Any reason to stay playing albion ?



Just admit it RvR sucks big time!

Then don't do it! Go and craft. Go and xp untill you have all the xp you get at lvl 50. Go farm items in DM or LB or whatever. Thisgame has more to offer than RvR and if RvR sucks so bad then I wonder why people do it!!!


Originally posted by -Dreama-

Then don't do it! Go and craft. Go and xp untill you have all the xp you get at lvl 50. Go farm items in DM or LB or whatever. Thisgame has more to offer than RvR and if RvR sucks so bad then I wonder why people do it!!!

Because of RR5. If I have that I've reached every goal there's to get in this game.


To Khalen.

do u think it would be fun being a Hib CRAZYnukeing Albs and write i 0wnz u posts on bw ? well my guess is no, coz there is no tactics required winning such a battle, just press stun and nuke twice and u have 800 +rp, u might loose more battles atm being an Alb.

if u think rvr stink (i presume Emain) then go Odins or Sauvage (i know u go there alot :) ) its much more fun there and u can get some good battles there (1 on 1's and some smaller skirmisheses too).

presonally i hate Emain (tried it for 3-4 days and went back to lovely Albion), no tactics, just zerg, might be good early in the morning or very late, i will rather rvr in my own frontier than Emain.

well thats just my opinion


same here, if I get to RR5L8-9 I am so VRY good ( for using pole weaps that is ) that I think I'll quit.........unless the game comes up with something new ( whitch I doubt tough )


Originally posted by Tiarta
To Khalen.

do u think it would be fun being a Hib CRAZYnukeing Albs and write i 0wnz u posts on bw ? well my guess is no, coz there is no tactics required winning such a battle, just press stun and nuke twice and u have 800 +rp, u might loose more battles atm being an Alb.

if u think rvr stink (i presume Emain) then go Odins or Sauvage (i know u go there alot :) ) its much more fun there and u can get some good battles there (1 on 1's and some smaller skirmisheses too).

presonally i hate Emain (tried it for 3-4 days and went back to lovely Albion), no tactics, just zerg, might be good early in the morning or very late, i will rather rvr in my own frontier than Emain.

well thats just my opinion

What yah think I've been doing the last couple of weeks... I've been to Odin with my best friend lay and had fun with Mids. Been to our own frontier and kicked some CE or some Hibs ass. Heck I've even tried to nail Eleasias on my own one morning in FS. All I wanna point out that one day no one goes emain anymore and then the lamers come to our frontier or Odins...


then its time to go Emain Khalen (lets make a duo) ;)

ill play sorc and u armsman with ur soulsplitter (hopefully you have gotten it at that time) - and we rock Emain


The Challenge

Personally I think it's intresting being the most underestimated realm, this leaves a challenge to develop teamplay and individual skill for the whole of albion. However, people tend to leave(?) bcos they have to be the best class :|.


Re: The Challenge

Originally posted by skile
However, people tend to leave(?) bcos they have to be the best class :|.

well hopefully its all the unskilled and wimps that leave ;) :clap:


I'm afraid to admit that I heard alot of ppl expressing the idea of a)leaving
b)rerolling as a hib/mid


Everyone knows about the superior CC of hibs/mids allready here,
and what to come.

Well we might cry alot, but atleast until 1.54+ it will be that way.

It will be damn hard to win fg vs fg group battles against those guys. Guess albs will have to improve on both groupplay and tactics, to have any joy.

When 1.50 hit us my scout was nerfed until i figured out to team
up with a minstrel. These days such a team is very effective in killing sbs. Enhance such a team with 3-4 scouts, and you will have shear fear on a 7 min timer for any sb out there. They attack one, and team will hunt them down, and they can try to sneak back, just to be whacked again.

My point is, albs need to work together and maybe get even better at RvR. Exchange ideas and tips on how to play.

My first advice to most albs would be :

Mids/hibs will have awesome CC, before buying anything fancy get purge. Atleast you will die fighting.

Make a tactics threat, and lets start exchanging ideas on how
to get the most out of our somewhat gimped classes.

Atm im leveling an alt, it is heavy tank armsman. Heres how im gonna make him.

Spec :

Pole : 44, for defenders rage combo, and close to 50 pole performance.
Trust : 39 or 44, worse s&b styles than slash, but bonus against mids and neutral to most hib tank classes. Also the 15, 44 trust chain might turn out nice with increased blocking in 1.53.
Shield : 42 Slam speaks for itself, and with 1.53 the ability to block pretty well in RvR.
Parry : Leftovers

This is a very allround spec, a little weaker in dam than a 50/50
tank, but with many ways to play. You meet a 2 handed skald
go s&b and try to block him out. You meet a dualwielder go pole and whack him as hard as you can. Also i think with rr's and items
you will get 50 in most lines.

Race i chose a highlander with 10 str, con, dex but also 10
con dex quick might be good.

Well here is a tank idea for new ones or maybe for a respec.
Maybe its a bad spec, but its an idea :)

We simply has to be better teamplayers and have a better teamspirit to compensate, or we might all go hib tommorow.


