyway. It was also Puppethealer who reported you, I said who it was on IRC and as hes an E&E he felt it prudent to report you.

Break the rules, pay the price.

BTW My sexual prefernce for monkeys shouldn't cloud your judgement of me :(


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 20, 2004
Gamah said:
BTW My sexual prefernce for monkeys shouldn't cloud your judgement of me :(

Depends if the monkeys have had a nice shave. If not.... :(

edit: and also, a duel is one kill spam, repeated ones seem kinda strange if you know what I mean. I know ppl playing alb and mid, that doesn't mean I have the right to call em up an fight it out.


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 26, 2005
first of all, gamah i dont really mean ur a monkeyfucker, just albs in general :)

second, yes it is prudent to report bug exploits, im not arguing with that.

third, at least give some1 the chance to explain themselves before u suspend their account for 15 days

forth, it wasnt arranged as such, just a spur of the moment thing

fifth, im so angry beacuse the awful nice person who suspended me was sooooooo obnoxious as to say (as my m8 tells me)" take as long as u does 15 days sound?"

sixth, is duelling with ppl in other realms 1 on 1 so bad as to warrant 15 days suspension?

seventh, apparently i was in a "texture" whilst i was on the phone (to my dad) and my m8 was on the phone (to her son) i was stuck to her and as she says she "was dragging me behind the rocks for cover" whilst STILL on the phone, so if this "texture" bug is a known thing, why not fix it?

eighth i dont need to cheat, im PLing the mincer with my necro, if i wanted to pharm arpees id stick the mincer in the tower near agramon bridge and pharm the billions of stealthers that turn up there, or wait until mincer got to 50 (which would take all of 2 days).

the sad fact is this wasnt intended as a cheat, yet goa have yet again let this person down.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
And what have you learned from this? Yes that you shouldn't duel in a spot alot of people go to.
You can RP farm as much as you like and it will never be reported if people can't see it now can it.
But if you go 'duel' on a bridge then you are asking to be banned imo.

Ah the good old days long before SI when we had massive duels at APK-MPK Emain late at night ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
i suspect it probbly looked very suspect along the lines of

playerone was just killed by playertwo in the north sea (a very active rvr zone you know the one that is ALL water.

about 30 times, dueling is against the CoC. if it wasnt then whats stopping me from logging on my heretic on a different computer and farming him over and over and over again with a different toon. You know it would take me along time to get to rr10 but i wouldnt have to work at it much.

Its unfortunate you were on the phone but maybe you could have typed

/afk im on the phone brb in a few minutes

and the chances are the GM was probbly observing you for a good 10 to 20 mins before they instigated the ban it wouldnt have just been an


Right now it if you think your been unfairly treated


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
DOnt fucking rp fucking farm then. fucking goa fucked you fucking over and you fucking deserve it you fucking fucker.


Part of the furniture
Jan 9, 2004
Phoenixx said:
today i was duelling with a RL m8 on the emain/north sea border (i think) i got a phonecall and was afk when some fucking gimp alb monkeyfucker comes and says im rp pharming and i could get banned while i was on the phone to my m8, next thing i know xilin (or something like that) came and said i was exploiting a bug by being inside a texture (whatever the fuck that means) and rp pharming (which is against CoC i believe)

now all this happens while im on the phone, and my m8 is on the phone so i didnt get a chance to explain, next thing i know both mine and my m8s accts r suspended.

While i agree that bug exploits etc r what goa call "against the atmosphere of the game" whatever the fuck that means (i think it means being naughty~)... ppl like myself and my m8 r being suspended for fuck all (she did say that she dragged me behind some rocks while i was on the phone)

So im guessing said monkeyfucker reported me for exploits, while i dont blame him for reporting me, goa didnt even give me a chance to explain myself.

so any1 else ever been fucked over by goa in this way?

what next? ban soloing? fucking latex trouser wearing inbred retards!!

p.s. r there any smileys that show a goa member being twatted by a fucking elephant? plz let me know or better still goa member being fragged wiv a shotgun?

You Sir, are a twat.


Can't get enough of FH
May 7, 2004
lol u got caught rp farming and u come on FH to whinge



FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
tbh, goa sort it out... you cant even run servers without lag, you cant restore peoples items ... and you tell us you are "Sorting" it out.. jeezus christ.. banning people for duel, aye its against CoC, but you have alot more things to be getting on with than banning people for petty things.



Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
Gamah said:
Thanks for calling me a monkey fucker, arranged dueling is against the CoC anyway. It was also Puppethealer who reported you, I said who it was on IRC and as hes an E&E he felt it prudent to report you.

Break the rules, pay the price.

BTW My sexual prefernce for monkeys shouldn't cloud your judgement of me :(

If your going to make such a post - at least get your facts right.*&p_li=
RightNow said:
About duels.

Many players have been wondering what was the official stance of the event team regarding duels. In order to answer this question, we need to clarify what is hiding behind this simple word; duel.

- The unexpected duel, one versus one, leading to the death of the escape of one of the two fighters.
- The organised duels with “healer” classes, able to bring back to life slain players.

In the first case, it is an honourable (or not so honourable) duel, with which we have no problem as long as it is unplanned and exceptional.

In the second case however, we face an alteration of the game, allowing players to do what we call “RP farming”, the act of “farming” realm points doing many “controlled” duels and sparing the healing classes. For such situations, we will not take direct sanctions against the players even if it is an alteration of the Gameplay. However, do not be surprised if your whole party is slaughtered by wandering guards, friendly jousts have no place when there is realm war going on!

Tesla Monkor

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
Duels are against the CoC. What is there to explain? If you are SO EAGER to duel, do not fight to the death - there, problem solved. Whack each other to an inch of your life and you're fine if dueling is so important to you. ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Gamah said:
Thanks for calling me a monkey fucker, arranged dueling is against the CoC anyway. It was also Puppethealer who reported you, I said who it was on IRC and as hes an E&E he felt it prudent to report you.

Break the rules, pay the price.

BTW My sexual prefernce for monkeys shouldn't cloud your judgement of me :(

and this is bollox.. cause I know for a fact you have had aranged fights via IRC.
as with other ppl on this forum who shall remain nameless its 1 rules for 1 person and 1 rule for another isnt it. lots of ppl do it all the time.. dont see the prople with it my self.. altho if he was rp farming over and over again.. fair enough ban the fucker..


Aug 25, 2005
It's nothing to argue against, he deserved it, as did his mate.

But the rule that states that 'Arranged fights' are against the CoC, is just a bit harsh to tell the truth.

Just take it in, and next time.. don't go to the same spot :).


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
Tesla Monkor said:
Duels are against the CoC. What is there to explain? If you are SO EAGER to duel, do not fight to the death - there, problem solved. Whack each other to an inch of your life and you're fine if dueling is so important to you. ;)

Sorry thats wrong, did you read the link on Rightnow ?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2005
hmmm gotta be some give on this imo,for instance I finished 12 hours shift at work and because it's a saturday I thought I'll take my merc to thid and chill out.I was on top of MPK and got some emotes off a NS what I know to be good,thro deathspam,so I wait and wait for pa....never came so I climb domn go to bridge wanting a 1v1,then phone rang and was ex-wife wanting more money,in the mean time a sorc in front of me got attacked by the ns,and I was in heated row.
The Sorc said in pm "wtf are you doing you fucking prick?"
Care no do I fuck kkthxbye.
People have to remember that others have a life and it's always gonna get in the way.
Sometimes it's not organized but how do Goa know that?
They don't so boom banning sticks come out and the unhappy people with lost items still suffer.:(


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Naffets said:
Sorry to hear you got suspended anyhow, but organising ingame fights isn't allowed afaik.

it is aslong as u dont kill eachother. GOA statement.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
think 15 days was a bit harsh, 7 days might of been better.. or just remove rps or a realmrank



Can't get enough of FH
Sep 2, 2004
Phoenixx said:
today i was duelling with a RL m8 on the emain/north sea border (i think) i got a phonecall and was afk when some fucking gimp alb monkeyfucker comes and says im rp pharming and i could get banned while i was on the phone to my m8, next thing i know xilin (or something like that) came and said i was exploiting a bug by being inside a texture (whatever the fuck that means) and rp pharming (which is against CoC i believe)

now all this happens while im on the phone, and my m8 is on the phone so i didnt get a chance to explain, next thing i know both mine and my m8s accts r suspended.

