Any point coming back


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Got the game at release, played for like 2 weeks and got bored at around level 16 because of the repetativeness

im really bored atm considering reactivating for a laff - any new stuff happened etc?

I had a fire / fire blaster


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Well, nothing new really ... but hey, we are about to get capes ... so we will rock !!!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
yep its too repetative and the fact that supportclasses
are allmost (at least at higher levels) worthless makes this game suck arse.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 28, 2004
well im pretty bored atm ^^

all my mmorpg account are canceled ...
wanna reactivate CoH though :p

just havin fun with some costume creating /making alts ^^ still have a lv 33 Illu/kin controller though , and woooohoooo capes ^^


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Kokelimonkelmedisin said:
yep its too repetative and the fact that supportclasses
are allmost (at least at higher levels) worthless makes this game suck arse.
It's not so much that support sucks, as that no one groups above like level 25. Which sucks. I went back to DAoC. :(


Part of the furniture
May 15, 2004
I know it's bad Danny, but blimey ... back to DAoC? *looks horrified* Scandalous! I had a few 50's in the States but ToA pretty much killed my enjoyment of the game, then NF came along and really did kill it.

Enjoyed CoH as an artifact/ML free environment for a good few months, but there are some serious imbalances in the game that need addressing. One to keep an eye on and see how it develops in the future.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
to address the lack of grouping at higher levels, my SG has made a policy of going out of our way to group together and to invite at least one non-SG person into our groups.
this means that support classes get played and we keep our friendly atmosphere.
i am sure other SGs are doing similar and if they are not then what is the point of those SGs?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Turamber said:
I know it's bad Danny, but blimey ... back to DAoC? *looks horrified* Scandalous! I had a few 50's in the States but ToA pretty much killed my enjoyment of the game, then NF came along and really did kill it.

Enjoyed CoH as an artifact/ML free environment for a good few months, but there are some serious imbalances in the game that need addressing. One to keep an eye on and see how it develops in the future.
I dunno, I kinda like TOA - but I always quite liked PvE anyway. Only annoyance is that artifact mobs are overcamped.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Iv been thinking a bit about daoc allso, but then I remember that
I dont want to play the animist that I have on my acc. And how mutch
it must suck to play support in keep sieges, how it would suck to level,
do MLs and artifacts for 2 months straight just to get to rvr, how
I can't play a stealther cause of the buffbots etc.

^^ Lost of cool mmorpgs coming up tho,
and after I gave FFXI a 2nd chanse the only problems is sticking with a class. :p


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 2, 2004
no one groups above like level 25

This is simply untrue, and having a lvl 33 ice tanker myself I can know (CoH tankers kinda fall into the support category too). I suspect it had more to do with a server being dead on euro hours, where you one of the people on Virtue ? In any case on Victory (unofficial euro server btw) I never noticed any difference regarding grouping between low 20s or high 20s ...

HOWEVER the grouping issues do start to show up in the +30 range, it's not that grouping doesn't happen regurally anymore, but especially random groups happen less often and in smaller groups that often don't require a support char. That being said, if you get into a good supergroup and/or get a good set of friends you can still get to 50 at a decent pace, I've seen enough support chars deep into their 40s or even at 50. And they wouldn't have got their by soloing ...

If anyone is interested in returning :
- Issue 2 is coming soon and it's about the biggest MMORPG update I have ever seen (and I have seen many of 'em). It put Mythics efforts to shame. Capes is just one of the dozens new cool things.
- Chose a server with a big euro population (for example Victory and I think Pinnacle too).


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Why bother getting to 50? My character (controller) is useless in all the big fights anyway :p


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 2, 2004
Eh wtf are you smoking Danya ? It sure shows that many of you early quitters have a seriously broken game knowledge ...

It depends a lot on what kind of controller you were playing, if you were playing Mind, then yes that build has issues (that are being looked at btw). If you were playing Fire/Ill then once you hit lvl 32 you have one of the fastest leveling chars out of the entire game, about as fast as the best blaster builds. Gravity is fine for soloing too.

