Any point playing infil?


Part of the furniture
Oct 26, 2004
Vladamir said:
Wasn't a fan of waiting around for 15 minutes after i died to get some weapons just to lose again within 20 minutes or so :p

Don't die then? :m00:


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 30, 2004
GrIrcSpammer said:
zephos now why dont i get surprised that u get pwnd so much :(

yes i do, but most 1vs1 fights vs u and most other sb's are 50/50 just most the time u are there with 2 others


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 12, 2004
Wasn't a fan of waiting around for 15 minutes after i died to get some weapons just to lose again within 20 minutes or so

Thinnk they changed that a while back so u can die several times b4 u have too resummon... yeeey energy roxx most off all leggies imo too bad the graphix sux...


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
btw, totally unrelated etc but..

does echion use irc or have a nick here somewhere or sumthing? :)

lub that SB :)


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 30, 2004
yes he is one of few who beats my mincer when i use RA's etc


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 19, 2004
Mmm echion's very hard, top 3 SB imo. Afaik he uses viper 3 lifebane + spike though, so maybe i'll do better now with purge 3 instead of IP2.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
yup yup, very very hard and..

He solo, and play the game nicely, dont add etc, not on me at least.

Seen some Excalpeople that do solo which is nice, seen alot of crappy duos that never run without IP up etc too sadly.

/thumbs up for Echion


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 17, 2004
Shike said:
yup yup, very very hard and..

He solo, and play the game nicely, dont add etc, not on me at least.

Seen some Excalpeople that do solo which is nice, seen alot of crappy duos that never run without IP up etc too sadly.

/thumbs up for Echion

Run w/out IP up? that will be hmm Moriane? add to that FZ :p


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Minstrel said:
Run w/out IP up? that will be hmm Moriane? add to that FZ :p

Dno who that is, ran into some midduos yesterday that stick to each other like glue, total fuckwits since they dont leave soloers alone at all and also add on fights.



Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
Hell aye. They damn well awesome. Why not play the damn thing?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
MKJ said:
Hell aye. They damn well awesome. Why not play the damn thing?

grab yer whiskeybottle and go back to beeing what u do best, be a drunk.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
Yu know wot I played so drunk I could hardly control the keyboard - even so I still managed to drop countless buffed players. Just got bored so decided to help players out with getting ratarsed first. Dropped my buffs and no toa so had to get pissed eventually to stop feeling guilty cos I was still too good. Just shows how nice a guy I am.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
You do know thoes grey named animals outside of Mularn are not players yeah?

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
Shike said:
yup yup, very very hard and..

He solo, and play the game nicely, dont add etc, not on me at least.

Seen some Excalpeople that do solo which is nice, seen alot of crappy duos that never run without IP up etc too sadly.

/thumbs up for Echion

And who are you to rate people?

Last time some assholes zerged me and made me dump Warguard, Malice use2, purge and IP2 to survive you just managed to attack me on 50% hit points left to leech the arpees. Guess you realized, it's your chance.

God, I even leave Ciuici alone when he is not on full health and just had a fight and he is not my favourite NS but you have to be like the worst hypocrite ever.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Manisch Depressiv said:
And who are you to rate people?

Last time some assholes zerged me and made me dump Warguard, Malice use2, purge and IP2 to survive you just managed to attack me on 50% hit points left to leech the arpees. Guess you realized, it's your chance.

God, I even leave Ciuici alone when he is not on full health and just had a fight and he is not my favourite NS but you have to be like the worst hypocrite ever.

haha I've been waiting for this post from you.

You stood there, nobody else was around, I pa and kill you, and you QQ on FH.. what a fkin tosser you are. Fyi, I will always, always jump you, if you are in a zerg as usual, or solo, or in a fight, I will always jump you if I see a chanse to make you QQ. Just because its you. Why do you think I always give you a /laugh when I see you? It is only and purely because I dont like you one single little tiny bit, in my eyes you are one of the worst shits playing this server and it grants me pleasure to see you lie there dead.

now fuck off and kill me instead when you get the chanse, add, zerg, raid keeps at night, do whatever you do normally, I dont really give a crap.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
An infil crying about his class lal 99.9% infils duo/zerg atm so u dont should have any problem to kill anyone xd

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
Shike said:
haha I've been waiting for this post from you.

You stood there, nobody else was around, I pa and kill you, and you QQ on FH.. what a fkin tosser you are. Fyi, I will always, always jump you, if you are in a zerg as usual, or solo, or in a fight, I will always jump you if I see a chanse to make you QQ. Just because its you. Why do you think I always give you a /laugh when I see you? It is only and purely because I dont like you one single little tiny bit, in my eyes you are one of the worst shits playing this server and it grants me pleasure to see you lie there dead.

now fuck off and kill me instead when you get the chanse, add, zerg, raid keeps at night, do whatever you do normally, I dont really give a crap.

Grins. Like I said, hypocrite and gimp.

Am still waiting for the footage of my group perma zerging and adding. I heard Brite has some leet editing skills.



Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Manisch Depressiv said:
Grins. Like I said, hypocrite and gimp.

Am still waiting for the footage of my group perma zerging and adding. I heard Brite has some leet editing skills.


Nuh'uh, no hypocrite, nope nope, look it up first and then call me that. And gimp? Perhaps, dno, ask those I fight.

You solo with an armsman which is a tough class to take on for any assassin, due to the fact that it is a heavy tank.. It is easy for you to say gimp then. Roll an inf and come fight, you seem to have enough time on your hands to make one.
I would never ever expect to loose vs an assassin on my Merc for instance, it just wont happen, if I do I have done something seriosly seriosly wrong and left my brain somewhere else ^^ Too high AF, too much abs, too much artifacts and too much meleedps to handle for an assassin. Its stuff like this you say Manisch that really make me wonder how you think. Calling a soloing assassin (which pretty much everyone I fight can testify, regarding the solobit, nomatter what you think) that actually kill stuff a gimp just isnt right, but then again, if you truly believe so then yea, sure, I'm gimp, in your eyes, which is your pov and you are entitled to it ofc. When I see you loose to a warrior, champ, hero etc, I will call you a gimp aswell, or why not from range to a bainshee that nuke you down in seconds. Then you are a gimp, you should be able to kick that bains ass from 1650 range imo. If you get what I mean. ^^

on a sidenote: thank you for letting me kill Karatez alone, /cheer. o_O

Have you really changed Manisch?

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
Shike said:
You solo with an armsman which is a tough class to take on for any assassin, due to the fact that it is a heavy tank.. It is easy for you to say gimp then. Roll an inf and come fight, you seem to have enough time on your hands to make one.

Yes, it is easy and I don't even enjoy it and it's nothing I'll ever brag about. Beating assassins 4-6 RRs higher now that I am Warlord again and have Purge and IP2 and Malice and Battler leveled I don't consider any hard when all my stuff is up. Same goes for Rangers, Skalds and especially Vamps. Sadly there are not enough tanks out to fight, much more stealthers.

Shike said:
I would never ever expect to loose vs an assassin on my Merc for instance, it just wont happen, if I do I have done something seriosly seriosly wrong and left my brain somewhere else ^^ Too high AF, too much abs, too much artifacts and too much meleedps to handle for an assassin. Its stuff like this you say Manisch that really make me wonder how you think. Calling a soloing assassin (which pretty much everyone I fight can testify, regarding the solobit, nomatter what you think) that actually kill stuff a gimp just isnt right, but then again, if you truly believe so then yea, sure, I'm gimp, in your eyes, which is your pov and you are entitled to it ofc. When I see you loose to a warrior, champ, hero etc, I will call you a gimp aswell, or why not from range to a bainshee that nuke you down in seconds. Then you are a gimp, you should be able to kick that bains ass from 1650 range imo. If you get what I mean. ^^

I wouldn't have moaned if you would have killed me from 100% HP and you would have, since everything was down and I would have started the fight vs you on 40-50% when coming out of stun.

That's the only reason I call you a hypocrite and a gimp, your double standard for rating people about zerging and adding and fair game, yet you attack me after I got zerged and survived on 50% and then you back up it with your personal attitude vs me even though I leave 1 vs 1 fights generally alone.

I don't how you play, I never had the chance to play vs or against you and I am not rating it. Judging by FH you aren't one of the RR3 SMs that stop on incoming and start to MoC-Lifetap :).

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
Btw, I'll have one Infi ready when 1.81 comes, I could level him fast to 50 but don't have the support currently to ToA him up, most of the people are gone or busy with something else.

So see you there in a few months.


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
Minstrel said:
do u think a rr3-rr4 ns can kill a rr10 SB?

Well purge+battler debuff i beat a rr7 sb solo after he bs2 me to ding rr3/4 on my ns afew days back :O

No biggie but just goes to show that ns dont need remedy to roxx , givf a ns with 60 str/con starting stats ffs ><


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Anyone can kill anyone given the right circumstances. I remember when I was RR4 or RR5 and had seen Cyclodia (RR9/10 NS) kill someone in the area, and had an idea where he might be resting. I popped SL, he was at full health, and basically PA+CD+SS and only just won after the fight. It's all being in the right place at the right time - with the right timers up!

My RR8 SB has lost to quite a few RR2 NS's/Rangers, RR3 Infils and the like and sometimes you totally underestimate your opponent and they kick your arse :> This wakes you up and reminds you not to get sloppy :p

But kudos to the RR2's and RR3's, especially the few that I have seen out there trying to solo. Keep plugging away and you will occasionally catch people out.

I think once most classes hit RR3, they start to be damn tough.
And RR5 NS's >>> Infils (hit like trucks) > SB's (who don't have high ML + Artis)

Oli - Illu


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Manisch Depressiv said:
Btw, I'll have one Infi ready when 1.81 comes, I could level him fast to 50 but don't have the support currently to ToA him up, most of the people are gone or busy with something else.

So see you there in a few months.

nice :)

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