Any point playing infil?


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 30, 2004
I stopped playing my infil for a few weeks and played minstrel, had fun and could solo just about everything i came across due to decent rr, ToA'd and ML's. Then today i played my infil who is ToA'd etc and lost to every stealther i came across RR5+ when im RR7L4. Was either stuff with IP or NS's with remedy so wtf can infils beat now rr5+ apart from SB's who are just as gimped? My spec is 50 thrust 39 CS 33 stlealth 30 envenom and 3X DW decent resists + overcapped stats etc using LGM weapons. Does anyone have some suggestions on how to ungimp me? either a new spec or template. Maybe it was bad luck but i used to do a lot better and will prolly stick to minstrel from now on unless anyone has a solution :confused: btw this is meant for solo infils, they are still good in grp with scout or minstrel


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 17, 2004
Id say its was bad luck imo :) the fight u had vs me that was very unlucky for u :) evaded all ur atacks :p


Part of the furniture
Jun 27, 2004
you could start by posting you template tbh.. and try to use malice or battler charge as often as possible :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Zephos said:
I stopped playing my infil for a few weeks and played minstrel, had fun and could solo just about everything i came across due to decent rr, ToA'd and ML's. Then today i played my infil who is ToA'd etc and lost to every stealther i came across RR5+ when im RR7L4. Was either stuff with IP or NS's with remedy so wtf can infils beat now rr5+ apart from SB's who are just as gimped? My spec is 50 thrust 39 CS 33 stlealth 30 envenom and 3X DW decent resists + overcapped stats etc using LGM weapons. Does anyone have some suggestions on how to ungimp me? either a new spec or template. Maybe it was bad luck but i used to do a lot better and will prolly stick to minstrel from now on unless anyone has a solution :confused:

I'd suggest you look over those resists once again, cap slash and heat first thing, then there are others aswell you need high.

I also suggest you lower your DW alittle in favor of CS, im guessing you use DF backed up with garrote+AH with hammy+leaper combo as followup 2nd.

Look over your RAs, are you really specced in a good way? Looking at your RR you should have purge3, some AOM to counter heaters, possibly EM, and also some MoP, dont get too hung up on stats initially.

Look over your weaponry and learn to know your enemy, make sure you have a template that support flawless switching of mainhandweapon so you can adjust weapon according to the situation. There are alot of gains to do in just this area so pay attention to it fully and put some effort into it, its a huge key to winning fights, with right weapon you win, with wrong you will loose.

And finally, dont give up after a short while, Im sure you once was a good infil, but we all get rusty after a while, takes time to get those PAs to land again, a PA = win most of the time tbh, nomatter what assassin you play unless you are totally gimped. Give it a few weeks and practise, practise, practise without duoing etc, dont zerg, it will leave you no experience at all that is worth anything, solo, peck a fight, go back, dont be afraid to die :)

Just keep going mate, its the only way.

edit: forgot to mention, im a n00b at NS but, I do my best and tbh i never ever give up, I try to learn instead, I know the theory pretty good though! ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 30, 2004
Minstrel said:
Id say its was bad luck imo :) the fight u had vs me that was very unlucky for u :) evaded all ur atacks :p

yes due to me being uber debuffed and u not coz on remedy :clap: and sorry about the FG who zerged u after, gimps they are, RP hungry gimps


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 17, 2004
Zephos said:
yes due to me being uber debuffed and u not coz on remedy :clap: and sorry about the FG who zerged u after, gimps they are, RP hungry gimps

I hardly use remedy on 1 vs 1 unless its a high rr enemy or i find 2 or more and i use it in combination with malice. In the fight vs u i wanted to insta dd u and presed remedy instead :( not the first time and wont be that last time i do it tho its annoying when i do that vs scouts :mad: Yes i cba to use qbind for remedy ;p