Fire Controller has in fact become one of the favorite builds for FOTM powerlevelers who want to hit lvl 50 in the shortest time possible.

That being said, Illusion and especially Fire are taking a knock in issue #2 (together with /dev blasters) but they still will be fine, also Gravity pets are getting a speed boost. Ice and Earth pets aren't that hot though ...

PS about the "big fights", controllers certainly have their uses. Unless you mean fights against AVs (which are pretty rare untill the 40s, and even that high not that common) a controller is AWESOME to have in a group, to such an extent Tankers and Defenders are complaining about it ...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
I played earth controller. No, we don't get uber pets or any other wtfpwn stuff. Shows how many randomly wrong assumptions you make about people's game knowledge.
And yes I meant AVs and monsters. Fighting normal "bosses" and such isn't anything special.


Part of the furniture
May 15, 2004
Abel said:
Eh wtf are you smoking Danya ? It sure shows that many of you early quitters have a seriously broken game knowledge

Sorry bud, but all you are doing is repeating fan bois views of the game. Many blaster and scrapper builds are so strong that they don't need "support" - they can do just as well without a defender or a controller.

Moreover controller pets have now been heavily nerfed ... a 50% damage reduction to Phantom Army and Fire Imps, 5-6 months into the game's life.

My illusion controller was level 41 when I quit at the start of August and yes I did group, but only with friends. They would have grouped me whatever class I played, and generally levelling involved our fire/device blaster friend killing everything whilst we watched. Pickup groups were hard to come by at that level and generally consisted of all the gimps (controllers, tanks and defenders) together whilst the damage dealers (or at least the well built ones) soloed.

Glad you are still enjoying the game but it doesn't change the fact that it's broken and getting more broken.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 2, 2004
1. My main is an Ice Tanker, which ranks amongst the most broken builds of the game and I did some serious whining about that on the forums. So don't be so fast to shout fanboy ... However, I enjoy still enjoy playing him.

2. About the pet nerf : Fire Imps accuracy is going up with +25 % and a big increase in hit points. Phantom Army is now also much better at taking aggro and tanking. Fire Imps dmg nerf everyone saw coming, PA change is indeed unneeded.

3. Furthermore, explain to me how it is "getting further broken" ? I think it improved a lot and will get a lot better again with issue # 2. There are tons of fixes and new stuff in this issue, only the PA changes and the Fulcrum Shift nerf are questionable.

4. My bad, I should 've of course understood Danya was playing one of the "bad" controller primaries (but then he didn't specify what kind of controller he was playing :p, that makes all the difference). Still in groups any type of controller is very good, yes your options vs. an AV are limited, but at high-lvl what groups there are will rather take a controller then me the poor tanker.

5. One of the reasons I'm so optimistic about CoH is because I also sat through DAoCs first months. CoH's first months have been better then DAoCs early days (I started on USA release btw, Euro release already had some things fixed) and content is getting patched in at a considerable higher rate.
And furthermore DAoC was seriously unbalanced at release too (especially in RvR, omg ...).

Come back in like half a year and compare both games again then.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Well I'm sorry if I picked a controller powerset for control abilities, not damage. Maybe I'll take a look in 6 months, seems unlikely though as that's really getting into wow territory.


Part of the furniture
May 15, 2004
Abel said:
2. About the pet nerf : Fire Imps accuracy is going up with +25 % and a big increase in hit points. Phantom Army is now also much better at taking aggro and tanking. Fire Imps dmg nerf everyone saw coming, PA change is indeed unneeded.

I guess you think PA will be better at tanking because of the 25% extra HP they've been buffed with? Well as PA doesn't take damage that point is a little moot anyway :m00:

People have been whining about fire controllers for months now. But by nerfing fire imp damage they really hurt those fire controllers with a non debuffing secondary. Radiation (or storm) and fire were very powerful because of the damage resistance debuff -- but what about a fire/empath (for example)?

And a 50 PERCENT reduction? That virtually removes the ability of a controller to solo at all.