While i agree that bug exploits etc r what goa call "against the atmosphere of the game" whatever the fuck that means (i think it means being naughty~)... ppl like myself and my m8 r being suspended for fuck all (she did say that she dragged me behind some rocks while i was on the phone)

So im guessing said monkeyfucker reported me for exploits, while i dont blame him for reporting me, goa didnt even give me a chance to explain myself.

so any1 else ever been fucked over by goa in this way?

what next? ban soloing? fucking latex trouser wearing inbred retards!!

p.s. r there any smileys that show a goa member being twatted by a fucking elephant? plz let me know or better still goa member being fragged wiv a shotgun?

you shouldnt had been duelling your m8, GOA cant control their power in this game, they really suck big time. tried something similar with you, pm'ed a GM about a problem, and after about 10min talking i think he realised that i was right and he was wrong and he just said " have a nice day" and logged. .P.S that was allso xalin:twak:, didnt know GM's were that rude just to log of in a talk just because they know they messed it up!


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
omg omg BAN OUTLANDER too... He killed my SB like 5 times at xroads mideside DF!
And the last time he was hiding in a texture of a Firby too!


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 7, 2004
NOBODY gets banned or suspended for nothing, so stop whining. and Xalin is the most reasonable of them all!!


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
You can appeal against the ban, that is what the rightnow service is for. I know people that appealed against bans i got them and had it overturned as they could explain how it happened/Not texture abuse if do something very specific.

now from the way you talking you were in communication with someone outside the game to arrange it (gathered from them telling you that they moved you to cover) so that is xrealming anyways. But still, if you unhappy use rightnow

Ingafgrinn Macabre

Can't get enough of FH
Jan 4, 2004
Corran said:
You can appeal against the ban, that is what the rightnow service is for. I know people that appealed against bans i got them and had it overturned as they could explain how it happened/Not texture abuse if do something very specific.

now from the way you talking you were in communication with someone outside the game to arrange it (gathered from them telling you that they moved you to cover) so that is xrealming anyways. But still, if you unhappy use rightnow
Crossrealming is gettin' critical information (relicraids, or huge PvE raids so there won't be a defence or whatever) to the other side. This was, afaict not a crossrealm thing.
Also, the rightnow report Tears posted:
[url=*&p_li=]RightNow[/url] said:
About duels.

Many players have been wondering what was the official stance of the event team regarding duels. In order to answer this question, we need to clarify what is hiding behind this simple word; duel.

- The unexpected duel, one versus one, leading to the death of the escape of one of the two fighters.
- The organised duels with “healer” classes, able to bring back to life slain players.

In the first case, it is an honourable (or not so honourable) duel, with which we have no problem as long as it is unplanned and exceptional.

In the second case however, we face an alteration of the game, allowing players to do what we call “RP farming”, the act of “farming” realm points doing many “controlled” duels and sparing the healing classes. For such situations, we will not take direct sanctions against the players even if it is an alteration of the Gameplay. However, do not be surprised if your whole party is slaughtered by wandering guards, friendly jousts have no place when there is realm war going on!
Kinda shows that duels, if not pre-arranged are cool etc.. but if it's pre-arranged wouldn't constitute a 15day ban, just a walkover by a few guards...

Also, Texture abusing... damn.. we all did that once or more times, but for about 99.9% (I think, I hope) it was an accident because we ran for instance, in the door of that emain bowl hut thingy... there are a million of those places thruout the frontiers... trees where you can walk thru or whatever. Fix 'em instead of banning people imo...


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 7, 2004
Corran said:
You can appeal against the ban, that is what the rightnow service is for.

By the time they get a reply their 15 day ban will be up..
And you called it a service :twak:


Part of the furniture
Aug 14, 2004
Cruhar said:
omg omg BAN OUTLANDER too... He killed my SB like 5 times at xroads mideside DF!
And the last time he was hiding in a texture of a Firby too!

that was my new improved x realm arti morph charge! :D


Dec 22, 2003
Tears said:
If your going to make such a post - at least get your facts right.*&p_li=

Clearly I was right? seen as the guy got banned. Clearly you havn't read the post, I came across them both in the IRISH SEA, a green con minstrel and an unknown con rr2 many fights have you had in the Irish Sea?

I also didn't report them, a E&E did, IRC is a public place and people can do what they like with the information they read. One of the E&E's took it apon himself to call a GM, well thats nothing to do with me..I have better things to do than report green cons for "rpt farming".

An interesting side note however with the new /rpoff command I assume its ok to have pre-arranged duels with this command active?

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