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 12, 2004
Zephos said:
yes due to me being uber debuffed and u not coz on remedy :clap: and sorry about the FG who zerged u after, gimps they are, RP hungry gimps

This is why u have purge 3 ;) and take a note too what shike said. Imo legies r fun too play with switch from heater too cold etc :D i played with GS and croc tooth made me lazy and slow as fook.. leggies r the way to go mate and infils still r the most powerfull assasins out there. Don't give up keep going ,maybe try a weird spec as ur an infil u can try fun stuff as 50 DW especially with leggy offhander with the proc can be funzOr :D


Nov 28, 2004
Zephos said:
I stopped playing my infil for a few weeks and played minstrel, had fun and could solo just about everything i came across due to decent rr, ToA'd and ML's. Then today i played my infil who is ToA'd etc and lost to every stealther i came across RR5+ when im RR7L4. Was either stuff with IP or NS's with remedy so wtf can infils beat now rr5+ apart from SB's who are just as gimped? My spec is 50 thrust 39 CS 33 stlealth 30 envenom and 3X DW decent resists + overcapped stats etc using LGM weapons. Does anyone have some suggestions on how to ungimp me? either a new spec or template. Maybe it was bad luck but i used to do a lot better and will prolly stick to minstrel from now on unless anyone has a solution :confused: btw this is meant for solo infils, they are still good in grp with scout or minstrel
just try hit more with pa i quess


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 3, 2004
ive dusted off my old, SI sc infil(capped resists, but 75 stats etc), got him a few legendary weapons, and ive had some great fights.. at rr3. he dinged rr4 today tho, and it was really good... sure got my azz handled to me a few times, but solo was ok, and it was lovely with duoing an rr2 scout..


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
whats the problem with playing the game in hard mode?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
LOL - is there any point playing full stop? RVR is dead ATM, just stealthers who don't want to give me their RPs :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 2, 2004
yes it is a point , u can always camp midbridge looking for sb :)

nah seriosly , a well equipped infil i fear just as much as those pesky ns , but hey i like the challange


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Tiztla said:
yes it is a point , u can always camp midbridge looking for sb :)

nah seriosly , a well equipped infil i fear just as much as those pesky ns , but hey i like the challange

and from yer sig:

Magiker xx Warlock

ok then, some mids now consider playing warlock a challenge.. Thats quite funky tbh :)



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
nope infils got the shaft last patches in daoc so no need to play it for the time being play your minstrel instead and have fun :D.


Loyal Freddie
Jan 30, 2004
Hi m8. I played my Inf for the first time in a few weeks last night also and i know what you mean. My guess is that like me you lack any "I win" buttons and when your opponents use theres then you die. Like a fight i had against pip last night, i popped him and got him down close to death with very little damage done in return but then the "I win" buttons were pressed, FZ and IP and i die. I know that had my malice been levelled it would have been the other way around so my advice to you is get battler/malice and it will help alot. I run with duel heaters/cold weapons most of the time but can swap GS for mainhand without to much loss. I then keep malice on my back(but it's not levelled at the moment)

Make sure your Ml9, helps a ton if you solo.
Get some AoM, i only have AoM2 but it helps alot.
For solo you need MoS3 or your going to get popped by the lame hunter/rangers all the time.
Try to avoid bridges unless you have SL up or you will get lookout ganked.
SL is very important when solo, i have RoD but sometimes use SoM for SL also.
Make sure your hasted, you won't be high RR enemys unless hasted.
Personally i think you need some more crit strike
Slash,Thrust,Heat,Body need to be capped. Others should be 15+(imo)

And last but most importantly. Im suprised by the positive replys here but the board whores will start spamming soon so goto It's a great site and loads will help there.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 18, 2004
lol.. imo aom is a waste of ra's... if ur a infil and get heat debuffed by another assassin that uses 2x heater.. imo the aom 2 or 3 wont help u shit..

get cap swing spd, cap evade, good artis like SoM,Malice,Battler (gs vs mids (slash))

And from what i have heard speccing slash infil makes u do more dmg..