Abel said:
3. Furthermore, explain to me how it is "getting further broken" ? I think it improved a lot and will get a lot better again with issue # 2. There are tons of fixes and new stuff in this issue, only the PA changes and the Fulcrum Shift nerf are questionable.

It is broken and getting further broken because they can't decide if some classes are support or viable solo characters; neither do they appear to have the gumption to nerf the soloing ability of the damage dealing classes. They are simply making the weak weaker and increasing the gulf between the classes.

Controllers have been the most heavily nerfed of all the archetypes in the game even before these changes. Not being able to control bosses easily whilst blasters/scrappers two shot them is ridiculous. Standing around watching the AV fights because we are a "boring" archetype is even more ridiculous. Most missions at 40+ have an AV in them further reducing the soloing ability of a superhero.

Most of the stuff in update two looks like fluff, I might come back for CoV but they really need to do an overhaul of what they want from their game and how it should be played.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Well I do beleive they're trying to make controllers act as support and not killers. By raising minion hps and making mobs tougher people will want to group more than now, which is good for controllers. Clerics in daoc aren't actually superb at soloing either you know. Not all classes are perhaps made for soloing?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
I don't want controllers to be good at soloing (hence earth), but the fact that no one except gimps bother to group is a bit bleh. :/


Part of the furniture
May 15, 2004
Das_Hibbie said:
raising minion hps and making mobs tougher people will want to group more than now, which is good for controllers. Clerics in daoc aren't actually superb at soloing either you know. Not all classes are perhaps made for soloing?

Comparing DAoC and CoH is apples and oranges, two different games.

The game manual says that in time controllers can be the most powerful archetype. Statesman has gone on record saying that all archetypes should be able to solo and nobody should be forced to group.

Blasters and scrappers are good solo and highly groupable because of their damage output. If you have one controller in a group then, in a perfect xp setup, that is all that you need. If you even need one ... a couple of fire blasters can wipe a spawn in the time a controller could hold and debuff them.

If all controllers are intended to do is control the mobs and not damage them why bother having different spec lines? Illusion has poor control skills and low group utility -- a single target hold, a PBAE hold and group invisibility. All the other controller lines have more going for them.

With these changes there is little reason for an illusion controller to be grouped over any of the other controller types and they just removed their ability to solo.

Crap changes, crap game.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Have any of you tried the respec trial yet on the test server.

Its so damn hard that ( at last ) You are starting to need a properly set up group. Tanker is a must. 2x defenders a controller and the rest filled with damage dealers.

Shame its only 1 trial but it pushes you to the max.

And other than that. the badge thingy is quite amusing, the nightclub is a great pickup point.

I'd go as far as saying that the game is taking a turn for the better. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 8, 2004
taking a daoc vacation in COH :) (lol rpg travel agents all out on betas so booked a trip to the next location and ended up in para city :)

Not sure how long I will last but so far having fun and enyoing to just bashing bad boys without any ueber artis/mls/templates :)
For the game design - not too much in it yet beside the nice char builder but guess COH is new and thinking about how much other games have evolved COH migh grow as well ... competition will be tough with EQ2 and WOW ...

Anyway out there to enjoy my daoc vacation :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Turamber said:
Comparing DAoC and CoH is apples and oranges, two different games.

The game manual says that in time controllers can be the most powerful archetype. Statesman has gone on record saying that all archetypes should be able to solo and nobody should be forced to group.

Blasters and scrappers are good solo and highly groupable because of their damage output. If you have one controller in a group then, in a perfect xp setup, that is all that you need. If you even need one ... a couple of fire blasters can wipe a spawn in the time a controller could hold and debuff them.

If all controllers are intended to do is control the mobs and not damage them why bother having different spec lines? Illusion has poor control skills and low group utility -- a single target hold, a PBAE hold and group invisibility. All the other controller lines have more going for them.

With these changes there is little reason for an illusion controller to be grouped over any of the other controller types and they just removed their ability to solo.

Crap changes, crap game.