As an alb it is obvious we get our asses kicked becasue we never get organised. Every time I have had a well balanced group RvR has been interesting no matter how big the opposing Zerg. Maybe people do need to leave so that the albs left can show the mids and hibs what we can do!


Originally posted by Arthwyr
I'm afraid to admit that I heard alot of ppl expressing the idea of a)leaving b)rerolling as a hib/mid

"as intended" © Mythic Entertainment...?


Originally posted by kinadold
Everyone knows about the superior CC of hibs/mids allready here,
and what to come.

Well we might cry alot, but atleast until 1.54+ it will be that way.

It will be damn hard to win fg vs fg group battles against those guys. Guess albs will have to improve on both groupplay and tactics, to have any joy.

When 1.50 hit us my scout was nerfed until i figured out to team
up with a minstrel. These days such a team is very effective in killing sbs. Enhance such a team with 3-4 scouts, and you will have shear fear on a 7 min timer for any sb out there. They attack one, and team will hunt them down, and they can try to sneak back, just to be whacked again.

My point is, albs need to work together and maybe get even better at RvR. Exchange ideas and tips on how to play.

My first advice to most albs would be :

Mids/hibs will have awesome CC, before buying anything fancy get purge. Atleast you will die fighting.

Make a tactics threat, and lets start exchanging ideas on how
to get the most out of our somewhat gimped classes.

Atm im leveling an alt, it is heavy tank armsman. Heres how im gonna make him.

Spec :

Pole : 44, for defenders rage combo, and close to 50 pole performance.
Trust : 39 or 44, worse s&b styles than slash, but bonus against mids and neutral to most hib tank classes. Also the 15, 44 trust chain might turn out nice with increased blocking in 1.53.
Shield : 42 Slam speaks for itself, and with 1.53 the ability to block pretty well in RvR.
Parry : Leftovers

This is a very allround spec, a little weaker in dam than a 50/50
tank, but with many ways to play. You meet a 2 handed skald
go s&b and try to block him out. You meet a dualwielder go pole and whack him as hard as you can. Also i think with rr's and items
you will get 50 in most lines.

Race i chose a highlander with 10 str, con, dex but also 10
con dex quick might be good.

Well here is a tank idea for new ones or maybe for a respec.
Maybe its a bad spec, but its an idea :)

We simply has to be better teamplayers and have a better teamspirit to compensate, or we might all go hib tommorow.

I know that's gonna be a good specc that's why I'm gonna try 50/50 Pole/Parry and see if that might be something...

And nope I'm not gonna delete my chars so I can just own people I want a fair fight not a zergamania and preess the win button.


Tbh i dont enjoy winning becuase other ppl sux!

If we face a Mid group and outmezz them.. and they dont use purge and mezz us... then i just think haha mid noobs...

or they instant AE Mezz/Stun timers wasnt up... Lucky us..

If i face a hib group and we mezz em all and the druid dont use group purge i think LOL a noob....

if we win becuase of numbers i get no joy..


Everyone knows about the superior CC of hibs/mids allready here,
and what to come.

Well we might cry alot, but atleast until 1.54+ it will be that way.

It will be damn hard to win fg vs fg group battles against those guys. Guess albs will have to improve on both groupplay and tactics, to have any joy.

When 1.50 hit us my scout was nerfed until i figured out to team
up with a minstrel. These days such a team is very effective in killing sbs. Enhance such a team with 3-4 scouts, and you will have shear fear on a 7 min timer for any sb out there. They attack one, and team will hunt them down, and they can try to sneak back, just to be whacked again.

My point is, albs need to work together and maybe get even better at RvR. Exchange ideas and tips on how to play.

My first advice to most albs would be :

Mids/hibs will have awesome CC, before buying anything fancy get purge. Atleast you will die fighting.

Make a tactics threat, and lets start exchanging ideas on how
to get the most out of our somewhat gimped classes.

Atm im leveling an alt, it is heavy tank armsman. Heres how im gonna make him.

Spec :

Pole : 44, for defenders rage combo, and close to 50 pole performance.
Trust : 39 or 44, worse s&b styles than slash, but bonus against mids and neutral to most hib tank classes. Also the 15, 44 trust chain might turn out nice with increased blocking in 1.53.
Shield : 42 Slam speaks for itself, and with 1.53 the ability to block pretty well in RvR.
Parry : Leftovers

This is a very allround spec, a little weaker in dam than a 50/50
tank, but with many ways to play. You meet a 2 handed skald
go s&b and try to block him out. You meet a dualwielder go pole and whack him as hard as you can. Also i think with rr's and items
you will get 50 in most lines.

Race i chose a highlander with 10 str, con, dex but also 10
con dex quick might be good.

Well here is a tank idea for new ones or maybe for a respec.
Maybe its a bad spec, but its an idea

We simply has to be better teamplayers and have a better teamspirit to compensate, or we might all go hib tommorow.

I am gonna respecc in the hybrid polearms/shield armsman to, the 9sec stun is VRY good, if ya can hit 9sec free with ya pole that can RLY lets hope it is so in game :)

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