And by speccing slash.. or w8.. whatever spec u got, have purge 3.

Get dmg ra's and hp ra's (for sb its aug str,toughness,mop)

viper u can forget about unless u can afford viper 2+.

dont think that much about getting pa to stick.. try get the jump (first to hit -> most likely last one to hit)

If u want pa to stick and u want to solo, get poison spike ml, and mezz poison.. combine that with 2+ artis in temp with SL and ull have a couple of deathblows each run.

Be sure that u got backup weapons, and pay attention to the dmg done.. if its good or bad (LW's)

So imo from what i have heard, spec slash, get purge3, Poison spike, mezz poison, nice temp, aug str, toughness and mop, and try cap ur swing spd as much as i can...

edit: always have end pots and heal pots on qb 2 or 3, gs vs mids and lw's vs hibbs (and mids if u want) use battler charge or malice charge, have item with haste charge, and do styles with backup etc..


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Twinky said:
lol.. imo aom is a waste of ra's... if ur a infil and get heat debuffed by another assassin that uses 2x heater.. imo the aom 2 or 3 wont help u shit..

Normally i found that just using heaters was a waste of time. Every man and his dog you'd run into would have 50% plus whatever on top with AoM. Spirit lw's are the way forward ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 10, 2004
Vladamir said:
Normally i found that just using heaters was a waste of time. Every man and his dog you'd run into would have 50% plus whatever on top with AoM. Spirit lw's are the way forward ;)
Nope Energy!


Loyal Freddie
Jan 30, 2004
Vladamir said:
Normally i found that just using heaters was a waste of time. Every man and his dog you'd run into would have 50% plus whatever on top with AoM. Spirit lw's are the way forward ;)

You always did like to hug first agramon bridge where people will have bot resists . Thing is due to the vulnerabilty hitting anyone with heaters and 26 in resists is effectively hitting them with 11% resists. Anyone with a half decent template will have more than that in spirit. But we do know a few people who dont....a certain RR9 SB springs to mind ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 2, 2004
Shike said:
and from yer sig:

Magiker xx Warlock

ok then, some mids now consider playing warlock a challenge.. Thats quite funky tbh :)


Considering the fact that as u can see my main is a runemaster and almost since the start of daoc i have played an sb , so yes i like the challange

warlock is just a toy i play around with , perhaps some day i will play him seriusly , cus if there is something i like more then the challange it is when folks whining at me :) i just love whine


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 2, 2004
ohhh and yes , i am well aware that sb was god ages agooo


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Littles said:
You always did like to hug first agramon bridge where people will have bot resists . Thing is due to the vulnerabilty hitting anyone with heaters and 26 in resists is effectively hitting them with 11% resists. Anyone with a half decent template will have more than that in spirit. But we do know a few people who dont....a certain RR9 SB springs to mind ;)

Awesome fun :D.

Bridges was the only place i was able to find stuff though :(

Castus said:
Nope Energy!

Wasn't a fan of waiting around for 15 minutes after i died to get some weapons just to lose again within 20 minutes or so :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 19, 2004
Vladamir said:
Normally i found that just using heaters was a waste of time. Every man and his dog you'd run into would have 50% plus whatever on top with AoM. Spirit lw's are the way forward ;)
Spirit's been FOTM for too long imo, many stealthers now see it as a priority. Unless assassins spirit resist is more than 15% behind their heat, heat will still be the better choice.

Personally I've been using matter as a substitute for spirit recently, on mids especially I find it often does great damage, and the irony of hitting a warlock for huge amounts because he has zero matter resists has to be experienced :) I still prefer heat for assasssins and traitors for most casters though. Ofc against mids and hibs who you expect to be resists buffed, spirit will be the better choice as most will have matter, cold, heat but not spirit resists.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
merry christmas shrewsbury you useless bent sack of shit!

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