Ironically Illusion Controllers are considered fairly strong compared to other controllers (besides Fire) due to the dmg output they can dish out ;)

Mind Controllers are very group ineffective though really. And ineffective solo also. It is said that Controllers are possible the most powerfull char in the game, yet power doesn't always equal dmg. I do think too much emphazis is being placed on AE dmg though. It should greatly be nerfed to allow more tactics and controlling. Perhaps have the dmg fading the longer away a mob is from your target when blasting with a AE spell? Like daocs pbaoe.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
First question: has anything changed. Answer: two updates since release and with the second both missions and general hunting have become more of a challenge - especially in the new zones like Hollows. Mobs have more powersets and use them better. Some like the changes some think the missions are to hard. The level 42 Hydra trial is very difficult. Its not pet friendly. Its not aoe friendly. Its cleverly designed to make it difficult to move about and you only have 90 minutes.

Major nice change - respec trial. Put what you now know about powers to use.

Some fluff - collectable badges (some have powers), graphic effects improve and some nice touches as well. Two Hercules Robots combining into a single Zeus is a neat touch.


Part of the furniture
May 15, 2004
I resubscribed a couple of weeks ago, more because there was nothing worth playing than anything else! Badge collecting is indeed fun, and the game mechanics have been altered a little to make grouping with defenders/controllers more important which is good.

It still needs *something* to make it a 'not put downable game' however. All the fighting does get a little repetitive after a bit.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 8, 2004
I dont quite agree on the mind controllers - I think they are very effective after playing with a higher lv mind/storm controler.
But and thats the downside they are group support only and soloing is a pain so better forget about it. But with a well organized team (not the one hitting wild any mob u try to hold/mez etc :) its good fun having the bad guys dance as you wish and serve them to your group m8ts :)

To balance I have a scrapper which lets me solo bunches of yellow and orange mobs.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 9, 2004
Blimey its quiet in ere ;)

Reactivated myself recently. I am playing an elec/elec blaster. Soloing is NOT an option with this unless I take single boss mobs on. AOE is on the list of things to be nerfed so I will be watching with interest to see what happens.

I suspect that a great many 'worthless' classes will become fotm shortly with the release of city of villains. An end draining class will quickly become overpowered in PVP (I would imagine) as it renders opponents even more helpless than stun etc.

still its good fun and the last couple of releases have added tons to the game. It's still only a fun game tho - not sure how much longevity there will be until we see the appearance of cov.



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
`mongoose said:
Blimey its quiet in ere ;)

Reactivated myself recently. I am playing an elec/elec blaster. Soloing is NOT an option with this unless I take single boss mobs on. AOE is on the list of things to be nerfed so I will be watching with interest to see what happens.

I suspect that a great many 'worthless' classes will become fotm shortly with the release of city of villains. An end draining class will quickly become overpowered in PVP (I would imagine) as it renders opponents even more helpless than stun etc.

still its good fun and the last couple of releases have added tons to the game. It's still only a fun game tho - not sure how much longevity there will be until we see the appearance of cov.


if they released cov with the current game dynamics + pvp
it would be crazy, illusion controllers would be the only ones to even have a
chanse at killing tankers, and blasters would mow trough anything else
blasters with super speed stealth. Not gonna work at all ^^

they better come up with some good ideas if they are to release cov-


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 2, 2004
I'm not so sure about that, you can kill lots of mobs easely 'cause mobs have little hp, player chars have boss-like toughness and with some defensive abilities even blasters don't drop bosses that quickly.

Tankers will be very hard to kill yes, but they won't be killers either. Controllers will be dangerous, but generally in PvP pet classes are vulnerable and mezz is negated by a simple inspiration (something people often seem to forget).
Blasters become paper cannons at higher lvls and will even have to be carefull with fly and stealth. Defenders vary a lot according to build, but there are some nasty builds there too (rad & dark).
Imho scrappers will generally be the best AT, if they can get in close.

Also fights will last quite a while, which will leave more room for tactics. All in all it will be completely different from DAoC.

And lastly : Battlegrounds will make it in before the CoV expansion, so by observing those Cryptic should be able to balance things out before PvP becomes full scale.

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